
By stylinsonshippers

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Harry Styles is a famous model for Calvin Klein. He is a closeted gay man. Louis Tomlinson is a fanboy of Har... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (I'm sorry)

Chapter 25

3.5K 162 82
By stylinsonshippers


I know I never have time to update and I do apologize for that but as of right now I'm selecting my high school courses for next year which is stressful and I have loads on my plate. I know you all want me to update all the time and I try as frequently as possible, but please try and be patient with me. Thank you loves.

Today was the day. The day everyone in the universe had been waiting for. Well, Louis and Harry anyway, but that counts, right?

These two boys, who had been texting for almost a year now, (I know, can you believe it?), have finally reached the day when they'll be able to embrace each other.

And let me tell you, were they ever excited.

It was that kind of excitement when it's mixed in with a whole lot of nerves. When you're so excited, but at the same time your stomach is running laps. When you can't wait, and yet maybe waiting one more day wouldn't be so bad.

Scratch that. Louis and Harry were so ready. They'd been talking for so long, and Harry just wanted to reveal his true identity, almost as badly as Louis wanted to know who his love was.

Louis, naturally being Louis, got up at 5 am, knowing he wasn't meeting up with "H" until 12. Louis never, ever woke up on time, let alone early, today was his first. So, when Liam woke up an hour later to find Louis doing absolutely nothing, (because what do you do at 5 in the morning?), he was actually quite shocked.

"Louis?" Liam groaned as he sat up in his bed, beside Louis' and noticed Louis sitting in his bed, staring off into nothingness.

Louis snapped out of his daze at that and looked over at Liam. "Huh? Oh, morning Li." He smiled and flashed a smile at Liam, even though he couldn't see anything, the sun hadn't come up yet.

"What are you doing up so early?" He whined and rubbed his eyes, yawning quietly and turning on the bedside lamp, looking over at Louis who he could now see was eating a box of Oreos, which made him roll his eyes.

Louis jumped out of bed and stood up, hopping from foot to foot around the open area of the room, "don't you know? H and Zayn are coming today! You should know that Li, it's exciting for you too. I swear, your mind is so old, you forget everything!" He chuckled.

Liam rose his eyebrow and sighed, "I know, Louis, that's why I'm awake now. You didn't have to wake up at 5 though!" He laughed and stood up, stretching out his limbs and walking over to Louis, patting his cheek, "you're my favourite idiot."

Louis smiled at him, and then realizing what he said, he crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows, "heyyy. Just because you're some magical genius doesn't mean I'm an idiot." He huffed and lightly body checked Liam with his shoulder, not making Liam even stumble.

Liam nodded and hummed, "yeah yeah. What have you been doing this whole hour, besides that?" He said, motioning over to the box of cookies on Louis' bed.

Louis shrugged, "Honestly? Nothing. I'll probably start getting ready soon because it's only six hours away! It'll take me forever to find the perfect outfit for a date with a perfect boy."

"What if he's like, I don't know, fat and ugly?" Liam laughed and shook his head, "at least I've FaceTimed Z."

"Shut up, Li. You even said yourself that Zayn reassured you that H is a perfectly advocate person to date, and that I will be fine. I believe him, shouldn't you?" He winked at Liam.

Liam blushed a bit and nodded, "I believe him, I was just teasing you."

Louis nodded and picked up his phone, "I'm gonna text H." He said and went into messages, pulling up their conversation.

Louis- Morning, H! I can't believe we're meeting today! I'm like, going crazy right now. I don't wanna wait any longer. Remember, I have a reservation at the café so all you have to do is mention the reservation under "Tomlinson" and you should be fine.

About 5 minutes later, H replied. They never have to wait too long for each other to reply, they're just that enticed, always wanting more.

Harry- Morning, Lou. I'm in the car headed there now. We're going to the hotel for a bit first and then I'll head there. I'll remember that too. I'm so excited as well! I'm gonna hug you so tight!

Louis smiled brightly down at his phone, and then replied.

Louis- I'll never let go. H, I know this was a short conversation, but I really need to go get ready.

Harry chuckled and looked towards Zayn, who was driving.

