The King & the Stable Boy

By CK_Jessie

1.5M 63.2K 11.5K

{Royals and Peasants Book 1} [COMPLETED] {#1 in Paranormal: 02/09/18} "Laws are just as fragile as silence... More

The World of Anicia...
Prologue: The Queen's Stable Boy
I: Remaining Hidden
II: Avoiding him
III: Announcements
IV: A Festival
V: Blood Moon
VI: Locked Away
VII: Nana Dearest
VIII: His Anger
IX: My Rendezvous
X: Lunch and a Request
XI: Welcome to Hemming
XII: Her Prince
XIII: Markets and Libraries
XIV: Swords, Books, and Letters
XV: His Family and Gifts
XVI: Castel
XVII: The Medic's Mate
XVIII: Tailors, Smiths, and Jewelers
XIX: The Painter
XX: Cabin
XXI: The King's Mate
XXII: Fittings and Fighting
XXIII: Power Sickness
XXIV: Lords and Kings
XXV: A Birthday and an Announcement
XXVI: Rides and Swords
XXVII: A Mating Ritual
XXVIII: Crowns and Rings
XXIX: Preparations
XXX: Coronation
XXXI: New Members of the Court
XXXII: The Queen's Spite (The Cocky Pretentious Bastard's Mate)
XXXIII: The City (Natus Part One)
XXXIV: Dealings and that Damned Enfield (Natus Part Two)
XXXV: We Need to Talk About Hazelwren (Natus Part Three)
XXXVII: There are Dragons in the Sky
XXXVIII: Harpies
XXXIX: Bacchus' Clan
XL: Aphrodite Scorned
XLI: The Orphanage
XLII: The Dagger
XLIII: Snowed In
XLIV: The Letters
XLV: Maddox
XLVI: Adoption
XLVII: Our People
XLIX: Zion
L: Rebellion
LI: Throwing Down the Gauntlet
LII: The Kids are Alright
LIII: Calm in the Streets of Ream
LIV: Guillotine
Epilogue: End of an Era
BONUS: Roles Reversed
BONUS: Forgotten Blocker
BONUS: The King's Mate
BONUS: The King's Mate II
Fiction Awards
More BONUS content? And Ko-fi
Malick's Story
BONUS: It's Been Six Years... (I'm so Sorry)
BONUS: It's Been Six Years... (I Blame Myself)
BONUS: It's Been Six Years... (Well A Bit More Now)
BONUS: It's Been Six Years... (And Our Paths Have Both Been Rocky)
BONUS: It's Been Six Years... (I'm Listening)
BONUS: It's Been Six Years (Fools and Thieves)

XXXVI: Piled High

10.2K 444 59
By CK_Jessie


It's been a few days, but now we are back at the castle, our final moments here before touring Anicia, not to see these walls for a few months.

When the doors are pushed open, I expected to have to walk to Nana's wing to be welcomed back, have a few fleeting welcomes on the way there.

What I had not expected was for William and me to be bombarded by our advisors. Ramos was speedily catching me up on a few urgent reports I had to sign and read over, Edward doing the same to William. My mate and I exchange a small look with one another, but that second of a glance said it all. How the fuck had things gone to shit in our absence.

Apparently, a small fire started near one of the far stables, spooking some horses who then ran off into the woods, few yet to be found. To top that off, those damned so-called 'revolutionaries' decided to plan a small attack, damaging a nearby town hall in Juniper. To show their support for the crown, the citizens of Juniper apprehended the heathens, and are awaiting our council to try them.

As Ramos continued to rattle off occurrences, I found myself frowning. Our work was piled higher than expected. It would take thirteen hours roughly to finish it all, but William and I have meetings to attend within the next hour that could stretch on for gods know how long.

"Is that all?" I question, allowing Ramos to catch his breath.

"Yes- Wait, no. Your parents have come to visit to see you off on your tour, they will be at dinner tonight, as well as Roman and I's uncle."

"Well, at least there is something to look forward to at the end of this busy day. I take you both and the councils were in chaos with all of this."

He nods.

"The Lords were surprisingly cooperative with one another during this. The elders guided them well and were able to put together the funds to contract things, as well as collect the prisoners for questioning. We just need your approval on one or two. They've also come up with a few drafts for a peace treaty to present Hazelwren, however nothing that they take enough pride in to bring to your audience. How was Natus?" he questions, walking with me toward the study.

"Amazing. The city was absolutely breathtaking, and we gained a new pet." I tell him.

"Really? Another dragon?"

"No. An Enfield. It has the head, torso, and front paws of a snow fox, its hind legs and wings are that of a bald eagle."

"I take it that his Majesty is the one who wanted it?"

"Of course. I told him no to buying one in the market stalls, then what happens on our trek back to the castle? He finds an injured one that he just has to help." I shake my head.

