Lucy The Fairy

Von AhoOona

39.2K 872 152

{Previously called "Lucy of heart"} Natsu opened a switch in Lucy that shouldn't have been opened. Now Lucy h... Mehr

the Fright
All women island?
Stone heart
Seal the deal
A MAN?! Yes A Man.
the tale
She's In Love?! (with a monster~)
Impal Down, Dun! Dun! Dun!
before ze war
will they?
thank you! But listen...

(insert creative title)

3.1K 78 32
Von AhoOona

It's been a month now, Clover, Umi, and silk turned back to humans and were living happily. Lucy has been working hard as Hancock's slave and let me tell you.

It's hard.

Especially with an unreasonable woman like Hancock. Oh, don't get Lucy started. Even if all she wanted to do was rip her hair out and snap and vent. But when did she have time for that? Instead of living with Clover like Lucy and Clover thought she would. She was forced to go live at the castle Hancock lived. So she could order her around even more when she's within reach.

Clover had been so excited and jealous of her, it made Lucy confused. Wasn't she angry about Hancock did to her? If she was, she sure didn't show it. Lucy asked her about it. But Clover just waved her off.

"Oh, it was just a little argument! She turned us back didn't she? I'm sure Hancock sama is a kind woman." 

Pft. Kind. Yeah right.

Anyway, It wasn't fun, the training. Especially under Hancock evil hands.  But it's what kept Hancock from turning Lucy's friends back into stone. She couldn't tell clover and have her perfect view of Hancock be ruined. And so she opted to just shut her mouth. And besides. As she said before, Lucy will do anything for them.

Somewhere along the line, Hancock started to train Lucy. She saw her fight one of the women on the island (kind of like those gladiators fights)

She decided that Lucy was too weak to be Hancock servant and made a decision that she'll train Lucy.

"You should be grateful, it's purely out of the kindness of my heart."

"Ah, Hancock-sama you're so kind!"

Blah. Lucy still wasn't completely used to everyone fawning over Hancock. Even her own sisters (the two giant ladies which Lucy finally learned their names, Marigold and Sandersonia).

At first, Lucy didn't know whether to reject or not. She didn't need help, she was helping herself already.

But then she actually thought about it and decided why not? She'll improve her skills in combat and maybe even win!

News flash, Lucy lost.

Hancock whooped her ass and found a million fault in the way she fought. From her stance to her punches. Everything. It was horrible, the training.

To be fair though, Hancock did warn Lucy before they started, she said it'll be a living hell.

It is a living hell.

But thankfully (and surprisingly) Hancock was more patient and more observant. She took her time explaining things simply when Lucy didn't understand, Lucy continued to get stronger, training rigorously every day, even when the temperature began to drop and the ground became covered in snow.

When Hancock came lunging at her. Lucy was surprised at how agile she'd become. Fighting against boa every day, the progress wasn't as easy to measure. But as Hancock threw a kick after kick she found herself weaving around her kicks, contorting and bending her body away from the hits. Of course, that didn't mean she escaped all of them.

"You've gotten much stronger! But you've still got a ways to go before you're even halfway decent Kuja warrior!" Hancock announced, and Lucy nodded. The fire in her eyes burned bright and made Hancock smirk.

Later on, Lucy went out on a rare night off. To go drinking with Umi Clover and silk. Of course, Lucy drank and talked and laughed and had fun as much as she could.

Also having beer as much as she can until there was no doubt she was wasted.

The hall is full of noises of woman laughing, talking and crying (they're drunk) like Lucy was any better, she's more drunk than half of them combined. She hiccuped. Face flat against the table

"Hey hey!" She called to Umi. "Umi-chan, why are there three of you? Oh well the more the merrier! Ahaha!" Her giggle was interrupted by another hiccup.

"Lucy-san I really think you should stop drinking!" Umi warned, unlike the others, Umi was responsible. Drinking moderately and making sure to have a cup of water every now and then.

Lucy, like the emotional mess that she is, broke down crying "but WHY?! I LOVE YOU!" Umi sweat dropped and then sighed.

'What's that got to do with anything?' She thought tiredly. Clover snoring away on her lap while Silk was passed out on the table.

"You don't love me do you!?" Lucy sniffed, hiccuped, then sniffed again. Tears actually gathering in her eyes.

"Tha-" before she could even continue, Umi was interrupted by Lucy picking up an egg roll and holding it to Umi as an offer of friendship. Even if they were already friends.

