Matt's Story [COMPLETED]

By AlexTom123

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Matt just wanted to be left alone. He hated everyone and everything and his life consisted of the same routin... More

Vampire Crush
Chapter 1 - Matt
Chapter 2 - History Class with Kristen Ambrosine
Chapter 3 - Canteen Moments
Chapter 4 - Midnight Changes
Chapter 5 - The Morning After
Chapter 6 - People Just Never Learn
Chapter 7 - Waiting Around for Nothing
Chapter 9 - Almost...Almost...Nah Got You Again!
Chapter 10 - Oh Gareth.
Chapter 11 - Eavesdropping on Chubbs
Chapter 12 - On the Look Out
Chapter 13 - Attacking Silver Objects
Chapter 14 - "Wolf"
Chapter 15 - Broken Fingers and Wet Lips
Chapter 16 - Weekend Searches
Chapter 17 - Shopping with Matt
Chapter 18 - If Only Time Could Turn Back The Clock
Chapter 19 - White Lips, Pale Face, Breathing in Snowflakes
Chapter 20 - The Second Attack and A Confession from Beyond
Chapter 21 - The Confession
Chapter 22 - Matt's Story
Chapter 23 - Awkward Encounters
Chapter 24 - The Picture
Chapter 25 - Letting Go
Chapter 26 - Classroom Banter
Chapter 27 - Aaron, and Kristen's Story
Chapter 28 - Fight, Fight, Fight!
Chapter 29 - Beginning to Trust Again
Chapter 30 - Water
Chapter 31 - It Was Like Lightning
Chapter 32 - Darkness, Blackness, Silence
Chapter 33 - The Cinema Trip
Chapter 34 - What Next...?

Chapter 8 - Breakfast with Kristen Gone Terribly Wrong

511 28 7
By AlexTom123

Matt stretched and yawned, flexing his arms and rolling his shoulders by the joints. They clicked and adjusted into place with little pain. He stretched up to touch the ceiling and wiggled his fingers. It was good to feel fingers when he’d turned back from his animal state. He flicked his nails with his thumbs on the same hand, some bitten down due to stress of waiting for the change to happen as he moved out of his room and down the stairs, glancing at Aimee’s lonely room as he did so.

          He seriously needed to dust the place down. It was becoming dusty and unclean and he wasn’t going to be able to touch a surface soon without getting dirt on his fingers. The upstairs needed hovering too. He just didn’t seem to be able to have the time whilst human, and an animal couldn’t clean the house very productively without making more mess. Anyway, he had other things on his mind other than cleaning when he was changed.

Maybe he should hire a cleaner…

No way, Matt thought, dismissing the idea quickly. He or she would just end up snooping through his stuff and messing up Aimee’s room. He wouldn’t allow that. He didn't want anyone going through her things except him. No doubt if he told someone not to go in there they'd go in there regardless as most humans were nosy and never paid attention to each other. The curiousity would get too much and then her room would be ruined. He would have put a lock on the door but that would mean tampering with the door and he didn't want to tamper with anything to do with that room, even the entrance.

 Also, he wouldn’t like anyone touching his stuff, even if they did obey his rules about keeping his sister's room the same. They would end up becoming suspicious if they found blood everywhere or came back late to pick something up or tell him something. They would have access to his house at any time they liked. Privacy was the key and he definitely couldn’t risk it, not with being what he was. He didn't want anyone to find out his secret so putting it on the line was a really stupid idea even to consider.

         Going completely off the subject, Matt was already hungry. Slowly he dressed for school and then locked the door shut, ripping a sausage roll up and shovelling it down for the sausage inside. It only made him more hungry but he controlled his stomach and ploughed on down the street towards the café. He didn't want to think about food much right now. He had other things to consider, despite his terrible mood.

He wanted time alone to think about last night.

          Would Kristen be in today? He wasn’t sure, after last night, and her smell appearing and disappearing so quickly in one place. If she wasn’t present then he was going to have to look for her and skip school. Not that he cared if he missed anything; his life was already doomed before it had even begun, and it wasn’t as if he cared about her either, obviously. It was just because he was the protector and he needed to know that the locals were safe. If it was anyone else in that position then he would feel the same way.

