That Fang Called Love [boyxbo...

By PwincessR11

115K 1.9K 299

Javen Laurence believes in one thing and one thing only. The thrill. Living 145 years as a blood sucking, thr... More

That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] Prologue
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [1]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [2]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [3]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [4]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [5]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [6]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [7]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [8]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [9]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [10]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [11]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [13]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [14]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [15]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [16]
That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [17]

That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [12]

5.4K 124 19
By PwincessR11

Ashton P.O.V

The alarm went off and I sat up looking around her room. I hadn’t been up in here in almost a year. I looked down at Sky’s face as she stirred coming out of her sleep. It had been too easy to get her back into bed with me, way too easy it wasn’t even fun. I didn’t have to use my compulsion on her. Javen was guarding my Ezra like some sort of fucking lapdog. But he had it coming.

I was going to kill them all, each and every person who stood in my way of getting Ezra. And the first on my list was Sky; Ezra wouldn’t want to be with me if she was around to be upset and hurt. So she had to go, but first I wanted to have a little fun with them all. Make them run circles around me. Her soft hands snaked up my arm.

I looked down at her smiling “Morning”

“Morning, baby” she whispered back.

I leant down and kissed her, she giggled wrapping her leg around my waist.


After school I took a little detour to the store where Ezra worked, yes I did my research before making my presence known. I knew a lot of things people in this town didn’t know things that Javen himself didn’t know and would probably like to know. I watched him on the tills, he smiled at every single person he served, his hands moved delicately and fluidly.

Back when I was a human Ezra and me had been so close, before he became my boyfriend we were close. Best friends. Him, Sky and me. In the first couple month since I was turned all I could think about was nights we shared some just me and Ezra, others all three of us. I wanted to come back to him, to them, but I was told it was too dangerous.

I moved back into the shadows and drifted out the store without Ezra knowing I was even there. I was invited into his house now; I could stop by and see him whenever I wanted to. And the beauty of it was that no one could stop me. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Ezra, to taste him, to feel him. That amongst one other thing was what I came back for.

I went back to my house, I’d had to compel my parents, make them think I’d gone away and been studying abroad for a year, so that they wouldn’t be shocked that I was back. I was hoping my mum was spreading the word around town. I wasn’t stupid I knew my reappearance would cause a stir, I knew the police would come see me sooner or later, so I had to get my story out.

I heard the doorbell go off; I raced down the stairs flinging open the door. I sneered when I saw it was him, why was he here?

“I told you to leave,” he said calmly, folding his arms across his chest.

I chuckled “I’m having too much fun here to leave, sorry”

“Ashton what happened to you? When I first turned you, you were a sweet boy, what happened to make you this cruel hard bastard?”

I scoffed, “Life that’s what happened. Besides I was just following my maker right? I know why your here, she’s very cute isn’t she?”

He flexed his muscles but couldn’t take a step towards me, he hadn’t been invited in. “If you touch her I will hunt you down and make you die the most painful death, you have been warned”

“Don’t worry, your misses didn’t invite me in, and somehow she was able to resist my compulsion. How did you do it? How can a human resist a vampire’s compulsion?”

He just smiled at me stepping away from the house. He didn’t answer my question he just disappeared, but I heard his voice lingering in the air after he’d disappeared. “Ashton, you’re a young vampire don’t forget that, you’ve got a lot to learn”

Angrily I slammed the door, I couldn’t have the townsfolk all learning to resist my compulsion that would not be good at all. I turned from the door and managed to walk into the kitchen, when the bell rung again. Thinking it was my maker I ignored it, but the person was persistent. I let my hearing range out and I heard a familiar heart pumping.

I leapt up and raced to the door a smile on my face, I knew he’d come around eventually. I pulled open the door and Ezra stood there a grim expression on his face.

“Hello babe” I said grinning at him.

“Hello Ashton”

“I wasn’t expecting you to come see me, it’s a nice surprise either way. Reminds me of old times, when you used to come round…”

His face remained hard, and I tilted my head to the side, it seemed like my Ezra has grown up since we last spent any valuable time together.

“Yeah that’s why I’m here I want answers”

I stepped out the way and he walked into the house, he headed straight for my room. It was odd how a year later we were in the same place but our relationship had changed so drastically. I felt bad for leaving Ezra, but at the time I felt like I had to, that’s what he said I had to do. But he hadn’t followed through himself.

Ezra plonked himself down in the middle of my bed; I sat in the chair not to make things uncomfortable for him. His expression remained blank and it bugged me slightly, I’d always been able to read him so easily, he’d changed so much.

“So what do you want to know?”

“Why you left me and never called?”

I took a deep breath, my eyes never leaving his face. I could see how and why Javen was so attached; Ezra really was something amazing to look at.

“I don’t have a straight answer for that, I went abroad to study and I never called because it was too hard to hear your voice and not come back” I lied as tears filled up in his eyes, and I looked around mortified.

“Yet it was so easy for you to leave me in the first place?” he croaked, trying to swallow back tears, his eyelids blinking rapidly.