"Then come drink with me. here an egg roll..." She trailed off, mind flashing back. She sniffed again and started to weep. Frowning.

'Egg roll... Natsu..'

"What?! Why are you crying now?" Umi cocked her head, brows furrowed. Lucy let her head drop on the table. Sobbing

"Natsu! Where are you, you big idiot?! You always come to save me, so where are you now?!"

"Natsu?" Umi questioned, but already, Lucy was out like a light. The only sign that she was still alive was the soft mutters coming out of her mouth. Umi sighed, "How troublesome. All of you." She looked at Silk and Clover and shook her head.

"Ughh" Lucy woke up with a headache, the sun too bright and the breeze too warm as her head seemed intent on curling up and crushing itself. "What happened?" She groaned. Trying desperately to remember yesterdays events as she hoped she hadn't said anything stupid.

"I bet I said something stupid!" She was. Drunk her is an idiot after all. "Ugh, that's why beer is never good for me!" Lucy slumped back on the bed and stared out the window even as her head hurt. She noticed the sun is out and hummed a tune to herself that seemed to match this cloudy weather.


The sun was out. Like it was mid-day.

Training starts at morning...

Lucy shot up out of bed and shrieked. "Oh my GOD I'M LATE HANCOCK IS GONNA KILL ME!" She almost fell on her face but didn't care, scrambling to put on her workout clothes. "Hancock I'm sorry Hancock I'm sorry, Hancock please don't kill me!" She chanted as she changed clothes, not even bothering to grab breakfast, she sprinted out to the training field.

"Ha..ha..ha.. H-hey Hancock.." Lucy laughed nervously. "What a lovely day isn't it?" Probably the last day she'll witness. Lucy thought depressingly. But judging by the way Hancock was giving her her back. Lucy was definitely right.

Hancock slowly turned around. Glared a hole into her forehead. "You dare make me wait? Some nerves you've got there you little worm!"

"I'm sorry!" Lucy managed to let out before Hancock delivered a kick that Lucy managed to avoid at the last second.

"Don't avoid it!" She punched Lucy across the head. Making her develop a red angry bump on her head. Lucy whined pitifully as Hancock harrumphed.

"I noticed in our training that you only focus on one enemy at a time and that's not good, here you will have people come at you left and right above and beneath you, so you have to keep your eyes open and everywhere, and you have to sense them. So that's what we're working on today my sisters will help" Hancock handed Lucy a piece of cloth, and Lucy stared at it confused

"Put around your eyes"

"Oh" she put around her eyes, she expected the darkness but certainly not the sudden hit on her shoulder. "Ow! what the hell?!"

"I told you, didn't I? We will be working on your senses" Lucy felt another thing hit her side this time, it felt.. rough... Is that a rock? Another one hit her.

Yup it's a rock.

"You think people will let you doze off like that? They will take the slightest chance to attack you," Hancock kicked lucy and she felt two rocks hitting her from opposite sides it seems they kept moving in circles. "Never, let your guard down. Never give them a chance or let them see your weakness. Let them believe you are fearless and have no weakness." The way Hancock said it felt..somehow personal. Like she was remembering a dark and bitter past. It made Lucy's brow furrow as she frowned.

But Lucy didn't have time to dwell on it. "AH!" Another kick sent Lucy flying!

This process of attack kept going on until she managed to dodge one of Hancock kicks

"Yes! Woo-ho - " her celebration was cut short when Hancock delivered another kick

"You're hopeless" Hancock sighed. Lucy groaned in pain. "How many times have I told you not to get distracted in the battle?!"

"Two times" Lucy pointed out. Only to feel a glare on her back.

"Did you say something?"

"No" they started again, when out of nowhere and with no warning. Lucy felt something slash her cheeks, her fingers shot up to her cheek and she felt the wound and the blood dripping, gasping. She lowered her blindfold to look at the blood. Her head snapped up and she asked incredulously.

"Did you just, did you just use a knife?! Are you trying to train me or kill me?!"



"Besides it's expected and we'll proceed to use guns soon as after"

Again. "WHAT?!"

She heard Hancock huff and tap her heels as she walked around Lucy. "What do you think people use in the battlefield?" She snarled, leaning down. "A stick? They use knives, guns, swords, devil fruits and all type of things, don't you think this is appropriate?"

"I-i guess bu-"

"Are you doubting me?"

