Mine, Even in Death

By ayameuchiha786

37.5K 1.2K 419

Peiji Andorusu was just a normal Konaha rouge, well, as normal as a rouge is allowed. But after a brief figh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

4.7K 172 48
By ayameuchiha786

“Sasori!” I called, running up to him. I squealed when I stepped on my newly obtained Akatsuki cloak, and fell flat on my face. “Ow….” I muttered, pushing myself onto my hands and knees.

“Your clumsy for a ninja…” I blinked and stared at the feet of Sasori, before slowly looking up, meeting his steady gaze.

I smiled happily,

“You love me anyway.” Sasori’s mouth tilted down slightly, before turning into a sly smirk.

“Whatever, get up. Now.” I scrambled to my feet, not wanting to get on the puppet masters bad side.

“I’m going to make some adjustments to this cloak…” I muttered, looking down at the material which was pooled around my feet. 

Sasori, without warning, grabbed my wrists and slammed me into a wall. I cried out from the sudden impact, before glaring harshly at the red head,

“What the hell was that for?” I exclaimed, anger seeping into my tone, “If you didn’t want me to-“ I was cut off when Sasori’s lips attached to mine, moulding perfectly. My eyes went wide as he leant back, frowning,

“Shut up.” I pouted and turned my head away, not wanting to face him. “Look at me.” I closed my eyes, wanting to do the exact opposite of what Sasori wanted, for the soul purpose of pissing him off.

I heard the red head growl lowly, before forcing my head to turn towards him. I kept my eyes shut tightly, trying my best to disobey his orders.

“Open your eyes.” He demanded, “Or I’ll hurt you.”

“I doubt you- GAH! Cannibal!” I shouted as Sasori sunk his teeth into my neck. I whimpered when I felt the skin pop under his teeth, drawing a considerable amount of blood.

“I warned you.” I blinked when I realised my eyes had opened, meaning Sasori had won.

“Fuck. You.” I stated as he rested his forehead against mine,

“No, the fucking is my job. You, on the other hand, are the fuckee.” I raised an eyebrow,

“And what makes you think I will agree to this?” I asked, completely doubting the red head’s sanity for a moment.

Sasori leaned close to my ear, his hot breath hitting the shell.

“You don’t think I notice the way you act around me?” My body locked up, and a lump formed in my throat. “You think I don’t notice the way you look at me?” I swallowed and averted my eyes, trying not to look at him head on.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I forced out as Sasori nibbled just below my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

“I’m an S ranked criminal, I’m not blind.” I pursed my lips, glaring at him,

“So what if I have a little school girl crush on you? You should be thankful! There are no girls around here, so it’s better than having Deidara having the hots for you!” Sasori stared at me, and I felt my face going a bright shade of red.

Finally, he smirked. “I never said you had a crush on me.” I blinked as he leaned closer, grinning mischievous, “That’s funny.”

“Fuck off!” Sasori abruptly leaned forward, slamming his lips into mine.

I grunted and tried to shove him off, when I failed at doing so, I turned my head, forcing him to break the kiss.

“What are you doing?” He questioned, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut and held in a moan as he started lightly kissing my collar bone. “I’m giving you what you want. You like me, don’t you?” I glared down at him, although I could only see the top of his head.

“Just because I like you, doesn’t mean I want us to hump like bunnies!” Sasori leaned back, smirking.

“Trust me, I’m much better than a bunny.” Sasori leaned forward, placed his lips next to my ear again. “I can go all night.”


“Itachi!” I yelled, running down the hall.

I’d taken the task of shortening my cloak into my own hands. Although I may had over exaggerated my short stature, because the hem of the cloak was currently flapping mid-thigh.

The Uchiha turned and gave me an icy glare, which would normally deter the rest of the Akatsuki.

Except for me.

“I need some advice!” Itachi stared down at me, my head had to bend back considerably. Mostly because I was freakishly short, and Itachi was freakishly tall.

I puffed out my cheeks and pointed down, “Squat,” I ordered, “You’re making me feel uncomfortable.” Itachi didn’t do as he was told, he just continued to silently stare at me.

I frowned, “Fine, have it your way.” I made a few hand signs, before turning into Itachi himself.

Itachi’s eyes narrowed slightly as his head slowly rose to look himself in the eyes.

