John X Reader ~Listen To The...

By heir_of_windsock413

883 12 15

Musicstuck AU, You are a girl who just wants to play her violin, when some guy steals it as a prank? You find... More

C major
D minor
E minor
E major
F sharp
G flat
A sharp
B flat (HAHAHAH this isn't a real chapter)

Lets begin

141 3 3
By heir_of_windsock413

In your house, your fingers ache, not to mention your head ached.

Your name is (F/n) (L/n)

You were raised with very pristine discipline.

Two goals in life, keep straight A's and Achieve in your Violin practices.

Your parents were rarely around, but when they were, all they did was scold you.

No matter how perfect you were, it was never enough.

"Again." Your personal Violin teacher, Kate as your parents call her, Ms. Katherine as you address her, said.

You straighten your posture and position the tip of your violin perfectly under your chin, resting on a spot between your collarbone and shoulder.

You placed your fingers properly on your bow, moving it back and forth against the varying strands on the violin.

Calmly, and smoothly.

Your fingers on your other hand moved faster than the bow, but still slow and steady enough to be considered calm.

The melody was intriguing, yet filled with personality.

Not yours, however.

The personality your music was filled with, the personality of the song.

It was, as if your hands had a mind of their own.

Soon, you thought harder as you continued to play

Oh no, what if I mess up??? Hands, please work right now, I don't want to have to do this again. You thought

In the midst of your thoughts, you were interrupted by a slip of your fingers, quickly recovering but missing a note.

Surely, this wouldn't be the last time you review this song today.

John's POV

You are currently watching ConAir again, because it was on TV again.

Oh right, your name is now John Egbert.

It was nearly five o'clock, as you read after skimming over your phone screen.

You guessed you'd have to stop right here.

You clicked a button on the remote, turning the TV off.

Walking downstairs, you found yourself at the piano again.

Your fingers slid across the sleek keys

You guessed you could play, since none of your siblings were home

You pressed your thumb on an E, deciding to play from there, your fingers moved.

Closing your eyes, you felt calm and at peace. The music soothing your ears.

Each note, rhythm, harmony, every sound was simply entrancing.

Your fingers wouldn't stop, you loved playing the piano.

It was your heart, your soul.

You were taught by your mother when you were young, but she's gone now.

She was the only one who allowed you to play, or at least cared. She never thought it was annoying either.

Your siblings aren't mean, they just don't know, or care that you can play.

Your dad doesn't want you playing at all when he's around. He tells you not to focus on something as preposterous as music, and keep to your studies. Fine arts, means nothing for your future according to him.

He didn't encourage the piano even being inside of your house, but everyone kept it anyway. It was like a memoir for your mother.

You suppose maybe that's why he never wants you to play, because it reminds him of her, but you didn't like one bit of the way they saw those things.

One sound you dreaded hearing, was the keys jangling at your front door. Someone was home.

Your fingers instantly stopped as you ran up the flight of stairs.

The door opened as you saw it was just your older sister, Jane.

You stopped in the midst of your pursuit.

"Uhh...John? What are you...???"

You looked around as you noticed the position in which you stopped.

Straightening your posture, you put your hands behind your back, walking some more.

"I was just, going down stairs to grab a snack."

"But your walking up stairs."

"Am I? Oh, that's because I um, left my phone in me and Jake's room."

She looked at you, wondrously.

Shrugging, she spoke.

"Okay, don't eat too much though, I'm making dinner soon"

You nodded, hurrying to your room.

Ah, how you dreaded when your fun was put to an end.

Surely, this wouldn't be the last time you are nearly caught playing inside.

A/n: yooooo, tell me how you enjoy the story and if you want more. This is for two people who I know love windy dudes, and really anyone who likes your local windy dude. SOOOOOOOO ENJOY

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