Victim of Circumstance | UNDE...

By stephen__higoam

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[BOOK ONE (1) of THE CIRCUMSTANCE SERIES] "It takes the heart of a Lion to become an ultimate conqueror." Sh... More

Victim of Circumstance
Prologue - To Hope & To Wish
Chapter 1 - Wet Dreams & Lil Bro's
Chapter 2 - Retentions & Wrangles
Chapter 3 - Clingy & Dotty
Chapter 4 - Fight & Flee
**Chapter 5 - Bruised Egos & Contused Trunks
Chapter 6 - Backslides & Aftereffects
Chapter 7 - Squalls & Dread
Chapter 8 - Triumph & Power
Chapter 9 - Tried & Unsuccessful
Chapter 10 - A Friend & A Foe
Chapter 11 - Not Ever & Again
Chapter 12 - Love & Hate
Chapter 13 - Life, Death & Memories
**Chapter 14 - Day In & Day Out: Rehash
Chapter 15 - Day In & Day Out: A New Dawn
Chapter 17 - Day In & Day Out: The Brothers
**Chapter 18 - Day In & Day Out: The Aquarium
Chapter 19 - Day In & Day Out: The Date
Chapter 20 - The Awakenings Of... & Attempts To...
Chapter 21 - One & One Equals One
Chapter 22- He Started & Didn't Stop
Chapter 23 - Second & The Last Straw
Chapter 24 - Said & Unsaid
Chapter 25 - Back & Forth
Chapter 26 - Woes & Disclosures Of The Promenade
Chapter 27 - The How & The Why
Chapter 28 - The How & The Why: Conclusion
**Chapter 29 - Right & Wrong Doings
Chapter 30 - Bravado & Its Pitfalls
Chapter 31 - I'll Move Heaven & Earth
Chapter 32 - Abductions... & What The...
Chapter 33 - Always & Forever
Chapter 34 - Explosions, Gases & Revelations
Chapter 35 - You & I
Chapter 36 - The Curtains Opening & Closing
Chapter 37 - It'll Be Long & Laborious
Chapter 38 - Valeria & Pius
Epilogue - The Morning After & The Night Before
Author's Note

Chapter 16 - Day In & Day Out: Adaptation

130 6 4
By stephen__higoam


There was a time I said something along the lines of opportunities not presenting themselves on silver platters just like that at the snap of the finger and when they do present themselves, you don't act all modest and what-what. You grab them with both hands like a avaricious harum-scarum.

That's true.

It tells the most untamed, unpolished truth. If I could, I would go back to give the person that thought of that a pat on their back. oh, right. Its me. What I'm trying to say is, this is an opportunity that not everyone gets the privilege of experiencing. There are hundreds of street kids just like me roaming the streets of Swakopmund, dreaming and hoping for something like this. Finding a home. People that'll accept them for who they are, without no judgment or whatsoever. I have all that and I'll not lie around moping and feeling pity for myself. Of course, I went through hell. I'm still experiencing the aftereffects of all that happened to me, but let me just let go and enjoy this while it last.

I groan, turning in my bed, blindly searching for the unused pillow on the bed. When I get a hold of it, I press it down my head, attempting to lock out the knocking I hear from the door. I'm not even sure if this is like a real thing. Who wakes up at such ungodly hours, disturbing the precious sleep of tired individuals, that haven't experience the luxury of sleeping in a soft, plush king size bed in an amount of almost eight months.

Oh, sorry. Lets take a beat. You probably wondering what in the Judas Iscariot I'm talking about. Oh, you probably have an idea or not. Or whatever but I'm in the Hoveka mansion and when I say mansion, believe me when I say it's the most luxuriant house I've ever seen. Okay, don't get me wrong. I'm coming from money. Like a load lot of it but my parents prefered simplicity, so nothing of ours was over-extravagant. So, seeing the house... lets just say, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

The house is unseen elegance, a modern yet ancient edged furniture with incredibly beautiful designs. Starting from the wrought iron front doors to the private lush backyard. The house has a u-shaped configuration organized around and internal courtyard and allows access to all the living space and the swimming pool. The impeccability of the house is seen in the wood covered ceilings in the living room with cream-like white, silver/grey and navy blue color feature and formal dinning area. A beautiful wrought staircase leading to ravishing bedroom finishes that have light texture, greyish silver dominating the whole set-up. A king size bed covered in soft small pillows, overlooking the internal courtyard with the swimming pool. A bathroom with large shower and a resort-like bathtub perfect for relaxation. So, excuse me if I don't want to wake up and start the day. I've to enjoy this glorious paradise found on earth.