"Lou says he has to go get ready now. He's gonna take five and a half hours to get ready to meet me?" He hummed, "I like it. Dedication is key."

Zayn shrugged and looked at him briefly before putting his eyes back on the road, "this boy doesn't even know your name, of course he wants everything to be perfect."

Harry nodded, "I guess so, yeah." He bit his lip and replied.

Harry- Okay, Louis. I'll see you in five and a half hours. Bye, love.

Louis- Bye!

After he sent his last text, Louis set his phone down on the table beside and and ran his fingers through his hair, before widening his eyes and gasping.

"I don't have anything to wear! Liam, look at me! This is a crisis! What do I wear? What if he doesn't like it? LIAM." He exclaimed and bit his lip in distress.

Liam sighed and looked him up and down, "he'll like whatever you wear, Lou. It's about your personality, not your clothes. Plus, you wear the nicest clothes out of all my friends, so I'm sure you'll be fine mate."

Louis sighed but nodded, going into his closet and looking from hangar to hangar, shelf to shelf, box to box.

After what was legitimately 10 minutes, Louis walked out of his closet with a pile of clothes in his arms.

"Okay." He hummed, "Im gonna go try this outfit out, and when I come back, you gotta tell me if you like it. You can't lie either, because I can tell when you're lying."

Liam nodded, "alright, go change." He chuckled and sat down on the bench at the end of his bed as Louis made his way to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Louis took of his pyjamas, which were just his boxers, and set them aside. He then grabbed a new pair, slipping them on before inching his black skinny jeans up his legs.

Once he managed to pull them up, and do up the button, he grabbed his white t-shirt with some sort of design on the front, one of which he didn't even really know what it was, and slipped it over his head, straightening it out once it was on.

For finishing touches, Louis slipped on a light blue jean jacket, his white socks, and his red and black sneakers, looking in the mirror for a few minutes and then showing a small smile, walking out of the bathroom and over to Liam.

Liam was on his phone so Louis quietly said, "Li." and rose his eyebrow.

Liam didn't reply, so he said it again, a little louder. After no reply to that, he sighed and grabbed Liam's phone from his hands, reading a few of the messages and humming. "Cute. I know you need to text your boyfriend, but this is important." He shrugged and tossed Liam's phone on the bed, making Liam grab it and put it in his pocket. Louis did a 360 spin before looking back over at Liam. "Well?"

Liam took his considerate time, looking Louis' whole outfit up and down, left and right, and all over before smiling at him genuinely. "I love it, L. I really do, and I'm sure H will love it even more."

Louis smiled widely at that and nodded, "thanks Liam, you're the best non related brother a guy could have."

Liam nodded, "that's me." He laughed and hummed, "go do your hair and teeth, I'll make breakfast. You need some real food." He shrugged and gave Louis a slight push back towards the bathroom.

Louis went into the washroom and put his hands on the counter, looking into the large mirror in front of him, visualizing in his mind what to do with his hair.

He picked up his comb and began fixing his hair, combing it to one side and then back to the other, before he finally got the perfect hairstyle, smiling proudly at it once he was finished.

He then picked up his toothbrush, putting a little bit of toothpaste on it and running it under some cold water, before brushing his teeth. He made sure to do that for two minutes before setting it back down again and rinsing his mouth with mouthwash, and walking downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Liam?" He hummed and looked over at Liam cooking an omelet for himself, "I think I'm gonna skip breakfast for today. I mean, it's already 11, and I have to be there for 12. It takes half an hour to get there and I want to be a little early, plus there might be traffic. I've also already brushed my teeth so nothing will taste right anyways. Sorry, L. I'll have some later if you'd like?"

Liam nodded, "Don't worry about it, Lou. I should get going soon too. I'm meeting Zayn at his hotel. You know the two of them are staying at a really high class place? I forget the name, I'll have to tell you later. Go get your boy, Lou. Have fun, be safe, and remember, no matter how handsome, you don't do the dirty on a first date." He smirked, winking at Louis.

