Entwined by Destiny

By Em-square

259K 31.1K 7.9K

As humans, we all make plans but Allah is the best of planners.Four cousins thought they had their lives all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Acknowledgements 🌹🌹🌹
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Voting Polls
Dua Solicitation

Chapter Twenty-three

4.3K 502 64
By Em-square


New cover by the awesome Miss_Painite. Thanks a billion dear for this lovely work of art. I love it and feel honored❤❤❤

The Dikko's, like every other indigene of Karau-karau village are originally Fulanis but because of their settlement in Hausaland and being surrounded by Hausa people, they gradually mixed up with the Hausas and became just like them. With time, they took up the Hausa people's language, culture and traditions such that the younger generations can't even speak fulfulde at all. In fact, instead of claiming to be Fulanis, they refer to themselves as Hausa/Fulani.

Therefore, the wedding of Mahmud and his cousins was carried out entirely according to the Hausa/Fulani culture. The first event after Kunshi (henna designing) is Kamu (veiling of the brides) which is a traditional event in which the maternal aunts preside over.

For Walida, since her only maternal aunt happens to be her prospective mother in-law, one of Umma's second cousins Aunty Rukayyah stood in as her uwar-rufi (aunt to perform the kamu rites on her) while for Iman, Aunty Shakirat did the honours.

The venue of the event is an open space which was magnificently decorated with traditional decorations of both Hausa and Fulani culture. The two brides were also adorned in full Fulani regalia, in all its cultural magnificence. From their hair to their feet, every item screamed 'I am Fulani' in them and oo la la! They looked terrific and so angelic.

Even the little flowergirls; Ihsan, Ikram and their young cousins were also dressed in Fulani attire. The bridal entourage; Safiyyah and co wore their aso ebi of Ankara gown and looked quite regal.

Ihsan, Ikram and their cousins in the Kamu venue.

The Fulani attire worn by the two brides.

At the beginning of the event, they were completely covered with large, thick Fulani veils (as in the picture) from head to midriff until Mummy, Umma and some few other relatives posing as grooms' people paid some amount of money.

Thereafter, the two iyayen rufi (maternal aunts) sprayed perfume on the two brides and all their friends after which Fateema and Ameenah (one of their second cousins) were asked to uncover the faces of the two brides respectively, much to their relief most especially Iman who kept complaining to Walida who was seated right next to her that she was suffocating in a not-so hushed tone.

From then, the ceremony moved swiftly as the caterers served each and everyone with food, snacks, drinks and desserts in a well-organised manner while the D J played the wedding song specially performed by Ali Jita for the brides and groom.

Thereafter, the dance session began which was also coordinated in an orderly manner by the professional M.C. Batches after batches were called upon to dance with the two brides and despite the so-called ban on spraying of money, lots and lots of crisp mints were sprayed.

The friends of the brides were the last batch the M.C called upon after the rounds of family and relatives' dances and they dominated the whole dance session as they danced and danced and danced until the M.C cut in so as the next item on her agenda can kick off, much to Safiyyah's chagrin cos she just couldn't get tired of dancing shoki and Girgiza.

The photo session was also a smooth, well coordinated one as the professional photographer, George Okoro is the one who covered the event. The comedian who graced the event expertly cracked funny jokes during the photo session so as to make the pictures even livelier with everyone either smiling or laughing in the shots.

All in all, the Kamu was indeed a very successful affair; so well-organised and beautiful most especially the perfect timing in which salat time was wisely avoided. They ensured that it was done and over with before Maghrib salat time unlike most weddings where everyone is too engrossed in celebrations and merrymaking to remember to go and pray.

The next day is wedding fatiha for the men and Yinin biki (ceremonial sitting) for the women. At 11:30am on the dot, Mahmud and Walida were joined together in matrimony in the same mosque he was joined with Iman over two months ago.

The two brides looked out-of-this-world in their aso ebi (uniform clothes) of ivory and gold flowy dresses with golden heads, veils and matching gold jewelry set.Walida had initially paired Iman's outfit with golden stiletto heels but when she (Iman) saw that Walida was settling for a flat covershoe cos of her leg problem, she adamantly insisted she's wearing flats too and so both of them wore Christian Louboutin's golden flat shoes with matching clutches.

The Darain make up artist had done a marvelous job on their faces and so they both looked breathtakingly beautiful and smelled wonderful with all the dukhan they had undergone and designer perfs they sprayed themselves with.

Everyone couldn't take their eyes off them, most especially the groom himself who came in after the wedding fatiha, looking as handsome as ever in his cream colored attire to match theirs. He was completely dumbstruck and awed when he saw them and he just couldn't get his eyes to look elsewhere, marvelling at the sheer beauty in them.

