Champagne for the Pain

By stilesstilleto

82.3K 1.2K 55

A rogue werewolf who isn't all she seems to be. An arrogant shadowhunter that thinks he has everything, accom... More

Act 1. Champagne: Challenge #1
Challenge #2
Challenge #3
Challenge #4
Challenge #5
Challenge #6
Challenge #7
Challenge #8
Challenge #9
Challenge #11
Challenge #12
Challenge #13
Challenge #14
Challenge #15
Challenge #16
Challenge #17
New Story and Keeping the Old
Challenge #18
Challenge #19
Challenge #20
Challenge #21
Act 2. Pain: Challenge #22
Challenge #23
Challenge #24
Challenge #25
Challenge #26
Challenge #27
Challenge #28
Challenge #29
Challenge #30
Challenge #31
Challenge #32
Challenge #33
Act 3. The End and The Beginning: Challenge #34
Challenge #35
Challenge #36
Challenge #37
Challenge #38
Challenge #39

Challenge #10

3.3K 59 7
By stilesstilleto

Genevieve POV

Ok first, where the fuck am I?

This isn't the familiar grey walls of the cell, do I actually get a bedroom or is thissome Shadowhunter trick? I reach down and pinch my arm, nope this is real and holy shit there isa fully stocked closet Fuck Yes!!!

Once showered and dressed I am starving as usual, and the knocking on the door should be my room service.

"Damn it's you" Jace leans against my door frame with no food in his hands.

"Darling you wound me" he exclaims clutching his chest,

"oh it's just heartbreak blondie, about 2000 songs written about it, im sure you must be used to it" I smirk at him.

"Damn yo-" he gets cut off my stomach growling, his smirk matching mine as he chuckles.

"well we better fix that darling follow me and try not to break anymore hearts on the way to breakfast"

"no promises Blondie" i speed up to follow him, my senses peaking at the loud chatter of the institute reminding me of packs. The institute is large with high tech equipmet and many middle aged men surrouding massive screens.

"Where are the women?" I ask Jace as there doesn't seem to be any,

"The Clave believes that women are not able to do surveillance" jesus sexism really?

"So men are superior to women in surveillance when woen are able to multi task, have better attention spa and are just as intelliget as men?" I snap at Jace making him turn around to me with wide eyes, i hate sexism at least the mundanes have more progress than the shadowhunters in that aspect.

"The Clave are old fashioned" Jace spits out, clearly he doesn't appreciate the inequality either.

"So why doesn't this institute start the change? Someone has to be the first for the others to follow" my eyebrows drawn together in confusion as to wy if this does't please the people here why don't they change?

"it isn't quite that simple"

"it never is"

We walk the rest in silence till we reach a cafeteria of sorts here the smell of bacon makes my stomach growl again, spurting an awkward chuckle from Jace. I see Alec and Izzy eating with the red head but the boy from last night is missing, the mundane

"Simon is at his house" Jace states answering my question. Following jace I grab a plate and serve myself breakfast then walk over and sit with the others. From listening in on their conversation I gather that Clary is training today with Jace and Izzy and Alec are writing some sort of clave report. Jace suggsts that I train with him and Clary which is fine by me, some stress relieving training would be nice anyway. I finish my breakfast ad we agree to meet back here in 20 minutes.

As i wal back to my room my thoughts swell in my heads like a river in the rain, pounding through my head creating worries ad stregths, that i don't notice the ma in front of me until i walk into him.

"Oh I am so sorry" i stutter out, surprised by his presence but his grin tells me that its ok.

"So you must be the famous girl who injured my two best warriors" oh jace and alec are the best. shit lucky i passed out before we started a full on fight i definitely would have lost.

"Genevieve Petit" i hand out my hand for him to shake which he does.

"Hodge Starkweather"

"Lovely to meet you" I smile, he seems very nice but also could be dangerous if on his bad side.

"what a charming young lady no wonder you bettered Jace and Alec" he laughs making me grin at him as a small surge of pride rushes through me.

"It is a pleasure to have you here Genevieve, Ill see you later"

"You too"

Once I have changed i meet Jace who is still waiting for Clary.

"I heard you met Hodge" Jace starts

"I did he seems a very nice man, even if he is an ex circle member" Jaces face morphs into surprise by the fact that i know that but I saw his circle rune on his neck.

"You're observant" he praises

"I have to be" I state and he starts to say something but we are interrupted by Clary.

"lets go train"

"Ok now Genevieve you verse me" Jace instructs after about two hours of our training, my body hot and sweaty.

"Ok" i step up to the dueling mat, taking a fighting stance. I smirk as I notice Jace look at my boobs in my sports bra.

"Eyes up here Jacey" he blushes, an angry glint in his eyes lettig me know that he will strike first. I predict correctly as he leaps forward with is speed rune but as a faerie and werwolf I can see it coming and move out of the way flicking out my leg to trip him up, but he sees it coming and grabs my leg pullin me down. I leap back up his fist coming at my face and I block directing a puch at his ribs, but he blocks me and gets a hit in my side making me stumble, andhis fist comes for my face again as I block and send a kick ti is side but he catches it and spins me so i lad hard on my back and he quickly pins my arms and legs down. Fuck im stuck.

"Not so cocky now are we?" he smirks bt it quickly falls when i grind against his lower region with an innocent lip bitedistracting him enough that i flip postitions and hold him till it is obvious I wouldhavekilled im if this was a real fight. I leap up a grin on my face,

"Not so cocky now are we?" I ask him repeating his question from earlier, but he doesn't grin back instead he seems angry. Did i step over a line? No i was just usig an advantage to better my opponent.

"Slut" Clary obviously coughs

"Just cause a Downworlder bet a Shadowhunter I am labelled as a slut?" I ask irritated at her slut shaming,

"Of course you fight dirty, just like your blood" He chuckles cruelly, the jab hitting me hard.

Don't cry, don't cry.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" I grit out as his expression changes into shock,

"Fuck im so-" he starts to say but I step foward and slap him

"Fuck you" I whisper in his face before I tur on my heel and run so I don't break down i front of him,

"Genevieve!" he screams after me.

But the tears have stated and I won't show him that his words affected me.

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