Cute Short Stories

By CandyDz

51.2K 842 144

(Was Emo Love Stories) Cute love stories I have written. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you. {In editing proces... More

Blade- Bully
Riley-best Friend
Chandler- badass
Kevin~ player
Alex- Ex Boyfriend
Braxton- The Hater
Jace- Not so popular
Xander- Bully
Ace~ long lost friend
Hudson- Cancer Fighter
Damon- Ex Best Friend
Last goodbye


2.7K 66 19
By CandyDz

"Students, we have a new student who transferred from Mississippi." I heard my, geography teacher say. I looked up from my desk and saw a guy with jet black hair, brown eyes, and kinda pale skin. He looked up from his feet and stared right at me. I was dazed for a while until I heard my friend cough, from behind me. I turned around and saw her smirking at me, I rolled my eyes and looked back at the teacher.

"He has a issue, which is hearing. Now guys, be gentle with him. He is deaf, which means he can't hear, so he has to use sign language. Now I need someone to show him around." Mrs. Shankles said, I looked around and saw no one raising their hand, so I decided to volunteer.

"Mrs. Shankles, I'll volunteer. I know how to sign language since my cousin has the same issue as our new student." I said, smiling softly. She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Mrs. (L/N). I appreciate your volunteering." Mrs. Shankles says, I nodded and smiled.

Once class was finished I went straight up to the new student. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled and waved. He waved back and signed language me.

'Hey my name's Chance. How about yours?' He signed.

'My name's (Y/N). Nice to meet you Chance.' I signed. I put my hand out so .he could shake it. He smiled and gladly shook my hand.

'Chance, I'm going to show you around the school. I hope you like it here.' I signed. He grins and nods. We both got out of class for break,and I showed him around.

'Can I see your schedule?' I signed.

'Sure.Here.' He signed.He hands me his schedule and I look over it. As I was reading it I started grinning. I looked up at him and smiled.

'Chance you have most classes with me.' I signed. He flashed me a smile and looked relieved. The bell rang which meant break was over. I grabbed Chance's hand and walked him to class. Once we got to English we both sat down far in the back so we wouldn't be called on. After school, Chance left early, I waved goodbye and went tot my locker. After getting my books I heard a beautiful melodic sound. I followed the sound and saw it came from the band room. I peeked inside and saw Chance playing the piano. I was surprised and continued to listen to him play. As he was playing I decided to sit down beside him on the bench. He looked up and his eyes got wide. He jumped from the seat and started running. I ran after him and caught his wrist. He looked at me then looked down at his feet. I raised his chin so he could look at me.

'Hey, you play the piano very good.' I signed, he smiled.

'Thanks, I thought I was horrible at it. You know since I can't hear I thought it would sound like some cat walking across the piano.' He signed, I laughed and shook my head, which he joined in. After having our laugh attack, I decided to walk him home. We talked for a while, until we came to his house.

'Well, I'll see tomorrow at school.' I signed. He frowned and nodded.

'Okay, see you.' He signed, I smiled and kissed his cheek. He blushed and and gave me one back.

'Bye Chance.' I signed, after feeling my face heat up.

'Bye, (Y/N).' He signed, and walked in his house. I smiled and headed home, thinking how my day went.

*3 weeks later*

I was walking to class, Wednesday morning, thinking why Chance wasn't at school the past few days. I shrugged and tried to shove it away, but couldn't. Softer science class, I went to my locker and passed Chance's locker. After passing I noticed someone was at his locker. I stopped walking and went to his locker. After seeing who it was, I smiled and tapped on the person's shoulder.

'Chance! I've missed you these past days.' I signed. He chuckled and gave me a hug, and then pulled back.

'There's no need to sign language anymore.' He signed.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

"I mean that I can finally hear your beautiful voice." He spoke instead of signing. I looked at him shocked and spoke.

"So now you can hear me." I asked, and he nodded.

"I got surgery and it all went well. Now I can hear my surroundings and your beautiful voice I've been aching to hear." He said, with a blush spreading on his cheeks.

"I'm glad you can hear me now, Chance." I said, giving him another hug.

"And there's something I've been wanting to say." He said, and I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

"What is it."

"Ever since you volunteered to help me in school, I thought we would become friends, which it came out like that. Once we got closer, I started having feelings for you. I came to a conclusion I liked you, but then noticed i didn't like you, I love you. (Y/N) I love you. I love you so much. Will you be my girlfriend?" Chance says, with a hopeful look in his eyes. I had tears of joy in my eyes and gave him a hug.

"I love you to, I've always had. And yes I'll love to be your girlfriend." I whispered in his ear. He hugged me tighter.

"I've always wanted to hear you say that." He whispers. I pulled back from the hug and looked into his eyes.

"I love you, Chance."

"I love you to, (Y/N)." He says, and gently presses his lips against mine. I smiled an kissed him back. It was gentle and full of love, everything I wanted in my first kiss.

After the kiss, I realized we were late for class.

"Holy crap, we're late for class." I say, panic in my voice. Chance chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Lets skip today, for some alone time with each other." He says.

"I never knew you could be badass, Chance." I say, pretending to look shocked. He shrugs and starts running out of school, pulling me with him.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, love, but you will always know I love you."

*you decide the rest*

Sorry it sucks guys :/

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