I try to snore, trying to divert the knockers attention to the probability of the person that they trying to wake up being deep in their slumber-glory.

"Valeria stand up. I can hear you moving inside there. Trying to snore to send me away ain't going to work." Ndeshi yells from the other side of the door. That makes me groan along with what I assume to be a muffle 'Go go away.' That seems to have worked. Thank God she has the grace to let me sleep and enjoy this a little bit longer before I go back to reality. Or not.

"VALERIA!" She yells, pulling the blankets off my body, leaving me on the bed without a covering of anything, just me stuck on the bed in my PJ's, groaning into the pillow like a bull with an unquenchable sexual thirst, in desperate need of sating his thrusting need. What?

"God, no. You are loud. Please let me sleep." I whine.

"No." She states firmly, not leaving room for argument, but who says her authoritative voice is going to work. I don't make a move to stand up.

"Please. Just for five minutes." I say in a puppy-like voice, trying to find a consciously sensible part of her, stubborn head body.

"VALERIA!" She yells again, breathing like a oxygenless marathon runner.



"Oooh, come on, Desh. Just a little longer. Pleasseee!" I plead.

"Okay!" She says quietly and too calmly. Wait, "What?" she doesn't respond. Its spine-chillingly quiet, to the extent of the silence lurking at me. That woke me up completely. I jerk up immediately, turning in the bed, but before I can get a grasp of what's happening around me, I feel ice-cold liquid drizzling down my poor body. That makes me screech, something along the lines of, "NDDEEESSSHHHI!"

"No, you didn't." I breathe hardly, shivering, sending her my megawatt glare, getting all emotional all of a sudden. Damn pregnancy.

"Oh, sweety I just did." She waves the bucket she used to vandalize me, in my face, not minding my emotional state. "Now get your bum out of that bed. You late."

"Wait, what?" I snap up. And just like that, emotional Valeria is done, dusted and toast aside. She sighs. Just sighs and kind of too dramatic if you ask me. "You are late." She says matter-of-factly.

"Hey, why didn't you wake me up?" I shout-complain scrambling out of the bed in a haste, trying to get to the bathroom.

"Oh, and what exactly is it I have been doing for the last fifteen minutes, you hard head." She raises her voice. "To tell you I'm getting married to the prince of England? Of course not you doofus." I just release a heavy groan as a responds, quickly slipping out of my PJ's. "I'm so going to be so late and its all thanks to you." I throw her a look.

"Wait, how am I the one at fault if I'm even the one who had the decency of waking your lazy bum?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh, don't give me that look." I say, at last getting the bottoms off me. "If you didn't tell stories and disturb my most appreciated sleep until the ungodly wee hours of the morning, I wouldn't have been going through this now." I end in a huff.

"Oh, that." she smiles guiltily. "Sorry." She says stretching the –y at the end.

"Urgh, I'm so going to be late." I groan. Ndeshi opens her mouth to say something but I shut her up with a raised hand. " Don't say anything and just leave before I lose my last thread of mental normalcy and do..." I trail off, rushing into the bathroom. I poke my head back out in the room again with my bottom half still in the bathroom. "Please close the door on your way out. I don't want to see your face if I get out of here." I close the door behind me. I hear her huff, muttering some un-replenish unpleasantries that require PG warnings before anyone under the age of thirteen hears it.

It takes me an amount of fifteen minutes to get myself into a humanly acceptable form, acceptable in social gatherings, but as always the god-forsaken hair is the obstacle I've to overcome to bring myself to leave this place. I quickly take my hair into a ponytail, after taming them down a notch. I've shoulder length hair and it always baffles some people how a black person can have long hair. Racist swines. I get into a pair of faded skinny jeans and a white top paired with white vans. How did I come to get the clothes. Lets just say when I arrived here two days ago, I found my room already prepared and stocked with clothing of all sorts. I tried to complain and what-what but you know how that went. Me buckling giving up at the end.

I quickly look at myself, giving myself head nod. Appropriate and pick up the pack bag, which I luckily had the grace of packing last night. I'm planning on going to the library to study after the meeting and examination permit collection. I've to get everything in order, because the months I've been on the streets resulted in me slacking behind a bit and I need to speed up. The exam is next week Thursday. Today is Friday. That means I only have round about six days to prepare myself to full capacity.

