NEW GIRL(niall horan+selena g...

By jennylove-s

8.1K 237 43

selena just graduated school, she feels embarrassed about doing funny things around niall, she and niall wor... More

the date
double date
home sweet home
sleep over
having fun
music video
miley cyrus
last day
date !!!!
sam and jake
by an accident
fun day
movie night
the news
alone again
night club
up all night
the phone call
back home
a tiring day
things happen
interviews and meet and greet
lazy day with sam and jake

NEW GIRL(niall horan+selena gomez)

1.4K 20 12
By jennylove-s

Today was the last day of college which means graduation day , I have made lots of good friends and went through my ups and downs since primary school, I have decided to move in a new apartment near to the place im going to work in.

As I was sitting down waiting for my name to be called to take my diploma , I was full of fear , few minutes later my name got called up and I went to take my diploma , I said few words and sat down.

The graduation finally finished and we all said our good byes and the girls with tears in their eyes.

all the people that went to my college knew me since kinder garden , primary and secondary school.

I went home and packed my bags and boxes , tomorrow I will be on my way to my  new apartment.

my parents flew back to ireland and I stayed in England.

I couldn't sleep,  I was thinking about how I   was going to go through my life without the amazing people I've known since primary school .

the next morning I took my bags and boxes in the van and the driver took me to my new apartment.

I reached the apartment's , I found a boy in the corridor he looks very nice and kind , he greets me as I walk by.i suddenly fell over a bucket and the boy burst out in laughter.

I finally reached my door and unlocked it , the room had furnitures in it . I started cleaning up and putting pictures on the wall.

my room is on the 3rd floor and 10 people lives on that floor.

there was three days to go till I started working.

the next day I woke up and I went greeting people who lives on the 3rd floor.

everyone was very friendly and they weren't old, there was one door left , I knocked and the door opened and there right in front of me stood the most hottest  boy with blue  eyes and with blond hair  .I stood there staring at him ,

"hey" he said

I heard him and snapped out of my daze

" uh um hi , my name is selena and I just moved here yesterday" I said

"nice to meet you selena, im niall, what floor did you move in"

" 3rd floor , I live 4 doors away from you"

"thats nice, well nice  meeting you selena"

" you too niall , I'll see you around"

I went back in my room and sat down thinking about niall , he was very cute I thought.

I had dinner and sat down watching tv , I started thinking about going to work tomorrow and working as a editor , I edit newspaper and everything.

I went to sleep that night and set the alarm for tomorrow.

the next day I went to work ,  everyone greeted me and there was one person left who was late, he walked up to his  desk and when he turned around to say  hi and there  I saw in my eyes the boy I've met yesterday.

I smiled and said hi

he smiled and introduces me to his friends Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis.

At lunch I talked to the guys and they introduced me to sally, jane and rose.

after work me and rose  walked home she lives in the first floor . we kept laughing  I slipped and fell she , started laughing and then helped me up.I saw niall in his car looking at me as I got up.

when I got home I was so embarrassed.

I sat down watching tv an advertisement came  on and I went to get some food.

when I came back I started watching friends then suddenly I heard a knock at the door , I got up and opened it and there stood niall .

"hi niall" I said

"hey , here are the notes you have to finish at work tomorrow"

"oh thanks".

suddenly the friends theme song started playing

"omg I love that show" he said

"do you want to come in and watch"

Niall came in and sat down while I got drinks. I gave him his drjnk and put mine on the table.

niall started smirking at  me and laughing , his  laugh was cute and I started laughing with him when suddenly I snorted,  I don't think he hear it but if he did omg. I just felt liking kissing him when I see him but he wouldn't want to kiss a ugly girl like me.

one month later

me and niall are really good friends , I even go work with him in his car. the good thing is he doesn't knkw I love him.

he is just so funny , cute , annoying, his personality is just amazing I love him because of these things.

there is a party going on at ghis hub and me and niall are  going its tomorrow I can't wait.

today at work he kept making faces  and laughing , im not even sure if he does his work.

he came to my house after work and I wanted to tell him I loved him but I couldn't.

when he went homeit was late and I picked  clothes to where tomorrow. i started thinking about niall , once I  asked him what he kept writing in his notebook , he didn't tell me because it was a secret .the next day I went to work and after at 6 we went to the party I wore a mini dress that holds me tight and let my hair fall down and niall whore a blue shirt with jeans , he looked hot. I noticed the notebook in his back pocket.

one hour later at the party

niall got really drunk but he was still cute , I was dancing till I got tired I sat down beside niall, next thing you know niall just kissed me on the lips but I pulled out and then we started kissing , I forgot about his notebook , I can't believe it niall kissed me and was now cuddling with me.

I wish he wasn't drunk , we got up and he dragged me started dancing with  me .

I loved the way we danced but I wanted to know what he wrote in his notebook.

the next day I woke up amd I was sleeping on nialls chest and other people on the floor , when he woke up we went home.