"Do you think it will get along well with the dragon?"

"We'll see later on."

I enter our study and see a mass of scales dart across my vision, settling on my shoulder, purring contently.

I laugh at Kyren's antics, scratching under the dragon's chin, then set to work, William joining Ramos and me there a few moments later with Edward in tow, and Nika nestled in his arms.

The two advisors point out the most urgent stacks before leaving us.

William rests the kit on his lap, sifting through papers to see what he would prefer to start with, and I can feel Kyren shifting on my shoulders, trying to get a better look at the enfield.

His weight is lifted off my shoulder and seconds later I hear a hiss followed by a growl as Kyren flys up to Nika. William, not wanting to be caught between the two animals senseless rivalry, places Nika on the ground, where Kyren follows, landing just a small ways away from her.

I watch semi-intrigued as the two circle each other, Nika flaring out her wings to make herself bigger as she limps on her injured right paw. Kyren simply looks at her for a second before lying down, showing that he isn't a threat.

I tear my eyes away from the pair, now reassured that they won't try and maul one another, and dip my quill in ink, getting to signing the dozens of agreements before me.

Eight hours, and two sore hands later, both William and I call it a day, going over to dinner after a long day of meetings and paperwork.

As we approach, I hear loud voices resounding from within Nana's dining room. I give William a look and he shrugs, just as confused. I push open the door and greeted with the sight of a peeved Roman shouting in the face of Lord Brendan.

"(...) utterly undeserving of him. You may already have marked and mated, but if you think I will approve of the mating ritual, you have another thing coming to you." the head guard declares.

"When you speak like that you remind me of Mr. Matthews," William tells him, momentarily breaking the tension in the room, only to cause more as my father makes his presence known as he clears his throat.

I guess Edward failed to mention that my family would be joining us for dinner, as I could see the blood drain from William's face.

"Mr. Matthews, it's nice to see you once again. Mrs. Matthews, you look lovely as ever." William bends to kiss my mother's hand, but a short, but firm growl stops him.

"Don't touch my mate after insulting
me." pa says glaring at William threateningly for a few seconds before he suddenly bursts out laughing, grasping my mate into a tight bear hug.

I couldn't see his face but William's body language told me that he was very unsettled.

They both leave the hug and William seemed less tense, but still guarded.

"Pa, stop teasing him, he's starting to think you actually hate him." I scold, lightly slapping my father's shoulder.

Pa just rolls his eyes, returning to my mother's side, where she is speaking with Nana.

I turn my attention back to the fuming guard and tense Lord.

"Lord Brendan." I say. "It's good to see you've joined us for dinner. Roman, I can't seem to find Malick tonight."

I see Roman frown at this, excusing himself, likely to go find his mate.

"Your Majesty, it's an honor to be able to dine with you."

"Have you met their uncle yet? I think I saw an old navy uniform around here."

"Yes, Lieut- Quentin is delightful. He showed a little bit of... opposition to it, but seeing as Ramos looked happy, he brightened up. Much more accepting than Sir Roman."

"Is there anything you've done to warrant such hatred?"

"I fear I've made the fatal mistake of trying to tell a captain how to man his ship once or twice. Maybe he simply sees me as being much too dominating of a personality towards his brother."

I nod, seeing Ramos approaching, leaving the couple looking around the chatter filled room to see Malick and Roman in a heated whisper battle.

The two have been acting strange since we last went into the city back in Natus, and when I brought it up to William, he said I should leave it alone to solve for themselves.

I tear my eyes away from them, going to William on the terrace, resting my head on his shoulder.

"We start our tour dreadfully soon." I say.

"We'll be fathers soon." William states.

"Does that scare you?" I ask him:

"Of course it does. That's a whole other life I have control over. Someone I need to guide a lot more hands on then the people of this kingdom. It'll be a lot to juggle, but I think I'm ready for it. What about you?"

"I'm excited. It'll be fun to see a pup running around their younger sibling through these walls, look at you and know that we're raising them together. We shifters know better than anyone else that it's not the blood that matters, but the bonds formed." I reply.

"You're right. Bond over blood."

I love the idea of their children, but with all of the kids coming up, I need ideas for names.

Are there any characters you expect to pop back up during their tour?

Who do you all think will have the hardest time putting a foot down to their children? William or Noah? Asher, Robin, or Winston?

Who don't you want to come back up?

Do you have any fears going forward?

What are you most excited to see?

Would you rather have snapshots of the tour, or a quick jump to after it?

Who's your least favorite character as of right now?

Who has been the most memorable minor character?

Which character do you wish you could see more of?

You're votes and comments are always appreciated and thanks for getting me to #15 in Paranormal! (July 8th, 2017).

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