Assassination on the Kill

By Angelgirl4ever02

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Known as the strongest team in the Assassin World, they make impossible missions a success. Though only at ag... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Night Reaperz
Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives
Chapter 3: A New Friend (Part 1)
Chapter 4: A New Friend (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Enemies
Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)
Chapter 8: You're One Of Us
Chapter 9: Good Luck
Chapter 10: Mischievous Glint
Chapter 11: Spirits
Chapter 13: The Masked Man
Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here
Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts
Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time
Chapter 17: Triple The Trouble
Chapter 18: Preparation
Chapter 19: Puissance

Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot

50 1 1
By Angelgirl4ever02

Click. Flinch. Click. Flinch. Click. Tricia couldn't take it anymore. "Can't you type quietly?" asks Tricia to Takahiro in an annoyed tone. "No." He says as he continues clicking on his keyboard. "Here." Katherine passes one side of her earphones to Tricia. "Thanks." Tricia thanks her before taking it and going back to looking out the window. They were currently sitting in a 7 seater car with Iris and Jennifer in the middle row and Takahiro, Katherine and Tricia in the back. Iris was so deep in thought whilst twirling her dagger she didn't notice Jennifer calling her until she pat her shoulder. "Iris!" Iris turned to see she had accidentally directed her dagger at Jennifer which she had luckily dodged. Her mind was somewhere but not her instincts.

"Iris, the plan?" Jennifer asks, slowly pushing the dagger away from her. "Oh right. Guys, we'll be dropped about 500 meters away from the old airport in the nearby forest. The plan is we go in undercover as hostages." Everyone's face twisted in confusion. "Don't give me that look, let me explain. We go in as hostages and our kidnapper brings us to the airport to "kill us". That's our cover. The men will notice and have all 6 of us including the kidnapper as their "kill-spree" witnesses. When they leave to continue their unloading, that's when we'll strike." Iris opens up a piece of paper which had the airport's blueprints printed on it.

"And who exactly is our kidnapper?" Katherine asks with a raised eyebrow. Iris smirks, "I got that planned out." Katherine sighs in defeat, "You never run out of things to do." Iris holds up a peace sign, "Fun things to do." She turns to Jennifer, "You were the one that gave me an idea because as I recall you said the mission looked boring. How do you like my changes?" She grins. Jennifer shakes her head, "You and your ideas." Iris elbows her, "Fun ideas."

Soon they arrived at their destination which was dense with trees. "Mother Nature's definitely done some serious work around here." Katherine says as she observes how tall the trees were. "Where is he?" Iris mutters as she looked around.


Damn that old man, there's hundred of trees here. By the trees? What kind of joke is that. I take out the torch and compass I packed and flashed the light 3 times in each direction. I did this for some time before I saw a shadow in the north. I flashed in the north again and the shadow came nearer. There he is. "Iris, what are you doing?" Katherine asks as she eyes the torch. "Finding our kidnapper." I say simply. I kept flashing and every time the shadow came nearer. I did this until I could make out a body walking towards us. I flip the switch and toss my torch into my bag.

"Hey Ranger." I greet our mystery man as he gives me a weird look. "And why do you know my name?" I shrug and toss him a gun which he catches before it came into contact with his head. "He told me my job awaits me here and all I get is this?" Ranger waves the Gyrojet at me. "Yes." I say as I toss Tricia her AK-47 and Katherine her Remington 700 from the trunk of the car. "Wow, when was the last time I used this?" Tricia asks no one in particular as she inspects it. "I took the courtesy to polish it for you when I was loading the trunk." Jennifer says as she hooks her belts on her thighs under her skirt. She sticks her Glock 26 Kuro and Shiro into the gun holders before checking her AS50 is in ready condition. "Are you trying to make me jealous here?" Ranger asks as he inspects the slightly rusty Gyrojet.

"Who knows." I say as I hook my belt around my waist, under my shirt. I slot a different blade in each holder. I did the same on both shoulders and ankles. I stare at my sword and Tricia's katanas in the trunk, I don't think we can use those. I close the trunk. "Tricia," I call her over to me, "We'll be needing guns on this one and since we're sword users we're going to need to snitch some." I quickly inform her and she gives me a nod. "Okay, is everybody ready?" I asks. Once I got everybody's approval we moved out.



"Here." My mystery employer hands me a fake I.D and a disposable phone. "Now that I think about it, you haven't given me your name." I say with a raised brow. She hesitated for a moment, "He didn't tell you?" I shake my head as I stuffed the items she gave me in my jacket. "Wow, sucks to be his employee." She retorts before introducing herself and her team. Iris? Isn't that the name that's been going around lately at HQ? But before I get a chance to ask I was pulled into action, literally. I stumble as I get my balance back. The 5 of them scream in "horror" as they landed on the ground. To me it was obvious they faked it and they were perfectly fine but by the angle the men were looking at, it was as if I pushed them. I quickly acted my role too.