I figured out he forgot everything that happened at the party.

keep reading it gets interesting , tell me what you think so far
Jennifer :)

I was bomed he didnt remember how he kissed me at the party,  he was wasted when we came back home he decided to stay over at mine for a while.

as I watch niall watch tv I saw the notebook I really want to know what he writes in the.

he  keeps distracting me with his smile.

I went over to get a snack I got snickers , his eyes lit up since he saw them

"throw me two"niall smirked

I gave smirked back and threw him some.

he started asking me weird questions and I burst out in laughter

"so who was your first kiss" he asked smiling at me

"ahhh I think james" I replied feeling embarrassed. I saw niall take out the notebook writing something in it , I was curious to find out what.

"hey what do you write in there"

"something you will never find out" he smirked

I jumped at him to the the notebook, he held on tightly and wouldn't let go

"give to me or I'll kiss you" I teased

"I rather that than you reading whats in here" he laughed

I was about to lean in to kiss him there was a loud knock at the door, I got up to get it when I fell over nialls leg *I know how embarrassing*

the moment I opened it , zayn , harry , liam, Louis , jane and rose came in ,

we were all talking when zayn said "lets play dares" , we all agreed and sat in a circle.

zayn started " selena I dare you to kiss niall for three minutes"

me and niall stared at each other and did it I couldn't breathe anymore and pulled out,

his lips were smooth and I just felt liking kissing him again

and hour later they all left and me and niall were the only one left. " you weren't bad selena "

"wow thanks niall" I smirked "u were great yourself". he was about to go when suddenly he grabbed my and started kissing me , I pushed him back up against the wall. his hands started going everywhere over my , he lightly squeezed my ass and let go and he went back holding my face.

I finally broke out of the kiss , trying to breathe his forehead touching mine .

he stayed over that day , we cuddled together in bed his leg wrapped around mine and my head resting on his chest.

the next day he went to get change and we went to work trying not to let the others know something happened between us.

he sat at his desk across to me not getting his eyes off me,

"hey selena niall , ye okey there"

"yeah" , as I watch niall smiling at me.when I look at him I remember when I first lost my virginity,

it was a high school party and I was dancing with a boy called sam , he inviting me to go with him to one of the bedrooms, I followed behind him , we slipped in a room he suddenly pushed me against the wall and started kissing me really hard , he shoved in his tongue and I kissed back .  he came down sucking on my neck and unzipping my pants , I was really scared when we were fully naked, we got onto the bed,  he found my lips and started kissing me and putting on his condom , I groaned as he made his move .

I snapped out of thinking of that moment,  later on I went to nialls room his room was really clean with pictures on the wall

" I'll be back selena " he said

"whatever" I smirked back. his notebook fell out of his pocket,  I picket it up and started reading it said

wow I siad reading
ok so a new girl moved in today her name is selena she is very ...
"omg selena what you doing !"  he shout

"sorry you dropped it "

"doesn't mean you should read it , I told you this is private"

he was really mad and it was freaking me out I was really scared of niall, he noticed I was scared" sorry I scared you but your not allowed to read this" he said finally calming down, he lend in and kissed me, it was really awkward afted but I just wished I finished reading what he wrote about me .

zayn and all came over to play dares I got dared to kiss zayn , as I was doing it I saw niall staring at me with a frown , zayn shoved his tongue in my mouth , I kissed him back till he pulled out, niall didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

I went home and thought why he was mad at me is because I kissed  zayn , im surprised his mad and we aren't even dating.

after kissing zayn I don't know what I thought about niall anymore , the way zayn kissed me was so smooth and I thought there was a spark.

next day after work niall knocked at the door and came in , we talked for a few minutes

"why were you mad at me after I kissed zayn" I asked

"because selena your mine"

"niall we aren't even dating" I smirked
follow me, comment what you think and give me ideas

niall didn't answer me after that he took his coat and went out the door looking sad, I tought for a minute does niall like me or something,  I want to find out why his mad at me and what he wrote in that notebook.

I turned on the tv feeling sad, I decided to call sally, rose and jane to come over, after few minutes they arrived.

"you look sad are you ok" sally asked looking at me

"selena what happened" jane frowned

"well its niall , his mad at me since yesterday day" I replied looking down to the floor

"why what did you do" rose said starting to hug me.

we all sat down before I told them the story of how we played dares and zayn kissed me about three minutes and niall wouldn't talk to me afterwards.

"I think he likes you selena" rose said looking at me

"I don't think so why would he like me anyways" I shouted

"well your pretty and kind and funny" sally and jane said looking at eachother

the girls cheered me up and we  started watching a movie  throwing popcorn everywhere,

I felt way better with the girls , they went home hours later.

next day I was out on the corridor on the first floor , I saw niall and I started  walking fast , he ran up catching my wrist. I stopped and took my hands away from him.