“It wasn’t easy it was far from easy, you think I enjoyed leaving you, I had to leave!”

“WHY! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO AND LEAVE ME? I looked for you everywhere, I called, I went to your house. I put up flyers. I thought you were dead Ashton. It has been sitting on my heart and weighing me down”

“Babe, I’m-“

“NO. You don’t get to call me that!”

“Ezra. I’m sorry I didn’t think my disappearance would bother you so much”

His expression went blank and the stare he gave me left a hollow feeling in my chest. I watched as he looked at me with a mixture of disgust, disbelief and sadness. The tears stopped rolling down his face and his eyes widened.

“You doubted my feelings for you?” he breathed “Ashton. I told you I loved you, you are the first and only person who I’ve said that too. How could you think you meant nothing to me?”

“I dunno, I guess I judged it on my own feelings and you know stuff…”

 “You told me you loved me, was that a lie?”

I stood up and went and sat next to him on the bed, I held his hand, and spoke my first sincere words since making myself known. “Ezra, listen to me and listen to me good. I loved you, I love you with all my heart, and with whatever I have left which is worth something. I stayed away to protect you, and I will stay to protect you. I’m sorry”

He full on started crying and I pulled him into me hugging him to my chest. I closed my eyes and sighed in content, having him here in my embrace again bought up so many good memories. The first time we kissed, the first time we had sex; the first time I told him I loved him. He curled closer to me and I laid us down so we were lying on the bed together.

“I missed you,” he whispered. I sat in silence stunned, but the silence didn’t last long. Soon Ezra had fallen asleep and his worn out deep breathing was soothing to me.

“I missed you too,” I whispered kissing his forehead. He sighed in his sleep; I closed my eyes and went to sleep too.


I walked into school the next day my mouth hurting me, my fangs were roaring with pain, my body felt like it was on fire. I knew I should have fed before coming into high school. Everyone I looked at looked and smelled tasty enough to rip apart and drink every single last drop of their deliciously sweet and silky red blood.

My tongue throbbed and I opened the locker the school had assigned to me, they’d given my old locker away, it seemed that no one expected me to be alive and come back. I slammed my locker shut and looked up to see Javen casually leaning against the locker next to mine. I sighed and turned to face him.

“What!” I barked.

“You leave Ezra alone, I’m warning you,” he hissed.

A smirk slipped onto my face, “Is that a challenge Javen?”

“Ashton I’m warning you”

“Because I accept, bring it on old man”

I walked around him chuckling; I noticed a couple of the humans had been watching our altercation. I turned around and looked at Javen, he was still watching me. I smiled sneeringly at him; he didn’t know what he was messing with. Ezra and me had a connection deeper than anyone could even imagine.

Ezra P.O.V

“Oops, sorry that was my fault I didn’t look where I was going” I quickly bent down and scooped up the books I’d knocked out of her hands. I was too busy watching Javen and Ashton, why did they hate each other so much. I was starting to think that there was something between them, a secret I didn’t know about.

“Thank you, and don’t worry about it”

I looked down in surprise, totally forgetting she was still there. I looked over her blond hair and shiny green eyes. She was very beautiful, and she must be new around, I’ve never seen her before.

“I’m Ezra, are you new I’ve never seen you around here before?”

“Yeah today is my first day, I’m Lisa”

My mouth dropped open, and I felt my heart sink. This was Javen’s EX girlfriend! But she was beautiful. I felt my self esteem plummet, why would he want to be with me, when he could be with her she was absolute stunning, in a goldilocks innocent girl kind of way. Why was she enrolling into high school, I didn’t realise she’d planned on staying for so long.

“It’s nice to meet you, err… I have to go. Bye”

I rushed off, rudely barging past people, I just had to get away from her, and her perfect blond hair, and emerald eyes, two features I certainly didn’t have. So why was Javen attracted to me, didn’t he have a specific type? I was the complete opposite of Lisa; I had curly dark brown hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. She was just pale and blond and pretty and nice, with unnaturally white teeth!

I put my books down on the desk not sure how I got to first period, I felt like I was having a mini panic attack in my chest. Sky walked into the classroom then, a Cheshire cat grin on her face; she headed for her usual seat – next to me. As she got closer I moved my books from my desk and placed them in her chair. She looked at me shocked and I stared back at her. She nodded her head and went to find somewhere else to sit.

I could feel the eyes of our classmates on us, the last time they’d seen me and Sky act this cold towards each other, was the whole Ashton dating us both situation, and now that he was back I guess they all assumed it was happening again. Javen walked into the class and I looked at him in confusion. He didn’t have first period with me this week.

He moved the books off of Sky chair and placed them on the desk. I smiled at him and he surprised me, by grabbing me and kissing me. Right there in front of a whole class of our peers. There weren’t any whispering, people sat in silence watching us. Javen pulled away, winked at me, and then left the classroom. I blushed beetroot, as I looked around at all the stunned faces. And it was then I noticed a familiar face, Lisa, she was staring at me in complete shock.

