Not What it Seems [BTSxBTS]

By NeroDaku

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Being Left as an Orphan Demon Hybrid Finds out its More Than Meets The Eye... Jimin is found out in the wo... More

Training pt2
Forgive and Move On
Training Pt3
True Power Comes From The Heart
True Terror
Come Back
Obey my Order
The True Power of Calamity
Little Angel
Min's Revenge
Jimin's new Strength and Mins Death
Change and Feelings

Angel of Death

516 11 1
By NeroDaku

While nick was in the shower Jimin and Taehyung were sitting with marie in the main hall getting patched up by yoongi, who was basically their medic and knew everything about hybrids and how to treat all types of wounds and injuries.

   "there injuries must be from nick?" yoongi looks at Jimin who was watching Taehyung getting patched up.

Jimin nods his head, yoongi had already finish wrapping up Jimin in bandages he had bandages around his ribs, arm and his leg.

   " and tae might of angered him in a bad way but we are trying to make him come to his sen-" Jimin gets smacked up side the head by nick who is standing infront of him with a angered expression.

 "Ow what was that fo-" Jimin looks up to see who smacked him but couldnt finish his sentence and when he looks up Jimin sees nick standing there and his eyes widen and he sits there speechless as nicks gaze makes Jimin have a chill down his spine.

     "are you just plain stupid? you really think that giving me space will change my mind about how things are..." Nick bends down and and holds his hand out infront of Jimin and Nicks hand begins to glow a yellow greenish color, as nick waved his hand back and forth around jimin , Jimins wounds began to heal immidiately seeing how Jimin already had the ability to heal Nick just speed up the process and ounce yoongi finished patching up Taehyung nick moves over and does the same for him.

    "Why are you doing this?" Tae asks.

"Im only doing it cause marie asked me to..." nicks looks over at Jimin to see if his wounds were healing and they were all they needed was time to rest. Nick then stands back up and heads back to the training room. Jimin quickly gets up and runs behind nick, Jimin then feels a sharp pain on his ride side of his abdomen but he doesn't let that bother him. Taehyung saw that Jimin was in pain but taehyung would then turn to yoongi and let Jimin talk to nick alone. Jimin takes 4 big steps before stumbling and falls foward but nick quickly turns around and catches him.

      "Yep i was right you are stupid. You need to rest those wounds wont heal like they are suppose to if u dont." Nick holds Jimin up and stands him on his feet correctly.

 "I dont care about my wounds....Nick I really dont like how things are right now." Jimin stares into nicks eyes and takes a couple steps forward.

    "hmph its a little to late for that dont you thin-"  Jimin embraces nick tightly up to the point where Jimin has tears rolling down his eyes. Nick eyes widen and he looks down at Jimin and sees that he is crying. Nick slowly wraps his arms around Jimin to comfort him.

   "why are you crying....there is nothing to cry about Jimin you have nothing to be sorry for to be honest you felt how you did for a reason and things happen for a reason so stop feeling sorry for your self and be happy with Tae." Nick tries to let go of Jimin but Jimin Grip on nick is tight.

   "Please let me explain.....I know i hurt you....I never meant to hurt you like that...the things i said before were out of anger i guess.....but the feelings i have for tae....those are real but.... deep down I know you forgive me... but when me and tae a couple days ago i told him that even though im with still in love with you.... but i know i made you upset by saying what i said but i felt weak and that i always needed to be protected so i got angry and it just came out." Nick stops Jimin by hugging him tightly.

      Jimin is shocked, Jimin looks up at nick to meet his gaze, Nick gave Jimin a faint smile but Jimin knew that deep down nick still cared about him Jimin released broke free from the hug and headed back to the main hall with Tae and yoongi. When Nick continues to make his way to the Training room a big explosion happens at the main hall where marie, Yoongi , Jimin and Taehyung were Nick quickly runs to that area, when he reaches the main hall way nick is greeted by the  none other then Kali and Gregor the 2 Other Demon Emporers who were pressumed dead but some how are alive.

     Nick eyes widen as he saw his 2 Underlings who he was told were dead but is standing before him now. " Kali...Gregor?"

Nick sees that Kali has Marie trapped in a sphere hovering above their head. Which then angers nick as Kali is holding one of his underlings/comrade hostage.

 "Its nice to see you to master..." Gregor says.