“Undo that jutsu. Right. Now.” I crossed my arms and stuck my nose in the air,

“No! You didn’t bend down, so I became your height.”

“What do you want?” Itachi asked, letting a hint of irritation coat his voice. I sobered up,

“Is Sasori normally this…. Expressive?” Itachi raised a perfect eyebrow. Damn Uchiha’s and their perfect body.

“Explain.” Itachi stared at me, looking bored, but I knew he was interested.

“Well…” I scratched behind my head, temporarily freaking out at the feel of my hair in a pony tail, before remembering that I was Itachi. “He seems to always sexually harass me…” Itachi frowned, and I realised it must be rather weird to hear his voice say that.

I sighed and reluctantly released the jutsu, deciding to deal with the hassle of almost breaking my neck.

Itachi’s head tilted down as he focused back onto my face.

“Sasori is reserved, it wouldn’t be his normal beha-“ I frowned when Itachi cut himself off mid-sentence, his eyes widened considerably.

I was about to ask what was wrong, but he covered his mouth and started convulsing with wet sounding coughs.

I slapped a hand over my mouth as he fell to his knees, I could hear the whistle of his breath as he tried to breathe in between coughs.

As the realisation set in that Itachi was in an extremely bad situation, I dropped to my knees and started to hit him on the back.

“What’s wrong?” I exclaimed, slightly disturbed by the intense look of fear plastered across his sickly pale face.

He took away a blood soaked hand and pointed down the hall, to where his room was. I took this as a sign that he wanted me to take him there, so I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started dragging him to his room, as fast as possible.

I bit my lip when I noticed blood dripping off his hand and onto the floor, smudging slightly as his feet dragged over the red liquid.

When I reached his room, I kicked the door open, not caring if I broke the lock or not. I quickly placed him onto the bed, and assumed that he had some kind of medication. So I promptly started to rummage around in this draws, throwing things on the ground if they were in the way.

A spark of hope entered me as I found a small bottle of unmarked pills. I picked them up and placed a few in my hand, holding them to Itachi, who took them gratefully.

He swallowed them without water, before collapsing back onto his bed, spreading his arms wide.

I stared at the dark stains that covered his palms, and the trickles of blood that had run out of the corners of his mouth.

I frowned, realising that he mustn’t be feeling his best. I then took it upon myself to clean him up, so he wasn’t bathing in his own pool of blood.

I entered his bathroom and blinked when I realised how dirty it was.

Underwear was hanging in the place where the towels were originally supposed to be placed, and said towels were in piles under the rack. Deodorant was placed on a shelf, where a raiser and another pair of underwear were placed.

Clothes littered the floor, and an Akatsuki cloak was thrown in the bathtub.

I approached the tub, and peered inside. My mouth tilted to an unamused smirk when I saw that there was mould on the wall, and hair in the drain. It didn’t help that the shower hose itself was rotting away, it must be hell to shower in this hell hole.

I sighed and started searching for a wash cloth, or something to wash the blood off with.

I finally found something that was half way clean, and ran it under some cold water. I was about to walk out, when I noticed something.

“What… What did he do?” I whispered as I stared at the smashed mirror, the fragments were tinged red from where the edges had sliced his skin.

I entered Itachi’s room with a sense of knowing, no doubt I was one of the few—if there were anyone else, that is—that had entered his room, and seen the true him.

I approached the dark haired man that was sitting up, his hair was out of its usual ponytail and hung over his face, making him look depressing.

I kneeled in front of him and took hold of his headband, before tying his hair in a half-hearted bun.

His onyx eyes watched me as I took his hand and started to softly clean it, though he didn’t utter a word as I did so.

I continued to clean him, as a mother would with a child. I then stripped him of his cloak and made him lie down.

“Why are you doing this?” Itachi wheezed, before I rolled him onto his side, quietening him down slightly.

“Because your injured, and I understand what you’re going through.” Itachi’s eyes narrowed,

“I don’t need your pity.” I paused and stared at him,

“Itachi, don’t flatter yourself, I don’t take pity on anyone.” The Uchiha’s eyes softened slightly, before falling silent.

I smiled slightly and sat by his bed, he continued to stare at me. I just grinned at him,

“You know, I haven’t had such a great life myself.” The older male smirked slightly,

“What makes you think I have a bad life?” I gave him a look, not believing a word he said.

