Lethal Love

By lovesapphirexx

349K 7.7K 1.6K

He's a murderer, I think. But I also think I'm falling. And I think I'm falling pretty fast and pretty hard t... More

0 ; Prologue
1 ; You Snooze, You Lose
2 ; Crash and Burn
3 ; A Pine Forest
4 ; My Neck is Off Limits
5 ; A Green Car
6 ; Defeat Overcomes Him
7 ; Almost Like Magic
8 ; Act Sober
9 ; The Devil
10 ; I Need It
11 ; They Keep Falling
13 ; I Don't Care
14 ; Too Intimate
15 ; Careful Doll-Face
16 ; Thanks Romeo
17 ; Fallen Angels
18 ; A Fraction of a Moment
19 ; Perfect Blanket
20 ; Golden Beam
21 ; I Just Know
22 ; It's a Promise
23 ; This is Flying
24 ; Three Words
25 ; Two Broken Hearts
26 ; Bitches Bite Back
27 ; Confess Your Love
28 ; Stars
New book!

12 ; Kitty Got Claws

10.8K 275 66
By lovesapphirexx

"I don't want to do it," I say, biting my lip nervously.

"But why?" Hailee asks. She's looking at me as if I'm stupid.

"Because... I just don't! Okay? I just don't..." I repeat, over and over again. I've been arguing with Hailee all afternoon. She's just as frustrated as me, but I don't get why.

"That's not a real answer," she replies.

I roll my eyes at her answer. "You sound like my mom right now."

"Well is that so bad? I bet she would've said the same thing as me," Hailee says, her voice a fraction softer now. She crosses her arms and leans against my bedroom door.

I close my eyes and roll around on my stomach, tangling myself in the sheets. "I know," I say.

Hailee sighs and then I feel her weight next to me.

"Why do you want me to do it so badly? Do you really want to not be classmates anymore? Not work together on the same projects? Not go to college at the same time?" 

My voice is just above a whisper. My eyes remain closed and she doesn't answer for a while.

"I don't want to get rid of you Addy, but you're a bird," she says, just as quietly.

I open my eyes and look at her then. Her back is resting against my headboard and her eyes are trained on the scenery outside my window. The wind is ruffling the tree branches and the grass is swaying as if chasing the wind. 

"What's that got to do with anything?" I ask.

She looks at me then, eyebrows furrowed. "You're not flying."


My palms are sweaty and my breath slightly shaky. I can't sort out my thoughts and when I touch the doorknob I completely space out. My mind isn't functioning properly.

Get it together!

I shake my head. "You're pathetic," I whisper.

Then I push the door open. Forty eyes meet my own and I feel my brain blanking again.

"Miss Benedetto?" the teacher asks.

It takes a few seconds for my brain to react. "Huh? I mean yes, thats me."

People chuckle. A wave of humiliation comes over me and I look away.

"Come on in!" the teacher says in a cheery tone. I look up at Miss Ellis and my nerves calm slightly.

She has that calming effect I realize, as she's standing next to the blackboard, a pice of chalk in her hand. Her hair is in loose waves and her white blouse flows delicately from her shoulders. Her blue eyes crinkle with kindness at the corners and her smile is saying 'you're a wonderful human being and I believe in you'. She looks like serenity itself. I can't help but smile back and I walk further into the room.

Miss Ellis puts down the chalk and dusts of her hands elegantly, clapping them softly. Her black skirts sways slightly as her small frame moves forward to greet me and shake my hand. Then she turns to the rest of the people in the classroom.

"Students, this is Adeline Benedetto. She'll be joining us from now on and I believe you'll be treating her nicely."

Miss Ellis' hands rest on my shoulders as she says this and she gives me a light squeze. I plaster a 'sales-person' smile on my face as I look at the other students.

My eyes roam around the room, picking up on both familiar and unfamiliar faces.

"Take a seat in one of the empty desks at the back," Miss Ellis says.

I walk awkwardly to one of the two empty desks, choosing the one in the corner.

Miss Ellis' black kitten heels clicks as she struts to the blackboard again, picking up the small piece of chalk. She begins writing and I pick up my sketchpad, ready to take down her notes.

Theres a slight buzz in the room and I know they're all talking about me as I receive 'discreet' glances my way.

The noise dies down when the door is thrown open in a hurriedly manner. Miss Ellis doesn't seem bothered and only glances at the person in the doorway.

I, however, am very bothered as I stare at Jackson. How is he in AP literature?

You've got to be fucking kidding me, I think. This is so cliche.

Jackson slams the door shut and stomps past the desks, not sparing anyone a single glance. People follow his every move and I notice the girls fawning over him. God, are they stupid? He's so not worth it.

He doesn't look up until he's stood in front of my desk.

When the initial shock of seeing me here dies down the hate awakens. He's glaring at me.

"Get up," he says.

I open my mouth and then close it again, not knowing how to respond. Does he really want to beat me up or something here, in front of everybody?

"You're in my seat," he says, letting his backpack fall to the ground with a thump.

His seat? Irritation flares up like lighting in my spine.