I turned away, I felt guilty but I had no idea why. She smiled at me and nodded her head it was almost sly. It had me wondering why she was visiting Javen. Why she was staying in town, why she hadn’t left by now. Break time was spent kissing and cuddling with Javen in the courtyard. Not one person had said anything abusive to me about our… I didn’t even now what to call it, I didn’t know what Javen and me were or what we were doing, where it was heading?

But he acted like he was my boyfriend, and treated me like I was his boyfriend. But he hadn’t asked or said anything about it. After school he gave me a lift to work, I chuckled, as he wouldn’t let go of me, he kept kissing me, until I was 10mins late for work and I had to go inside. On the way home I felt my heart tug as I walked past Sky’s road. I glanced at her house and saw her bedroom light was on.

I sighed and kept walking. I wasn’t upset with Sky for being with Ashton, in fact I was happy if she was happy, but I was hurt about the way she went about it. And what she said to me. Had she hated me secretly this past year we’d been best friends? Her feels for Ashton must have been deeper than what she told me. She had to have been in love with him.

I turned the key in my front door; I turned the passage light on. Slamming the door behind me I walked into the kitchen, turning on the lights as I went. Goosebumps crawled over my skin and I suddenly felt cold. I looked over my shoulders, the hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I felt like I was being watched. There was a new note on the noticeboard in the kitchen, mum and dad had gone away for work.

“Typical” I muttered under my breath throwing the note in the trash. So I was home alone.

Leaving all the lights on, I walked up to my room, I blasted my music threw my speakers as loud as I could as I did my homework. I was bored so I switched on the TV the Simpsons was on, but as soon as I saw Lisa I switched it off, suddenly reminded of Javen’s EX. I sent Javen a text but he still hadn’t replied. I went into the shower taking ages to soak, I did a facemask just for the sake of it. My mum had loads of the stuff in her bathroom.

After I’d showered I glanced at the clock 21:16. I moaned it wasn’t even an acceptable bedtime yet. I heard a noise coming from downstairs and I froze listening carefully. My body broke out in shivers as it felt like the house had dropped a couple degrees in temperature. I picked up my baseball bat and slowly edged out of my room.

My breaths came out in loud scared pants, my hearts pounds felt like the loudest noise in the world. There was a creaking sound, which sounded like the kitchen door being pushed open. I tightened my grip on my bat, holding it in a position to strike. I got to the top of the stairs, and the downstairs lights went out.

I froze fear pulsated threw my body. I heard a thump and I jumped. My heart rate spiking up now, my hands shaking, sweat broke out across my forehead. I wanted to call out, to find out who was there, but I’d seen enough movies not to do that. The upstairs passage light suddenly went off then cloaking me in darkness.

I felt fingers trailing over my exposed neck, I screamed and swung the bat around, trying to connect with something, someone. I hit one of my mum’s ornaments dropping them to the floor. Them I felt the bat being ripped out my hands and chucked to the side. I sprinted for my room, I slammed the door shut, locking it and backed up against the far wall. My heart raced and my palms felt meaty and sweaty.

In the silence the sound of the door unlocking was deafening. My bedroom door slowly creaked open and I started shaking, and then I saw him. Ashton standing there, eyes as black as hell, with bright red rims. Fangs poking out his mouth past his bottom lip. His hair looking wild, hands curled up like claws. I noticed the blood on his clothing, around his mouth, on his lips.

“Ezra” he drawled.

I screamed and picked up whatever I could throwing it at him, but he just laughed, hitting them away before they could make contact with him. He walked closer to me; I scrambled over the bed, feeling like a sheep being herded. My back made contact with the cold wall behind me. And I watched as Ashton, grinned at me.

And then he moved, to fast for me to see. The next second he was in front of me, ripping my head back. I struggled and tried to fight. But he sunk his teeth in my neck. Pain coursed threw my body, I yelled out, screamed. But it was too much, I felt my body getting weak, my eyes drooped, and I lost myself into the darkness…

I sat up in my bed gasping and covered in sweat, my hand immediately grabbed at my neck. I sighed not feeling anything, I flopped back into my bed, phew, and it had just been a dream. I looked at my clock and realised my alarm was going off in 5mins. I got up and stretched, a huge yawn escaping my lips. That was a horrible dream last night I chuckled at myself. Of course it was a dream.

I walked into my bathroom brushing my teeth and looking over my face, and the dark bags under my eyes. I looked at my neck, nothing. I glanced down at my pyjama top in surprise; there were a few drops of blood. My stomach turned and I felt sick… I opened my bedroom door and crept into the hallway. Mums smashed ornament lay on the floor, my lip trembled as I stood at the top of the stairs and looked down. My bat lay on the floor at the bottom of the stairs.

“It was real” I breathed, fear striking me hard.


All I can say is that I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I took so long to get this chapter out, but I hope you think it was worth the wait!!!!! So VOTE, COMMENT and most of all enjoy reading. In the next chapter I think I may try working a bit more on Lisa’s secret but I’m not revealing anything for a long time :D 

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