
By aquarliam

12.8M 274K 75.6K

Have you ever met someone that took your breath away? The very sight of them was beautiful, and you just coul... More

Royalty || au h.s.
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
** not a chapter **
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One


233K 4.4K 869
By aquarliam

It had been a couple days since the photoshoot thing with Summer. Since then, she and I haven't really hung out. It wasn't because we didn't want to, it was because she had something to do for the fashion show coming up, and I ended up working at di Lorenzo's for a few shifts. Which wasn't a bad thing since I made some extra cash and I felt like I was back on my typical routine. 

The two of us texted a bunch and called each other a few times during the day. I actually really missed seeing her face and having her right next to me. It was almost this weird empty feeling, like the feeling you get when you forget your phone somewhere.

But I didn't want to make it seem like I was some clingy dude, which I was already making myself out to be. So while she was out working things for the fashion show with her friend, I picked up a few of Marco's shifts, did a couple sessions at the gym with Ronnie, and went out to a bar or three with Xander. I couldn't remember the last time he and I went out together just us two. Usually Isabella had tagged along, but this time it was only he and I.

It was nice to just have some "guy time" with him, you know, talking about girls and just being stupid by drinking a lot. Once or twice I may have had too much to drink with him, which resulted in me possibly getting Xander and I kicked out of the bar ... 

All in the name of fun and games, I swear. The two of us were just being loud and obnoxious, and then the owner threw us out because we were annoying. We didn't fight anyone, so don't worry.

But anyways, yeah, it was a nice couple days just being an idiot.

Tonight, however, Summer and I were meeting up. Not necessarily hanging out. Tonight was the night when she would be waitressing along side me at the restaurant. When I told her that she could come in to work for a night, she was so excited. I had never seen someone be happy about waitressing. It's a hard thing to do sometimes, and Summer was going to soon find that out.

I was getting ready for the shift, buttoning up the last few buttons on my shirt and fixing up my belt. I had to be there in about forty-five minutes, and Summer wanted to meet me here so she could walk with me. I told her I could meet her at her building because it was closer to the restaurant, but apparently she was going to be over this way anyways.

There was a knock on the door to the apartment, and I knew it was her. I could hear Xander get up from the couch and walk over, opening it up.

"Well, hello. We meet once again, and I'm only in shorts. My apologies," that smirk of his was plastered all over his face as he stepped to the side to let Summer in.

"That's alright," she patted him on the shoulder as she laughed. "Nothing I haven't seen before."

Xander chuckled along with her and shut the door, "So what brings you over? Harry is actually leaving in a few minutes, I think."

"Oh, that's what I came for. I'm going to the restaurant with him."

I walked into the room, making my presence known to them. Summer smiled brightly at me before walking over and greeting me with a long awaited kiss. 

"Hi to you, too," I laughed once we pulled away.

"Hi," she giggled.

"Oh god," Xander rolled his eyes and pointed his finger at us. "Please do not turn into those annoying couples that just have to show every kind of PDA in front of everyone."

"Yeah, coming from you," I raised my brows at him and he shook his head.

"Isabella and I are not a couple, so this does not apply to us."

"Mhm, whatever," I grabbed a set of keys to the apartment and headed towards the door as Summer followed me. "I'll be back later. I've got the shift until closing."

Summer and I walked out of the room and out of the building. The two of us held hands as we made our way down the streets towards the restaurant. We caught up with each other on what's happened the past couple days. She told me all about the little meetings she had with Cambria about what they would be wearing and the specific itinerary for the day. I still needed to figure out what I was going to wear to that thing. Maybe Ronnie would have something nice that I could borrow. Although, I don't think I'd be able to fit anything of his.

We walked and talked all the way to the restaurant, getting there fifteen minutes before the shift started. It was perfect because it gave me time to introduce Summer to Filomena, familiarize her with the surroundings, and give her a quick rundown of how things were done. I showed her how to hold a tray filled with dishes on it, the exact way to write down orders, and then what to do when dealing with upset customers. 

It was a lot of information to take in with a short amount of time, but she seemed to grasp all of it. I pinned on Marco's nametag, and grabbed a Alessia's old one for Summer. Grabbing a notebook for orders, I stuck it into my apron pocket and turned around.

"Are you ready?" I laughed, admiring how different Summer looked with a waitressing outfit on.

"Ready as I'll ever be. I can't believe I'm actually doing this."

"I can't believe you're actually excited for it."

I leaned down and kissed her a few times before we walked out to the first table. The restaurant wasn't too busy at the moment, so it was a good thing for Summer to be able to start off slow. Although, when she actually got down to it, I was completely impressed.

Summer smoothly introduced herself as Alessia to each table. Some of the customers looked at her with confused expressions, and I recognized their looks to be like the ones other people had given her, as if they had seen her before or knew who she was. But maybe it was the confusion of seeing a nametag on her with a name that didn't match at all. 

