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My eyes blink open slowly, taking in the basement I'm trapped in. My arms and legs are shackled down with silver chains, and I'm all loopy; they drugged me.

"Why hello there Dean; did you enjoy your nap?" The pair of witches walk toward me.
The older looking one grabs my chin roughly, but not in the kinky kind of way. More in a "I'm gonna fatten you up and feed you to my younger sister" kind of way.

"Big, bad, Dean Winchester. Your shorter in person." Unable to fight back, I give the best death stare I can muster.
"Where's my brother, you bit-" the younger one smacks me across the face.

"That's not how you treat a lady." She cackles like a hyena then starts whispering with her sister.

Ignoring their bickering, I reach for a pick in my pocket to unlock my chains.

"Aw! A little Winchester! Isn't that cute!" I pause and look in their direction, obviously hearing wrong.

"Wait, what? Little Winchester? I'm stuck in here and Sammy is knocking up chicks? Glad he has his priorities straight."

"What are you talking about Dean? She's your kid."

There's no way. They have to be lying. I don't have a kid.
"Father of the year over here didn't know he had a kid! Look," they bring a globe like the kind rip off fakes have into view and put it in front of me.

A fidgeting image of a black girl who looks about 14 circles the globe. She's sitting at Bobby's table eating bacon.
"Zy, hurry up. We need to test your abilities in case you need them later." Cas covers the screen.
Her names Zy. Why don't I know about her? Why didn't Cas or Bobby tell me? Is that where he's disappeared to?
"When are we gonna go find Dean?" She cleans her plate in the sink and puts on a green jacket over a plaid shirt. Great fashion sense. She has to be my daughter.

"When I hear back from him and Sam. We're not going on a wild goose chase; you might get hurt."
Cas puts up a book he was looking at.

"Remember? I already did. What else is gonna happen? Crowley gonna find me? I doubt it." She hugs Bobby and runs out the backdoor into the junkyard.
The globe goes clear.

I need to get out of here. I have to meet her.
The sisters go back to trying to kill me and I manage to unlock my chains.
You know how this goes. Same old, same old. I kill them and I leave. I made sure to take the globe with me. Baby is still outside, right where I left her. Stuck with a broken phone, I drive until I reach a diner and use their phone.

I don't understand... why does it want my name?

"Cas, when I find Sam, I'm gonna hunt you down and kill you. I have a freaking daughter and you didn't tell me?! When I get to Bobby's, you better not be there."
I slam the phone on the receiver and leave quicker than I came.

I trust Cas with my life, but I can't trust him to tell me I have a child. I'll never forgive him for this.

"Well I see you know the big secret now." Crowley sits in the backseat, looking at me through the rear view mirror.
I stop the car in a screeching halt.
"You knew about her too? You've got to be freaking kidding me!"
"Of course I know about her; I'm the king of hell. I know everything. But the thing is I've been trying to find her for reasons you don't need to know..but now that I know she's at Bobby's, I can finish the job. Later, Squirrel."
"What jo-" he left before I could even finish my sentence.
This can't be good.

Carry On, Wayward DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now