Soul Slicer

By Skaterchick32

511 85 20

"Kill me!" He yelled at me with passion in his eyes as I was about to let my fingers trail off the string of... More

Chapter 1 ~ Pilot
Chapter 2 ~ Bondbrothers
Chapter 3 ~ Decision of Helpfullness
Chapter 4 ~ Visions
Chapter 6 ~ The Plan
Chapter 7 ~ Wings
Chapter 8 ~ Demonic Angel
Chapter 9 ~ Spirit Animal
Chapter 10 ~ The Ripper
Chapter 11 ~ Such a Decisive Plan
Chapter 12 ~ Trauma
Chapter 13 ~ Oh, baby!

Chapter 5 ~ Smell of Death

41 7 2
By Skaterchick32


Sharp screams pierced throughout my brain. Bodies getting torn apart as innocent human eyes were bleeding heavily from their sockets. The world was black, cold, raining, and dangerous. Crying children were being taken away from their mother's and father's arms. House's were lit on fire, suffocating people inside.

The only thing you could hear at this exact moment, was everyone's screams and cries for help. People were on their knees in a long line: men blind folded, women's mouths ducktaped shut, and teenagers getting syringes jabbed into their necks, making them fall face forward into the mucky wet mud, falling fast asleep. The mother's watched their own teenagers falling hard on their face one right after the other, falling on the ground unconscious, as their minds were getting wiped clean from all the memories they've ever had growing up. Even forgetting their own name.  Father's hearing their little ones screaming "Daddy! Mommy!" the haunting echoes roaming around the outside world as the father's and mother's were crying in a line, not being able to do a thing about it.

I focused deeper into the vision I was having. There seemed to be a brown headed man, his eyes gleaming in hatred towards everyone as he just stood there in the middle of everything, smiling as he heard everyone scream and cry. Magic was going throughout the air, evil magic. The warlocks and witches were responsible for this mess of broken hearts and children being stolen. They put the bodies of the teenagers in the back of pickups, all lying on top of each other, as they put all the little children in chains and cuffs connected to the seats on all sorts of buses, not being able to do anything about what's happening to them.

The brown headed man looked out at the long line of people and shouted, "If you would've just told me where my daughter is at, this wouldn't of happened to you!"

"I would rather sacrifice all of this than tell you where your weapon of a child is at!" a brave man that was blind folded, and on his knees, screamed back, trying to stand up with courage towards the brown haired man.

The brown haired man went over to the blind folded fool, and picked him up by his throat, digging his dirty fingernails into the mans skin. "You made a big mistake then. I will destroy all one day, this has all just begun," he snarled as he slit the throat of the blind folded man. Women were crying as they saw their fellow friend and husband bleeding from the throat, gasping for air, then rolled his eyes in the back of his head as he hit the ground hard.)

My heart was racing as I awoke in my bed. I looked around, scanning my surroundings before me, as I was trying to catch my breath.

My door opened and a head peeked into my room. "Hey, you're finally awake! I've been checking on you nonstop..," Kayn had a small smile on his face..trying to keep it to himself, and stepped in and walked towards me. He had my mother's journal in his hands.

"Get that thing away from me!" my voice shook in terror, being scared.

"Why? What happened?" Kayn asked as he stopped dead in his tracks looking at me questioningly. "I just got here a little while ago and I was told you were up in your room, and got handed this journal. Shyla told me to bring it to you," Kayn walked to a white chair that had silver lace around the backrest and sat right by my bed. He placed the journal right next to me on my bed as he looked at me with millions of questions lingering in his eyes.

"I touched the crystal on the cover..and it made me have a vision," I told him as I looked at the journal, realizing there wasn't a crystal on it anymore, seeming as if it was never even on there.

"What crystal..?" Kayn looked at me weird as if I was going crazy. "Are you okay?" he looked at me worryingly. "Did you hit your head or something?"

"Yeah i'm fine," I remarked. I don't understand. Where did it go? "What did your people say? Are they in an alliance with us?" I gazed in his eyes, trying to change the subject. I could tell that he was uneasy, but he didn't say anything else.

