
By calumhood1975

770 33 33

Ever since the night of the incident when she was just sixteen, Alex has been scarred. Now Alex is 18 years o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

53 6 7
By calumhood1975

I stay close to him as he grips my hand. He leads me upstairs and guides me into a room. I find it humorous that the office I am standing in is larger than my own bedroom. I look over at Harry and give him a guilty look.

"I don't think it’s right for us to be in someone else's room," I look around as all the valuable items around me. My eyes lock with the vintage record player across the room.

"I wouldn't think it was right too, except this is my uncle's house." He laughs and I turn red from embarrassment. I observe the room and notice him writing something on a small piece of paper and place it in his pocket, but I don’t ask what he is writing. I turn around and walk over to the record player and go through the collection of records.

They remind me of her.

"Tell me about yourself," Harry's voice breaks through my thoughts but I don't make eye contact with him.

"There's not much to say," I sigh and tell him limited details as possible about my life. "I don't go out often and I have two friends; one of them is my brother. I have a lot of problems and a bad past but I will never talk about it so don't ever ask." I say with a harsh tone. I feel bad for snapping at him when he only asked a simple question.

"I like bands too. That's basically it." I mumble. My fingers stop searching the records when I find the "Double Fantasy" record with John Lennon and Yoko Ono on the front. I smile and look over at Harry.

"Your uncle has an amazing taste in music," I tell him holding the record gently.

He walks over towards me and I feel my body tense. I stare into his green eyes as he takes the record out and plays it. The sound fills the room and I can't stop smiling. What's happening to me?

I watch the record spin on the player and it sounds beautiful. Unexpectedly, he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. My hand rest on his chest and he looks down at me.

"Your life sounds really boring," He smiles and I push back away from him playfully.

"Okay, tell me about your life then." I respond with a smirk. He laughs and slightly turns down the music.

"My parents kicked me out of the house and sent me to live with my uncle ever since I was 15. Why? I will never tell you," He says mimicking my short story. "I dropped out of college and never went to University. My uncle got me a job at a recording studio. Also, those," He points to the records behind me. "Those are mine."

I like his simple story, but I want to know more. For now I view him as a charming boy that has a good music taste. I look over at him but he is not smiling and looks disappointed. His gaze is at my right arm and I quickly realize what he is staring at and immediately regret wearing a t-shirt. He notices my embarrassment and he stares back into my eyes.

"You need someone to help you," He says sternly. I am taken back from his harsh comment.

"Zayn helps me enough. I don't need help from some doctor, okay?" I snap back at him with an angry tone.

"I can help you," He says biting down on his lip. Before I can answer he walk towards me and grabs my face with one hand, making our lips meet. My chest clenches and I am short of breath. I am in shock, but I kiss him back. I gave a desperate whine when he stopped. Suddenly, something snaps in my mind. None of this is making sense.

"What do you really want?" I say harshly.

"What do you mean?" He replies with an even harsher tone. The tension between us starts to build. I go over and stop the record. The room is deadly quiet and I am beyond pissed off.

"Some guy like you would never and has never even considered talking to me. You already know I have issues, so why consider talking to me? Why even bother with someone who is a freak? You probably won't ever talk to me again, but you kissed me anyway. Let me guess, Zayn made you do all of this? Don't even pretend for a second that you actually like me because I know you don't. No one ever does." I am breathing fast and my pulse is racing. Tears form in my eyes, but I refuse to cry in front of him. He is shocked by my words and doesn't answer. I begin towards the door when he roughly grabs my left arm. I try to escape his grip but he is too strong.

"What could you possibly want now?" I scream at him and I feel a tear run down my cheek. I watch as he reaches in his pocket and hands me the small piece of paper. I snatch it from his hands and slam the door in his face. As I return downstairs, I decide to open the piece of paper. I almost trip from shock when I figure out the numbers written neatly in the paper is his number. Underneath the numbers there is the smiley face from Nirvana instead of a classic smiley face. I feel foolish for screaming at him like that, but I don't know what to say if I go back upstairs with him. I decide to put his number in my phone and keep the paper in my pockets. Why did I have to yell at him like that? Maybe he really did want to help me. I feel dumb and I want to go home. As I make my way back outside, I am not able to find Zayn anywhere. I start to panic and feel like a little kid who lost her mum in the grocery shop. Luckily I spot Calum and Luke outside still. For some reason they looked shocked as they see me.

"What're you still doing here? Zayn left an hour ago." Luke tells me. My eyes widen and I start to hyperventilate.

"What...what do you mean he left? With who?" My voice cracks and this night seems to end more and more horribly.

"He left with a girl. She was blonde, I think she said her name was Perrie. He sounded drunk and I assumed you were leaving with him." Luke tells me.

I curse out loud and Calum seems to enjoy the anxiety I'm going through.

"You can stay the night with us, if you want. We're staying at a hotel that's close. We will get you home tomorrow, I promise." Calum says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. His words were slightly slurred and I can tell he had a drink as well.

"Do you want to leave now, you look like you're going to be sick." Luke yells over the music. I nod my head and he hands me his jacket. I quickly put it on and him and Calum walk me over to Ashton and Michael as they explain to them the predicament I am in. I want to collapse and cry but I can't do that now. I desperately look at Michael and Ashton, and they understood how much I want to leave. They walk me out to the driveway in the front. As we walk back into the house and past the stairs, I look up at the room I was in with Harry. I am shocked when I see him standing at the top of the stairs staring back at me. I mouth the words I'm sorry. He smiles and walks away and disappears into another room. I want to see him again, but my gaze is interrupted when Calum puts his hand around my waist and guides me outside. We walk out to their car and he opens the door for me. I sit in the far left side of the car, and Luke joins Calum and I. Ashton drives while Michael sits up front with him. I am relieved when Ashton pulls away from the house, but I am still furious with Zayn and the mystery girl he left with.

I decide to check my phone and then call Zayn. I have several unread messages from Zayn.

*Alx bab i cnt find u anywher i wnt to leve*

He was clearly drunk and that makes me even angrier.

The other messages were him trying to tell me he met an old friend and is taking her home. Why was she so much more important to me? I don't answer any of the messages and I decided on texting Harry tomorrow. For now all I want to do is sleep and get home as soon as I can. Without thinking, I rest my head on Calum's shoulder and he wraps his arm around me. I wipe the tears from my eyes and drift off in Calum's embrace.

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