The Fire Sister (A Peter Peve...

By Winter_1027

14.3K 228 30

What if the White Witch had a little sister? What if she was immortal but had the power to become younger and... More

1.1 Meeting Them
1.2 The Journey
1.3 Pre-Battle
1.4 Battle
2.1 Back to Narnia
2.2 Attack On the Castle
2.3 The Battle and The Last Visit

1.5 Coronation, The Future and What's This?

1.4K 26 4
By Winter_1027

It was days after the battle and it was time for our coronation. We were at Cair Paravel. The other four was wearing

And I was wearing

(But I had the crest on my cape).
And this

The horns sounded and we walked down the aisle with Edmund and Peter on one side of Aslan and Susan, Lucy and I on the other. When we got to the end we looked at the thrones. They looked like this

Only they were in this formation.

Farther apart and of course they were thrones. They were far enough apart so if you looked straight ahead at them you would be able to see all five. We walked forward and stood in front of each of our thrones. If you looked at them straight on, Edmunds was the one in the back to the left, Peter's was on the left in the front, Susan's was in the middle in back, mine was the one to the right in the front and Lucy's was the one on the right in back. We turned around to face the audience. "To the Glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant." Lucy was grinning and Mr and Mrs. Beaver came down the aisle holding the pillow with the crowns on them.

Mr. Tumnus was right behind them. He picked up the bronze flower one and placed it on Lucy's head as she bowed. She smiled at him and he smiled back before he bowed and went back to the crowns. "To the Great Western Wood, King Edmund the Just." Aslan announced as Mr. Tumnus put the silver crown on Edmund's head. "To the Shining Southern Sun, Queen Susan the Gentle." Aslan announced as Mr. Tumnus put the yellow flower crown on Susan's head. "To the Brilliant Ground you stand on, High Queen Athena the Radiant." Aslan announced as Mr. Tumnus put this crown on my head.

(It's upside down in the picture). The reason I had a different crown than the rest of them was probably because I wasn't a Pevensie. The red jewel in the middle was a representation of my fire magic and it also matched my necklace. "And to the Clear Northern Sky, I give you High King Peter the Magnificent." Aslan announced as Peter got the golden crown placed on his head. We all took a step back and sat on our thrones. Aslan turned to face us. "Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens." He turned back to face the audience, they all said. "Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long Live Queen Athena! Long Live Queen Susan! Long Live Queen Lucy!" And then everyone cheered.
Later on that day, I looked out the window and saw Aslan was leaving. I didn't expect him to stay long but he was always there when you needed him. I used my powers to send a ball of fire his way. I flew in front of him and stopped. It spelled out the words. 'I love you and I'll see you later'. He looked back at me and nodded and smiled before he continued on his path.
Almost five years later and everything was still going great. We were still ruling over the kingdom. I was still dating Peter and I had actually moved into his chambers three years before that. I had let myself age. I wanted to live and die with Peter like a normal couple. We were very busy though. Always had to go to meetings and events and stuff like that. One day I finally had the whole day free so I was planning on spending it riding my horse. I put on my riding outfit

And I already had my necklace on because I never took it off.

I was walking through the castle halls when I came across Lucy. "Hello, Athena. Are you going riding?" "Yes. I am. Would you like to join?" I asked. "I wish, but I can't. But I think you should take the North Trail, there's something at the end of it that your going to want to see." She told me. I was confused but I asked. "What's there?" "You'll see." She said, suppressing a grin. "Um, okay. Do you know where Peter is?" I asked, wanting to know where my boyfriend was. "I don't know. Probably with Edmund." She answered. "Okay, just wondering." I told her before I continued walking to the stables. Once I got there, I saddled up Hawk who had survived the White war as we call it. I took Lucy's advice and took the northern path. I trotted along it for about forty five minutes before I came to a clearing. In the middle of it I saw Peter with a picnic ready. I stopped Hawk and got off of him. I didn't have to tie him to anything. I knew he would always be there for me. "Peter, this is so sweet." I complemented. "I wanted to do something special for our five year anniversary." He told me. I scrunched my face up in confusion. Our anniversary of when we started dating was two weeks after that. "Um, Peter. Our anniversary is in two weeks." I told him. He laughed and said. "I know. But I also knew that it would be impossible to surprise you on our anniversary so I decided to start celebrating early." "Well this is a surprise." I agreed. "Oh, this is isn't the surprise." He told me. "It isn't?" I questioned. "No. This is." He told me and got down on one knee and pulled something out of his back pocket. I gasped and my hand flew to my mouth.

"Athena. When I met you, I was lost and confused. We had just landed in a new world and we got caught up in so much drama. Susan wanted to go back, but we didn't. And that was one of the best decisions I have ever made, because it led me to you. I'll admit, I had my doubts about you at first, you being the sister of someone who wanted to murder us and everything but you turned out to be this amazing, kind, caring, person. I didn't realize my feelings for you until I thought you died in the river. I realized that you were the only bright thing in that world at the time. When I asked you to become my girlfriend, I thought you would say no, but you surprised me. And now that your mine, I don't ever want you to be anyone else's. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" I was so happy so I grinned and jumped up and down like a little kid. "Is that a yes?" Peter asked. "Of course it's a yes, you idiot! I love you!" I exclaimed. He put the ring

on my finger and he stood up and kissed me. And then we had a nice picnic and then we rode back to the castle. Once we got back I immediately went to find Susan, my best friend. "Guess what?!" I asked once I found her. "What?" She asked excitedly. I showed her my left hand and said. "Peter proposed!" "I know!" She exclaimed. "Huh?" I asked. "He told all of us before he proposed." She explained as she chuckled. I also chuckled. "That makes sense."
A year and two weeks later, it was my wedding day. We decided to have it on our anniversary. I was in my room getting ready with Susan and Lucy. Susan was my maid of honour and Lucy was a bridesmaid and the flower girl even though she was a teenager. Aslan came back for the wedding. He was the one that was saying the stuff. Since he was there I asked him to walk me down the aisle, which he said yes to. I was sitting down while Lucy and Susan did my hair.