"What? No-"

"Than shut up and put on your blindfold."

Lucy couldn't argue as she felt a kick coming from her left. She dodged and clicked her tongue. Deciding she had no other choice, Lucy put on her blindfold again.

Another kick from behind. Maybe Lucy couldn't see it but a sense of satisfaction and pride washed over Hancock as she watched Lucy dodge so fluidly and naturally.

'Two... No three knifes, one from above? And two from the right' Lucy easily dodged and gave herself a pat on the back when a kick from behind that certainly felt like it came out of nowhere knocked her down. But Lucy gathered herself another finishing kick that would've knocked the breath out of her.

"You finally learned how to dodge." Hancock's haughty voice scoffed.
"A snail would've done it faster, but even so, dodging is useless if you don't know how to fight"

Lucy could cry.

But instead, she groaned, because she knew Hancock was right. Even if she felt like lying down there all day long. Lucy stood up. She was just about to take off her blindfold when she was surprised by an upper kick.

She dodged and jumped away protesting. "Hey! I haven't taken off my blindfold yet!"

"Who said you can take it off?"

Oh. This just got a lot more harder. Especially now that she suddenly had to rely on her hearing only.

Surprisingly went well.

Lucy listened carefully 'There!' Lucy whipped her body to Hancock and kicked her as hard as she can, which was pretty hard considering that she was also sometimes training with my six-packs-have-six-packs Silk.

But somehow it felt like all her training was in vain with Hancock. Even if it was a good fight.

By the end of it. Lucy was more than a little out of breath, they, more like she, been training from dusk till dawn (today being an exception due to Lucy being late)

And Lucy was barely getting any rest unless you count her being thrown across the field and knocked unconscious, rest. Then yeah

She got plenty of rest.

But thank Mavis fairy tail made her run all the time or else she wouldn't have been able to handle this! "We will continue tomorrow." Hancock walked off, doesn't this woman ever get tired? Lucy certainly did.

On the way home, she saw an old woman "You know? She likes nyou" Lucy had to look around to make sure the old woman wasn't talking to anyone else

Or herself.

Shes not disrespectful, she could be crazy for all we know!

"Um are-"

"Yes, I'm talking to nyou" Lucy blinked, she turned fully to the old lady. Said lady grinned, satisfied she got Lucy's attention. "Who do you mean likes me?"

"Hancock." Lucy raised an eyebrow and burst out laughing. Expecting this to be a joke and the old lady will laugh with her anytime now...

Anytime now...

Any time...

Except it never came and the realization of this made Lucy stop laughing.

Ah, this woman was insane after all.

Lucy sputtered. "A-are you joking? How could Hancock like me? Kill me yeah but like me?"

"Hancock is..shy. And quite frankly, arrogant."

'as if I didn't notice' Lucy thought.

"She will neyaver admit that she cares about someone, but if nyou keep observing, nyou will be able to tell easily."

"And how do I know that?"

"You will notice her getting slightly less tense around you, she will invite you to her chamber if nothing but for you to help her, she tries to keep you near. But it's not obvious unless you pay extra attention but it seems she's not at that stage with you yet."


"She doesn't use her powers on you as much"

"yeah but she doesn't use it on me because I'm not charmed and also because we have a deal." Lucy happily said. the lady raised an eyebrow, and Lucy shrunk under her gaze, eyes shifting nervously.

"....Okay! okay...maybe I am. A bit. Who are you anyway?"

"Before asking someone for their name you should introduce yourself first it's disrespectful."

"Geh, alright. Sorry my name is Lucy nice to meet you"

"Gloriosa but women call me elder Nyon"

"Huh, makes sense."

The next day~

Hancock is bothered.

It seems today for some reason. That peasant was paying more attention to her, and usually, Hancock is okay with it. Having used to eyes staring at her, and admiring her beauty.

But this gaze is unsettling. Like she's trying to figure something out, it's like she's staring deep into her soul and searching for her deepest secrets.

And Hancock didn't like that. Not at all.

Lucy, on the other hand, is still staring. Trying to find out if Hancock actually liked her or not. As if it was written in black ink on her forehead 'I like Lucy.'

Finally, seeming to have enough, Hancock's head snapped to her. "Why are you staring?!" She scoffed, crossing her arms. "Finally realized my beauty?" Lucy just tilted her head, not replying and only narrowing her eyes further.