Most especially Iman cos he was indeed shocked at the complete transformation in her unlike Walida whom he's used to seeing all decked up. In fact when his eyes first fell on the former, he didn't know when his mouth fell agape such that his teaseful cousin-cum-wife laughingly asked him to close it before flies fill it up.

Amidst yodelling, admiring remarks and lots and lots of teasing from abokan wasa (cousins) who kept teasing Mahmud that he's too greedy for claiming the two gorgeous cousins all to himself, lots of shots were captured and memories stored.

The bridal attire for Yinin biki.

Close-up view.

Normally, the budan Kai (unveiling of brides) is carried out after the brides have been conveyed, mostly in the groom's house or his family house but since in this case it's a one-family affair, they decided to postpone the conveyance until after carrying out the budan Kai in their main house.

The two brides as usual, were decked up in the same attire as in previous times. This time around they wore fuschia pink gowns with matching heads and they were completely covered from head to toe until the relatives posing as the brides' people handed them over to those posing as the groom's own, along with sakwaddi (gifts of clothes, dinner sets, shoes, perfumes, foodstuffs like bags of rice, millet, spaghetti, macaroni, gallons of vegetable and palm oils, semovita, buckets of chin-chin, alkaki, nakiya, dubulan, etc-- all local delicacies and so much more) for the groom and his relatives.

Thereafter, the grooms' people showered the brides with huge amount of money before prayers were said and the brides' faces were finally uncovered, officially welcoming them into the family (their own family...lol!)

The bridal outfit for budan Kai.

Throughout the ceremonies, the two brides conducted themselves completely opposite of each other. While Walida was behaving like the typical shy, blushing bride, Iman was her usual cheerful, boisterous and hyperactive self.

When Walida was busy shedding tears, thinking of the new life she's about to embark on, Iman was busy laughing, chatting and high-fiving with friends as if she has no worries in the world. Afterall, what's there to worry about now? Ya Mudi has finally gotten the love of his life and as for her, he'll safekeep her in his house until her own love returns to Naija and whisks her away.

Looking on the bright side, it's really a very good idea since she can wait for Ayman as long as it takes without Mama or the parents nagging her on marriage and those tsami gayes (malo guys) stand no chance to pester her for relationship since she's 'married' to Ya Mudi. Yeah, there's indeed enough reason for her to be happy and celebrate this wedding!

The behaviour of the two brides did not escape the notice of the wedding guests, most especially the ever-watchful elderly ones. In fact, one of late Mahmud Dikko's cousins from Karau-karau couldn't hold it in any longer when she saw Iman laughing at Walida who was profusely crying when they were told to change clothes as they were about to be conveyed to their house.

She said to Iman,"Wai ke saikace ba amarya ba? (as if you're not a new bride?) Can't you see how your cousin is conducting herself? Haba, ba'asan jinin Fulani da rashin kunya ba (Fulani are not known to be shameless) so it must be the other blood in you at work."

Laughing in a nonchalant manner, Iman inwardly rolled her eyes before replying,

   "But Guggo Juma ai she is the new bride so definitely she needs to act like one. Ni tun yaushe aka daura auren?" (as for me since when was the marriage conducted?)

Gasping in shock, Guggo Juma clapped the back of her hands continuously the way one does in shock as she exclaimed,"La'ilaha illallahu muhammadur rasulullahi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Imanii!! It's me you're looking in the eyes and telling that you've already consummated your marriage so no need to be shy, Ko? Hmmm, children of nowadays. Kinfi karfina (you've surpassed my level) so let me carry my old legs of the sane, shy and respectable generation away!"


The brides were the last to leave their family house as all their friends and relatives who had gone to see the house (ganin daki) left before them, leaving only two aunts-- one paternal and Aunty Shakirat to escort them in their cars; the brand new ones given to them by their parents as wedding gifts.

Even Iman despite herself, had to shed tears after the heart-touching sermons they received from both fathers of the brides--Profs Naseer and Tukur, the mothers, Mama and other relatives.

Fateema who was also in tears just as almost everyone else, escorted the brides out of the house and watched as their cars zoomed away, driven by two of their distant cousins.

It's night time but due to the luminous street lights, everywhere is bright and so her red, puffy eyes can vividly see the remaining people standing by their cars.

No!! It couldn't be!!!

It definitely couldn't be!!!

Has she gone nuts or is she hallucinating?


Second update for today. Hope you like it.

Don't forget to make me smile and jubilate with your votes, comments and shares. I see you all and it drives me to write more. Thank you, Merci beaucoup, Jazakumullah khairan.


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