"They agreed to join, but before they do, they want me to do something for them," his voice was rattled and seemed worrisome. I wanted to know what he was hiding from me..we always told each other everything.

"What do you have to do?" I sat up in my bed, realizing all I had on was a blue T-shirt and black underwear. Kayn stared at me then stared at the ground quickly, trying not to seem like a perve. I moved the covers up so that they covered my lap and he looked back up at me.


"Hey you're awake!" Asher interrupted what Kayn was about to say as he came in with a big smile on his face. Hazel came in rushing right behind him and ran across the room and jumped on my bed next to me. Kayn looked at Asher with a glare and stood up out of the chair.

"What did you see? I heard that you had a vision," Hazel excitedly spoke as her big brown eyes were sparkling with excitement. She reached across me and grabbed my mother's journal. "Was it a good vision?"

They all looked at me with wonder in their eyes, waiting for me to say something. Asher looked at Kayn as he was walking past him, making him look like he was better than him, and sat in the chair beside my bed, waiting for me to go on. Kayn crossed his arms and stood staring at me as he leaned against my dresser, waiting for me to say something.

"It was awful guys," I retorted with a raspy voice. "People were screaming on top of their lungs, people we were dying, and children and teenagers like us were being taken away. I think I saw my father.." I paused. "It was terrible and haunting..I don't think I can ever get it out of my mind."

"Because that was your father, Ryley," Nathan popped out of nowhere from the air, frightening us all. "I was there at the time. All that you saw, happened when you were born. Your father wanted to use you, but your mother took off with you in her arms and tried finding you a safe home to hide you at, which she succeeded to do."

"If my father wanted to find me so bad, why couldn't he just use one of his warlock's or witches to do a locator spell on me?" I questioned as Kayn, Asher, and Hazel were staring at Nathan...still being shocked that he just appeared in thin air.

"Because when you were born your mother wanted me to put a shielding spell on you, so that we couldn't do a locator spell to find you. You are created by dark forces, your father wants you for his evil plans. Your mother wanted you safe and away from harms reach..even if that meant not being able to see and hold you as you grew up. You are a creation Ryley, not a person. That is why you're the best assassin in the world. You're made by full on instinct, no flaws, and stronger than any assassin ever known in the world. You are the ultimate weapon that could destroy the world, which is exactly why your father wants you," he blurted as he started walking towards my door.

"So does that make her good or evil?" Hazel questioned, making Nathan stop and pause for a second.

He breathed, "She is who she wants to become. She has control over her own destiny, as long as Seifer doesn't get a hold of her," he put his hand on the doorknob and looked behind over his shoulder over to Hazel. "Come on, we have a locator spell to do," he opened the door and walked out.

"Get dressed and come to the throne room," Hazel looked at me with a smile as she put her hand on my arm.

"Of course," I looked back at her. She got off the bed and headed out the door, leaving it wide open behind her.

"Well, I guess we can let you get dressed," Kayn spoke up as he looked at me then to Asher. He started walking out and stopped in the hallway, "Come on Asher, hurry up. We don't have all day to monkey around."

"We'll be waiting for you outside your door," Asher smiled, ignoring what Kayn had told him, and got up from the chair as I nodded. He walked out the door following behind Kayn. Kayn closed the door and I got up and put on some ripped skinny jeans, a blue tanktop, my leather boots, then walked over to my bedpost and grabbed my leather jacket. As I was about to walk out my door I noticed that my bow and quiver was laying on my dresser. I went over to grab them, picking my bow up as I noticed that the crystal that was on my mother's journal, was now embedded in the middle of the front of the bow.

I looked, staring at my bow noticing that the lava traveling inside of it now turned green from the crystal. "Well this is new.." I whispered to myself under my breath as I put the bow on my back and left out of my room. I was now in the hallway with Kayn and Asher and we started walking, making our way to watch Nathan and Hazel do the locator spell on my father. We reached the throne room seeing Hazel sitting on the floor cross legged in the center of a pentagram. The pentagram had the element symbols on all five points: Air, Fire, Water, Spirit, and Earth.