"What is the meaning of this why the hell did you attack this place....Namjoons home of all places." Nick snarls at the both of them

       "To kill them of course dont tell me, have you forgotten master we are the 9 demon emporers we dont care about lives who care about destruction." Kali begins draining Marie life slowlying within that sphere. but nick swiftly charges at Kali and leaps into the air and punches the sphere shattering it and taking marie to saftey.Nick leaves her by Yoongi and Tae who were both recovering from the explosion but were still conscious.

      "Watch over her." Nick demands.

Taehyung and Yoongi both nod their head. Kali and Gregor both are in shock that Nick some what betrayed them but it was them who betrayed their master.

 " hmph if you both are really that foolish to appose your master then i have no use for you both, ounce i kill you both and drain you power i will have no use for the both of you and lets just get one thing straight the other 5 emporers are here with me so while you were causing havok they were here with us protecting people." Nick snarls at the both of them and his eyes begin glowing a light blue color.

      "hmph i see no wonder we heard so many rumors that you were weak...and soft what happen to our ruthless master." Kali says.

Nick swiftly charges at both kali and gregor in a zig zag motion and strikes them both with a 3 hit combo causing them both to be staggered. " i am still ruthless but when you threaten my friends and my comrades you have crossed the line."

   Marie slowly opens her eyes and sees that where she is laying is next to Taehyung and yoongi and she spots Jimin unconscious by one of the fountains that is infront of the mansion. Marie quickly runs over to Jimin and tries to Drag him to Tae and Yoongi , but as she was trying she was lent a hand by Jungkook who just arrived back at the house along with Namjoon.

       "Marie? what happen-" Namjoon stops his sentence and acknowledges Kali and Gregor standing infront of nick. Namjoon is completely breatheless because the 2 the people that almost ended his life were standing right before his very eyes. Namjoons eyes began to glow yellow and his quickly charges and blind sides Kali and Gregor with a fierce strike to the mid section and leaps into the sky and lands next to nick.

     "Sorry about your house buddy" Nick says.

Namjoon smiles. " No worries i can have it payed to get fixed."

   Kali and Gregor both stand up and growl at both Namjoon and nick while Jungkook was protecting Marie along with Taehyung and Yoongi and a unconscious Jimin.

Kali and Gregor were Nicks most loyal underlings but since they were prosumed dead nick had no use for them anymore. Kali takes the form of a youngslim young woman of average height distinguished by her Eastern look: her long, straight and glossy purple hair, reaching down to her lower back, while mostly left loose, being parted in the middle of her forehead and sporting two bangs framing her face and going down below her shoulders, her hair is also tied into a pair of bun-shaped Dango loops at both sides of her head, and a braid is present some inches below each of such loops.wearing a strapless dress highly reminiscent of a "Cheongsam".  a large slit in correspondence to Kali left leg, exposing her thigh, and comes secured to her body by a number of dark laces on the back and to her right side, exposing a part of her right breast's back side, and by a line of metal fasteners taking the shape of two horizontally-placed triangles with their bases linked together on her front left side. Such garment is dark in its back part where the laces are, and light-colored on the front, where a large decorative motif. Kali is dangerous in many ways and she knows almost all of her opponenets weakness except her masters because shes never actually seem him use his full power.

   Gregor somewhat is a little less dangerous but he's a battle expert on battle strategies just like Jimin. Gregor slim young man of average height with a muscular and toned body. He has bluish silver hair, most of which are spiky strands that jut upwards on top of his head, except for some which are kept pointing down and partially cover the upper left part of his face.  eyes are slanted, with dark round pupils and surrounded by similarly dark lines. He has small, linear, dark eyebrows.  he donned a small, light-colored earring on his left earlobe, sported a large white cape, with a wide collar, golden edges and fur trimmings over the shoulders, held closed by belt, adorned by a stylized snake with rectangular coils, and its corresponding buckle, with more belts and buckles, placed a few centimeters away from one another and below the first, being left untied. Below this cape, wore a black, high-collared tunic with golden edges, reaching down below his knees, with the part coming down from below the simple belt tied around his waist having an opening in the front. The tunic sported a large, dark cross-like design on the back, and is worn over a dark shirt.

      Kali unleashes her full power and it begins to shake the entire ground making both Nick and Namjoon to stumble almost like an earthquake and as they try to recover kali charges at full speed and Strikes namjoon with a powerful kick to the face and throws nick with her legs causing nick to hit his head against the fountain. As Marie is sitting there defenseless and weak she feels that she could help in someway but she is going to wait for the right moment. Nick slowly begins to try and recover from hitting his head that hard but Kali was on par with nick when it came to hand to hand combat thats what made her so dangerous and also her raw power alone.