The longer Lucy stared, the more Hancock developed tick marks on her (beautiful) head. Until she finally lost it. Hitting Lucy across the head and snapping her out of the weird staring trance she was in.

"Ow!" Lucy hissed, rubbing her poor head that was starting to develop a bump. "What was that for?!" Letting her get a taste of her own medicine, Hancock ignored her and sashayed away. Starting the hell.

Oops, she meant training.

When they started, Lucy was happy to know she wasn't a total embarrassment on the battlefield.

She could successfully dodge and multi-task. And that was very important in this place, (according to Hancock at least.)

Lucy could also pack quite a punch. That's also as strong as her well-known Lucy-kick which has also gotten more stronger, mind you.

As for her magical powers, Hancock couldn't help much in that department, since she doesn't know much about it.

Instead, her spirits helped. Gaining a new ability that was quite interesting! Lucy learned she could use Star Dresses, meaning she could borrow her spirits powers, it makes her heart warm up to know that her spirit trust her enough to let her do this.

Lucy also improved her whip using. And was trained enough to summon up to 4 spirits and keep their gates open for an hour while also fighting for herself. Which was VERY tiring, summoning one was easy. Yes, it consumes power but not that much. It became a piece of cake the more she improved. She could keep the gate open for hours, golden or silver.

As for two, it took power but it was okay. She could keep them open for about 5 hours. Three was stretching it but she could keep them open for 3 hours. But Lucy had to focus to make sure she doesn't faint, but now she could do it 1 was nothing. Two was easy. Three was medium, and four Is okay.

Lucy could handle it! She was getting stronger and she'll make sure to continue on this pace. She could also make Gemini turn to Hancock! Which was incredible! As you may know, Gemini can turn to people-everyone. and have their powers and thoughts and knowledge, but all that relies on their owner, if she/he are powerful enough and reach the same powers as that person then Gemini can turn to them.

For example, if it was Lucy before she had came here, she wouldn't be able to make Gemini turn to guildarts because her powers aren't nearly as strong as him so she can't. But people like Max or Bisca she would be able.

But now she would be able to make Gemini turn to Hancock! She was so proud of herself, she could cry.

Anyway, back to the topic. If she can make Gemini turn to Hancock, it means that her powers equal to Hancock! But in hand to hand combat Hancock would definitely beat Lucy.

But after realizing this, Lucy quickly went to Hancock so that she can share this piece of (quite interesting) information, she summoned Gemini and made them turn them to Hancock.

To say she was shocked was an understatement. Lucy didn't realize just how bad and excitedly babbled to Hancock while she stood there, eyes wide.

"And Gemini is amazing! Because they can copy everything, and even know your memories when they transform. They're really powerful, I'm happy to have them." What Lucy said seemed to snap Hancock out of her stupor.

Her face suddenly looked thunderous. And Lucy quickly snapped her mouth shut as Hancock stood up.

"Make them turn back!" She yelled, and Lucy winced. Taking a step back. "Now! Make them turn back now!"

"Hancock what's - "

"Now! Now!" For some reason, Hancock was turning hysterical. Demanding loudly that her sisters had to calm her down.

"Lucy, you should go for now." Marigold advised while Lucy stood there, lost. What was going on? Why was Hancock like this? But Lucy still obeyed. With a puff of white air, Gemini turned back.

"I wonder why she was so upset?" Lucy wondered as she gently closed the door. Feeling awful as she heard sobs coming from inside. "Oh, what did I do?" She fretted.

"Perri Perri." Gemini flew around her head. Gently patting her head as she smiled up at them. "When we turned to her, we saw her memories. Perri, do you want to know?" Gemini said, tilting their head. Lucy hurriedly shook her head, the thought seemed horrifying!

"What?! No! That would be an invasion of privacy! If she wants to tell me she will tell me okay?" Gemini stared at her for a second then nodded and left.

Thanks for reading, I'm trying to make it so that Hancock likes Lucy, but am I making them out of character? I feel like a dull writer.

Also, it may take about two chapters until Luffy appears, I want to make Hancock and lucy bond before he comes.

I'm thinking of making this story two ways, one way she will join law's crew, other she will join Luffy. Or I could just pick one crew for her to join in since a two way is kinda hard.
But if you guys want it I'm up to cuz I won't do it unless I enjoy I and I do enjoy doing anything so comments below.

anyways my brother is a Gemini! I'm cancer, what sign are you?


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