The RoomMate

By bblublu

8.7K 159 21

a story about to room mates find love and happiness More

The RoomMate
Day 1 Chapter 2
Sheltered Old Neighbors Chapter 3
The Return of the Exes
Be a Man Chapter 5
House Hunting Chapter 6
1 Week Chapter 7
To Be or Not to Be
Love Is In The Air
1year of love
Miami part 1
Miami Part 2
Miami part 3
Maria gets better
Twitter can Make you or Break you
Anger Turns To Sex Just To Turn Back To Anger
First Things First
First Ultra Sound
Return of the exes Part 2
The Storm
medical alert
Pull Me Out The Fire UnHarmed
Your Life or Your Life
1 week later
bring it back
The Family Pain
The Questioning

Sally Dont Play Chapter 8

259 5 0
By bblublu

Justin's pov

its been a 2 months since maria and i moved into our home and i got a call from my lawyer called me a week after we moved in saying victoria is spreading more lies about me saying i'm not going to pay child support that i dont want to raise my kid so now were in court infront of a judge to settle this


Judge Sally:you may seated plantiff state your case

Victoria's lawyer John:your honar the defense got my client pregnant we asked for child support and the defense told my client he's not paying and he doesent want anything to do with the baby

Judge Sally:defense your response

Ryan:the plantiff is lying because 1 the plantiff got on twitter and instagram and told the world that she's pregnant now i have talked with my client with my client and explained the seriousness of this issue and he has agreed to pay child support and take care of the child we even released a statement saying that we would do that and nothings changed

Judge Sally:do you have the statement on paper

Ryan:yes your honar

Judge Sally:approach the bench

Ryan:here you go

Judge Sally:-reads the statement-this is a very well written state saying that the defense will pay child support and will take care of the child so whats the problem

Ryan:the plantiff is angry because my client moved to another place and didnt inform her

Judge Sally:and why didnt the defense inform her

Ryan:he and her were living in the same building were the child was concived and he thought it was best to protect himself and his room mate from the media he didnt want the plantiff bring the media around his room mate

Judge Sally:-sigh- here's what i'm going to do the defencse has already agreed to pay child support and take care of the child.i think its best that the plantiff doesent need to know where the defense lives until the baby is born.i order you both to not put anything about this case on any soical networks defense i will give the child support amount to your lawyer

Justin:yes your honor

Judge Sally:i will see you guys next month which is in 2 weeks


-in the court lobby-

Ryan:how do you feel



Justin:-looks at her-

Ryan:dont worry about her

Justin:actually i'm not but



Ryan:well i'll let you rest and we'll discuss the payment saturday

Justin:thanks again

-that night-



Justin:your a woman right

Maria:-looks around- uhhh i do have a vagina so i guess that makes me a woman

Justin:hahaha very funny but seriously when a woman is pregnant  around 3 months isnt she showing by then

Maria:a woman starts showing by 1 or 2 months everything woman is different

Justin:but is she showing around 3 months

Maria:yea most likely justin whats going on

Justin:i dont think victoria is pregnant i have a strong feeling that she's trying to get back at me for cutting her off

Maria:you dont think she'll go that low

Justin:yes i do

Maria:you need to prove it cause i hate for you to go out and your wrong

Justin:sometimes you have to take a risk remember that

Maria:alright i'm going to bed



Ryan:this is how much your paying

Justin:ryan i want victoria to take a pregnancy test

Ryan:justin its too risky

Jusitn:i know but i want to know for sure that she is pregnant before i pay anything


Justin:ryan i was looking at her she's almost 3 months why isnt she showing she just came out and said i'm pregnant with no proof

Ryan:wait she's 3 months

Justin:yes by next week she'll be

Ryan:hmm we can issue a court order to have her do a pregancy test

Justin:good and i want it done when we go to court that way she's like WHAT

Ryan:alright i'll make it happen

2 weeks later


Judge Sally:you may be seated defense I hope you've done your homework

Ryan:yes your honor we did we are going to pay this amount of child support 

Victoria:-grins egarily-

Ryan:if the plantiff does a pregnancy test


Judge Sally:ORDER ORDER JOHN CLAM YOUR CLIENT!. now why would she need to do that

Ryan:your honor the plantiff is 3 months she isnt showing


Judge Sally:HEY CLAM YOUR CLIENT ONE MORE OUT BURST AND I WILL FINE HER.when did you take a pregnancy test

John:your honor...i uh

Judge Sally:you dont know when your client took a pregancy test did you ask that question do you even know if she's even pregnant

John:well no i didnt ask those questions

Judge Sally:there could be a possibilty you could be wasting my time


Judge Sally:before i make my desicion plantiff do yoou have anything to say any truths

Victoria:yes that i'm pregnant and this is some bull shit

Judge Sally:oh so since this is bull shit i order you to go to the doctor tomorrow afternoon and get a pregnancy test i will be ther mr.combs will be ther and the lawyers will be there if you are pregnant we will go on with the child support if not i'll send you jail for faking a pregancy for money like a con artist so that would be a felony agreed




Victoria:-tears up- agreed

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