          Except maybe Laura. Yes, Laura he would happily go without in his life. He supposed, though, that he would have to look for her too for the sake of her ‘friends’ and her family. He knew what it was like to lose a part of the family. Oh yes, he knew all too well…

          Matt was half way down the street when the café came into view and so he hitched up his hood, plugged in his iPod, turning it to low volume again, and strode towards it, switching on his radar which now blurred with yellow forms who also walked the streets this morning. There were yellow forms already lighting up near the café inside it but he didn’t really care about them. He just wanted to go down the alley and sit there on his chair with his table and sip a steaming cup of coffee.

          Fat chance.

Since he’d started school all he’d had was bad luck. Now it really was getting ridiculous. As Matt reached the café, one yellow form moved closer to the door he had to enter to get his coffee and straight away he knew who it was. The form didn’t brighten as he approached and there seemed to be a familiar smell in the air.

Well at least he knew she was okay. He wasn’t going to skip his coffee though; he needed it for the day to keep him sane, even if it was only a small substitute for the lack of food he'd had during the night. Though he was glad she was okay, he didn’t want to see her just yet.

          Matt froze in place and narrowed his eyes at the doorway, watching as it opened a fraction and Kristen’s pale face peeped out, almost glistening in the sun because of how white she was. Seriously, did she ever want to be like the other girls who were all into tans? She really needed a holiday and it would also give him a rest from her following him around trying, and failing, to be friends.

          She spotted him and stepped out the door a little more, showing her white shirt, black skirt and even higher black boots. Her eyes were dark and it only emphasised her black eye colour. She blinked at him then smiled slightly as she recognised him.

“I thought I told you to go away.” He murmured and moved towards the door where she stood. Though it probably wasn't the welcome which she wanted, she still didn't bat an eyelid at his remark. Maybe she was used to his behaviour by now. He sincerely hoped not.

She watched him as he moved closer before he stood in front of her, waiting to go into the café. Obviously, she wasn’t going to move to let him pass, for she stood up straight and folded her arms, blocking the doorway. He would have to touch her if he wanted to get inside and he didnt like the idea of it.

“I know. I just thought it wasn’t right to leave it just like that. Im sorry about yesterday. I know it was a bad day and I bothered you a lot down the corridor, but I’ve changed my shampoo so I shouldn’t smell that much. You should be able to talk to me now.” She smiled more and flexed her delicate fingers, shaking her head and wafting a strong smell of hers to Matt’s nose.

His nose wrinkled as raspberries attacked his senses. “It’s no difference. I still smell it. Now, let me in.” He stepped towards her in an intimidating way but she refused to back down. She just watched him and blinked as if she wasn’t scared of him. It made him feel kind of nervous which he wasn’t used to and it frustrated him. Why wasn’t she scared of him?! Surely, after seeing everything that he could do, she would back away from him like everyone else in his college. 

No such luck, he guessed. 

“No.” She shook her head and put her hand on the door frame, barricading the entrance. “Not until you agree to talk to me.”

“Kristen.” He groaned and rolled his eyes, turning off his iPod and flicking down his hood to expose his face and ruffled hair. “You know I can move you if I have to. What’s so difficult? Move now.”

“No. Matt you are talking to me. I wont give up. I’ve been thinking…”

“That’s not a good thing. Why are you being so adamant?” He shook his head, not letting her finish, and ran his fingers through the mess of knots.

Kristen cocked her head to the side and gave him a funny look. “What is so bad about talking to me? I don’t see the danger. So what if you’re strong? You wont hurt me.”

“You don’t know that.” Matt grumbled and stuffed his hands into his pockets irritably.

“I do.” She looked into his face then slowly lifted her hand. He twitched and stepped backwards. She stepped forwards and he stumbled back more, his eyes widening, his lip twitching with the growl rumbling in his throat.

