You Made Me Love You » h.s fa...

By SimpleAnonymous

32.2K 809 81

Brianna Collins is just a normal teenager. Is she? No. Her college life was miserable. Her life is the one te... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Forty-Six

262 9 2
By SimpleAnonymous

Chapter 46•

Brianna's POV

"Okay, how about we go for a walk to start this 'job' of yours" Harry said getting off of me, I nodded.


"Oh c'mon I want some  ice cream Bri!!" Harry said whining. We're at the park actually, since there's no place for us to go.

"No, that's what you get for leaving your wallet back at the hotel" I said licking some of the ice cream I just bought earlier.

"Well, it looks like your gonna share some with me" Harry said pulling my hand forcefully to him and licked the top of my ice cream

"That's gross, Styles!!!" I said pulling my hand away from him

"Shut up, we shared salivas before.. Better get use to it." he said winking at me. I just rolled my eyes and looked at the other way.

But he suddenly grabbed my chin and made me turn to face him. "Wanna share some again?" he said,  slowly leaning his face closer onto mine. I can feel his hot breathe running to my jawline, causing me goosebumps all over my skin.

"Brianna, Harry!!! Over here!"

Paparazzis suddenly emerged everywhere around us, making me and Harry look at them. "Oh shit" Harry cussed grabbing my arm and ran away with me behind him.

"Where the hell are we going, Harry?" I asked but he didn't respond. As soon as I realize, we were heading to the mall, since it's pretty close to the park we just been to.

"Just follow me" Harry said and we both entered the mall.

"Harry I'm slowing down.." I said breathing heavily, my knees are shaking and feeling weak.

"Hold it for a little while, you can do it" Harry said and I nodded. I looked back and saw the paps were chasing us until now, jeezz when will they even stop. I looked back at Harry and saw he's getting tired too. "C'mon this way" he said and we went to Penshoppe. We both run through those screaming girls that run upto Harry just now and entered one of the fitting room. Harry slammed the door behind and locked it.

"That was sick" I said sitting on the floor laughing. We both sat on the floor silently catching our breathe. I can hear the paps looking for us and some of the employees of the store are shouting at them. Suddenly someone knocked on the door "Hello?" it asked, probably it's a pap. "Yes?" I asked with a different voice. "I'm sorry ma'am, I thought you were someone else" it said and probably leaved.

"C'mon leave!! Harry and Brianna aren't here"

I heard a voice shouted from outside and a sound of crowded people leaving the place, the paps probably have left by now.

"We should probably go out now" Harry said and I nodded. We slowly got up from the floor and got rid of the dirt on our clothes. When I was about to turn the door knob, Harry suddenly pushed me against the wall " I was actually gonna do this by the time we both got in here, but I forgot" he said and suddenly leaned in and kissed me. Harry leaned his body closer to mine, making my chest squeezed onto his. "Jump" Harry said between the kisses and I obeyed. I jumped, wrapping my legs around his torso. I grabbed the back of his head, leaning him closer to mine to make the kiss heavier. After a while, he finally shove his tongue in my mouth, moving with mine with ease. I can feel his crotch getting harder on mine "Put that down Styles" I chuckled between the kisses.

"Sorry I can't help it" he said giggling.

"Mr. Harry Styles, the paps are gone now. You and Ms. Collins can go out of there" one of the employees must have said that. Harry finally put me down, we both fixed our clothes and hair before we got out of the room. " Thank you for your help miss" I said to that employee that just knocked on our door. We were about to leave but as usual, some fans took some pictures with Harry. And some of them asked me to join too, and I can't say no. "Are you and Harry together??" one of the fans asked.

"Yes, yes we are" Harry answered and almost all of them gave us that 'awww' sound. After taking some photos, we got back at the hotel.. well, normally.No paps or any other cameras around us.

When we were about to go back to our room someone suddenly called me "Brianna!!". I looked back and saw Nathan running over to me.

"Hey chicken, what's up?" I said teasing him.