“I don’t think anyone would leave their happy-go-lucky life for this shit hole.” Itachi frowned at this, which surprised me, because I hardly ever saw him show any emotion whatsoever.

I smiled at him as his eyes started to slowly drift close, but I noticed him forcing them open.

“Tell me about yourself, Peiji.” I smirked,

“The great Uchiha wants to know about lil’ ol’ me?” Itachi gave me a look, which told me he wasn’t in the mood for joking. I laughed nervously, “W-Well,” Oh god, did I just stutter? “I grew up in Konaha, my clan was killed in the fight against the nine tailed fox, so I was kinda alone.

  Everyone hated me at the academy, I was the foul mouthed bitch of the class, and nobody ever talked to me. There was this one girl though, she was quiet, but she never really left me alone.”

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, but smiled slightly when I noticed Itachi’s eyes fluttering closed. It was almost like I was telling a bedtime story to a child.

“The hardest time for me was when I decided to leave my village. It’s just…” I thought about it, “There was nothing for me there?” I guessed, “I didn’t have any friends, apart from that girl, I think her name was… Uhh… Hinata? I think that was her name. Well, she was the only one that really came near me.” I stared at Itachi’s closed eyes, they fluttered slightly, telling me he was awake. The corners of my mouth tilted up into a slight smile.

“And then a few years later I decided to leave, so I did.” I quietly stood, believing that the dark haired man was asleep. I turned, and was about to leave, when I felt something grab my arm. I slowly looked down, to where Itachi’s hand was wrapped around my wrist.

His eyes were still closed, but he was obviously awake.

“Yes?” I asked, squatting in front of him.

“I killed my clan.” I heard him whisper. My eyes widened,

“Why?” Honestly, I felt rage in my chest. I would kill to have my parents back, and he killed his own?

“It was an order…” Itachi’s voice got softer as he drifted in and out of sleep, “They were… gonna start a… war…” I blinked, surprised by his answer. I would’ve thought he’d say something along the lines of ‘they annoyed me’. Mostly because he’s a member of an evil organisation, so I thought he’d be cold blooded.

I smiled slightly, and kissed his forehead, whispering a goodnight.

As I exited the room, I felt a presence. I narrowed my eyes and swiftly pulled out a kunai, before rolling on the ground and throwing the metal weapon to my left.

I didn’t miss a beat as my hands formed the seals for a fire release jutsu, but before I could form the last hand sign, my body locked up. I gritted my teeth,

“Either your Sasori, or another unknown puppet master.” I called into the darkness, before awaiting an answer.

“It’s me, idiot.” I heard the red head’s tone, signalling that he was highly amused.

“Shut up!” I felt myself be released from his invisible strings, and I lowered my hands. Pouting as I did so, “It’s not nice to spy.”

I felt violated, and betrayed. What Itachi and I were talking about was private, and it was wrong that Sasori stood by and listened.

“Who said I was spying? Maybe I was just coming along to visit my dear ol’ friend Itachi, and you happened to be in there talking with him.” I frowned when the red head emerged from the shadows, smirking.

I stood, still having to tilt my head back slightly when I looked at him,

“What would possess you to come visit Itachi? From what I know, you aren’t a huge fan of him.” Sasori pointed over his shoulder, from where I had dragged Itachi from.

“Well, maybe I wanted to ask why there was blood leading from back there, to here.” Sasori gave me an innocent stare, “I was worried for my dear college Itachi-“

“Can you stop?” I hissed, refraining from yelling due to the Uchiha’s sleeping state.

I quietly closed Itachi’s door, before grabbing Sasori’s hand and dragging him away.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Sasori growled, breaking away from me and slamming my small figure against a wall, pinning me by grabbing my wrists tightly and pinning them either side of me.

His glare was so intense; I couldn’t find any words to answer him.

I cried out when he tightened his hold on me, and I knew he was going to leave bruises.

“Tell me.” He hissed hotly, bringing his face closer to mine.

I swallowed loudly, no longer having the courage I had earlier. “I-I was trying t-to protect Itachi- GAH!” I cried, just as Sasori bit me, once again.

“Your forgetting something, maybe it’s because my mark had disappeared.” I felt a trickle of blood run down my neck and stain my top. “You. Are. Mine.” I glared at the red head,

“I don’t understand what this has to do with Itachi.” Sasori smirked at me, making me question my safety in the presence of this man.