She did pretty well with serving the dishes to each table. There were a few times where I had to quickly grab a plate from the tray because it seemed as if it was going to fall. But other than that, she did incredible for never having done this before. Even Isabella came up to me from her hostess table to talk about Summer's work.

I think everyone around was impressed. If she had been looking for a job, I know Filomena would not hesitate to offer it to her. It was like I didn't even need to be around her to advise her work. She was doing fine on her own. When the two of us had a short break, we sat down in the back room together. 

"Are you sure you've never done this before?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

She started laughing at me as she nodded her head, "I'm positive. Maybe I'm just really good at this. Better than you even."

"Hey now, let's not get too carried away here."

 "What time are we doing this until?" She asked, still clearly amused that she was working this job really well.

"Well, I have until eleven-thirty. You, on the other hand, don't actually work here, so you can leave whenever."

"Obviously I am going to stay with you," I laughed in her direction as she shrugged her shoulders and looked away. "I can't leave my customers hanging like that."

"Oh, now they're your customers?"

Summer started giggling as I poked her in the shoulder, "Yes, they're mine, and you can't take them. They'll be disappointed when they go from having my service to your service. I couldn't do that to them."

The laughter that ensued from me tickling her was music to my ears. We were the biggest children in the restaurant, teasing and tickling each other. It wasn't until Isabella walked in that the two of us stopped.

"You guys are the weirdest couple I have ever known," Izzy shook her head before pointing towards the dining room. "New customers in your section. Hop to it."

Summer and I got up as we quietly laughed to ourselves, stealing glances at each other. We walked back out to the dining area and got back to serving tables and taking orders. The two of us worked together, her taking orders while I delivered the dishes. Before I knew it, the shift was over and the restaurant was closed.

Out of habit, I started cleaning up the kitchen, making it a little bit easier for me in the morning. A couple of the other waiters started stacking the chairs on the tables, and even Isabella was putting away menus. I looked around for Summer, finding her talking with Filomena. I was curious as to what they were chatting about, so I made my way over to them.

Filomena waved at me, bringing me in for a hug when I got close enough, "Oh, Harry! Your girlfriend is so lovely! I didn't know you were dating again!"

The same cute smile was graced on Summer's lips as she looked at me. I think she was trying to hide her amusement at the fact that Filomena just called her my girlfriend. If that's the case, she was doing a terrible job of hiding it.

"Uh, yeah," I tried to casually laugh. "It just kind of happened one day."

"Well, I've told her she is welcome here any time, as are you! You know the meal is always on me," FIlomena patted the both of us on our backs before saying goodbye and stepping back into her office.

Summer grabbed my hand and smiled, "She's so nice!"

"Yes, she definitely is," I agreed. "If you're not doing anything, you can come over. Isabella, Xander, and I were going to hangout and watch a movie."

 "Oh, yeah, that would be fun."

Isabella came up to us and grinned, walking along side me as  we left the restaurant, "I cannot wait to change out of these clothes. They're so conservative, you know?"

I looked down at her chest, which was exposed more than it should've been due to her low-cut shirt, "I don't think it's as conservative as you think."

She shimmied her upper body and laughed, "It gets the diners to come in, so who cares?"

"Can I ask you two something?" Summer piped up from the other side of me.

She was being so quiet, it was almost like she hadn't been there. If we weren't holding hands, I would've never known she was next to me. Isabella and I both nodded our heads as we waited for her to ask her question.

"Um," she started, glancing between Izzy and I. "So you two used to date?"

My breathing hitched in my throat, and I started coughing. She completely caught me off guard. Did she know about Isabella and I being 'friends with benefits'? How would she have known anyways? Did Isabella say something?

"Sorry," Summer apologized, looking at Isabella. "Your mom told me you two were together for a while."

"Of course she did," Izzy rolled her eyes.

I think Filomena had some kind of attatchment to the idea of Isabella and I together. She was always telling me that she wished we were still together, and how I was better than any of Isabella's new dates. Honestly, it made things a bit awkward sometimes. Right now was a perfect example.

"Uh," I started. I glanced at Izzy before crinkling my nose at Summer. "Yeah, it was something like that."

"You want the honest truth?" Isabella asked.

My eyes widened at her, pleading that she wouldn't actually tell Summer. I know I hate lying and being lied to, but this wasn't really something I wanted Summer to know. And in all technicalities, it wasn't lying since I hadn't told her anything different from the truth. I didn't say Isabella and I never were together. Yeah, we were fuck buddies, but there was a brief moment when we actually went on dates. So yes, it was something like that.

Summer slowly nodded her head and Isabella decided to continue. She looked over at me before looking back at her, "Harry and I dated for a very short time. But really we were just bedbuddies."