I close my bedroom door behind me, running down the stairs and into the kitchen area. I find Ndeshi's mom preparing breakfast.

"Morning." I chirp, kissing her on the cheek.

"Right on time. We are about to have breakfast." She moves away from me, placing the plates on the dining table. "Ndeshi and her father will be down now."

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can join today." I smile pleadingly. "I'm running late."

"I can see that. But that doesn't mean I'll let you go without eating anything. Now sit—"

"I'll get something at the school cafeteria. How does that sound..." I trail off seeing the look Mrs. Deborah is sending my way. But me being me doesn't buckle instead I pick up an apple and one of the scrumptious looking toast, before turning around and running out of the kitchen before Debora finds a way to pin me down and I can't afford that. I'm already late.

I meet Ndeshi, descending down the stairs.

"That was fast. Are you sure you cleaned yourself up well?" she smiles wickedly.

"Ndeshi not now. But I'll have your bum on coals later. Ciao!" I wave.

"I'm counting on that." She laughs. "See you later." I open the door, but before I could exit it, Ndeshi calls me back.

"Hey, with what are you going?" She questions.

"Cab, obviously." I answer in duh tone. She throws something my way and I catch it instinctively with a raised eyebrow. "Take my car. You are already late and cabs will delay you even more. I'll catch a ride from my dad." She finishes.

"You are a sweetheart." I smile at her appreciatively and with that storm out of the house and into the red BMW park in front of the house. I reverse the car out of the yard and into the streets of Swakopmund, stepping on the gas as soon as I reach the main avenue.

As soon as I reach the school, I leap out of my car after grabbing my phone and purse on the passengers side.

It'll be an understatement if I say the looks I'm getting from people are almost unbelievable. Some are standing watching me with hanging mouths, while some glare at me, probably wondering where the prodigal whore and murderer of the town got something so classy and money-ly. I hear them whispering things like;

"Whoaa! Who did she have to screw this time to afford that?"

"Some people don't really have shame?"

"Look at the tramp acting like she is worth something."

"God, I think she can suck a dick if she can get a guy to buy her that."

"She is a disgrace to this town. Life was much better whe she was at the bottom of the chain."



"Gold-digging wench."



"Murderer. I heard that she tried to kill her aunt too. Poor woman. It's a good thing the lady threw her out."

"I hope all hell breaks lose on her and she endures the aftereffects of her doings."

Okay, its enough now, but they are not the only ones though, there is more to the list like them talking about my skin color, how all black people are worthless nothings.

How did it get about here?

I'm amongst one of the few black people, 5% to be exact, at these school made of only racist whites that hate me with all their guts. When I said my aunt turn the whole town against me, I wasn't lying. I don't know what she did or how she did it. All I know is that I'm hated. Everything just changed after my parents died. People started acting weird with me, started gossiping behind my back, lashing at me. Simply, people just started treating me awfully. Things got worse when I was thrown out of the house. People started bullying me. Okay, not exactly people but just a certain someone that I agreed to go on a date with. He was awfully cruel. Spreaded lies about me, how I take money for sucking dick, embarrassing me by spanking me openly in front of everyone in hallways and staff. It was horrible. I cried myself to bits but there was nothing I could do. I just started ignoring everything and everyone, until I felt numb. Right now, I don't really take anything anyone says towards me seriously because I know the truth, and no one is going to change the truth.

I stride down the pathway, swaying my hips, not minding the idiots ogling at me like I'm some eatable something.

"Boy, move. Out of my way." I snap at the boy standing in my way with mouth agape. He moves but annoyingly slow not moving his eyes away from me. "Oh and please close your mouth. I know I'm hot but you don't have to drool. Oh and to everyone," I say turning around to everyone that form a half moon around me, "I didn't suck no ones member to get what I've, contrary to the commonly held believe. I'm not and never was a tramp. Never will be. So instead of going behind my back and calling me all sorts of names, come to my face and tell me. Don't—"

"We all know—"

"Oh, you damn well know nothing about me and everything I went through." I snap at the boy that spoke up with insurmountable amount of disdain. "So shut your flippen mouth before you regret uttering the words that come out of your mouth. I'm done clowning down to your insults and maltreatment. I'm still a Jaarson and from this day on, know who you picking a fight with because I've people behind me now, that believe in my innocents and are willing to do anything for my course. If you don't want to get caught in the cross fire that will come, please shut you mouths and stay clear of me because you'll sure as hell get burnt." I tell everyone present and walk away. I can see the number has increase as they clear the space for me. I walk towards the gym hall where the meeting will be held with my head held high, feeling gratified. At last I got that out in the open.