"Shut up before I kill you!" I shout at them. They were actually getting teary eyed, wow they sure can act. "Please! Please don't kill us!" One of them begged with fake tears running down her face. Damn I already forgot their names, I wonder if those are actually eye drops, urgh focus Ranger! "Our parents will get you the money! Please, just a bit longer!" another adds. "Who's there!" One of the men shouted at us as he flashed his torch at us. Well step one's a success. The five of them huddle together as the man approached. I noticed they were exchanging hand signals. "Who am I? Who are you? Get out of here before I kill you!" I threaten him, raising my voice.

I obviously had the upper hand but I restrained myself from attacking him, if I did they'd dock my pay. He pushes me to the floor and pins me down. "Hey! I found intruders!" He yells to his colleagues. 5 men came rushing over and they picked up the kids. They led us to an abandoned room in the airport and tied us up. We heard the heavy door close and lock with a click.

"What should we do with them? Tell the boss?" A voice on the other side says. "Nah, we'll just kill them off later and maybe get that ransom the guy was waiting for. Extra cash." They laugh before leaving. Once we could no longer hear their footsteps, we sprang to action. This plan is working well, maybe too well, Ranger stop thinking and start working! I tried to loosen my hands but it was a dead knot. Everybody moved towards Iris and I followed along, curious on what they're about to do. Iris clicks the heel of her boots twice on the concrete and a blade shoots out.

Katherine turns around, her back towards Iris. Iris started to cut through the rope but she lets out a sigh after a few seconds. "Raise your hands." She tells Katherine and she does as she's told. In one swift moment Iris brings the blade down on the rope and it cuts through, Katherine's hands unharmed. Katherine untied the rope around her legs before proceeding towards me. "Don't move." She says as she takes a vial out of her pocket, green liquid lurking inside. She positions my hands before pouring the liquid on the ropes. It melts through immediately and I flinch, it was acid. It didn't burn my hands as in the last second Katherine ripped the rope. I watch as the excess acid burns the rope to nothing before dying out.

"Wait why were you holding on to something like that?" I ask as I started to untie my legs. "It was leftover from another mission, thought it might come in handy." She shrugs. Acid from a mission? What kind of missions do these kids do? I had a few more twist and turns to untie but before I can continue a blade slices through them. I look up to see all of them were already untied and free. "Thanks." I say to Iris as I got up on my feet and brushed my jeans. I heard metal clanking and look up to see those with guns had put the strap around themselves. How did they bring those in here? "This night has just gotten a lot more fun." Jennifer says as she admires the shine of the barrel. "Shh." Takahiro shushes us and we heard footsteps. Everybody positioned themselves against the side of the door.

Suddenly Katherine and Jennifer climbed the wall, positioning themselves above the door. "How are you doing that?" I exclaim in a hush whisper. They simply waved at me with their net gloved hand. What? Suddenly the lock clicks and the handle turns, I press myself into the wall. The door opens. "Wha-Hey! How did you-!" The two shocked men didn't even get to finish their sentence as Katherine and Jennifer had swung down and kicked them in the face. I couldn't help but shudder at their merciless. They had just kicked two guys in the face and I know I heard a crunch or two. "Let's go!" All of them rush out at once and went separate ways, I couldn't help but stand still, unsure who to follow.

"You're coming with me." Iris grabs me by the shirt and drags me along. "Don't need this anymore." She throws away the Gyrojet in her hand, out the broken window. "Wha-" I touch my pocket, sure enough it wasn't there anymore. "When did you?" She continues running, only giving me a glance, "When I untied you." That just confused me even more. "Everyone in position?" Iris touches the comm in her ear. "Alright, mission starts in 3, 2, 1!" When Iris counted down the entire area was suddenly brightened by lights that came from the sky. I shielded my eyes and looked up, it was a helicopter that was descending. It's headlights was shining down, lighting up almost the entire broken building. I saw glints between every pillar I ran past, as if the walls were reflecting the light.

"Going down." I was suddenly given a grappling hook gun and I watch as Iris swiftly hooks the hook into the wall and glides down, both hands on the rope. "I'm a dealer not an adventurer!" I shout down at her, frustrated at the things I can't do. She glances at me before continuing making her way down. "Ride or die then." I mutter as I hook the hook and slowly glide down the rope.


I assemble the stand for my sniping rifle as I lay on my stomach, feeling the cold concrete on my bare stomach. I adjust my scope and checked on everyone, Iris was scaling down the building with Ranger, well sort of as he kept stopping. I turned towards my left at an angle and I see Katharine in the same position as me except she was on the ground floor, behind a wall, blocking the guys from noticing her. I check on Tricia to see her silently taking out the men along the first floor.