Well fuck. There it was. 

"Bedbuddies?" Summer questioned, looking a little confused.

"Aw, Harry, she's so cute," Isabella laughed before looking back at her. She pointed her finger between the two of us, "We used to fuck. A lot."

Don't get me wrong, I love Isabella and all, but sometimes she was way too fucking blunt. Summer glanced at us before looking straight ahead of her. She muttered some kind of response, but I couldn't hear her. Her grip on my hand had loosened just a tad, and I started to worry.

This probably changed her opinion of me. And drastically. Now that she knew, she most likely wouldn't be able to look at Isabella and I in the same way. I know if I were her, I wouldn't be able to unsee it. 

"Summer?" I almost quietly spoke. She looked up at me, and it was like I could see something in her eyes were different. I started to feel an uneasiness in my stomach, but I tried to ignore the feeling. "Is this really weird for you?"

Suddenly her mood seemed to change, and she was back to being her bubbly self, "Well, when it's sprung on you like that it's a little weird. But that is your business. It was a while ago, right?"

"Yeah, no worries, babe. It's been over for a long time," Isabella started laughing. "Besides, he always turns me down whenever I bring it up."

Summer forced a small laugh as she looked up at me smiling, "Well as long as that's all over and done with."

She squeezed my hand before leaning into me. I could feel a wave of relief wash over my body. That wasn't how I pictured her reacting to that, and I was honestly surprised. I would've pictured her to be upset or something about it, but she seemed okay. 

I turned my head to look at Isabella. She quietly chuckled before shrugging her shoulders and putting her attention on her phone. 

Summer pulled away from me and raised an eyebrow at Isabella, "Wait, isn't it weird for you? You two used to sleep together and now you're sleeping with his roommate?"

 "It's never weird," Izzy laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Harry and I are done, and there's nothing awkward between us. He's moved on, and I've moved on. And for as long as I've known Xander, it was only a matter of time before it happened."

"Wait," I shook my head. "So you've always known that at some point you two would fuck?"

She patted me on the shoulder and pouted her bottom lip, "He's hot. I've always known I wanted him."

"Even when we were...?"

"Yes, Harry."

What the fuck. Why was I only finding this out now? If I had known earlier, I would've stopped being fuck buddies with her and just had the two of them get together.

Summer was laughing at the whole situation and probably the expression on my face. I think I was just not expecting that at all, so my jaw had been left open for quite a few moments. Isabella never ceased to surprise me, that's for damn sure.

The three of us finally reached the apartment building after what felt like the longest walk ever. Xander was already in the room, sitting on the couch shirtless. Thankfully he was watching something appropriate on the television, so it wasn't another awkward encounter.

Isabella walked straight into his room, probably going to change into other clothes she'd left here. I brought Summer to my room and shut the door. It wasn't in a weird creepy way, I did it so we could change. I know how awful it is to sit in these work clothes for a long time, and I wasn't planning on staying in them for any longer.

I handed Summer one of my shirts and a pair of sweatpants, letting her change in my bathroom while I changed out here. I couldn't help but smile like such an idiot when I saw her walk out in my clothes. I don't know. There was just something about seeing her with my stuff that made me tingle inside. 

"These pants are a little bit long on me," she laughed, lifting her foot to show how big they were. "But they're really comfy. You might not get these back."

"Well if I don't, then I know they're in good hands," I grinned, pulling her to me for a hug. 

She turned around in my grip so that she was facing me before quickly placing her lips on mine. I will never be able to get over the feeling I get whenever I kiss her. 

Summer pulled back from me and smiled, "By the way, the fashion show is in a couple days. It's kind of fancy, like blazers and dress shoes. But I know it's summertime, so don't feel like you need to wear a jacket."

"Oh, yeah," I nodded my head, letting go of her as I scratched the back of my neck. "I still need to find something to wear for that."

"You don't have anything?"

"Well, no. I've never been to anything as fancy as a fashion show. The nicest clothes I have are the ones I wear to the restaurant for waitering, " I embarrassingly admitted.

"Okay, then I'll buy you something."

"What? No way. I can't let you buy me nice clothes like that. It'll be really expensive." 

Was she crazy? Why would I let her buy that for me? I should be paying for this myself.

"Listen," Summer placed her hand around my arm. "I invited you to this, so if you don't have anything to wear to it, then I'll pay for it. It's the least I can do for you for agreeing to come. And I'm not going to take 'no' for an answer."

I was about to protest when I heard Xander calling us from the living room area.

"Um, hello? Get your asses over here! We have a movie to watch!"

Without waiting for me to say anything, Summer gave me a quick kiss and walked out of the room. I shook my head, a little bit thrown off by what all just happened. I don't want to spend her money.

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