"Haha very funny" he said sarcastically, I looked back at Harry and saw he wasn't really paying attention of what we were talking about.  "I just wanna ask if you're free tomorrow afternoon" Nathan asked.

"Hmm I don't have anything to do tomorrow though, so yeah I guess I'm free" I said smiling a little bit

"Oh cool, I'll pick you up at 3" Nathan said before running away.

Me and Harry continued walking to our room. He look so serious though, "Harry?" I asked but he didn't spoke, didn't even made any movement. Once we finally reached our room, and we both got in. I sat on the bed while Harry wasn't even looking or talking to me. "I'm gonna go take a shower" Harry said and went straight to the bathroom, slamming it.

I sighed before laying on the bed, well here we go again. I suddenly felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I slowly grabbed it and answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked through the phone.

"Guess who's this"

"Okay hi Chelsea, how are you and Francis there??" I asked

"Hahaha we're fine. How's tour? I heard that you and Harry are together now eh?" Chelsea asked, hearing her laughing, and it looks like she's with someone.

"Nah, it's only a job. Oh and guess what"

"What is it?" Chelsea asked

"Nathan is staying in the hotel we're in" I said, making me smile a little.. I don't even know why

"No way!" Chelsea shouted, sounding a bit surprise.

"Uh yes way" I chuckled.

"Okay okay okay, I'll see you later. Francis is actually here with me, he didn't really know that I'm talking to you right now. Say hi to Niall for me" Chelsea said.

"Okay okay say hi to Francis for me" I said hanging up the phone and put it back in my pocket. And just in time, Harry came out of the bathroom already dressed.

Time Check: 5:45pm

"I'm gonna go out" Harry said grabbing his jacket and keys.

"Where are you going?" I asked sitting up on the bed.

"Anywhere but here" he said and finally left. What is wrong with him?

Harry's POV

I quickly ran down the stairs since the elevator is too slow, and I can use some exercise.  I rushly went to the parking lot, hopping to my car and drove to the mall. I just really don't wanna talk about this right now, Bri might think I'm that 'bitter' person. So I just thought that I should go away from her for a while. Causing less trouble.  When I got to the mall, I quickly parked my car and went in. As usual, people were running after me, asking for some pictures etc..  But I got through the crowd, even though there's only a few guards around me.  I went to 'Levis' to check on some clothes, look here, look there, dammit.

"Oh hey, Harry!"

I quickly turned around and what a surprise, it's one of the Kardashians
Kendall Jenner

"Hey" I said walking to her and gave her a hug. That's weird, Kendall was my crush for a long time to be honest. And now I'm here with her. "How are you, love?? Who are you with?" I asked licking my lips.

"I'm fine, and I'm actually alone." she said smiling, biting her lips. Is it wrong for me to say thay she's just so beautiful?? "Do you umm wanna stroll around with me" she asked

"Yeah sure.." I nodded and both of us started walking around the mall, I feel so different being with her, no butterflies or anything just.. different. "Do you wanna go watch a movie? My treat."

"Okay" she said and both of us ran to the cinemas. "What do you wanna watch" I asked while waiting in the line.

" I want that Paranornal Activity: The Marked Ones.. I like horror, but at the same time scared" she said laughing. "Two tickets for Paranormal Activity please" I said paying for it and grabbing the tickets. We both bought some popcorns and softdrinks in case we get hungry inside.

"This'll be fun"

Brianna's POV


It's been hours now, and Harry haven't come back yet. I'm starting to worry for that idiot. Maybe i'll just go and watch some TV..

I quickly hopped on the bed and grabbed the remote not too close from me and turned the TV on.

"One Direction's Harry Styles was saw in the mall right now with Kendall Jenner.."

So this is what he's been up to...

Harry's POV

Me and Kendall got out of the cinema looking like we just got a heart attack "I don't wanna watch that again" she said laughing "Same" I chuckled.

"Hey Harry, do you wanna go with me on The Eagles concert tomorrow? I'm actually going alone since my sisters are busy" she said looking at me



Sorry for the late update, I actually just forced myself to update even though I'm in school :3


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