Celebrity Crush

By liquidsmilee

525K 12.2K 3.2K

"so Lauren, do you have a celebrity crush?" "Yea! Camila Cabello. She's so cute." More

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By liquidsmilee

"Lauren you have been sulking around all day, what's wrong?" Lauren continued to frown as she shrugged her shoulders. Normani sighed and sat down next to the frowning girl, "Laur, please, tell me. I want to help."

Lauren glared at the older girl but put down the phone and turned to face the older girl. "It's Camila.."

Normani frowned and put a hand on Lauren's arm, "You've fallen for her, haven't you?"

Lauren nodded, "I'm sorry I didn't mean too." Lauren bit her lip to keep the tears from falling. She turned her head and stared at the wall. Normani sighed and turned Lauren's face towards her.

"Lauren, you can't help who you fall in love with. Just be careful, okay? I don't want you getting hurt."

Lauren softly smiled at the girl and rested her head on Normanis shoulder, "Thanks Mani. What would I do without you?"

Normani laughed. She opened her mouth to respond, but was intruppted by Lauren's phone ringing. Lauren gave her a shy smile before getting up and going to the other room, "Hello?"

"Lauren! Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?"

Lauren awkwardly laughed, "um, who's this?"

The person laughed, "oh sorry. I'm Lucy, Camila's friend. She gave me your number."

"Oh, that's cool. So why'd you call?" Lauren walked into her room and hopped down onto her bed. She didn't know this girl and didn't feel very comfortable talking to her.

"Oh! I wanted to see if you maybe wanted to hang out?"

Okay, this girl sounded so sweet and desperate to hang out. And Lauren kinda felt bad for her. Even though she didn't feel like getting up and putting clothes on, she had a heart and didn't want to say no. "Sure, when?"

"Really? I mean.. we can meet up right now?"

"Okay. I have to get dressed though. Where do you want to meet up?"

"Hmm, the park?"

"Okay, meet you there in a few."

"Okay! Thank you. See you then." Lauren said bye then hung up the phone. She threw the phone down and just laid there for a few seconds before finally deciding to get up.

She threw on a hoodie and jeans,
Putting on some old sneakers and grabbing her phone, keys, and some money.

"Hey I'll be back later." Normani spun around and gave Lauren a questioning look.

"Where are you going?"

"Hanging out with a friend."

"Hm, okay. We'll have fun I guess."

Lauren rolled her eyes but waved before slipping out the door.


"Lauren!" Lauren looked up to see a girl waving her over. She smiled and walked faster towards the girl. "Wow, you actually came. Thanks." Lauren smiled at the girl and nodded her head.

"I've been a fan for a while. You're really cool, your voice is really good."

"Thanks, um, do you sing?"

Lucy smiled and shook her head, "no, me and Camila are best friends. We've been friends forever. I saw you guys started hanging out and asked for your number." The girl stared down at her hands.

Lauren smiled at the sudden shyness and nudged the girl, "How did you and Camila become friends?"

The girl looked to her right, avoiding Lauren as she scratched the back of her neck, "um, she helped me through a really hard time."

Lauren nodded, but stayed silent. Not really knowing what to say. "Yeah, so how did you and Camila meet?"

"Oh, We officially met at an award show, but I had tweeted her before. She seemed like a really cool girl, she is really cool." Lauren held down the smile that was threatening to show.

"Yeah, she's really cool. Have you meet her boyfriend? He's like some football player or something. I don't know he's hot. I'd date him if I were straight."

"Oh you're not straight?" Lauren could see the blush on the girls cheek as she bit her lip and nodded. Lauren smiled, "oh, got a girlfriend?"

Lucy chuckled but shook her head, "No, No but I think I'm fond of someone." She looked up questionably at Lauren, "Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

Lauren shook he head, "Nope. I'm a lesbian but I am fond of someone." Lauren gave Lucy a wink and smiled. Lucy's smile grew wider.


Hey, I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating. We are moving and I've been really busy, we are still like in the process of moving.
I promise I'm trying to update every chance I can!

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