“Stop it.” He whispered. What if he hurt her with the shock of her contact? He couldn’t bear to hurt an innocent face again. He couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t attack a girl. Kristen was messing with fire and soon she was going to get burnt. He didn’t want to be the monster he knew he was and she was testing his patience. He didn’t want contact. She was bound to notice the strange amount of heat radiating off of him. It just caused feelings which would soon break because of his animal side and it just caused more pain. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t, go through that again, and Kristen was risking it all just to touch him.

“Stop moving away and stand still. You wont do anything. I trust you.”

“You shouldn’t.” He answered but stopped in his tracks just before the road and stared at her with wide frightened eyes, scared more about what he’d do to her than what she was going to do to him. At least they were out of the doorway now so they weren't blocking others from going in the shop. Matt just wished that he was the one closer to the coffee and not the other way around.

“Don’t look so terrified. Im not going to do anything.” She watched him for a moment, staring at his frightened darted eyes and he saw her glow radiate slightly. He knew she was scared too and it gave him more comfort, or did it just unnerve him more?

          He sucked in a breath and waited for her to do whatever she was going to do just to get it over with and get his coffee then run away from her. She waited for a moment and then slowly raised her hand again. He closed his eyes and breathed out. The last physical contact he had had with anyone, besides the accidental touches of Kristen, where he had let them touch him willingly had been his sister, a hug he had given her before…

          Matt felt something touch his hair and he snapped his eyes open, staring at Kristen, who had reached up to smooth back his strangled curls. Her fingers ran through the strands and tidied it up to a bed head look which seemed the best she could get out of him. She did it slowly, her eyes gently moving to his face to look into his shocked eyes.

“See? Not that bad is it?” She murmured and tugged on a few strands to put them in place. “Much better.” Her fingers pulled on one strand and a shiver went up Matt’s spine. She watched his eyes as he slowly relaxed his shoulders.

“Was that all?” He breathed and blinked heavily at her. She swallowed and her neck muscles flexed. He watched it for a moment before returning to her face.

“Um…” She slid her fingers down the side of his hair and her fingers skimmed the top of his ears, “Yes. You look better now. Don’t want to go to school looking a mess do you?” She gave a nervous smile and her fingertips reached his jaw.

“Can I have my coffee now?” He stared at her, just remembering where he was. They were standing in the middle of the street close together with Kristen stroking his face and it was ticking closer and closer to 9:00 am. He stillhadn't had his breakfast and quiet thinking session, though he doubted she was going to leave him alone.

“Oh, yeah.” She flustered and shook her head, sliding her fingers over his jaw and leaving a cold tingling in it's trail before leaving his face. “Um… Mind if I join you?” She threaded her fingers together in front of her as he stepped to the side of her.

He narrowed his eyes and itched his head roughly, destroying what she'd just done, feeling the scent that coated the strands of hair. “You will anyway.”

“Yes but its polite to ask.” She looked embarrassed, though her face didn’t colour a hint and she held a small smile of an apology.

          Matt moved around her and walked as quickly as he could, without it being obvious, to the door. He squeezed inside and a strong meadow smell hit his nose as usual when he entered a busy place. 

          He went up to the counter and glowered at the young girl who’d obviously just come out of high school. She looked flustered and blushed scarlet before rushing to get his usual order she probably now knew off by heart by now. Even though she saw him almost every day, his presense obviously still startled her. She didn't want to upset him, that much was clear.

The girl placed the coffee on the side and he slammed down a £5 note before exiting through the side door and into the alley way, leaving a tip as usual, Kristen hot on his heels. He sat down on his chair and placed the cup very gently on the table, slouching in the chair which gave a groan of complaint as his weight settled on the back.

          Kristen stood awkwardly, watching and fumbling with her fingers as she looked around the alley. Matt looked up and rolled his eyes. If she was joining him, shouldn’t she have something to eat or drink? Obviously, she didn’t think that way. “Go and get a chair. You’re distracting me just standing there. While you’re at it, get something to eat. I don’t like people staring at me.” He said and stirred his coffee, watching as it swirled around like a twister.

“You wont…move, will you?” She asked and moved from one foot to the other nervously.