  "hmph i expected no less from you master no one wouldnt of been able to recover from hitting their head so hard against that fountain i guess i didnt throw u hard enoug-" Nick charges in a swift motion and strikes Kali in the mid section while only using 20% of his full power and it made kali cough up blood.

     "ugh..cough....damn you...let me guess you used your full strength with that one attack huh because any other time you done that you never caused this much damage to me." Kali snarls at nick.

     Nick begins to laugh. "hmm it seems much has changed in 400 years havent heard have you.." Nick says.

"Heard what?" Kali slowly stands back up.

     "You know my parents Demonio and Diabla the former rulers of the underworld and the most powerful demons tht ever lived." Nick runs a hand through his hair.

"Yeah what of them didnt they die all those years ago by Typhoid and Jongsu?" Kali asks.

       "Hmph i thought so too but Me and my little brother killed both our parents and i took my mothers power but idk what Happened to my fathers power i died in the process of saving my baby brother." Kalis and gregors eyes widen as their masters word put them in a state of shock.

    "y-your lying! there is no way you were able to beat your parents and we thought Jungkook was dead after you betrayed him and went off and let him die." Gregor says.

     Gregors words anger nick and nicks eyes begin to glow blue. Jungkook slowly walks over to nick and stands infront of him with glowing red eyes.

"Now how would i be dead if im standing right infront of you Gregor." Jungkook snarls at Gregor.

      Kali and Gregor were in even more shock to see Jungkook well and alive infront of them, Kali and Gregor feel disappointed in themselves but it doesnt matter if they feel that way. Kali Aura began to appear in a pinkish purple color and gregors aura began to show in a green color. Nick puts his hand on Kookies shoulder and tells him to step aside.

 "No Kookie...Let me handle this one." Nicks says softly.

  "Okay...becareful..." kookie says.

 " I will..." Nick takes a few steps forward and is 10 feet away from Kali and Gregor and as Nick isnt going to use his full power against them because he has other plans for the two of them. Nick gets into a fighting stance and so does Kali and Gregor. But as Nick was getting ready to make the first move he spots marie standing up in the corner of his right eye. Marie looks completely different from when she did before as if she figured out how to speed up her aging process with the blood of the 200 fallen angles. Tae, yoongi , and Namjoon were in shock because marie looked as if she was 17 years old originally she was 6 years old. Now marie petite young girl. She has blue eyes and is commonly seen with a somewhat innocent and childlike expression on her face. Her amaranth hair is tied up in two short pigtails with orange bows.She wears a pale blue mini skirt, a pink, sleeveless top with a dark blue center and a folded collar with yet another orange ribbon tied around it and a heart emblem on her left breast and an "X" on her right. She wears short white gloves coupled with orange wristbands, on top of a longer pink fabric that reaches her upper arms and is kept in place by armbands that match the ones on her wrists. For hosiery, she has long black stockings and white leg-warmers atop black shoes.

       Marie places her closes hand on to her heart and calls out am incantation from the book of 200 Fallen Angels. As Marie tosses the 10 Coins into the air she resites the incantation for the angel Raguel.  "For the cost of 100 I ask that you come forth from the light and obliterate in my name." Raguel is a white angel that possesses two giant pairs of wings, and four long, four-fingered arms. Raguel's legs are similar to the legs of a hooved animal, and it possesses one large, eel-like tail and two longer, thinner tails on either side, with what appear to be small oval fins at the end. Raguel also has two wing tattoos on its collar bone, like Barakiel. Raguel has many heads, five in front, two in back, each holding a veined horn with an arm of its own. Two large columns of hair rise upwards from between the top two heads and then curl downward. An additional curl at the top loops in the shape of a halo. " I summon the angel that plays the sounds of the End Time Raguel!"

  "Marie NO!" As Raguel descended from the heavens Kali and Gregor both look up and see the angel and plan to attack it but raguel attacks them both with a blast of white light. Marie leaps into the air and lands on raguels shoulder. Nick tries to stop marie but if he tried to stop her raguel would attack nick and if he attacks raguel he basically kills marie.Nick sits back and does nothing for now. Namjoon and the others look at marie with a shocked expression but turn their attention to nick because he is the one who gave her the book of angels.

     "why is everyone looking at me?" Nick says.

" How powerful did you make Marie? and how was she able to summon this angel?" Namjoon snarls at nick.

     "She wanted to learn how to summon angels but she summoned the strongest out of the 200 angels and it will cost her, her life if raguel is destroyed." Nick informs namjoon.