I hear someone calling my name. I whip my head around to look at the person, only to find the boy that started all this.

How do I feel about it? About him being the mastermind behind my daily torture? Me agreeing to go on a date with him? I don't know. All I know is I'm hurt and disappointed but why did I agree to a date? Even if I say I did because of my... feelings, is that enough to erase everything he put me through? The pain, humiliation. Him always finding a way to demean me?

I don't know.

I smile at him softly, as he catches up with me. And the expressions I find on the other students faces... its priceless. They continue whispering not finding the guts to face me. Probably, also because one of the most popular boys just spoke to the pest of the social chain. I find Pius glaring at some boy that's ogling at me with no shame. He looks as if the decision was only up to him, like he would castrate the boy and feed it to his favourite pet.

"Uhmm... Pius why are looking at the boy like that?" I ask, waving in front of him to snap him out of his glowering.

"Can't you see how that idiot is looking at you? Like you the most appetizing desert here." He says without looking away from the source, fuming. And without no further words, he strides over to the boy who seems to be pissing himself as his face morphs into absolute fear.

"What do you think you're doing?" Pius raises his voice at the boy. The boy seems lost for words as he struggles to find a coherent word to fit an acceptable responds.

"I... I... no... nothin—"

"—no—nothing." Pius mocks the boy. "It didn't seem like you were doing nothing. You perv..." he trails off, breathing hardly. "If I catch you looking at her like that again, I swear to God, your god damn balls will be the least of your worries, because I'll make your life hell. You—"

"Why does it look like that kid is about to piss himself." Someone with a very sexy deep voice says breathlessly next to me. I immediately snap my head to look at the person, just to find Xander breathing hard.

"Why do you look like you just ran a marathon?" I question him with a raised eyebrow, ignoring his question.

"That's because I just did. You didn't answer my question. Why—"

"...does it look like that kid is about to piss himself. I heard you the first time." I look at him. "I don't know." I respond absentmindedly still looking at Pius still busy enacting his verbal abuse towards the kid, that appears to be totally, utterly and completely terrified. Those kids that were at the surrounding also starts creating distance between them and Pius, not wanting to become his next victim.

"You don't know why he is about to pee himself or you don't know if he is about to pee himself?" He asks me again. I frown.

"What's the difference. Isn't it just the same thing?" I square him up and down. He smiles. And what a cute smile he has. But it will never match up to that of Pius, because his is glorious and breathtaking. Xander might be cute but if... Wait? Where are my thoughts wandering to and why in the hell holes name am I comparing Xander to Pius?

"Fair point." Xander states and remains quiet for a short while. "You look god. Like really good." He compliments not looking at me.

"Thanks. I feel good." I answer honestly, smiling. He looks up at me and smiles. What's up with him and smiling with me today?

We were never really close, but he was the only exception in this school. He was the only person that didn't give up on me. Defriend me when everything went south. Although he couldn't do anything about my situation, he was there for me, giving me moral support. I once asked him why he was so sweet while his best friend was the complete opposite. He just said Pius is a dick for not realizing things for what they are. Whatever that meant. And that was also the first time I heard him curse. He doesn't look anything like someone that can do that. Curse, I mean. He is handsome, like really handsome. Any girl will die for his attention but unlike his best side kick a.k.a Pius, he is very attentive, choosy and just cool. He doesn't go around leaving girls heartbroken but I heard rumours about girls he supposedly slept with.

"What did the kid do to deserve Pius' wrath?" He queries after a moment of contemplating silence, snapping me out of my head.

"According to him the kid was looking at me as if I was the most appetizing desert here." I answer, putting 'the most appetizing desert' between air quotes. Xander's lips slowly stretches into a soft smile, with a raised eyebrow coated with an amusement.

"Really?" he questions.

"Yeah, really."

"At last." He breathes, smiling from ear to ear. I frown, looking at him as if he just grew an extra head. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Nothing. Its just—"

"...and to everyone. SCRAM. NOW." Pius yells, sending everyone on their way like lost puppies. That stopped Xander mid-sentence.

"Wow." Xander mouths softly but audible enough.

