Legendary Trainer

By UltimateTrainer

210K 3.3K 1.9K

In the outskirts of the Kanto Region,a ancient village in the top of a mountain just got raided by a mysterio... More

[1Changed Fate
[2]New Island Home
[3]Island Visitor
[4]Instense Training
[5]Summer Camp!!
[6]Summer Camp part 2
[7]Summer Camp part 3
Summer Camp Last Part
Author Note
[8]Training Time Again!!
[9]Cerulean Visit!!
[10]Start of a Journey
[11] An Old Friend
[12]Viridian Stop!!
[13]Misty and Ash Reunion
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
[14]Night Time in Viridian
[15]Plans in Progress
[18]Rocky Situation
"Interview Time"
[16]Contest in Kanto
[17]Bug Fest
"Interview Time"
Gym Leader Profile
[19]Mount Moon Trouble!!
[20]Sensational Sisters
[22]Cerulean Concert
[23]Promised Date
[24]Trouble in The Tower
New Story
New Story

[21]Naval Battle!!

3.1K 59 18
By UltimateTrainer

[Here we go Cerulean gym battle is going to begin,Can Ash survive this onslaught planned by Daisy and her sisters,find out].

While Ash and Lily releases both of their Pokémon into the pool,Leaf grabbed her pokedex and pointed it curiously into Lily Pokémon.

Pokedex:(female voice) Luvdisc the Rendezvous Pokemon durning the spawning season,countless Luvdisc congregate at coral reefs,turning the waters pink.

Leaf:What a lovely pokemon and it also cute,I wanna catch one!!😆

Misty:Leaf The fight is about to begin!!😃

Over to the field Ash is thinking some strategies to use on Luvdisc and few seconds later he did.

Ash:(smile)Okay let's get this started!!😃

Lily:I agree,Luvdisc use Agility!!😃

Lily's Luvdisc raises it Speed,then head towards Gyarados position.
Ash is still waiting for his opponent next move.

Lily:Luvdisc jump then attack using Ice Beam!!😃

Ash:Nice try!!Gyarados use your tail to splash some water into the air😃

Gyarados nodded and use her tail to create a huge splash of water into the water causing the incoming Ice beam to hit the water instead of Gyarados.

Lily:Shit!!Luvdisc move back and use Agility again!!😓

Luvdisc move back away from Gyarados and raises its speed again.

Ash:Tsk(She intended to increase her pokemon speed,this is going to be tricky)Gyarados use Twister😃

Gyarados uses her Twister under water creating a whirlpool and blasting away Luvdisc into the air.

Lily:No!!! My Luvdisc is now out of the water!!😲

Ash:Because my Gyarados had a ability called Moxie it can raises its attack upon KOing its opponent,Now Gyarados use Iron tail😉

Gyarados tail glowed then hit Luvdisc with it,blasting it away then fall into the pool unconscious.

Lily:My Luvdisc,No!!!😲

Ash:That's a great battle,good luck next time Lily(wink)😉

Lily:Luvdisc return,I will win next time then me and you will be going to a hotel!!😃

Ash:Ahh a Hotel?😓

Lily just winked at Ash and dive down into the pool while Violet is next to stood into the diving board.

Violet:To Think Lily just gone easy on you but too bad because I'm not,Go Gorebyss!!😃

Ash:A Gorebyss this my second time to see one but no matter, return Gyarados!!😃

Violet:What happened? Did you get scared?😃

Ash:Not likely,Go Pidgeot!!😃

Ash releases his one final evolved Pokemon and flew across the field showing off its majestic wings.

Misty:Wow who wouldn't thought Ash has a powerful flying type in his team😃

Leaf:Let me check Violet pokemon,its also cute and beautiful😄

Pokedex:(female voice)Gorebyss The South Sea pokemon siphons the body fluids of prey through its thin,tubalar mouth.it's light pink body color turns vivid when it finishes feeding.

Leaf:What a beautiful Pokémon!!😆

Violet:Gorebyss dive down!!😃

Gorebyss dive down under water and waited Pidgeot to make a move.

Ash:(Hiding isn't gonna help you,Pidgeot has a secret move and it will pull Gorebyss out of the water just like Luvdisc earlier)😃

Violet:Now Gorebyss Confusion!!😃

Ash:Shit!!Pidgeot dodge it!!😓

But Pidgeot didn't dodge it and hit right into his head,causing him to get confuse.

Ash:Damn it,I should have seen that coming!!😲😓

Violet:Great it work,now Gorebyss use Hydro Pump!!😃

Gorebyss jump up out of the water and fired a powerful Hydro Pump at the confuse Pidgeot.

Ash:Pidgeot lean Right hurry!!😃

Even Pidgeot is still confuse he still follow his trainer command and lean right dodging the incoming attack.

Violet:Darn we miss,Gorebyss fire another one!!😓

Ash:Pidgeot hear my voice,Keep leaning right to left!!😓

Pidgeot manage to dodge it again and flew higher from the pool,shaking his head left to right Pidgeot recovered from the confusion.

Ash:Nice,Now Pidgeot use Brave Bird!!😃👊

Violet:No way!!😲

Pidgeot Dive down heading towards Gorebyss who still in the shallow water of the pool.

Ash:Now dive down and Hit it!!😃👊

Pidgeot nodded and folded his wings and dive down to under water hitting Gorebyss directly.

Violet:I never seen a Pidgeot do that before!!!😃

Ash:On our Strategy,we make the impossible,Possible!!😉✌

Pidgeot jump out from the pool and dry himself by shaking his body and wings while Gorebyss float up from the pool unconscious.

Violet:Ash you're a great guy,I will have you someday,okay(wink)😉

Ash:(sweatdrop)Ahh...Oh Okay😓

Like Lily did before Violet jump and dive down to the pool letting her elder sister next to battle Ash.