     " Wait raguel costs 100 souls? but Marie isnt a hybrid so that means it would cost her 100 years off of her life spand right?" Nick nods his head.

"all we can do now is see how far she has come up to this point. and dont let them kill raguel." Namjoon and the others all agree to nicks terms and stand by as marie takes on 2 of the strongest demon emporers on her own.

     Kali and Gregor leap up and prepare to attack raguel but raguel forms a red and black beam and fires it hitting both gregor and kali. as Kali hit the ground first and gregor hit the ground second marie laughs evily.

   "Aww whats wrong are you afriad of fighting a little girl?" Marie says.

"hmph no matterI can kill that thing with the slightess of ease." Kali snarls at Marie as Kali puts both her hands together and forms a purple beam of destructive light. and Gregor puts both his hands together and a black orb forms that is surrounded with black lightning. as they both fire at Marie, marie holds out one hand and neutralizes their attack.

    "what the hell?!" Nick says.

"Woah." kookie says.

 "You've got that right." Jin says.

"...." yoongi is speechless

Jimin finally wakes up and sees what is going on and sees marie up in the sky ontop of raguel shoulder. "Marie?!" Jimin says in shock.

     Kali and gregor are both angered as Marie was actually a threat to them. as marie looks down at the both of them while the others are standing by watching Nick quickly informs Jimin on the Jimin is put up to speed marie is defending her self quite well. But kali is furious and when she gets furious shes owns up to her name as the goddess of destruction. and Gregor owns up to his reputation for his strategies.

     "May you ride in pain and agony until death seems like a blessing from above." Raguel unleashes his full power and blows the very horns that he is holding and sends destructive sonic waves destroying everything in its path and the north direction from where they were standing Raguel destroyed a whole section of trees leaving nothing but broken branches and trees sliced in half.

     as everyone covered their eyes from the dust that was flying everywhere Kali and gregor were laying on the floor injured heavily but as nick looked up to see them laying their he lifts his eyes up a little more to see the destruction Marie has caused. and as he looks up at Marie who has a evily but pleased expression on her face. Nick looks up at marie and examines her and sees that she is almost corrupted by her own power or if shes under full control and has harnessed the full power of the angels to use at her command. Even if so Marie is beyond dangerous and they have to get her to come to her senses.

  "Marie! You have got to stop this!" Nick tries to talk some sense into the corrupted maire.

Marie turns her attention to nick and Jumps off Raguels shoulder whom was almost 20 feet tall and she sticks the landing. Marie stares down nick with a fierce look and holds her hand to her chest as she is about to summon another angel.

 "I summon Barakiel"  nicks eyes widen as she summoned 2 angels who were both immensely powerful and as Barakiel descends from the heavens and stand next to Raguel Nick knew the consequences if he killed both of them but he had to make a choice, if he didnt it would either be marie life or his own. Marie puts her hand to chest one more time and nicks eyes widen.

  "The Hell" Everyone says in unison as marie is going to summon again and as she holds her hand to her chest. " Call fourth the angel of Death. " as The Angel of Death descends from the heavens he appears to be the same height of Barakiel and Raguel , he is slipt into 2 halves The angel of death has a demonic and angelic side. and weilds a Sythe.

   Nick looks at marie with a disappointed look. "Marie I taught you how to use angels but it seems like you have completely lost control and forgot who you were."

Marie beings to giggle. " Oh nick I havent lost control i only asked you to teach me how to use angels so i could obliterate demons like you but now that i have the power to do so killing you and the rest of the other shouldnt be a problem."

     "hmph i see ill let you think what you want but it would take more then 3 angels to take me down and the 3 you just summoned are nothing i cant handle , so if you think you got what it takes to beat me, then lets see what you've got." Nick gets into his fighting stance and waits for Marie to make her move.

  Marie Jumps off of the angel and lands on the ground to comfront nick face to face. Marie raises one hand signaling her angels when to attack, as marie commands Raguel, barakiel and The angel of death to attack, each one of the angels form a beam of white light which could pierce through anything it came in contact with including nick.

     "attack him my angels use your full power and obliterate him at ounce." as they all fire their white beams of destructive light towards nick before it could come in contact Onew , Minho , Taemin and Jokwon all appear out of no where and take the hit for nick. Nicks eyes widen as he saw their bodies being pierced through like a pen stabbing through a piece of paper. Min just so happens to appear a few seconds after her comrades took the hit for their master. As Min averts her eyes to Her fallen comrades her eyes are filled with tears and she covers her mouth  with both her hands.