"Yeah, wow." I agree.

"What was that all about?" I ask Pius when he rejoins me and Xander. He doesn't respond and like send from hell, someone says that we can enter the gym hall now. The meeting is about to start.

"Let's go." Pius says, completely ignoring my question. He leads the way like he didn't just put some kids head on the chop sticks for just looking at me. Xander starts giggling. I immediately whip my head around and glare at him. That makes him throw up his hands in air in mock surrender.

But he doesn't stop though.

Getting irritated, I pinch him on the ear, pulling his enormous size down to my height. "What's so amusing, that makes you giggle like a love struck fourteen year old girl?" I whisper in his ear.

"Ouch. Ouch." He whimpers in pain, forcing my hands away from his poor ear. "God, what was that for?" he whine-complains as we enter the hall.

That's just how we are. Me and Xander. Well, at least most of the times. Him annoying me and me glowering at him. Today was kind of the first time we formed a taunting-free conversation. Which by the way, thinking about it now is so surprising.

"You asking? You—"

"Okay, okay. Jesus, chillax." He says bringing his giggles down to a stop. "He likes you." He whispers in my ears matter-of-factly with a sad edge and walk away without looking back.

That leaves me standing mouth agape, eyes popping out not believing his words. Pius liking me? Not possible. But... No. Not in a million years. God, it's the mighty freaking Pius Starke we are talking about. People like him doesn't get to like measly floor mopping black peasants like myself. What? Don't look at me like that? His words, not mine.

I walk in the direction Xander just went fighting to avoid the heated gaze of Pius I feel on me. It makes me feel hot and not hot as in looking beautiful hot. Hot as in temperature that's greatly undesirable and all.

"Good morning students. Todays meeting is as you all know to clarify some of the issues. Examination rules and... " I zone out of the meeting and everything. I couldn't stop thinking about what Xander said. Pius can't possibly like me and please don't think of me as some clueless naïve idiot or something. Yes, I see how he is with me. But that doesn't mean anything right. It can't possibly mean anything. He can't like me and I can't like him like that. Do I even like him? This is so frustrating. He is frustrating. Just look at the contrast. We are complete opposites of each other. He is the perfect, breath-stoppingly handsome Pius and I'm just me. Poor old me that's boring as shi...

"Hey. Are you okay?" Pius asks, touching my shoulders, concern evident in his eyes.

"Wha—, oh, yeah." I brush it off. I don't know how long I've been stuck in my thoughts but I find the students going in all directions, presumably going to collect their permits.

"You sure?" he questions again skeptically.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay. Uhm, I'm gonna go collect my exam permit. You do the same yeah?" he looks down at me.

"Okay." I scramble up and wave him off. Moving away and out of his way. I quickly chance a glance back at him. I find him standing gawking at me, head tilted and a crease between his eyebrows. I quickly look away and get out of there before I do something stupid to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

He is being oddly weird. I don't know why but its mind bogglingly unnerving. Probably I know the reason but I ain't ready to accept it for what it is. And then I remember what Xander said, earlier, at last. What did he mean with that?

I hate all this code talking.

I bump into someone, still lost in my head with the internal brawl ensuing. The person's handbag falls. I immediately go down to retrieve the belongings of the person without even second thoughts. I pick up the car keys, the mint gum, cell phone, the... ID?

I look at it and up instantly recognizing the person.


"Ann?" We say in unison. We look at each other like we are some strangers, while we are the complete opposite. She was my best friend since we were in grade eight. I remember the first day we met like it was yesterday. It was at the cafeteria when this egocentric pervetic waiter was getting all inappropriate and personal with her. I was just right behind, so I stepped in when I couldn't stand it anymore. We gang up against him, telling him all we had to like how he needs to look at himself before he even considers a chimpanzee throwing a glance his side and how he makes the ugliest man look like the sexiest. He couldn't get a word out of his mouth after we were done with him. His mouth was hanging, with spit dripping. Okay, not really. Cancel the spit dripping but he couldn't put his mind on everything. Firstly because no freshman had ever made him speechless. Apparently he always had something up his sleeve to say. Finding the look on his face, we both looked at each and fist bump, saying girl power at the same. We burst into a laughter. After that we just clicked and started hanging out more and more until we were practically inseparable. We even befriend the waiter who by the way went by, Marco. He was cool. We even apologized for saying all that to him and how we only said that to break his mountainous ego. He left last year when he got a scholarship to study engineering in Germany. We were so pumped about it.

