(Levi x Reader) Stay close, a...

By Monomeno-chan

18.5K 630 210

I'm not good at descriptions but who cares? (Y/n) was just an average girl. Wake up, get to work, do tons of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (The End)

Chapter 5

1.3K 50 20
By Monomeno-chan

On the morning I was met by the not-so-happy face of Levi who was clearly annoyed by something no one told me. Well the no one told me part was obvious because I just woke up so no one could really tell me anything. Except, just maybe, in my dream but everything that was in my dream was just me being attacked by a whole bunch of pancakes saying some like 'WHY YOU NEVER ATE US IN 4 FUCKING MONTHS?!' so I had no idea why he was so annoyed. So I decided to just go and ask why.

"Why so annoyed, Levi?" I asked innocently, secretly wanting to eat some pancakes so that I won't have that weird dream again. Levi cocked an eyebrow at me and made a scary face. I instantly had shivers down my whole body after seeing his face, knowing that something that I did really pissed him off. I started going through my memories and found nothing wrong. I never called him short while asleep so that is not the case either. Levi, getting more annoyed with me each passing second, kept looking at me not even moving but then suddenly spoke.

"Already forgot, you brat?" He said, trying his best not to get the anger get to him and not shout at me for not doing whatever he wanted me to do. "We were supposed to clean this poor excuse of a house before breakfast, but you, being the little shit you are, slept till noon and missed breakfast."

Welp, great job me for making him THIS annoyed.

I just sat on the couch that I slept on for a few seconds more as realization hit me. Holy crap! I totally forgot!!! I thought as I began to panic. Levi will kill me!!! And he will. We were supposed to wake up extra early to clean Hanji's house right before breakfast. This situation had more negatives than positives. The one and only positive one was that it was very warm under this blanket. The negatives were... Ahem... The couch was not made for anybody sleeping on it so it was very hard and not comfortable, Levi glaring the shit out of me, and the said man will give me a good punishment for not doing his order. Crap. What will it be now? Running around this house 20 times? 100 push ups? Cleaning his shoes every 5 minutes? What?! I thought as more and more horrible punishments came into my mind. Though I snapped out of my thoughts when Levi's face came closer to mine. This was the closest my face ever got to Levi's and my cheeks painted a little pink. My head went back a little, making a little bit more space for me. Levi just smirked and started talking.

"Well, now you will need a punishment." He stated and I just stared back at him, my horrible thoughts coming back to me. What if it would be worse than being his servant for the rest of my life? No, Levi can't be this cruel! Right? I thought but then Levi interrupted my thoughts. "And it would be sleeping with me while we're in here."

I froze. Whaaaaaaa...?! I thought and Levi backed up and stood up, a tiny smirk still visible on his lips. SLEEPING with him?! But he denied that just yesterday! Did he have something in mind? he surely does, considering the weird attitude and that evil smirk. I can only hope he didn't have something too horrible in mind. No one knows what's on that guy's mind.

I signed. I should just move on with the day and see.

---------------------- (Timeskip after 3 hrs!)----------------------

Have I ever told you that I hate Levi with all my heart? We'll now you know that I do. That jerk made me clean this house ALONE and he was just resting on the couch, drinking his stupid black tea holding the cup in that weird way of his! Thankfully the house wasn't big and it took me just 2 and a half hours of work but now my back feels like I was just carrying an elephant for those 2 and a half hours. By the way I was in the washroom for 30 minutes, trying my best to expand my good day and not let Levi ruin it but I still had to get out sometime so I just had no choice. And right when I opened the door of the bathroom there stood Levi with an expression telling me that I took much too long for Levi's liking so I would have to do the cleaning BEFORE lunch since I missed breakfast. Well, at least I learned a good life lesson to do what Levi says or things will get much worse.

I was as hungry as a wolf so right after I finished cleaning Hanji's lab I ran to the kitchen right away quickly informing Levi that I was done the cleaning and started searching in the fridge. As I was searching I had a little thought. How come Hanji have a house that looks as perfect as any other house before the apocalypse? It's just too good. It's actually the first house with a working fridge, and no holes in the walls. Weird... Was your thought. Was Hanji hiding something? But by the time you found some yummy mac 'n cheese I forgot about everything I was thinking of just now. Hanji can't be hiding anything, can she? Well, whatever she might hide, I was now too busy eating my mac 'n cheese to worry about it. It can't be THAT bad. I was eating quite messy earning a disguised look from Levi. Which, after finishing my meal, made me clean the table from top to bottom because I was 'eating too messy, making the desk stain with mac 'n cheese', which was exactly as Levi said. Another good life lesson, never eat when Levi's around, or face the consequences.