The headmistress was sitting on her throne, not saying a word as she was watching what was happening all around her. Other assassin's came in to watch as well, we all stood in a circle around Hazel and Nathan and held hands tightly, making the energy for the spell even stronger. Hazel's eyes were all the way rolled back into her head, leaving you only to see white in her eyes. Both Nathan and Hazel's tattoo's were glowing, showing through their shirts. Nathan was mumbling gibberish as a Spellbook was floating in the air next to him. The Spellbook was slowly melting away to black raven feathers that were now flying in the air, circling above his head, as they were now turning into black smoke. He held sage in one hand and a diamond in the other.

As he finally got deep within his spell his eyes were gleaming purple into the diamond, causing it to shatter all the lights in the Academy, leaving all rooms pitch black. As the gleam in his eyes hit the diamond it was like his mind bounced off into it and lit up the entire room. Everyone could see what was going on in his head. We could see what was happening right in front of our eyes. "Marvelous," Shyla breathed in astonishment as she was stunned to what was going on. We all saw what appeared to be an abandoned factory outside of Blaneswood. It was old, rotted, and had all sorts of black mold covering the outside walls.

I could finally see my father, he was injecting serum into a girl that seemed to look a lot like me, but older. She screamed as it was entering into her neck. "Just tell me where she's at Ivory," my father had his hand around her throat, squeezing it hard. "Just tell me where our daughter is at."

She spat in his face. "I will never tell you anything!"

He slapped her across the face as hard as he could. "Give it up, Ivory. I don't want to kill you just yet," he said while a werewolf that looked familiar, took my mother's hands and cuffed them behind her back. It was the Alpha from the abandoned house, where we tried saving Nathan's brother. "Chain and hang her up on the wall," my father commanded as he wiped my mother's spit from his face.

The werewolf yanked her back hard and dragged her on the ground, as she was moaning in pain and quietly crying as she was trying to break free from the cuffs, but failed. The werewolf reached the wall and hung her up and let her dangle, her feet barely touching the floor; making her feel like her arms are going to pop out of her sockets. ~~~

Hazel started fidgeting and spazzing out. The spell was starting to get to her, she needed to stop before she'd have a stroke. "Nathan!" I yelled for his name until he came back to his senses.

"Nathan you need to stop, now!" Asher cried out after me, full of worry about his sister. Hazel's head was fidgeting back and forth. Asher let his hands break free from holding onto other Assassins hands, making Nathan stop doing the spell forcefully. Hazel fell back unconscious. Everyone let go of each others hands and Kayn, Asher, Nathan, and I ran to Hazel.

"Someone get her something to drink!" Nathan yelled with sorrow in his eyes, feeling guilty for everything that is happening. You could tell that he was scared for Hazel's sake. He didn't want any of this to even happen, or go this far. Kayn got up without a thought and ran out of the room going somewhere to find some orange juice. Nathan did a light spell and made the room bright, so everyone could see what happening. Asher held his sister in his arms and brushed her hair out of her face as she was turning pale and cold.

"This is all because of you, warlock!" he yelled at Nathan with anger buried deep into his eyes. "Hazel come back to me, please!" he started to sob as he picked her up and started walking to the room behind the headmistress's throne. Shyla seemed to be missing from her throne as we moved Hazel to the back room. She was here when Hazel fainted, when did she leave so quickly and unnoticeably. Ignoring it and focusing back on my friend, we layed Hazel down on a couch made of uncomfortable brown ripped leather.

"Even though you're her brother, you don't have to act like this is my fault," Nathan started as he stood staring behind Asher, who was now kneeling beside Hazel, holding her hand.

"Shut up warlock, it's all your fault this happened, because you didn't end the damn spell fast enough," he glared back at Nathan.

"That doesn't mean I meant for this to happen, you don't know how difficult it is to get out of spells once you're really deep into them," he said as he walked towards the couch and stood over Hazel watching her face turn more pale as each minute passed. "I never wanted this to have no idea how much I care about her, Asher," he gulped.

"I don't care about your feelings towards her, you did this to her. Isn't there some sort of spell that can wake her up from this mess that you put her in?" Asher mumbled haughtily, bringing more angry tension in the air of the atmosphere around all of us.