But me and Ann's relationship went south after everything that happened. She just wrote me off. Stopped hanging out with me, ignoring me. With everything that was happening, I needed my bestie but she left me hanging in the air without a parachute, just free falling with nothing and no one. I stopped trying. I cancelled out everyone that meant something to me and here we are. Looking at each like we hardly know each other.

I stand up, handing her the ID back. I rub at the non-existent dirt on my jeans awkwardly. We look at each other. The other wanting to say something to the other but not finding the correct words to use. I look up at her and she looks so troubled and in certain. I can see the struggle in her eyes.

I stop trying to come up with something acceptable. Just mumble a, "I'm sorry." Awkwardly and turn around to walk away. But I hear her speak up.

"Can I tag along?" she asks so uncertainly, completely lost and hopeful. I'm also caught off guard. I never thought she'll ever talk to me. I never thought I'll see the day where Ann Jons talks to me, Valeria Jaarson.

"Its okay if—"

"Yeah, why not." I force a smile, shaking my head back to reality. Didn't know I was just staring at her, lost in my thoughts which resulted in her getting fidgety.

"Okay." She smiles. We walk down the corridor with me looking for the class where I'm supposed to be collecting the permit in complete silence.

"Where are you collecting your permit?" She asks after a while.

"Room C7." I reply.

"Me too." She mumbles. I don't say anything. What's there to say? I can't let the pain and heartbreak her abandonment caused get in the middle of today. I need today to be perfect. I don't want to cry. I don't want to feel anything. I just want to feel normal. Just for once, even if its just for today before everything goes back to reality. Before I get back to my pain filled reality.

She pulls me back gently by my wrist. I look up at her frowning. What I find on her facial features is nothing I don't want anyone, not even my worse enemy to go through. Emotional struggle. I know that look because I damn well know how it feels. Been there. "I'm sorry Valeria. For everything." She sniffles, wiping at the tear that slipped down.

"I know you are." I tell her genuinely. "But not today please. I've been through a lot of bull and I need just today to work out perfectly. It's the first day I'm out in the public like me. The old me and I just want everything to go perfectly. If you start asking forgiveness now than I'll be forced to think back, which will trigger emotions I'm not ready to face. So please." I close my eyes, and breathe softly.

"Okay. But please—"

"We will. Just not now." I interrupt her.


"Lets go get the permits and get this high school thing over with." I say and she chuckles. That makes me smile.

"Lets go." She agrees, leading the way.

And with that we stride down the corridor alongside each other, looking for the class. Finding it, we collect our permits and leave the class, promising each other that we'll meet and have that talk. I find Pius casually leaning against my car in the parking lot, very much sucked into whatever he is doing on his phone, looking all hot, muscle-y and... eatable.

Uhhmm, where did that come from?

I grimace and shake my head, walking slowly towards him. "Uhm, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you." He looks up and at me, connecting our eyes. God, I don't like it when he looks at me like that because it makes me feel like he can see deep into my soul or something.

"How did you know?"

"Know what?" he shoves his iPhone into his jean pockets.

"That this is my car... well not really my car, if you wondering. Didn't have to suck anyone's phallus to get it, unlike what everyone thinks. But what I'm trying to say is that—"

"You rambling." He smiles his knee weakening smile.

I take in a huge breathe, "I know."

"And it's cute." He chuckles. I feel my face heating up immediately. I look away to hide the blush taking ownership of my cheeks.

"To answer your question, its kind of the only car that looks brand new and everyone seems to be buzzing about it. So it wasn't hard figuring out its yours. Besides I also kind of saw your moment stopping entrance." He tells me. "And about you sucking someone's phallus," He swallows, showing his abject discomfort talking about male coital organs. " get it, I never thought of that..." he halts when he sees my raised eyebrow.

"Don't do that?" he says seriously, all wit gone from his facial features.

"Do what? Being surprise that you haven't thought of me in such a manner?"

"No, you looking for ways to make me feel guilty and—"

"That's if you've a heart, because for the last how many years you've been wrecking havoc in my life made me believe that you don't have one." I snap at him.

"You see, that." He flares, stretching his hands in my direction.

"What's your deal? Is it hard for you to hear the truth? That you made half of my high school life a living hell with your little ploys? You—"

"I'm sorry." He looks up at me sadly with a soften composure, cutting me mid-sentence. "I didn't mean to. Its just..." he rubs his eyes.