“Do I look like Im about to move? You’d find me even if I did.” He muttered the last part and took out the spoon in the coffee, taking a gulp of the steaming liquid and loving the heat that rushed down his throat, settling in his stomach.

          Kristen watched for a few more seconds then quickly walked out of the alley in a fast pace to get the chair. He shook his head and gulped more down. There really wasn’t any point trying to push her away because she was just going to try harder. After all, he could watch over her this way and see if she showed any signs of being different.

Maybe it would help him figure out what the misty stuff was. She was still the main suspect. He was sure that it was her. He wasn’t her friend. He was just rooting for information and it saved the bother in trying to make her scared of him. Maybe his nose would get used to the smell of her and stop bothering him every time she came near.

He could only hope.

          He’d taken a risk and so far it had been okay. She hadn’t been hurt, she hadn’t died. He’d controlled himself. He was definitely stronger than last year. If he had met her then, she would have been dead within a few seconds of making contact. She wasn’t coming any closer, though. He definitely wasn’t going to tell her anything, no matter how much she tried to find out about him. His lips were completely and utterly sealed.

          She was back in a second and he watched her yellow glow as she approached. He wished he could actually just ask her about the strange stuff to see if she knew anything, saving the bother of doing all of this detective work.

Then the idea was wiped from his mind as quickly as it had come. What was he on about? He would never be able to ask anyone about what he was going through or what he had seen in his lifetime. Not even his granddad, who actually had been a werewolf, could help him now. After he had killed his wife, Matt’s grandmother, he just couldn’t cope with the guilt and had drugged himself and slashed his wrists, so now Matt was all alone, with no family to support him and tell him that everything was okay.

Though, why he was still moping about this, he didn't know. It had been a year and he still wasn't over it. It just made him feel weak at how little he knew about the curse and the features of it.

          When Kristen sat down with a coffee two sugars (he discovered with a smell) her eyes instantly went to his clenched fist that lay on the table, his knuckles white with the strain. He realised this at the same time that he noticed and stretched out his fingers, putting them around his coffee cup instead.

“Something wrong?” Kristen asked and put her coffee on the table to cool. She watched him as he gulped more steaming coffee and blew out.


“There obviously is.”

“No.” He repeated and adjusted himself on the chair.

“What were you thinking about?”

“Will you stop firing questions at me?” He muttered grumpily and his nails dug into't the cup. He didn't liking her probing and, no matter what she said, he wasnt going to tell her anything. There was no point even talking to him if she was going to do that.

She must have realised this too. “Sorry.” She said and looked down, then picked up her cup and copied his gulp.

Bad idea.

Kristen quickly put the cup onto the table and gasped, clutching her throat. Matt sat up and watched her, alert. She breathed deeply and swallowed several times, clutching the table with her hands. Her hair flopped over her eyes as she coughed, her throat obviously burning up. “Ow.” She whispered and stuck out her tongue to try and cool her mouth down.

“You alright.” He said and sipped his coffee, looking at her, relaxing back into his chair carefully. It wasn’t really a question.

“Yeah. It burnt my throat. How do you drink it that hot?” She wheezed and stroked her neck, as if it would help it.

          Matt shrugged and continued to watch her, his eyes focussing slightly on her face. He wasn’t going to tell her that it didn’t feel hot to him and felt more like drinking lukewarm water. She would think that he was lying or crazy.

He stayed silent instead and watched as she got over it, unpeeling his hand from the cup and rapping his fingers on the table, causing a slow clanging noise of the glass. His fingertips had left marks in the cup but only slight ones. She saw and her eyebrows raised. Matt immediately frowned.

“Your grip is so strong.”

“Not really.” He said quickly and looked down at his hands.

“Is something on your mind?” She rested her hand on the table and he automatically twitched. Kristen hesitated then rapped her fingers on the table also. “I mean, you’re edgy. You don’t like people touching you or coming close to you. Why?”

Matt shrugged again and drew circles on the table surface.

“There must be a reason. Come on, Matt, Im trying here.” She pleaded with her eyes but it made no affect on him. He really didn't care whether she as trying or not.