"Not from this sort of spell. I can't bring someone out of a coma-induced spellshadow," he said with sadness in his eyes as he looked down towards Hazel.

"There's got to be something that we can do.." I spoke encouragingly, trying to break the angry tension in the room. "We can't just sit here and wait without trying to do something," I spoke out as Kayn came back with the orange juice and handed it to Asher. Everyone seemed to ignore my thoughts on this.

"How is she doing?" Kayn said as he looked at me.

"She is getting worse, she's turning more and more pale every minute we speak," I looked at him then back to Hazel's unconscious body.

A white gleam of light appeared through the air. "Attention all fellow assassin's report to the throne room to begin a lie detecting procedure. Someone has killed the headmistress," a male staggering voice repeated twice through the gleam of light. Who could've killed the headmistress? Why has this happened, especially right now before finding Seifer? Everything is turning into hell!

"You have got to be kidding me.." Asher sighed as he looked back at Kayn and I.

"I'll stay with Hazel," Nathan knelt next to Hazel as Asher got up to his feet.

"Are you sure? What if you get in trouble?" I looked at him with worry in my eyes.

"She's worth getting in trouble over, Ryley," Nathan looked at me with stone-cold eyes then back at Hazel, as he caressed her cheek.

"Let's go," Kayn grabbed my hand. His touch filling sparks into my body. He felt like home to me. Someone who I considered as my safe spot.

"Yeah - let's go," Asher grabbed my other hand as he shooted Kayn with a glaring look.

All three of us left to the throne room and saw that everyone was lined up in two lines. The headmistress's body was laying in a glass coffin right in the middle of the room, her throat ripped out, as blood was still dripping down her throat, slithering to the bottom of the coffin, filling it up with a pool of blood. "It's simple, Simone here, will ask everyone one simple question," one of Shyla's guards said as they looked to Simone, who was cracking his knuckles and had a smirk playing across his lips. The guard pointed towards a table where there was a glass filled with clear steaming water and lilac petals floating in the water.

Simone hopped to the table with excitement. "Does everyone know what this is?" he smiled. No one said anything. "Ahh, it's a bit of my own solution actually. It will make you tell the truth. I wish you all let the game begin," he smiled as he grabbed the glass in his hand. Asher, Kayn, and I were in the back of the line following the others as everyone was going up to Simone. "Did you kill the Headmisstress?" Simone repeated to one assassin right after the other as everyone was coming up to him. Every single one of them said no, and the next thing we knew, they passed the test one by one.

Asher, who was in front of me, walked up to Simone and took a sip of the water. "What does this water do anyways if you lie?" he looked up at Simone, confused.

"It will burn your throat out just like how the Headmistress died," Simone grabbed the cup away from Asher. Kayn and I looked at each other as we both gulped. "Asher," he paused for a moment. "Did you kill Shyla?" the guards were watching as everyone else was as well.

"No, I did not kill Shyla," Asher spat back at him. He was telling the truth.

"Then it had to be Seifer's daughter!" someone from the crowd of people yelled throughout the room. Others were screaming, "Yeah it was her!" "Maybe it was the Vampire! He's one of the first one of his kind that has been to our Academy!"

"Everyone be quiet!" Simone screamed throughout the room as he grabbed pink sparkling dust from his pocket and threw it at the ground in front of everyone. Sparks shot across the room, making everyone bounce back towards the wall, all lined up against it. People were frightened because of the sparks. Some cowered in fear. "You people are pathetic!" he yelled then turned back to Kayn and I. "Ryley, please step forward and take a drink," he held the glass in the air waiting for me to step forward and take it.

I walked up to him and took the glass, and took a sip.
Simone asked me the question. "Did you kill Shyla?"

"No, I did not kill Shyla," I repeated back the same exact thing that everyone had said. Nothing happened to me. I had spoken the truth.

"Well that leaves only one person left," the guards said under their breath.

"Kayn, please step forward," Simone looked at him with judgement in his eyes as Kayn started walking up as his palms were sweating.

Please vote and comment if you enjoy my story:) that would mean so much to me !

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