 "Do you see now my true purpose in life is to kill off any demon that stands before me."

Nick quickly makes his way to Taemin and the others and as nick lifts taemins head nick felt that Taemins pulse was faint and didnt have long.

"m-master....i-im sorry...."  Taemin says faintly.

"shh..dont going to save you dont worry...."  Nick places a hand on his face.

 "No....we caused enough trouble we tried to make it up to everyone by proving we were on their side but no matter how hard we try its no please take the power you bestoed apon us  to create us and defeat this monster for us please...." Taemin begins to breathes is last few breathes.

  Nick lays taemin back down on the ground and stands back up and looks at Min who breaks down into tears and then he looks over at Kali and gregor who were crying as well because they lost a part of them.

 "What did they mean the power nick bestoed apon them?" Kookie asks.

   Min turns to Kookie. "You see the 9 Demon Empoerers was started by Your older brother....but the 8 of us were created by him so your brothers full power isnt what it seems. He used a portion of his full power in each of us and we became stronger over the years so if one of us were to die, Nick would regain the power he bestoed and the power we gained so he would be come even stronger but since 5 of the 8 emporers were killed nicks power would increase 10 fold.

  As nick watches as his faithful servants / Comrades disappear their bodies begin to glow and as they disappear a beam of light shoots from their bodies and into nicks body.

 "Jimin are you okay?" Namjoon holds Jimin up.

"Yes...What do we do now?" Jimin says.

   " I dont know base off what min said could she be right?"  Namjoon says curiously.

As soon as the 5 Demon emporers bodies completely disappeared nicks had tears rolling down his eyes as if he had lost one of his closest friends. Nick lets out a large demonic roar, nicks eyes turned completely red , His aura began to glow a dark blue color and his power began to grow by the second it left the others in a state of shock. Marie began to grow terrified and it made her heart rate increase.

  "M-master?!" Min , Kali and Gregor shout out.

Nick power reaches its limit for now he hasnt quite regained his full absolute power back because 3 more emporers are still alive. Nick turns his attention to marie who was afraid.

    "So chose to betray the people who took you in and i was willing to teach you everything out of the kindness of my heart because i thought it was good inside of you but now i see that you are nothing but worthless trash."  Both of nicks hands begin to glow blue.

   "w-wait...." marie tries to reason with nick now that she sees that he is become more powerful than ever.

      Nick begins to resite an incantation. "Yein Ragdei " ​Nick puts his hands together and traps all 3 of Maries angels and her self in individual spears of blue light.

" What is this?! Nick please im sorry..... forgive me" Nick ignores maries cries for forgiveness.

Nick moves his arms in a circular motion while reciting the incantation, "Niel Wielg Mion.... Terse Elcantaeus!"  Purple lightning apears from the grounds shooting up around nick.

  "MASTER DONT DO IT!!."  Min shouts out, nick doesnt listen to min.

"what kind of incantation is that?" Jin looks at yoongi.

   "I dont know it.....Min what do you know about this spell and how to stop him?"

Min is stuck in a state of worry and shock. " I-its know as the Battle gods of Destruction.... you cant stop would kill anyone in its path no matter how strong, how defensive anything who stands before this spell will be destroyed this is the end for the little girl..." Min cant bare to watch it, she heads back inside the house as the others watch from a safe spot.

 Hoseok Looks on from a projection screen that is focusing on nick and the others.

   "Interesting lets see what nick has instored for us this time. " Hoseok says out of curiousity.

     "Yagdo Rigora!!!!"

after which nick spreads his  arms wide and summoning a stone, Demon God-Like effigy with intricate designs on its body The ground begins to erupt like an earthquake the land rises and gaint chunks of rock begin flying towards Marie and her angels, then erupts into a monumentous explosion of light, destroying everything within a 5 mile radius. Namjoon , Yoongi , Jimin , Kookie , Taehyung , Jin and Hoseok who was watching from a projection sceen were all shook from the explosion, Everyone was shaking in terror as when the explosion finally subsides and the smoke clears everything with in a 5 mile radius is completely destroyed.

      " the....." Yoongi says in shock

Nick turns around and walks towards the others with a calm expression on his face and yet nicks aura was still showing and every step he took left a crator in the ground, but as he got to Namjoon and the others he calmed himself down and his aura subsided. Nick face was feeled with sorrow.

     "Im sorry you guys had to witness that...." Nick looks at the ground in disappointment.