I already had my necklace on. "Time to put your dress on!" Lucy said, excitedly. I laughed and went to go get it. They were the ones who helped me pick it out.

"You look beautiful." Susan told me. She checked the time and said. "It's time. Are you ready?" "As I'll ever be." I answered. We walked towards the door to the throne room. I had taken my ring off so he could put it on my hand again during the wedding. He got one to match mine. Susan went in first with Lucy behind her, throwing flower petals on the ground. Aslan came up beside me and said. "Are you ready." 'Mmm-hmm'. I hummed. I nodded at the guards and they opened the door. We started walking in and everyone's eyes were on us. I was looking at the ground and when I looked up I saw Peter. He looked absolutely handsome.

When we got to the front of the room, Aslan turned to face us and the crowd. "We have come together, today to celebrate the union of Peter Pevensie and Athena Evans. Now would you like to say your vows?" Peter nodded and went first. "Athena, I love you. You are my world. I wouldn't be here without you. When we met, I was worried about where your loyalties lied, but then you showed me how truly amazing you are. During the White War, I got flipped off of my horse and instead of continuing or stopping your horse, you jumped off of it, which was really reckless but it meant the world to me. It showed me that you were so worried that something was going to happen to me that your first instinct was to get to me. You hurt yourself doing so, but you still fought. Then if that wasn't enough, you jumped in front of me and got stabbed instead of me. You've jumped in front of flaming arrows, swords and more to save me and now I want to be there for you, forever. I love you." "I love you too. When I met you, I had been living in a dangerous place for a hundred years. I was afraid that if I let anyone in, that they would leave me and I'd be alone. But, you broke down the walls around my heart, and for that I'm extremely grateful. You are always there when I need you, whether it's because I'm hurt or I'm sick or I just want you. You are always there. And I can't think of a better person to marry." I told him. Aslan started talking. "Okay. Do you, Peter Pevensie, take Athena Evens, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" "I do." Peter answered, staring into my eyes and then put the ring on my hand.

"Do you, Athena Evans, take Peter Pevensie, to be you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" "I do." I answered, not taking my eyes off Peter. I put the ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Nine years later. Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and I were out chasing a buck on horseback. We were galloping and we jumped over a log. Susan and I passed Edmund. We rode for not even a minute when we saw that Edmund wasn't riding with us anymore and we had to go back. "Come on, Ed." Susan said. "Just catching my breath." Edmund said. "That's all we'll be catching at this rate." I teased. "What did he say again, Susan?" Lucy asked. "'You girls wait in the castle, I'll catch the stag myself.'" Susan mimicked. Lucy, Susan and I laughed at that. Even Peter chuckled. Then he looked strangely at something. "What's this?" He got off his horse and I got off of Hawk. Lucy, Susan and Edmund got off their horses too. "It seems familiar." Peter said. "Like a dream." Susan said. "Or a dream of a dream." Lucy said. Then it hit me what it was and why I remembered it. "Lucy." She looked over at me. "The first time you got here. Mr. Tumnus and I took you here. This is where you ran off to wherever you came from." I told her. "Spare 'oom." She realized and then walked off. "Lucy." Peter said and Susan said. "Not again." "Lu?" Peter asked as we ran after Lucy. "Come on!" She exclaimed. We walked for a minute more before we started walking through coats. "These aren't branches." Peter said. "Genius." I muttered sarcastically. "They're coats." Susan said. "Ow, ew. Susan, you're on my foot!" Edmund exclaimed. "Peter, move off!" Lucy exclaimed. "Who just elbowed me in the face?" I asked, in a kinda threatening tone. "Stop shoving." Peter said but his voice sounded younger. "Stop it!" Edmund said. "I'm not on your toe." Susan told him. "I'm getting hit." I told them as I got hit twice by someone's hand. Then we all grunted as we fell out of wherever we were. We looked at each other and realized we were back to the ages we were during the White War. The door opened and a man walked in. "Oh. There you are. What were you all doing in the wardrobe?" The old man asked. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir." Peter answered. "Try me." The man challenged as he threw a fruit at Peter which he caught. "I'm sorry. I'm confused. Where are we?" I asked. "This is where we came from before the war." Peter told me. "Who's that?" I asked. "Professor Kirke." Peter answered. My mouth dropped open and I said. "Kirke. As in Digory Kirke?" I asked. "Hello Athena. It's been a while." Digory said with a wave. "No kidding." I said as I grinned and got up and hugged him. When I pulled away I looked him over. "Wow. You grew up. How have you been?" "I've been good." Digory answered. I looked back at the east of them. Now it was their turn to look confused. "You know him?" Peter questioned. "Are you kidding me? He was there when Narnia was made." I told them and they looked at Digory in shock. "Guess what?" I asked Digory, excitedly. "We defeated Jadis, once and for all." I announced. Digory couldn't help but grin. "Really?" "Yep. Peter and Edmund were kings and Susan, Lucy and I were queens. Peter and I were married." I told him and then realized we were seventeen again. "Peter, I think we should go back to being boyfriend and girlfriend until we're at least adults." "Good idea." He agreed. We took off our rings and he handed me his, since I wouldn't lose them. I touched my neck and gave a sigh of relief when I felt the cold surface of my necklace. I thought of Aslan and it showed me him. I opened my eyes and tried using my powers here. "Athena. Remember when you were here in 1900? You couldn't use your powers then, so you won't be able to now." Digory told me and I realized he was right. I guess I would just have to try and live without them.

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