Don't Go {Gaster!sans x Abuse...

By Jollyisor

36.6K 831 793

I have NO plan. Please leave suggestions and feedback in comments! =3 *This story was written by a very angst... More

I'm not dead!


1.9K 52 81
By Jollyisor

Picture needed later, I'll tell you when (l/n)=last name

Your eyes fluttered open. You were back in the Skeleton house. You got up and didn't see Milo. You opened your door and walked down the hallway. You heard men talking. Then you saw him. Your father. You started to hyperventilate. You calmed your self down. You went to your room and shut the door. You let a few tears roll down your cheeks. You took a few breathes and stood up straight, with a DETERMINED look on your face. You got into (outfit above) and put your hair in a messy bun. (if your hair is too short just leave it down) You put on mascara and walked down the stairs. The skele-brothers were in the room along with your father and a couple of other men. Papyrus was holding back G while sans was talking to the three. You walked down the stairs and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at you.

You walked up to your father showing him you weren't scared of him. You stood very close to him, and he looked down on you. You hated that. "Hello father..." You managed to say with out choking up. "(y/n)..." He seemed full of sorrow. He pulled you into hug, not giving you enough time to react. You pushed your way out of his arms as he gave you a fake confused look. You returned a furious face. "(y/n), what's wro-" "DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME!!!" You yelled, startling everyone. "You only want me so you can torture me again. You don't really love me, you never really did, did you?" He looked at you full of sorrow. But all you felt was rage. "You were probably disappointed when mom said she was pregnant, huh? You never wanted a kid, and if you did want one, you wanted a boy. If you think I'm going to go back with you, heh, your poorly mistaken." "(y/n) what are you talking about!? I would never hurt you." "THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN ALL OF THESE!?" You showed all of your scars to everyone. All of your bruises and cuts. You finally could tell someone and not be scared.

Your father looked at you with rage. "How would you explain these, father...? You were the one who did this, admit it-" He punched your face. You fell back words into G's arms. The two men held your father back while sans pulled out his phone and dialed 911. Papyrus ran to the bathroom to grab a towel for your bleeding nose. The men sat your father on the couch and scolded him. When Papyrus cam back, G set you in Papyrus's arms and walked over to your father while yelling at him. A few minutes later, you all heard the sirens of police cards. You were brought into an ambulance and you saw your father being arrested. You smiled. 'After all these years... I really am free...' You saw sans and Papyrus get in a car. G walked in the ambulance to sit next to you. Then you headed to the hospital. After a few moments of silence, you spoke. "I don't have to be afraid a-anymore..." G turned his head to you and gave you a small smile. "Heh, guess you don't..." You looked at him with pity. "Hey, it's okay... I-i'm fine, WE'RE fine. No matter what happens, I will always love you..."

He grabbed your hand gently and kissed it. He gave you a real smile. "I love you too..." After a few minutes of talking you arrived at the hospital. You were brought to a room and a doctor took x-rays of you nose. "It is broken, but it can be fixed easily." He smiled at you. You gave him a smile back. Your nose was numb while the operation took place. It took about three hours but you couldn't feel anything. One of the nurses kept you calm and you really liked her jokes. When they finished, the doctor said it would be best if you stayed for a couple nights so he could check on you. You agreed and you were brought back to the first room where you met the doctor. G stayed with you the entire week you were there, but honestly you liked it. Then came the day you could leave and go home.

"Alright, miss (l/n), you should be alright to go home! Just make sure to take care of that nose." You giggled. "Thank you doctor." "Of course, that's what I'm here for. Now go have a good day." "You too!" You walked out of the hospital with your fingers entwined with G's. He wasn't there when you woke up, which really surprised you. But he was there when it was time to leave. You saw a (f/c) balloon floating. G walked you towards it. "It's a game, you have to use the clues tied to the balloons to find your next clue. Then you will find your prize." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck for a hug. "Aww, so it's a cute scavenger hunt!" G hugged your waist. "Just for my beautiful babe." You nuzzled his nose with yours. You picked up the balloon and this is what the clue said:

Hey sweet heart! your next clue is where our first date was.

You knew exactly where that was, Grillby's. You grabbed G's hand and you basically dragged him to Grillby's while you ran. You found the next clue in front of Grillby's. 


It took you 1 hour to find the very last clue

You loved this place, we haven't been in a while. Would you like to visit it now?

It took you a while to understand what it was talking about, but than you remembered. 'The echo flowers'. You ran ahead of G like a child on Christmas. You than found the last clue. You picked it up and this is what it read:

Turn around and you will find your prize.

You got confused, but did what the card said. As you turned around, G grabbed your left hand gently in both of his hands. Then he knelt on the ground. Your mouth fell open slightly in shock. "(y/n) (if you have a middle name, put it here) (l/n). Ever since you entered my life, I have been the happiest skeleton alive. You have turned my life around, and there is nothing I can do to repay you. You are the love of my life, the girl of my dreams. I don't know how I ever lived without you. But, there is one more thing I need to ask of you." He pulled out a small black box and opened it. An engagement ring was inside. "Will you marry me...?" You let tears roll down your cheeks like a water fall. You replied "Yes." He looked at you with tears in his eyes. "YES YES YES!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" He slid the ring on your finger, stood up, and kissed you. You willingly kissed him back. You were so happy. You were going to be able to start a family with the man you wouldn't give up for the world.


hey guys! RainbowStar176 here! Sorry i haven't updated in a while, I just didn't have any motivation to do so. But then I saw all of the views.495!?!?!?!?!?!?!? AND 28 VOTES!?!?!?!?!?!? THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! You guys may not believe this, but you are the reason why I started to write this book. Thank you to all of those who were there from the beginning, and to those of you who are willing to stick with me till the end. If this book reaches 40 votes, I will do a Q/A!!!! You can ask me any questions and I will answer them! I really am happy though, you guys. I can't thank you all enough for making me happy. But thank you. =)

P.S. this is not the end of the book!!


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