As I attach my suppressor, I flash a light towards the far building opposite me. Takahiro flashed back, showing he is in position. I flashed twice to show that everyone was where they were supposed to be, he flashes back twice to show he understands. A cold breeze pasts and I couldn't help but shudder, why did I wear a skirt? I look into my scope again to observe the men at the loading deck. They were talking and were unaware of the two slowly approaching them. "50k, now." Iris says. I watch as Katherine takes out a smoke bomb and activates it before throwing it into the scene, right between the two men. "What the-!" They started coughing and I saw Iris rush into the smoke.

"Aim." The minute the code word came from our comms from Iris, I immediately zoom in with my scope and I know the others were doing the same. "Steady." My finger rests on the trigger. "OO9, take the helicopter. 2bullet, the incoming men. 50k, the goods. Trixie, head to the sky tower." I immediately went to work and aimed at the helicopter's controls, it was far but manageable. I saw a man trying to get into the pilot seat and was about to twist the key but I was quicker. I shot the key, blowing the head clean off, leaving the jagged part of the key stuck in the ignition. He jumps back and looks around anxiously, his knife at hand. "Idiot, there's no way you can see us." I mutter. I sync with Takahiro and right after I had shot the knife out of his hand, Takahiro pinned him down with his arrows. "Completed." We say at the same time into the comm, and with that I rapid-fired the controls, destroying them.


"Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down." I mutter as I scaled the tower of broken windows and collapsed concrete. A strong wind blows and my hands immediately tighten on the rope, it swung to and fro roughly, the only support I had were my legs that were against the walls. "Should've brought a harness but that would've been too difficult to do and undo." I continue to mutter in irritation as I continued making my way up.

"Maybe some knee pads or thicker leather gloves or maybe even a pulley but no, you decided to come here with shorts, net gloves and a grappling gun." I didn't notice another breeze coming and I was almost knocked down from the tower. I was finally half way up the 12 storey tall stick. "Great, just great. Fall splat why not." I placed my anger into my hands as I pulled myself up faster. "You survived drowning, choking, multiple accidents but can't handle a mere breeze." I finally got to the top and pulled myself up onto the roof. "Standing by." I say into my comm.

l look down at my hands, they had a slight rope burn and was bleeding slightly in some areas. "Tsk." I sat down and swung the rifle on my back to my front. I checked my bullets were in and that my silencer was attached. "Trixie." I quickly rest my finger on the trigger. "Can you spot any incoming air crafts?" I raise the scope to my eye and look around. "Nothing but stars that we should've been sleeping under tonight." I couldn't help but yawn. "Check the helicopter for it." She tells me, knowing that I know what I'm supposed to do instead of casually sitting on the tower.

I raise my scope to my eye, "I don't see it, the information given was false." Right after I said that, another comm came on. "Let's move to Plan B." Takahiro suggests. "Already?" I ask. "We don't exactly have that many choices right now." Guess I'll finish up here then. I raise my gun and helped Jennifer and Takahiro in taking out the men that were trying to back up their lost men but failing badly and joining them. Once I was done I take out the baton attached to my belt. I click the button by the side and it unfolds into a hang glider. "Tsk, I put in so much effort to climb too." I mutter as I jump off.


As I sat up I swept some dirt and tiny stones off my clothes. I look up to see 2bullet and OO9 quickly packing up their gear. I do the same and rush back to our meeting point. I reached around the same time as Tricia. She lands roughly and folds her glider back, "Remind me to never leave home without this." She tells me as she slips it into her tool belt. I simply chuckle and nodded my head, knowing her she must have encountered something that she found annoying.

"Less talk, more change!" Iris snaps at us and chugs some clothing at us. "Here's yours." Iris passed some clothing to a very confused Ranger. "What?" Iris gives him a stern look. "Change. Now." She disappears behind a tree like the rest of us. Thanks to years of training we changed in mere seconds. Ranger needed more time. "Hurry up!" Iris scolds as the rest of us pack everything back into the car.

"Where are we going in these clothes?" Ranger comes out wearing a janitor's uniform. "5 star hotel. Very classy. There's a penthouse at the very top and that's our target. Get in." Iris opens the door for him and gets in after him. "Cigarette?" She offers him. He started to stutter. "What am I saying, you're 25." She puts one in between his lips to shut him up. "Kat?" She hands me the box and I take one. She takes out one of her flaming knifes and ignites our tobacco. "Oh yeah, almost forgot." Iris takes out a controller with a red and green button on it. She clicks the red and the building 500 meters away from us immediately exploded. "Aren't fireworks pretty?" Iris jokes and we laugh along as a shocked and I think scared Ranger drops his jaw, the cigarette hanging. "Let's go!" And so we were off to our next stop.


For this chapter I didn't completely check for errors so if you spot, please tell ;)

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