"What time are free to go on the... uhm, the date." He ask timidly, scratching the back of his neck, changing the topic. I inhale and say, "Anytime you want to." Going along with him. If he wants to ignore it, then I'll too.

"What about tomorrow?"

"Can't it be only after exams? I kind of have to study and catch up." I say.

"I know. I'm also writing history next week remember?"

"Yeah, I know. Its just that I—"

"...have been slacking behind considering the things you've been going through." He finishes my sentence. I cock an eyebrow at his accurateness. "I know. That's why I kind of have a preposition."

"What about?"

"Uhm, I'm taking my small brother to the aquarium tomorrow to finish his project on aquatic life and blah blah. I want you to tag along with us."

"What's the preposition then?" I ask him.

"Uhm, will you be willing to go on that date with me tomorrow night if I promise to study with you for the rest of next week, promising to share all my resources and explain the things in which you slacking behind?"

"I thought you said you want me to tag along with you to the aquarium?" I tip my head to the side, confused.

"That too."

"So, are you telling me that you want to spend the day with me and your brother at the aquarium and go on the date with me in the evening?" I question.

"Yeah, that kind of sums it up." He looks at me hopeful.

"Uhm, that's—"

"Please?" he pouts at me. And how cute he looks doing that. I sigh, and groan, muttering an "Okay."

His mouth stretches into soft happy smile hearing that, "Oh, and uhm... can you like give me a ride home? Came with Xander but he had to go home. Something came up and he was urgently needed and I couldn't... kind of leave without talking to you, so..."

"Its okay Pius." I laugh at his nervous antics. I walk to the car shaking my head, still chuckling.

"Okay." He says awkwardly and step into the car.

I back up the car and out of the parking and into the busy streets of Swakopmund. We sit in uncomfortable silence not knowing what to say to each other. I switch the radio on when I can't stand the silence anymore. Pius pulls out his phone and start playing what I assume to be a game. But the car speakers suddenly burst into Zayn's Pillowtalk. Pius immediately looks up and smiles at me. I pull my eyebrows together, not knowing the reason behind the spontaneous grin growing on his face but to my surprise, he joins Zayn and starts belting the notes along.

"...I love to hold you close, tonight and always. I love to wake up next to you." He sings looking at me with a goofy smile edge on his face. And believe me when I say, he is not just a cute face but his voice... not to be overly dramatic but lets just say I'm covered in goose bumps. Describing his voice as angelic will be an insult to his masculinity and... god. Without knowing what I'm doing, I join him, singing my heart out.

"...Been in bed all day, bed all day," we chorus together looking each with whacky smiles. We go on and on until the song comes to end. We breathe hard after the song ends. Panting heavily, while exchanging looks. We suddenly break into heart thumbing laughter, laughing at nothing in specific but just our stupidity and...

"God, that was..."

"Cheesy." I finish his sentence.

"Cute, adorable but not really cheesy." He concludes. That makes me smile.

"Didn't know you were a Zayn fan." I chance a glance at him, turning into the street where their house is situated.

"There is a lot you don't know about me sweetheart." He looks at me earnestly. "And not a fan. Just love the song. That's all." He smiles.

"Good to know." I smile back, stopping the car in front of his house. We sit in a short silence before he breaks it.

"See you tomorrow then?" he asks.

"Yep." I pop the –p.

"Good day Valeria." He says.

"Good day Pius." I return. He steps out of the car, closing it behind him, sauntering out of my sight into their house. I drive away from his house with an unbelievable smile fix on my lips. I haven't had anything that fun in a long time and sharing that happiness with the person that has been my nightmare for the past years? Like I said earlier. I'm happy. Or at least I'm trying to be. I'm trying something new. And with him by my side. I don't know what we have. I don't know how much of what Xander said is true. All I know is, I'll not live in the past or the other future but in the present and enjoy this ride. Doesn't matter who it is with.

This is the beginning. Its part one of tomorrows date.

And with that glued to my mind, I drive off in the direction of the city centre, to the library, smiling from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

Let the adventure begin.


A/N: This is another update. Two chapters. The previous one was also supposed to be part of this chapter but I liked the way it ended, so decided to make it its own chapter.

Thank you so much for reading guys. Means everything to me. Please don't forget to VOTE, comment and share.

What do you think about the book so far? Please let me know.

Until next time!


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