Carry On, Wayward Daughter

By ZySavage

7.7K 241 23

Zy has been tracking monsters since she was ten years old, living in hotels and abandoned apartments. Stealin... More

VIII: Part 1

VIII: Part 2

361 9 0
By ZySavage

For some reason, wattpad wont let me publish the whole chapter, so im going to post it in parts.😒

"You have to harness it without forcing it. Imagine its a part of youre body; which it is, but thats not the point. Reach deep and demand to take control."

Ok Zy, dont embarass yourself.
I inhale lots of air and hold it in, trying to reach inside myself and tell my ability to show its self.
But instead, I look like im constipated; embarassing myself like I told myself I wouldn't.
I look at Cas and hes studying me, as if trying to find a diagnosis.

"Maybe it only appears when it feels needed." Cas tried to find an explanation.

"Most likely. But how am I supposed to control it if it has a mind of its own?" Since he apparently knows everything.

"I dont have any idea yet. But stick around until I think of something." Cas ordered me, walking toward the front door of the house.

"Ay, ay, captain." I saluted Cas to myself.

I turn and face the window to see Drayton watching, his eyes locked on mine. I gesture him outside and he disappears from the window.

"Whats up?" he asks, walking closer.

"Not much. But thats not what I wanted to talk to you about. I have an idea."

"This is most definitely not a good idea." Drayton says to himself while he looks the other way so I can take my clothes off.

"I didnt say you had to come with me; I just wanted to let you in on how my brain thinks." I tap my forehead.

"Well your brain doesnt think things through. I dont want you hurting yourself." he responds, wrapping the rope around my waist.

"Aw, you care about me." I tease as his cheeks slightly tint pink.
"Cas said it himself; it only works when it feels needed. So lets hope it feels needed." I walk to the side of the rushing river to a more calm spot and lower myself in.

I gasp before dunking my body underwater. I sit under the surface, water and tiny rocks rushing by me, hitting my face.
After a while I just close my eyes and let my body float on the surface.
"Anything?" Drayton asked, watching me float. I opened one eye; he was grasping the rope so tight his knuckles were turning a lighter color.

"Nada." I start back stroking, every once in a while dipping under the water.
I open my eyes the next time I dive under, coming face to face with a mini boulder right as it make contact with my face.

"Zy!" I hear Drayton in the back of my mind, sounding washed out. Im floating in the dark, seeing nothing, but hearing and feeling everything.
The aching pain in my nose; which is most likely bleeding.
My busted lip. My body being thrown against the bottom of the river bank.

"Let her go!" I hear Drayton yell and my body hits a sharp rock, ripping some skin on my lower back.
Someone is doing this to me? Why? The only person I know that would try to kill me is-


That old bastard is trying to kill me?!
How does he even know where I am?
I refuse to die. Not here. Not now; when im finally learning where im supposed to be.
Ive gotta fight.

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