The Keepers of Azera ( Book 1...

By I_am_Pendy

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I am not human. I do not come from Earth. My home is called Azera. I am an Azeran, or more specifically a Ke... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Shout Out to My Nonparticipating Readers!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Want More?

Chapter 25

20 1 1
By I_am_Pendy

"I got news for you," James says.

It's the end of Study Day, and I'm beat. We've just come from training with Kryiats- tomorrow, it's guns. I had told Amacus that I wasn't quite comfortable with those yet, and he told me I must "because you will not always have Kryiats by your side." Then Training Day is Kryiats, and the first half of Rest Day is Kryiats, then hand-to-hand combat. I liked working with the Kryiats with the most, and I felt most comfortable with them-which is to say, not very.

"Good or bad?" I ask. I'm stretched out on the couch with my arm draped over my face, but now I move it to look at James.

"You'll like some of it. Unless otherwise noted, Keepers are allowed to visit the surface on Rest Days between breakfast and lights out."


"In order to have this privilege, you must complete two hours of volunteer work."


James sighs. "Meaning you must help out around the facility. Helping in the kitchen, cleaning..."

"Who was laid off?"


"Why are we doing all the grunt work?" I prop myself up on my elbows.

"So you have life skills when you leave the facility. Don't look at me like that; it's been a requirement for all Keepers for generations. Just, this time the privilege is different."

"What's different?" Poppa asks as he enters the dorm.

"I'm turning evil, Poppa," I say, rolling my head back so I can see him. "Expect me to start wearing black and stuff."

"Okay, you being evil isn't different. Also, evil people don't usually dress in black," Poppa points out.

"Unless they're robbing," I say.

"Do I need to lock up my valuables?"

"We were discussing the volunteer work," James interjects. "And Callie was being complaining about it like, 'oh I don't wanna do that, I'm too lazy!'"

"Not true," I protest.

"Now your daughter's lying to me," James complains to Poppa.

He just shrugs. "I'm afraid I can't do anything about that, James. I just came back from the twins' dorm. Amacus complimented you on your training."

"I'm honored," I say, falling back onto the pillows. Poppa opens his mouth, closes it, and gives me a smile that looks more like a grimace. "What?" I ask. "Is something wrong?"

"Not wrong, per say. Just.... Sorry, my mind's somewhere else today."

"My mind is on going to sleep," I say. "When does this program-volunteer thing begin?"

"This week," James says.

I yawn. "I'll start on volunteer stuff tomorrow. Maybe Astrid will clean the bathroom with me."


"You're so lucky," Astrid says.

"We're both lucky," I correct her. "Poor Masan's scrubbing toilets." There had been a sign-up sheet, with eleven slots on it- I'm assuming for the older two groups and the twins-and the options are mostly busy work. Help with meals. Clean the tables. Wipe down equipment in gym. Astrid took dish-washing, and I took wiping down the kitchen, which took probably two minutes, so I started drying dishes and stacking them next to the dish drain.

Astrid giggles. "That's not what I meant, but I'd rather clean stuff off of these bowls." She holds one up for emphasis. "No, I just think you're lucky 'cause you get to spend so much time with Amacus."

I drop the towel on the floor in surprise. "Dang, girl," I say as I grab a clean one. "I mean, I know you have the power to kill things, but I didn't expect you to go after someone like him."

"Why? I mean, what do you think of him?"

"I think he's nice, and very respectful, but Astrid, I didn't expect you to fall for literal tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed guys."

"That's not why, though I do wonder what happened to their eyes." Astrid's voice drops a little and glances to the dining hall, where Alexa is wiping down tables. "No, I don't know why. It's not a legitimate crush, just, you know, he's cute-"

"You are not his type, Astrid," Alexa says, throwing the towel onto the counter that I just cleaned. "Turamese fall in love only once. We feel a little stirrings for others, but we love-in a romantic sense-only one person, ever."

"Finding true love and stuff?" Astrid says. "Man, I thought that stuff only existed in human fairy tales."

"When does that normally happen? Like, what age?" I ask.

"Any age, really. But I have not found someone yet. I think Amacus has, but he will not tell me," Alexa adds a little bitterly.

"What happens if someone doesn't fall in love back? Then what?"

"That doesn't happen. I have not heard of a single case in which that happened."

I like being around Alexa. She seems more relaxed than her brother. She's very smart and likes helping people out with their homework or playing games on the rec floor. She's quicker with a smile and actually has a sense of humor. Amacus...first off, I'm not entirely sure what Astrid means by "cute". Second, it seems like he's a fighter and nothing else. He doesn't seem capable of a joke, much less love.

"We're done here," Astrid announces, placing the last glass in the dish drain. I wipe it dry and put it down on the stack of plates. "Put those away for me, will you? I have to go to training."

"Good luck!" Alexa calls. "Don't let my brother be too hard on you!"

"Are you kidding?" I call back. "I'll hand him back to you in a box!"

Amacus is waiting for me in the gym. "You finished with your chore, I presume?"

"Chore is right," I say, opening up the closet. "Have I mentioned I hate training with guns?"

"You must know how they work, or else-"

"I'm screwed if that's all I have, I know. Grab one."

He gives me a quick smile, almost too quick for me to pick up on. "Is that a smile I just saw?" I tease.

"No, I think your eyes are playing tricks on you."

"Wow, finally dropping the disciplined act, are we? Finally coming out of our shells?" I lift a gun to my shoulder. "You should teach another girl in my group that. She doesn't even come out of her room."

 "That is a little extreme, but no. Let me see you shoot."

At the end of practice, I catch another quick smile. I bade Amacus a good night and walk to my dorm alone, and I can't help but wonder, just who has Amacus fallen for?

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