Eddsworld Drabbles n Oneshots

By DarknessDeathandFear

8K 252 96

I didn't even mean to join this fucking fandom More

Careful What You Wish For
I'll Mourn You When You Go
Gay Vampire Scenarios That No One Asked For
A Glimpse Into the Future
Jon is a Criminal
Room 64
Im taking suggestions
Love and War
Friends with the Monster
Beauty and the Beast
New Chapters Coming Soon!
Traitor Next Door
Paint the Town Red
Admirer Next Door
Ringo Isn't Fat

Tord's Room

336 19 3
By DarknessDeathandFear

Edd couldn't believe that he had finally managed to get into Red Leader's main base!
This was so exciting for him! And not to mention the fact that there could be some crucial information in the base that would aid The Rebellion in overthrowing the Red Leader.
Right now Edd was walking through the hallway of highest floor of the large tower.
The building wasn't like any of the other buildings Edd had gone to. The bases the Red Army stayed in were usually more industrialized, and more vast (even though the building was pretty grand).
This base, as futuristic as it was, seemed more warm and welcoming to Edd, which led him to believe the suspicions of this being the Red Leader's home.
The floors were expensive marble tile, the walls were painted a brilliant shade of vermillion, and the white accents on the wall made everything pop.
"I sure do wish I had a place like this," Edd commented to himself.
His small apartment seemed like a shack compared to the base.
The brunette stopped to observe a large painting of the Red Leader posing with a gun.
"Huh. Classic."
Word on the street was that Red Leader was out doing an important speech, so Edd would have all the time in the world to snoop through his belongings.
"I wonder if this picture has a secret safe behind it or something..." Edd thought out loud, examining the golden frame of said painting.
He pulled at the frame, thinking maybe it would trigger the secret safe (if there was one) to open. When it didn't work, he stood there, puzzled.
Suddenly, Edd heard footsteps and voices coming down the hallway, and his breathing hitched.
"It's a good thing you cancelled the speech, huh boss? Now you have more time to work on your plans, right?" Asked a voice.
"Yeah, sure..." spoke another voice, in a Norwegian accent.
Red Leader was here!
"Shit, shit, shit, fuck!" Edd mumbled to himself.
If he was caught, he sure as hell would be turned into a human flesh blanket or something. He needed to hide, fast.
The man looked around frantically for a good hiding place as the footsteps got closer.
Aha! There was a door right there!
He walked to it, but hesitated.
This was the Red Leader's base he was in. There was no way of knowing what would be on the other side of this door. Foor all Edd knew, it could be a portal to hell. Alas, the footsteps were getting closer, and between getting turned into a flesh blanket, and probably going to hell, he chose hell. (He'd already been there, after all).
Edd walked through the holigraphic door, (like a ghost) and was taken into the room.
He sighed, putting his hands on his knees and closing his eyes.
As his breathing calmed down, Edd decided to have a look around, because it didn't seem like he had been transported to the gates of hell.
The room was very big, and had beige carpets and royal blue walls. The windows of the room were very big, and through them you could see the complete view of the country.
Edd frowned as he looked out onto the barren ghost town that London had become. He didn't understand why Red Leader would want a view like this.
He walked around more, and saw that there was a deep brown dresser complete with a vanity chair, a king sized bed with poles and canopy, and a full body mirror next to a big wardrobe.
Edd glanced over at the night stand and noticed that there was a journal on it.
"Is this Red Leader's? I wonder what he writes in here..." the brunette mumbled.
He picked up the book and examined its black leather exterior.
Red Leader wouldn't notice it was gone, would he?
All of a sudden, Edd heard the voices just outside the room door.
"Go tell the others about my plan. I'll just be in my room for a bit," said Red Leader.
"Of course boss. As you wish," said the voice from before.
Edd went into panic mode, his heart beating a mile a minute. Red Leader was going to catch him if he didn't hide!
But where could he go now?
Under the bed? Behind the mirror?
His eyes fell on the wardrobe in the nick of time. Edd bolted towards the wardrobe, opening it and climbing inside quickly before shutting it again, just as the Red Leader walked into the room.
It smelled of expensive cologne in the dark hiding spot, and it was filled with coats and suits. Edd could still see just a bit out of the small crack between the two doors of the wardrobe.
He watched as Red Leader took off his blue army coat, and hang it up on a coat hanger near the door.
The man sighed and walked over to the windows, gazing outside with his hands folded behind his back.
It was strange seeing the Red Leader like this. The only time Edd ever saw him is if they were going toe to toe with each other.
In their fights, Red Leader always seemed so stoic, emotionally absent, and not to mention scary. Right now he was all the opposite. He was calm, collected, and from an outsider's point of view, he could even seem harmless.