“It has nothing to do with him, in fact.” I gave him a blank stare,

“So, what? You just enjoy seeing me in fear? Or do you just like biting me?” Sasori nuzzled his head into my neck,

“Neither, I just want you to know who owns you, that’s all.” I couldn’t help but breathe in as his scent wrapped around me.

“Nobody owns me.” I hissed, closing my eyes to escape the sight of him, for I feared that if I did look at him, I’d melt and bend to his every whim.

“I guess you’ll need a harsher reminder.” I gasped when he nipped the shell of my ear, before withdrawing.

I didn’t move, wondering what he was going to do. My question was answered when he darted forward, slung me over his shoulder, and sprinted down the hallway.

“What are you doing?!” I shouted, angrily beating my fists on his back, not that it had any effect on the high ranked shinobi.

Before I knew it, I was thrown onto his bed, and the red head was crawling on top of me.

“W-What-“ I was cut off when his hand was placed over my mouth.

“Shhh, toys don’t talk.” I glared harshly at him, making him smirk. I moved my head to the side, making his hand leave my mouth.

“Some have strings, or buttons!” Sasori chuckled lowly, making me bite my lip.

“But I have yet to push those buttons.” He leant down and bit under my ear, making me groan in appreciation. “Button number one.” He whispered, before biting down harshly. I cried out in pain as I felt him open up the previous scar. “Marked.” I glared at him,

“What are you doing?!” Sasori glanced at me,

“Marking your buttons, isn’t it obvious? Now quiet.”

“You’re so-“ Sasori rolled his eyes before slamming his lips into mine, his tongue ran over my bottom lip. I denied him with a smug smirk, this seem to irritate him.

He slowly ran his hands down my body, resting on my hip. He leaned back and glared at me,

“Do as you’re-“ Without warning, I flipped us. I smirked as bewilderment crossed the puppet masters features. It was an expression I knew nobody else got to witness, so I savoured the moment.

“What now, Saso-sama?” I purred, lowering myself so I was laying on his chest. When he didn’t answer I smirked, “Apparently I’m a toy, isn’t that right? Well, toys are meant for fun.” I leaned closer to his face, which was blank. It must be an automatic reaction for him if he didn’t want someone to see a certain side of him.

“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice, to anyone else, would be monotone, but to me, it was tight.

“Enjoying myself.” I answered simply, “I’m going to get revenge.” I started to slowly kiss around his neck. I smirked when I found his own sensitive spot, even though he made no sound. I kissed it lightly once more, just to be sure. And as I expected, he tensed, before relaxing. “Gotcha.” I whispered against him.

This went on for a while, use switching positions, not willing to let the other have full control of the situation. Eventually, Sasori won, which I knew would happen.

“I’ll be good!” I exclaimed, watching as he made my hands remove my cloak. He just smirked, his fingers twitching as they move the invisible strings controlling me.

“No, this is your punishment.”


Hidan POV

“STOP!” I heard a muffled cry from inside Sasori’s room. I turned my head from the TV and cocked an eye brow.

“What the fuck do you think’s goin’ on in there?” I asked Deidara, who had also noticed the shout.

“I don’t know… It sounded like Peiji… Yea.” I sighed and went to stand, Kakuzu sighed and shook his head, making me stop.

“What?” I snapped, pursing my lips slightly,

“There’s a good chance that Sasori’s raping her right now, would you want to walk in there and experience that?” I blinked,

“Sasori… Rape… Whaaa?!” Deidara exclaimed, getting to his feet, “I’m going to sort this out right now!” He stormed to the door, and I watched with an amused expression as he put his hand on the knob and turned.

He opened the door a crack, before a:

“GET OUT!” Was heard. Deidara then promptly slammed the door shut, and turned around with a red face.

“Oh shit…” I heard him curse quietly,

“What?” I asked, a smirk on my face, “Where they fucking or something?” Deidara hurried forward and snatched the remote off me, “HEY!” I shouted as he switched to the art channel.

“Let’s watch this, yea?”



Kony 2012. Spread the word, because I'm outraged that this has gone on for so long. If you want to know what I'm talking about, click on the link on the side, but its not for the weak hearted, trust me.

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