“Why bother?” He grunted and stared up at her. “You’re not getting anything out of me.”

Her eyes lit up the same time he realised what he’d said. He opened his mouth to deny it but Kristen was already talking. “I knew you were hiding something. Why wont you tell me?”

          Matt looked down at the circles his finger was making and stayed quiet. He didn’t have to tell her anything. It was none of her business. Why would he tell her anything? She wouldn’t understand. She would think he was a freak or something. She would spread the secret. A secret like his never stayed secret for long if someone else was told.

“If you’re worrying about me telling people about it you shouldn’t bother. I know when secrets need to be kept secret. I understand about keeping them. Trust me.” Her eyes pleaded with his and her hand moved ever closer.

He forced himself to stay still. He shouldn’t move because of her. Instead, he stretched his fingers and said, “Then you should understand why Im not telling you mine.”

          That made her stop. He smirked and shook his head of hair, making it flick back into place. Kristen watched him for a moment then pressed her fingertip of her baby finger on his thumb lightly. He flinched but forced himself to keep his hand there. He could make contact if he wanted to, he just preferred not to because of the risk of people finding out. Since she’d already touched his hand several times and now stroked his hair without finding out anything new, he guessed if she did touch him she would stay as clueless as before. She certainly didnt pick up strange behaviour as well as anyone else.

“You can tell me if you want. I wish I could help you get out of this state.” Her fingers lightly danced over his carefully, slowly, until her hand enclosed his and she looked into his face for a reaction.

“Im not in any state. I like being the way I am.” He muttered, his eyes fixed on their hands. He was enjoying the closeness in a weird dangerous way. He liked the fact that she wouldn't move away but at the same time he hated it.

Surely his heat was different to everyone elses. Surely she noticed that difference. Why wasn't she afraid of him? Why was she able to do this with him when he'd so desperately tried to block everyone out? It wasn't right but at the same time he couldn't bring his hand away.

Human contact was something he missed. He missed caring about something. It wasn't as if he was going to start caring about her but it was nice to sit there and talk to someone and actually have a conversation, despite the fact that he hadn't really wanted to. 

Though it was for her own benefit that he was trying to keep away, he couldn't deny the loneliness he felt when he sat on his own day after day. He had wanted to think but having Kristen for company was slightly pleasant, even if she did probe at his life, trying to get at his weak spots. Maybe if he let her get close enough to be a distant friend, then she wouldn't try so hard to get his attention and touch. He didn't have to tell her anything to do that. 

It was her choice if she didn't want to have any friends.

“Don’t you sometimes feel as if you need someone there?” She began to hook her fingers around his hand, turning it over gently, her eyes darting to him to check that he wasn’t going to move, pulling him out of his wandering thoughts.

Matt breathed out and tried to ignore the coldness of her skin on his hot hand. He wasn’t going to tell her the truth, that sometimes he wished he did have someone who was there with him, who he could share his secret with and who would understand him completely. Unfortunately that was impossible so there was no point mentioning it. “No.” He lied smoothly.

“Never?” She began to stroke his fingers with her fingertips like feathers, causing him to shiver inside as she left cold streaks down his skin.

He swallowed. “Never.” His eyes fixed on her fingers, which moved over his palm now and around his wrist.

After a while, Kristen moved his hand again and threaded her fingers with his, making him shiver with her coldness. “You’re so warm. You have really soft skin.” She moved their entwined hands closer to her and she began to touch his hand more, stroking his palm and fingers and bending them, watching as the muscles and tendons in his hand moved.

“You’re cold, and my skin isn’t soft.” He began to pull his hand away but she gripped it and he looked up at her face, questioning her motives.

“Please? The longer you are like this the easier it will be to make contact.” Her fingers threaded and unthreaded through Matt’s and she separated his fingers out carefully, watching his eyes every time she changed her movements.

“What if I don’t want to make it easier? You are treading dangerous waters, Kristen.” He murmured and moved his held hand to the table, watching as she followed, still glued to his fingers.

“What do you mean? You’re not a monster, Matt.” She looked as if she was about to reach out with her other hand but she refrained and kept it on her lap,. much to Matt's relief.