But Edd knew that this man was far from harmless. There was no limits to his torture.
The Red Leader turned away from the window and walked over to his big bed, sitting down on it. He reached over to his night stand, and patted the place where the journal would normally be.
"What the...?" He frowned. "Dammit, I swear I put it here..."
It was then that Edd noticed that he still had the journal in his hand. He gulped and prayed that the Red Leader wouldn't come looking for it in the wardrobe where he was hiding.
Thankfully, instead, the Norwegian man opened the drawer of the night table, rummaging around in it. He pulled out a blue book, that looked like an album of some sorts.
"Huh...? What's this doing here?" Red Leader thought aloud to himself. He opened the book.
Edd squinted to see the content of the first page. He almost gasped when he realized what it was.
The page was filled with pictures of Tord as a kid!
Red sweater, spiky hair, tooth gap and all.
Red Leader raised an eyebrow and flipped the page.
In the second page, there was a class photo. Tord was the same age, but was sitting in the back of the classroom, looking very bored.
In the picture, Edd could make out some familiar faces.
A kid with a grey sweater, red hair, and purple hat. Another with blue overalls, a yellow shirt, and black eyes. And a boy with brown hair, wearing a green shirt.
It was him! Edd was in this picture!
Red Leader continued to leaf through the album, looking at pictures of he and Edd hanging out.
Soon enough, Red Leader had flipped enough pages, and the two boys had grown up into teens.
Edd almost laughed at the picture of himself with hair that covered his eyes. Tord wore glasses, and an anime shirt with slap on bracelets.
Red Leader snorted at that picture and turned the page.
There were pictures of the two teens with a car, then a picture of them next to the car getting towed, with a drunk-looking Tom and very sad looked Edd and Tord.
Next there was a picture of Edd, Tom, Matt and Tord at the airport.
They were older, and didn't wear shirts with anime or emo bands on them.
Edd remembered this day. This was the day Tord had flown back to Norway for a year of college. The rest of the pictures were of the sky and streets of Norway.
Red Leader turned to a page with 3 men. One was dressed in a green hoodie, one in a black trench coat, and the other in a coat and a scarf. They all had their arms around each other.
Oh! Edd remembered this day too! It was when he and Matt went to Norway to visit Tord, and it had been snowing a bit.
After skipping a few pages, there was a picture of a party that was welcoming Tord back to London.
After that, it was pictures of he and Edd on their little misadventures when they were flat mates. Like when they tried to win the heart of their neighbor who ended up having a girlfriend, when Tord turned into a zombie, when they all went to hell, and back when they joined the army.
The army photo was the last photo taken of all of the 4 men together.
After that, the photos came to an abrupt stop, and no matter how much Red Leader flipped, the pages were all blank.
Edd found it kind of uncanny how you could spend so much time getting to know and love a person, and then lose them in mere seconds.
He grew up with Red Leader, known him for so long, and now they were strangers to each other.
Enemies, even.
Edd heard a sniffle come from the Red Leader.
He realized that the Norwegian was crying.
The ruler of the world, the stone cold murderer,  the dictator Red Leader was crying.
Edd felt a pang of sadness in his chest, and tears started to brim in his eyes too.
He really did miss Tord. He missed all his friends.
And now he knew that Tord felt the same way.
Red Leader shut the album firmly, and tucked it under his bed before standing up and walking out of the room.
Once Edd was sure he was gone, he came out of the wardrobe.
Suddenly he didn't feel like going through Tord's stuff anymore. He was going to leave.
But before he left, there was just something he needed to do.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Red Leader came back to his room, and when he looked on the night table, he saw that his black journal was back where it always was.
That was sort of strange, considering that when he was looking for it last he couldn't find it.
He picked it up, and noticed that the pages were bulking up a bit, like something was marking a place in the book.
The man opened the journal, and right next to his previous entry, was writing that wasn't his own.
The writing read;
I know you must be wondering why someone else's writing is in your journal, but I assume you can figure that part out on your own. 
I just want to cut to the chase.
All of our interactions have been to hurt each other. I want to believe that this is not because we truly hate each other, but instead because we have both been hurt by the course our lives have taken.
It has taken me a while to realize that people we love don't always stay in our lives forever, even if we want them to.
 They fade in and out.
I'm writing this to tell you that if you want to fade back into my life, the door is always open for you to do so.

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