"selena why you ignoring me " he said

"why you mad at me me" I smirked

none of us answered and went to work , he wouldnt even look at me, at lunch I went over to talk to zayn

"hey whats wrong" he said

"niall is mad at me since I kissed you" I replied

"ohhh that, is he jealous or something" he said

the rest came and we stopped talking. niall stared at me beside zayn and went to sit beside liam

I will update more later im at school now and lunch is over
jennifer :)

I went home that day and starting to eat when there was a knock at the door it was zayn smiling at me I invited him in side we watched tv laughing at people, when he was about to go he held me on my waist started kissing me shoving his tongue in my mouth and me standing there kissing back.

I wasn't expecting a kiss from zayn buh I swear I felt something again when he kissed me , he moved his lips to my neck kissing it as I graon.

few minutes later he left and I sat down thinking when someone knocked at the door, it was niall with his cute face, he came in sitting down.

"ok selena I really hate not talking to you "he said pulling me to sit down

" I know me too" I said looking at him

we didn't bring up why he was mad at me or why im ignoring him we started laughing watching the tv, I got snickers him  taking it from me .

we started wrestle like people on the tv he sitting on me while I tried getting up " niall get of me " I laughed

"no till you kiss me" he smirked

"no get of me " I said still laughing

"nop kiss me" he graoned

I kissed him and he got off me , smiling at me , he looked in my eyes

"wow your eyes are  beautiful" he said looking into my eyes

"umm thanks , you too" I said smiling.  he started kissing me shoving his tongue in mine for the first time he did to me , I closed my eys kissing back putting my hands around his neck. he pulled out smiling at  me breathing out heavily , I smiled back getting off of me, I ruffled his blonde hair smiling as he touches my cheeks. I just realised nialls kiss is more like zayns with lots of spark.

my phone beebed it was a text from zayn saying I love the way you kiss me." who is it" niall said trying to look over

"just my friend taylor" I said trying not to look like I didn't say a lie.

he smirked at me as I smirked back before shoving him out the door him smiling

"see you at work selena " he said kissing my cheeks

"bye niall" I smirked

I texted zayn back saying thanks before going to sleep. next day at work sat  on his desk making faces at me  as I laughed back zayn staring at me as liam harry louis and the girls laughed. at luch we all sat down laughing at nialls joke as zayn and harry mock him.

we all came back to my place watching tv , I got up and got popcorn and we all ate it laughing as I tried to shove lots in my mouth.

I got up and tripped over zayn and fell on harry, him smiling kissing me on the cheek as the rest watched us laughing.

they all went home leaving me and niall, he stayed over at my room looking at me. he snuggled in bed with me . we talked and laughed then kissing me softly.

then he went to sleep as I also fell asleep on his chest his head on my shoulders and legs wrapped around mine.

next day I woke up finding niall beside me still sleeping

"niall wake up " shaking him

he groaned and got up kissing me on the cheek getting dress.

comment if you want me to update more , and give me ideas
jennifer :)

he stayed at my house all day with the others watching movies, I have only known them for a short while and know we are like best friends im even best friends with the girls wow.

"who wants to play truth or dares" harry shouted sitting in a circle

we all agreed and join him, first louis got dared to kiss blue and liam kissed rose then harry kissed jane before it finally came to me

"truth or dare" zayn said smirking

"truth " I said smirking back

niall whispered to him telling him what to ask me

"ok is it true you like niall more than a friend sel" zayn asked

I looked over at  niall before answering my cheeks going all red

"m..... I love him more than a friend" I laughed

"no as in not friends but dating" harry laughed

I felt my cheeks going back red as I looked at niall him looking away

"m..... yeah" I said quickly putting my head in my hands

niall suddenly looked at me with a smile going  red

"awwwww he likes you too sel" liam said covering his mouth

"that was a secret liam" louis shouted looking at niall

"niall is it true you like sel" harry said looking at him

"yeah" he said before going all red again

omg niall likes me omg I can't belive , I totally went all red just like him

"awwwww" the others said looking at us as we go red

we looked at each other before looking back at the tv, there was a knock at the door and it was zayns girlfriend perrie

"hi babe" zayn said hugging her

"hey whats going on"she said smiling at me and niall

"oh they like eachother" harry said looking at her

after perrie came we stopped playing and we all watched fast and furious, I saw niall looking at me fro  the corner of my eyes , I took my phone and started playing flappy bird

"fuck this shit"i shouted looking at my phone

"what !" rose said

"this fucking bird won't fly ugh" I shouted

"flappy bird yeah " harry said laughing at me

"yeah " I smirked before starting to play flappy bird again. they all left after what seemed like 10 hours, I didn't talk to niall after they all went home he didn't talk back being all embarrassed.  the next day I went to work everyone was already there I sat down doing my work

"do you think niall will ask you out" jane said whispering to me

"if he does I might say no I don't wanna ruin our friendship" I whispered back

we went back to our work at lunch we all sat down rose we sitting between me and niall then she got up and went to jane and I was left sitting beside niall

"who was your first 2nd kiss sel" liam asked

"john " I said

"niall who was your 2nd kiss" I said

"rose , we use to date" he said looking at rose

we all went home after a while I ate and watched tv

I'll update more later plz follow me and vote

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