“I didn’t say I was.” He answered, though he knew he was. He didn’t need anyone to tell him that. It was a fact he knew all too well.

“Then how am I? Unless you have a girlfriend?” She raised her eyebrows and squeezed his hand, as if she was challenging any girl who was closer to him. It was a struggle not to chuckle at her expression and the way she’d said it. Like there would be a girlfriend in the picture. Of course there wouldn’t be. Was she mad? What was going through her crazy mind to even consider that?

“You know I don’t.” He answered and gave a meaningful look. His hand continued to stay limp in hers. He wasn’t going to squeeze her back or give her any encouragement that it was alright to do so. He didn’t have a girlfriend and he certainly didn’t want one, even if he was lonely.

          Actually that was a lie, even to himself. Every boy wanted a girlfriend, especially at Matt’s stage in his life. It's not that he didn’t want one. He just knew he couldn’t have one. He couldn’t have someone so close who could easily be hurt in a second if he lost control. If he lost his concentration for just a second then their life could be over.

He could never tell anyone his secret, and because of this it was pretty impossible to be able to have a relationship with anyone, unless he found someone who was exactly like him, which he doubted would ever happen. Therefore he made himself believe that he didn’t want one. It was the easiest way to forget about what he couldn’t have as a teenage boy.

“Then why am I in dangerous waters?” She asked and purposely squeezed his hand again, tickling his palm.

He sighed and adjusted his arm, making her hold on that extra tighter. Not like it made much difference. He could easily pull her off if he wanted or needed to. He enjoyed the squeeze she was giving him but at the same time it was unfamiliar and he wasn't sure if he was too comfortable with the contact. “You just are.”

“You wont hurt me.” She whispered and breathed out, her raspberry smell wafting into his nose. He wiggled it to stop himself sneezing.

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” He answered quietly, looking into her dark eyes, black eyes. She didn’t know what he could do to her, what may happen if he lost control for just one second…

“I am sure. You can stop yourself. I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” She continued to hold his hand, but moved closer so that her face was facing directly him, their hands under her chin.

“It's too risky.” He shuffled wearily on his chair and breathed out quickly. He had to control himself. He was strong physically but was he strong enough mentally? Anything could set him off. She didn’t realise how much danger she was in, being so close to him, holding his hand, leaning in towards him with a determined sparkle in her eyes.

“How so?” Her other hand moved onto the table and she moved it towards him, keeping eye contact as she raised her hand.

Matt flinched and breathed deeply, forcing himself to keep still. If she wanted to be in danger she could be. It wasn’t his fault if she was hurt. She was the one who wanted to be closer. He tried to convince himself of this and scrunched up his eyes as he shook his head.



“Kristen.” He opened his eyes and stared at her. “It’s not safe.” He blinked at her, wishing she could understand how important it was for her to stay away from him, how dangerous it was being in his company let alone leaning towards him in an interested manner.

“Trust yourself, Matt. There’s nothing dangerous.” She smiled and pulled on a strand of his hair. “See? I haven’t died.”

“Yet.” He added and closed his eyes, thinking, his forehead rippling in frustration. He had to stay in control. He couldn’t lose himself. Any wrong move would surely kill Kristen and that wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t want to kill. He didn’t want to be a monster. He wish he could be normal so that he could enjoy having a girl after him, because obviously either Kristen was overly friendly, or she was trying to get closer to him in ways which were dangerous to Matt.

Kristen laughed softly and he opened his eyes to see her looking at him with a smile on her face. “You’re so depressive, Matt, lighten up. Whatever it is you’re keeping from me, it cant be that bad. You must be exaggerating.”

          She was so pale next to him, clean perfect skin like marble, though her skin was as soft as feathers, or maybe that was just because he was a werewolf. Her hand still hovered next to his temple, pulling gently at strands of his hair.

He tried to calm down. Maybe he could do this after all. Though her scent radiated off of her wrist, it wasn't quite so painful as it was the last time, probably because he had been in her company longer.

