Servamp Oneshots

By nulluwu

89.8K 2K 866

they're all just really really gay for each other :) More

Mahiru X Kuro
Licht X Lawless
Sakuya X Tsubaki
Kuro X Mahiru
Licht X Mahiru
Mikuni X Jeje
Licht X Lawless
ANOTHER Kuro X Mahiru
Tetsu x Misono
Jealous!Licht X Mahiru
Licht X Sick!Mahiru
Jealous!Kuro X Mahiru
Tsubaki X Mahiru
Lawless X Licht
Lawless X Kuro
Lawless X Mahiru

Kuro X Tsubaki

2.5K 45 6
By nulluwu

I tried my best

This is also a high school AU

Also I still feel like shit so my writing isn't at its best, my apologies, but I have time and motivation right now so I've been writing a lot

Requested by KitaSakamaki


"Kuro, you seriously need to try studying sometime, you may pass one of your classes, and no, laying around all day staring blankly at papers doesn't mean you're studying!" Mahiru scolded his friend, earning himself a tired groan from Kuro, the other rolling over on his bed. (This isn't kumahi I swear)

"Why can't you just take my tests for me? They're so boring..." Kuro whined.

"Because! That's not how it works! Now get up! If you can do these math problems, I'll let you go for a little while." Mahiru said, tossing Kuro's math book and a pencil at him.

"Fine.." Kuro mumbled, slowly sitting up and starting on the math.

When he finally finished, he stood up and shoved the book into Mahiru's hands, saying, "Those should be right, can I go now?"

Mahiru looked at the pages for a second, giving them a once over, and once he deemed the work sufficient enough, he nodded, and Kuro bolted out of the room before the brunette could change his mind.

((So I'm putting them at a boarding school because that's easier and I'm lazy))

He walked through the hallways of the huge dorm building, trying to find one of the many vending machines. When he successfully located one, he pulled some money from his pocket and inserted it into the machine, getting a soda. Kuro picked up the can and leaned against one of the walls near the machine and popped the tab off of the can, taking a sip.

He stood there drinking his soda for a while before he fears footsteps from around the corner. A couple moments later, a small figure turned the corner.

"Oh, big brother, hey," Tsubaki grinned, walking over to Kuro. He stopped in front of the taller teen, looking up at him. "It's been a while, you hardly ever talk to me anymore, you know."

"Are you really still calling me that? Our gang disbanded a long time ago, Tsubaki, there's no need to call me that anymore." Kuro muttered lazily, finishing off his drink. He dropped the can in the trash can that was set near the vending machine, turning around to go back to his room.

"That's what I'm used to calling you so that's what I'm going to keep calling you." Tsubaki answered. "And don't go yet, it's been such a long time since I've been able to talk to my dearest big brother."

"What do you want?" Kuro asked bluntly, wanting to get away from Tsubaki. Someone from his group of friends was probably hiding around the corner, waiting until Kuro dropped his guard. "Which one of your friends is waiting until I let my gaurd down to attack me?" He added, looking at Tsubaki pointedly.

Tsubaki burst into his signature laughter, causing Kuro to give him a confused look, much like anyone did when Tsubaki laughed, before he quieted down and said, "ah... I'm bored.. Anyways, there's no one, I swear, I just wanted to talk to you..." He answered Kuro's questions, stepping a little closer as he trailed off.

Kuro backed up a little as Tsubaki stepped closer, raising an eyebrow at the shorter teen. "Talk, huh?"

"When did you get so cold, big brother? We used to be so close..." Tsubaki commented, raising himself a little higher by standing on his tiptoes so his and Kuro's faces were closer.

Kuro looked down at him for a second, his eyes meeting Tsubaki's. "Close.. That's one way to put it." He said.

Tsubaki grinned and nodded, reaching up to drape his arms around Kuro's neck. "When did we get so far apart...?" He asked in a childish tone, stretching up on his tiptoes to press his nose against Kuro's.

Kuro turned his head away, though he didn't try to push Tsubaki off as he said, "Who knows.."

"Hn.. I'm bored... Entertain me, Big brotherrrr~..." Tsubaki whined after a moment of silence, clinging to Kuro tightly.

"Why are you holding on to me so tightly? I have to get back, Mahiru'll get mad if I'm not back soon..."

"Who's Mahiru?" Tsubaki asked, hiking himself up so his legs were wrapped around Kuro's waist, their faces how level.

"A classmate.." Kuro muttered, his face turning slightly red as Tsubaki's legs stayed tightly locked around his waist. "One who helps me study, you know I've never been good at that."

"Is he your boyfriend...?" Tsubaki asked, his face void of all emotion.

"N-no, there's nothing going on between Mahiru and I, he just comes into my dorm and forces me to study for tests and stuff, don't worry.." Kuro said quickly, wondering to himself why he was getting so flustered about something so trivial.

"Good~" Tsubaki grinned and lightly pressed his lips to Kuro's, something he hadn't done in a long time. He then released Kuro, landing neatly on the ground before grinning up at him devilishly and quickly rounding the corner, yelling over his shoulder, "do well on your test big brother! Don't fail it!"

Kuro's hand came up to lightly touch his lips, staring at the hallway Tsubaki had turned down. 'damn that little fox..' Kuro thought to himself as he walked back to his dorm. 'I'm going to have to go catch him again sometime...'


That turned out a lot longer and better that I expected


Im actually kinda proud of that

I hope you liked it!!

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