Later after my cleaning session Hanji entered the room and we started to talk. There's no need to show the whole conversation so I will just tell how it came out. We asked her what was wrong with the motorcycle and Hanji answered that the gas that made everyone turn into Titans was not just regular gas ( Like we didn't know that already -_- ) and it did affect the machines like cars or phones from working, and that's why my phone didn't work. I always thought that it was because it ran out of battery. But Hanji, being a scientist, managed to make the things work again. She was working on the motorcycle and said that she just needed some more things to fix it and it should be fine. She also fixed and charged our phones, and gave a new one to Levi since he had no phone with him so now we could contact each other. So now our phones can charge from sunlight! Levi made a weird nickname for Hanji and started calling her 'Shitty Glasses' since she had brown glasses. Hanji didn't mind though because she had a nickname for Levi as well so she always called him shorty. Though she never used it near him because she was scared to get the same punishment I got earlier in the day. We finally got the chance to introduce ourselves, and Hanji widened her eyes as I said my name but then shaked her head and smiled once more earning a look of confusion from me and Levi. We shrugged it off continuing the conversation. I explained how I knew (S/n). I explained everything that happened on the day of the apocalypse and they understood me. We told about our travel, the plan and also the feeling thing I had since childhood. Yes, I had it since I was 11. I don't know if I had it before since I don't remember a thing of before I was 11. I was told that I was hit on the head while climbing a tree and that caused me to have amnesia. And ever since then I had a feeling. After telling Hanji all that, she widened her eyes once again but this time saying that it was late and she would go to her lab. What's wrong with her today?! Hanji's acting so weird! I thought. She was totally hiding something. But what if it was just surprise after hearing about my feeling thing? Not everyday you hear that there's a person in the word that is basically predicting the truth, that is now sitting casually on the couch right in front of your face, telling weird fighting stories and just stories from her life.

Well, it was getting dark outside and I was getting ready to sleep. Right before that, though, Levi decided to drink some tea and I decided to join him, since I love black tea probably as much as Levi. I thought a little and decided to start a conversation with Levi.

"I-it's very pretty outside, isn't it, Levi?" I said. Well, that was screwed and I knew that when I got that questioned look from Levi after my statement.

"Are you kidding me?! It's fucking -1C outside, with broken to pieces houses and fog everywhere and you're calling THAT pretty?!" He told me and I realized how bad I was at starting conversations. Well, that was how every conversation with Levi starts, anyways.

"Uh... yes?" I answered. Well, what do you think I could answer in this kind of situation? Or is it just my way of thinking? Levi became even more confused at my words.

"I swear, brat, you're getting weirder and weirder each passing day." He said and turned to watch the wall, continuing drinking his tea. So now he sees me as another weird friend of his... Great...</i> I thought. But just then I thought of something else to say.

"But, look, at least there are pretty trees with red and yellow leafs! I always thought that they were pretty!" I said, happily. Levi just continued with his tea but still answered.

"They're dirty." Was all he said. In my mind, I dropped of the floor out of shock because how come he doesn't like those leafs?! Of course they're dirty, but at least they're pretty! ( Who thinks the same as me? I love those leaves! If you like them, then I love you, too! )

"Ugh, you don't see beauty in anything, Levi." I muttered to myself. But Levi, of course, heard that.

"It's just who I am, brat. Go with it." He answered. I guess I can't get more than that from this guy, huh? I thought. Suddenly he said something more. "Well, maybe there's a place that I would like to go to..."

"Do you think it's pretty?!" I said, eager to know the answer. Levi looked at me but still answered.

"Well, it's the only place where I can calm down. And it is pretty." He answered, turning around so he didn't face me. I grew excited, just like Hanji.

"Tell me!!!" I demanded. If there is a place that even Levi considered as pretty, then that place should be the cleanest and prettiest place on the earth!

"No." He answered. My excited mood changed into anger.

"Why not?!" I asked angrily. What did I do to not deserve to see a place that Levi likes?! But soon Levi sighed and answered.

"I can show it as a present for your upcoming birthday." He said. A present? He will give me a present???I thought. Levi will give me a present!!!! And it will be showing a place he likes! YES!

"Thank you, thank you, thank yoooou!!!" I exclaimed happily. Levi just said the famous 'tch' of his and turned to face the window.

"It's dark, we should go to sleep." He said and I looked at the window as well. It was dark. And now it was time for the punishment that I got from not cleaning the house in the morning.

I stood up and went to the bathroom and Levi went to the bedroom, probably in plans of making me a horrible night. After 15 min in the shower, I walked to the bedroom in my PJ's and opened the door of the bedroom in fear.

Levi was just laying on one of the sides of the bed and was all covered in blankets. So he's cold, too? For some reason today was little bit colder than it was last night so I rushed to my side of the bed to be covered in blankets like Levi.

But I saw a disaster.

There was no blankets on my side of the bed...

And Levi took them for himself...

I was much angrier than I was when Levi said that he wouldn't show me that place. I was about to protest that I will freeze to death at night but thought that that argument won't get me anywhere. So I just frowned and laid on the bed, pulling my legs close to my chest and somehow I managed to get some sleep.

And on the next morning the first thing that I did was to rush downstairs and cover myself in a warm blanket.

Hopefully I won't get sick. 



Okay, now here we have another (weird) chapter! And this one is longer than the others! About 2100 words, or 4 pages instead of the usual 3. I have no idea why I did this chapter like that, I guess I was not comprehending what I was writing and it came out like this... Ehh, just go with it ^^. 

Also, omg people, last part I was saying how excited I was when this story got 60+ reads, but NOW it has 100+ reads! Thank you all so much! I'm really excited how it will go as the time passes! Lol, okay, moving on. Levi was nice to Reader-chan, for once, and actually decided to give Reader-chan some kind of 'present' for her birthday! Now, all you gotta do is wait for the next chapter to know how it goes (hehe, I'm so evil, I know perfectly well everything that happens. No worries, nothing too exciting... seriously, nothing exciting -_-)

Well, hope you liked this part, not matter how weird it was at times!

Q of the week: Hmmm ...*Author-chan out of ideas*...  any guesses on what the place that Levi talked about is?

Answer from me ~ Pft, I'm not telling! It's a pretty and relaxing place, at least that's how I imagined it, it depends on what your definition of pretty and relaxing is. No spoilers though!

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