Like she’d said, she hadn’t died yet. She was still whole and very much alive. It was just getting used to contact and putting his experience of last year behind him.

“Better safe than sorry.” He muttered and held his breath as her fingers touched his scalp above his ear. She was so strong smelling, so over powering. He felt dazed and strange.

“Life is all about risks.” She said quietly and moved her hand hesitantly to the side of his face, touching his jaw line. “I never noticed how…different you are.”

          She began moving closer, leading Matt’s face closer to hers. He was so distracted by her and what she was about to do that he didn’t realise what she’d said until the very last minute. Jolting with the sudden shock, he pulled back quickly, almost dragging Kristen with him as she was still attached to his hand.

          She jumped with his sudden movement as he zapped his hand away and leaned back in his chair as far away as he could from her. It definitely wasn’t a good thing to be near her, he concluded definitely. She asked too many questions and the more she knew about him the worse it was. He couldn’t let her close. Not ever. He couldn’t ever take that risk with her. He could have destroyed everything. What had he been thinking?!

“Matt?” Kristen stared at him with wide hurt eyes, unable to hear the battle going on in his head.

“Don’t…ever do that again.” He growled and covered his face with his hands, his mind spinning. Why did he even think that he could ever be that close to a girl, let alone Kristen? He could have hurt her, he could have spilt his secret. She’d said he was different. She was already getting ideas. He couldn’t risk it. Not at all. She had to go. It could never happen again. He couldn’t ever get that close to anyone ever again.

“I don’t understand.” She said and stared at him as if she was going to find out by looking into his eyes as he repeated his thoughts over and over again in his mind.

“I…Have to go. Leave me alone.” He stood up, ignoring the table and chair that called to him, wishing that they could be moved back to their place at the front of the café.

“Matt don’t. Please. Im sorry. It was too quick.” She stood up too and stepped towards him. He backed up quickly and his back hit the wall.

“Don’t come any closer.” He warned and scrunched up his eyes, holding his head as if in pain. His heart hammered and he breathed deeply, wishing himself not to change, to destroy what already could have been destroyed.

“Matt? Are you alright? Look, I know that was stupid. I mean, you’re obviously not ready for anything…”

“Im not. I wont ever be. Leave me alone. Go to class.” He groaned and tried to concentrate. His nose was blocked with her smell, his hands reeking of raspberries. “Please.” He whispered.


He groaned again and forced himself to glare at her with as much hatred as he could conjure up, his hands shaking, the first sign of his transformation. “Now!” He snarled through his teeth and winced as his head pulsed.

“Matt! Im not afraid of you!” She stepped forwards and he noticed her hands shaking.

“Kristen.” He growled and his stomach tensed. “For once in your delicate little life, listen to me. You have to go. Now. Trust me on this. Please. Run. Run away. Right now.” His eyes started to roll but he forced them on her. She stood still, frozen in place.

“Im not running away from you. Im not scared of you!” She trembled and her voice broke slightly as she watched him with wide eyes.

“I would be. Just go. Kristen. You’re making it worse.” He fought with it, trying to control that rippling through his body as the hairs on the back of his neck started to lift.

“I want to know what you’re hiding from me.” She whispered, staring and him and daring another step.

He groaned again and glared at her fiercely. “I don’t want you here. I don’t want you!”

She looked as if she’d been smacked in the face. Her whole body went stiff and her eyes widened. Then they narrowed and Matt thought he saw fire in her eyes. She stretched her fingers and her face turned solid. “Fine. I’ll see you at college then.” Kristen turned on her heel and didn’t look back as she exited the alley way and into the street, leaving Matt shaking and trembling against the wall.


So, what did you think? He's a bit unpredictable, isn't he? Poor Kristen.. 

The next chapter is up as soon as I finish my Uni work so HAPPY READING :D

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Then it hit me. The scent of my mate. The one I'd love and spend the rest of my days with. "Mine," he growled. I was forced up against the wall as he...
58.7K 3.1K 28
In the barren arctic, a white wolf journeys alone across the tundra. All his life he has dreamed of the strange creatures called humans that dwell fa...