Daisy:Very Good,Ash you are the only one who mange to defeat those two in a row but this time it not be easy😃

Ash:Yeah I kinda know you going to say that,Pidgeot return!!😃

Daisy:Changing Pokemon,Good idea Ash,Now let me introduce to you my pokemon,Go Seel!!😃

Daisy push a red button on a remote she was holding and few seconds later several floating stand appeared from the bottom of the pool.

Ash:Great now my pokemon can stand,Go Ivysaur!!😃

Daisy:Grass type,You're well prepare Ash,But it doesn't mean you're gonna win😃

Ash:Then we just have to find out😃

Daisy:Agree,Lets begin!!😃

As Daisy and Ash talking,Misty and Leaf is staring at Ash body,seeing it makes them go wild.

Misty:How should I battle him,if he look so stunning!!😆

Leaf:I knew what you mean Misty,I just want to hug him tightly and never let go,Ash you're so hot,If Serena is here,She will go berserk!!😆😄

Misty:Isn't that a little to exaggerated!!😓

Leaf:I don't think so,Teehee!!😉

Meanwhile back with Ash and Daisy

Daisy:Let's do this,Seel use Ice beam!!😃

Ash:Counter it with Petal Dance!!😃

Both attacks collided causing an explosion to the pool.

Daisy:Did That attack get through?😓

Ash:Not quite!!Ivysaur Vine Whip and lift it up into the air!!😃

Ivysaur smiled and uses her vine to wrap around Seel and lift it up in the air.

Ash:Ivysaur Razor Leaf!! Rapid fire!!😉👊

Ivysaur still holding Seel in her vines fired a barrage of Razor Leaf causing Seel to shout in pain ending the match.

Ash:Ivysaur that's enough,bring him down gently!!😃

Daisy:Seel return!!You did you great take a rest,Now for the real thing,Go Lapras!!😃

Ash was little shock of what Pokemon Daisy uses this time and to think it's a Lapras.

Ash:A Lapras!!,Now this is a fight,Ivysaur can you still continue?😓

Ivysaur gave Ash a soft smile and nodded them turning her attention again towards their opponent.

Ash:Daisy I'm not changing this time,can we started?😃

Daisy:Of course Ash,but remember lost one pokemon in this match you're going to take me out on a date later Deal?(wink)😉

Ash:Sure but if you defeated one of my Pokémon,seeing Lily and Violet failed to do that earlier,I'm not going to lose😃

Daisy:(smirk)Bring it on Ash, Lapras use Sing!!😃

Ash:Shit!! Ivysaur cover your ears!!😓

But its to late Lapras started to sing a calmy melody and sound causing Ivysaur and the others to fall asleep except Daisy and Ash.

Daisy:Woah!! you stood against My Lapras singing,impressive but it look like your Ivysaur isn't😃

Ash:Tsk (She right,Ivysaur is totally knockout,I need to change plan)Ivysaur return!!😓

Daisy:Changing pokemon won't change the outcome Ash,your pokemon will still going to sleep because of my Lapras!!😃

Ash:(We will finish her off in one shot,I'm counting on you buddy)I choose Pikachu😃

Pikachu:Pika Pi(Leave it to me Ash)👍😄

Daisy:Pikachu huh!!,No matter Lapras Sing!!😃

Ash:Quick Pikachu Thunderbolt 50% Power😃👊

Pikachu jump from the stands and releases his powerful bolt of electricity into Lapras who stood frozen when Pikachu got the first move.

Pikachu:Pika Chuuuuuu!!!(Take This)

The attack hit Lapras directly its  super effective causing Lapras to fall down to the bottom of the pool then float back with swirly eyes.

Daisy:What!!No way,That Pikachu is a Monster!!😲

Ash:Hehehe That's my partner,High Five!!👋

Pikachu came back to Ash shoulder and high five each other.

Ash:Okay Daisy,I defeated the three of you,can I have my badge now?😃

Daisy:Hold on Ash,I said if you defeated all of us sisters you can get your badge but you still didn't defeated our little sister😃

Ash:What!! I'm going to fight Misty next(gulp)(this is going to be hard)😲😓

Daisy:Lil Sis!!Your up,challenge your love now!!😃

Misty:Daisy can you please shut up!!😠

Misty got up from the diving board where her sisters previously stand then Misty stared at Ash with a confident smile.

Misty:Ready to get beaten Ash?😃

Ash:Hahaha Not a chance Misty😃

Misty:Okay let's start,Misty call Staryu!!😉

Ash:She is excited isn't she,Pikachu are you ready?😃

But Pikachu didn't response to Ash instead he jump down from Ash shoulder and head towards Leaf,not wanting to fight.

Ash:Pikachu what's wrong?😓

Pikachu:Pika Pikachu Pika Chu (I can't Fight Misty,I'm sorry Ash,she is good a friend to me and I don't want to battle her I'm really sorry)😫

Ash just stood there shock not saying a word after what he hear from his best pal,he understand perfectly but he can't win without Pikachu,what he will do now

Misty:So Ash,are you forfeiting the match?😃

Ash still looking down at the floor them look up and stare at Misty also giving her a confident smile.

Ash:I'm not gonna give up till it's over👊,Gyarados I choose you!!😉

Misty:(smile)That's what I like to hear,Let's do our best Ash!!😄

Leaf:Woohoo Go guys,show us a wonderful match!!!🙌

Daisy:Looks like Tomorrow's Special Event is going to be interesting,right girls?😃

Lily:You said it Sister😃

Violet:I'm so excited for tomorrow,Ash and the girls will be surprise for sure!!😆

Daisy:Yup for sure but for now let them enjoy this match😃


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