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Cassie's Pov (Short Chapter)
"Mom....Im pregnant.", I tell my mom hesitantly, "with Dean's baby."
"What!? How!?" she said in complete shock.
"I dont know! We had a little fling. It was ONCE! I was fine until a couple days after he left. All of a sudden, I got really hungry and I started throwing up and gaining weight. Im so sorry, mom." I sat on the couch with my head in my hands, ready for her disappointment. She sat beside me and I lean my head on her shoulder.
"Cassie? You need to call Dean right now and tell him."
"Absolutely NOT, mom! He is hunting freak monsters right now. Thats way more important."
"More important? Im pretty sure he can put that aside to father his child." my mom argued. I knew she was right. He deserved to know. But if no one knew the baby existed, maybe they could have a chance at a normal life.
"Look, mom, I know you have more experience than I do, but this is going to be MY child. If Dean is in their life, all his chaos will come with him. I want them to live a normal life. So if I have to, I will raise them with or without your help." I say standing up.
We stand there, staring at each other.
"Fine. At least I get a grandchild." mom said, kind of mad she lost the argument.
          *9 months later*
I heard her cries for the first time today. It brought joyful tears to my eyes. Finally being able to hold her in my arms; my very own child. She was beautiful. "Hi there, Im your mommy." I whisper to her as she grips my index finger. "So, what's her name?" the nurse asked me. A name instantly came to my mind: Zylenthia Otia Robinson Winchester. My beautiful Daughter.

How are you guys?
Ok I have come up with a schedule for updating: every week I will try to post one chapter per book. (TRY)
I know I know, I have a long name in the book, but I wanted to use both last names. And yes, my middle name is actually Otia (pretty right? Lol)
Well, see you next chapter.
(Dont forget to vote!)

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