"What the hell was that! You literally just destroyed everything within a 5 mile radius when did you learn how to do that....come to think of it if you were to use that back then i would of been a goner." Namjoon snarls at nick.

      "its one of my most powerful spells that i self took me a while to master it because the amount of power it would consume to do it was to much at the time i wasnt this powerful back then Namjoon.....I was only 18 back then remember.." Nick looks into namjoons eyes.

   Namjoon places a hand on nicks shoulder. " that you mention it"

     "Hey Nick, whats the secret behind your power? I know our parents taught you but whats the truth behind it." Kookie walks over to nick leans his back against the wall.

  "Yeah Tell Us i am curious myself." Jimin chimes in.

  "Alright ill explain ounce where inside, but first ill clean up the mess i made." Nick holds out one hand and a blue light forms around his hand and as nick waves his hand everything that he destroyed within that 5 mile radius was repaired like nothing ever happened.

    Nicks at Gregor and Kali who  were standing by the fountain in the front yard of Namjoon mansion. "Are you two coming?" Nick asks.

Gregor and Kali both exchange looks. " even after what we did your still going to accept us master?" Gregor says.

"well ofc you are my creations and your like family so come on." Nick heads inside the house, Namjoon, Jin , Jimin , Tae, Kookie ,Kali and Gregor all sit in the main corrider on the couches. to listen to nicks story. Everyone turns their attention to nick as he begins to tell the story.

     "Okay so where do i begin... Okay so it all started when i around the age of 21 my powers was still being developed because my body couldnt cotain all of it, since im a rare demon hybrid species my body at the time was weak at the time and i needed to improve myself so i could contain all of my powers because if i couldnt it would of killed me in the process. So i turned to my mother and father to train me to become a stronger demon the training they put me through was brutal...but it was affective." Nick runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breathe.

     "I can tell, but look at you now its almost as if your the strongest demon living amongst us Human , Angel and demon Species. When ever people hear your name it strikes fear into their souls." Namjoon places a hand on nicks shoulder as he looks into nicks eyes.

   "I guess your right but theres always someone better but by the time i finished my training with my parents i felt incredible ounce all my powers started to settle in the  rush of power flowing through my veins...but that was until one day i went beserk and went on a killing spree in the underworld." Nick covers his face in embarrassment.

    "What do you mean killing spree, I heard about it but i didnt know that was you...." Taehyung says.

"You see when i wasnt in full control of my powers as i thought i was,....i went looking for strong opponents and ounce i defeated them i absorbed their powers to increase my own. I only started the Demon War was because i desired more power it was like a thrist that could never be quenched until I met you namjoon...." Nick looks over his left shoulder to look at Namjoon.

   Namjoon smiles,  " If it wasnt for you to stop me who knows what would of happened. But the truth is my power comes from Demon God that i have slaughtered and i stole their power, the demon council couldnt do anything about it at the time because they thought anyone who challenge a god would die because a gods power is higher then mine, but that didnt stop me i killed atleast 2 gods. They were halphas and Arc The twin gods of Life and Death." Nick says.

    Jimins face because twisted with anger, Nick looks up at him to see that he was angered. " Whats wrong Jimin?" Namjoon says.

"Halphas and Arc....." Jimin says softly.

 "Yeah what about them?" Taehyung says.

      " brother and parents told me about them saying how they died in a car crash but in reality i knew that wasnt the case because they didnt look human so hearing this now makes me feel....uneasy." Nick walks over to Jimin and places a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

     "Im sorry....i didnt know but at one point in time people refered to me as The Calamity Demon, Yunos.....Yunos is my middle name and it stands for destruction so in a since the council refered to me as the god of destruction but i didnt want to believe it because i felt as if i i wasnt fit to be a god for all the crimes i commited, but up until now i have full control over my powers and i help others become stronger so that one day they can do the right thing and not use their powers for evil but to save lives but there is a reason humans fear us so much its just because its not in  our nature but if they are driven in the right path humans wont fear us and we can be as one." Nick rubs Jimins head and messes up his hair.

       "Interesting....but tbh You really could be the god of destruction because ive been reading in some of namjoons old books that you ounce destroyed an entire continent with just 1 blow.....and for there to be a god of destruction there must be a god of creation." Jin speaks up.

     "Hmm....we'll talk about this later we should all get some rest ill see you all for training in the morning?" Nick takes a few steps to the stairs but as he walks up two stairs he turns around.

    Everyone nods and they all head their seperate ways and they all prepare for the next morning to come.

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