Louis blushed and whined a bit, "I know, Li. I'm not some man whore." He shrugged and grabbed his keys, "I'll see you later. Oh, and be prepared to have a long conversation about what happened today later on." He hummed and walked out the door, walking downstairs to his car, and getting in, putting his keys in the ignition and starting it.

He turned up the radio, smiling when his current new favourite song 'Shape of You' by Ed Sheeran came on, cranking it up and starting to sing a bit to it as he started to drive.

About forty-five minutes later, because there was a little bit of traffic, Louis reached the café, parking a ways down the street and walking along the side walk to get there.

Reaching the the small, quaint shop didn't take long at all, as it was very recognizable and not very far from where he had parked.

However, when Louis got there he was extremely confused, as there was a massive crowd of women outside of the store trying to get in. Looking around, he noticed that the women ranged from all different ages. Louis furrowed his eyebrows but shrugged, pushing through the crowd and to the front, where he was stopped by a bodyguard.

Louis sighed and went to open the door, only to be pushed back a bit by the body guard. "I'm sorry sir, but you are not currently allowed into that shop." He crossed his arms and looked down at Louis firmly.

Louis gasped and pouted, eyes watering, "b-but, I have a reservation." He exclaimed looking into the bodyguards eyes. "I h-have to be in there, this isn't fair!" He ran his fingers through his hair.

The body guard looked over his face and all his details, before looking down at a clipboard, "why didn't you say so? what's the reservation under so I can make sure you're on here."

Louis smiled gratefully and bit his lip, "Tomlinson, it's under Tomlinson." He sighed.

The bodyguard smirked and nodded, "I see. Says here you do in fact have one. Go on in, have a good day." He smiled and pushed back all the women so Louis could get in.

Louis smiled widely at him, "oh thank you!" He said happily and pushed open the door, quickly walking in.

Louis, being Louis didn't even look around the shop, and didn't even notice Harry Styles sitting down at one of the tables, looking over at Louis with his eyes widened, biting his lip and smiling at the same time.

Louis got his tea and thanked the cashier, looking around finally for the first time, dropping his jaw. "Is this real?" He whispered to himself and set down his tea, placing his hands on the counter to steady himself, "That's, that's Harry fucking Styles. Holy shit!" He whispered again and placed his hand over his mouth, forcing himself to walk over to Harry and tapping him on the shoulder.

Harry turned around and smiled widely, down at the boy he had been texting for so long, down at the boy he had began to fall for, and then remembered that Louis didn't know that yet.

Louis' eyes widened even more, if that's possible, and he opened his mouth, managing out the words, "um- h-hi, h-hi um, wow, this is happening um, you-you're Harry Styles. you're, you're my idol." He stuttered out and blushed in embarrassment.

Harry chuckled a bit and nodded, "That's cute, I appreciate a boy fan. I don't see them that much. Well a little more often, now that I came out. It's nice to meet you in person, Louis." He smirked a bit and patted his shoulder.

Louis gasped and shook his head in disbelief, "wait what? y-you know my name? How? Holy shit. Oh no, you didn't see my fan account did you? That's so embarrassing I'm so sorry I-" He quickly ranted, but Harry cut him off.

"I did see your fan account, love. Allow me to explain." He hummed and bit his lip, holding out his hand, "hi, Louis. I'm H."

And then, in that moment, everything went black.
Hi guys! Woahhhhh okay so cliff hanger right?

Not really, but I thought it was pretty good.

Hey, they finally met though. I'm so happy they did, I've had this idea for a while now and I couldn't wait to write it.

Oh and, by the way, the picture of Lou up top is what he's wearing xx

Anyways, I know, I know. You're probably all thinking, "holy shit Halley, I thought you'd never post again." And I apologize. Once again, I blame school and my health, but I'm finally back to me again, so if all goes well I'll try to post more!

I've also been having major writers block, if that's what they call it. I couldn't think of anything to write in between the lines of my idea for this chapter.

However, I already have ideas for the next chapter in mind and I've already started writing it, so be prepared!

I hope you enjoyed, and here's my social medias...

Instagram-1dsnudes or halleyrobertson

Anything else you'll have to dm me for!

Much love to you all, and you can expect new chapters soon.

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