"You don't own this desk. It's school property," I say.

He leans down to my eye level, resting his palms on the desk. His mouth opens and I'm sure he's about to insult me. His glare could potentially kill my insides.

"Mr. Park. Take a seat," Miss Ellis says, her tone light. I look to her and I see her eyes already watching us.

When Jackson doesn't react she repeats herself. "Jackson Park. Sit down," she commands, her voice laced with a hardness I'd never expect her to use.

Jackson glares a little longer before finally sitting down on the desk next to me.

He ignores me for the rest of the class.


"So how was it?" Hailee asks, excitement evident.

"It was fine, I guess. Miss Ellis is amazing so lit was good. But history with Mr. Benson was boring," I say.

Hailee is looking at me while stuffing her mouth with greasy french fries, her favorite. I'm fiddling with my pizza slice, not really wanting to eat.

"Well, were dere any goo looging guys?" she asks, still stuffing her face.

"Hails, you need to slow down. You're gonna choke and die, I swear." 

She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not giving you mouth to mouth if you stop breathing, cuz' that'd be like kissing Tyler," I say, giving her a grimace.

Her expressions turns sour and she stops her eating. "I don't think you need to worry about indirectly kissing Tyler," she says, her voice bitter.

"He still hasn't called or texted?" I ask. What the hell is Tyler thinking?

She shakes her head and I can see her trying to hide her hurt. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it gently. "I'll talk to him Hails. I don't know whats gotten into him lately. He's been pushing me away too," I say sympathetically.

"Don't," she immediately responds. "I don't want to put you in the middle of Tyler and mines relationship."

I give her a stern look. "Hailee, I wouldn't mind. Seriously. He's being a total douchebag and you deserve better than that."

Hailee smiles and squeezes my hand in reply.

When lunch is over we head our separate ways. I'm headed for my math class and I can already feel my brain just shutting down. How can I be able to get straight A's in all subjects but math? I mean, I'm not super bad, but my average is a B and thats not even AP. I'm not saying it's bad, but I'm not saying it's good either.

People react the same way as in english, staring but not really caring, when I walk into the classroom. I head for the back row and sit down. Both desks next to me are empty and I'm hoping they'll stay that way.

I see Tyler walking into the room and I'm hoping he wont sit next to me. He's about to sit down at an empty desk in the middle of the room but then he spots me. His eyes are a mixture of confusion and irritation.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Tyler whisper-shouts.

"What do you mean? I told you I moved up a grade!" I whisper-shout back.

Tyler looks so confused I almost feel sorry for him. "No you didn't."

"Yes I did. I told you the day I decided to do it."

"Did not."

"Did too."

Tyler shakes his head and looks around at the other students. Most of them are sitting on their phones, but some are hurriedly doing yesterdays homework.

"Do you have any idea how stupid this makes me look? My baby sister is moving up to the same grade as me."

Tyler is glaring at me so I glare back.

"Oh poor you," I say. "You're just gonna have to suck it up. It's not my fault I got the brains in the family." I smile sweetly.

"Oh sorry, why are you not in AP math then?" he asks smugly.

"You're barley passing math so shut your pie-hole," I say, crossing my arms. I turn forward again and start scribbling in my notebook.

"Why have you been avoiding Hailee?" I ask.

I can see Tyler looking in my direction but when I turn to him I realize he's staring at something behind me. Scratch that. He's glaring at something behind me.

I turn and when I do I hold back one big eye roll because this is just fucking ridiculous and I can already see the problems piling up.

Jackson slumps down in the seat so I'm in the middle of the two.

"Stop staring sweetheart. It's rude."

I see his lips smile cockily and I want to slap it right off of his face. But before I can reply, Tyler does.

"Did you just call my sister sweetheart?" he ask, his tone an octave lower.

Jackson turns to look at us, arrogance just pouring out of his aura. "Yeah. So?"

"So? So, my sister is off limits to you!" he shouts. People turn around but when they see both my brother and Jackson glaring at all of them they quickly scatter their stares.

They return to glaring at each other. Jackson raises one eyebrow. "Oh really? I don't see a sign anywhere," he says.

Tyler is about to get up but I push his chest. "Sit. Down." I hiss. 

I look between the both of them, glaring as I do so.

"You," I say, pointing to Jackson. "I don't like you, so don't even try to talk to me. Especially not if it's to provoke my brother."

Jackson only smiles cockily. I turn to Tyler. "And you. You're not allowed to say who can and can't talk to me."

Tyler is about to respond but mu glare stops him. I look at Jackson.

He lifts his hand like he's clawing at something. "Rawr. Kitty got claws," he mocks.

I glare at him, hoping he feels the burn of it. "I am not a kitty, Jack-ass."

Jackson only whistles and then turns around, looking at the teacher who just now walked in.



Holy crap OVER 100 READS!

I don't know what to say besides THANK YOU! Seriously, this is pretty cool for me. It's been a long time since I've felt this 'accomplished' if that makes sense. Hehe it's probably small and insignificant to you but I'm honestly so happy.

Leave a vote please! It'd make me even happier ;)


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