PLAYBOY - [oh sehun]


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[sample audio book inside] "Yep! I'm officially a personal assistant for EXO!" We hugged each other tightly... More



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Wtf did I find 👆👆

Min's POV

With shaking hands I rang the doorbell to my apartment, too tense to go and look for my keys. My flatmate came rushing to the door and flung it wide open, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"And where exactly have you been, Choi Min? I have been texting and calling you for the past 2 hours now I've been worried sick!" She looked angry but her face softened when she saw me looking down at the ground. "Hey are you okay?" I shook my head, resisting the urge to burst into tears. She saw that I was clearly upset and so she pulled me into a hug and lead me to the couch. I sat upright, my mind running away with itself as it replayed the scenario with Sehun again and again. "Please tell me what's wrong Min I have never seen you like this."

"Me... Sehun... oh god kill me now," I murmured , putting my head in my hands. Soobin patted my back soothingly and it made me feel more relaxed.

"Want to tell me about it? You don't have to." I had never seen this caring, nurturing side of her before but I appreciated it very much. I really needed to rant to someone about this, especially since Nari was probably going to grill me about every last detail without mercy tomorrow.

"Suho-ssi suggested that the EXO boys spend their night off with their own personal assistants," I started with a heavy sigh, recalling how hopeful I had been only hours ago.

"I can see where this is going. Did you get stood up by Sehun or something? I swear to god if that motherfucker hurts you one more time-"

"No it isn't that. He was lovely about it. He took me out on a tour of Seoul at night," I admitted, feeling even more horrible. He actually was kind to me, genuine even. And you just left him there without a reason as to why you were going. Well done Min.

"Oh well that's nice of him. What's the problem?" I took a deep breath, knowing that I had to admit what happened.

"He leaned into kiss me. And i just ran away." My voice was no louder than a mousy whisper at this point. Soobin just stared at me, her eyes as massive as D.O's, clearly in disbelief at what I had just said.

"You... ran away. One of the hottest men in the whole of South Korea with the finest wanted to kiss you and you just ran away?!?!" I just rolled my eyes and leant back against the couch cushions.

"You put far too much emphasis on his you know. And yes I ran away. He doesn't love me, does he? And I am his assistant. I can't afford to have feelings with him. Besides, he is such a player." I was prattling off to her all the reasons why I didn't kiss him, but I'm not sure I really believed them myself.

"Is that why you are dressed up all fancy? To ?" I blushed and nodded.

"It was Nari's idea. She is Tao's assistant. She wanted me to teach him a lesson about how he just can't get everything he wants when he wants it."

"But do you want him?" This was the question I absolutely feared, because I really didn't know the answer. When it was just the two of us running around totally carefree, I was having the best time of my life. But was that because we were drunk? Would he ever act like that around me if all the other EXO members were there too? Am I just a short-term conquest who he will be tired of once I accept his advances? Out of all the members, I never would have thought that Sehun would be the most complex.

"I really don't know." Soobin just nodded and smiled at me.

"Go to sleep. You need it. I will make you pancakes for breakfast tomorrow okay?" I put my arms around Soobin, grateful for her being so nice to me even when I had done something which was probably incredibly stupid.

"Thanks, Soo. You're the best I will make it up to you. Goodnight." I blew her an air kiss and then trudged off to my bed. I was so tired that I didn't even bother taking off my street clothes. I just collapsed onto the bed and in seconds I was fast asleep.

Sehun's POV

I couldn't sleep. I just lay flat on my back, recalling what happened with Min again like a busted up cassette player on repeat. How could she walk away from me like that? No girl ever walks away from me when I put out. I mean I am THE Oh Sehun. No one rejects me. But the one girl who you wanted to kiss you decided to run away. Ironic huh. Maybe I scared her away. Maybe I was overwhelming her with my actions. Maybe I was being bold. So what? Sehun get it together you don't do love. my subconscious scolded me. But now I wanted to break that rule. For her.

"Sehunnie get out of bed you lazyhead!" Suho shouted joyfully as he hit me over the head with a pillow. I just groaned realising I got no sleep at all and I had a full day of exercise, dancing and singing to get through.

"Please, hyung. Leave me alone," I muttered as I sat up, feeling dizzy from a sudden head rush. The smile on his face dropped and he rushed to my side at once.

"What is it Sehunnie? Have I done something wrong?" I ignored him and stumbled to my wardrobe, not bothering with a shower. I was going to be sweating today anyway. Once Suho saw me taking my clothes off he turned around and walked out of our shared room, muttering something about breakfast being soon. Usually I would be the first one at the table but today I didn't feel like eating anything either. However after a few moments I decided to eat after all. I couldn't be both tired and hungry. Plus I didn't need Suho nagging at me.

I walked begrudgingly into the kitchen, having to cover my ears as the shouting of my members was getting to me more than usual. I suppose I was slightly hungover as well. Suho beckoned me over and I sat next to him. He put bowls of food in front of me and began fussing over me like a mother would. I looked down at my food and felt my stomach disagree when I gazed at the meat. So I pushed it aside and ate the rice instead, thinking it was probably the only thing I could keep down.

"Aww look at maknae Sehun being treated like a proper baby," Chanyeol teased and the rest of the members laughed with him except Suho. I was not in the mood for that stupid elf's games so I snapped at him.

"Shut the up you retarded beanpole." But this didn't help the situation at all they just started jeering and make noises which made my headache even worse.

"What got your in a knot? Did Min see that you are a stupid playboy after all?" teased Baekhyun causing me to clench my fists. Keep it cool Sehun if you lash out it will only confirm their suspicions.

"Baekhyun, Chanyeol leave him alone," Suho warned but the two of them and they knew better than to talk back to our leader. But Kai didn't.

"Bet you it's because he didn't get laid. Or maybe it's Min saw that's where your little night out was going. She's a smart girl that one." Kai's words hit a nerve and I couldn't help myself. I stood up and slammed the table with my fist.

"Go and fuck yourself Kai! Or better yet go and fuck Soo I know how much you want it." Kai had a short temper and I knew it. So when he punched me in the face I couldn't say I was surprised. That's when Suho intervened.

"ENOUGH! Kai go to your room I will deal with you later. The rest of you go downstairs and began dance practice. Sehun stay behind." All the members were slightly shocked at the authoritative way in which he was speaking. They all got up, leaving their bowls on the table and went to put their shoes on so they could go across to the practice building.

Once the front door clicked shut and Kai was in his room, Suho began to lecture me and I was really only half paying attention. "Oh Sehun what on earth has gotten into you? You know better than to be impulsive. You barely ate your breakfast, You didn't want to take a shower. What is the matter with you? Is something wrong? I can sweet talk manager hyung into cutting you some slack today." He kept on talking until it reached a point where I got sick of his voice and I had to stop it.

"It's nothing. Last night just... well it wasn't what I wanted it to be." I regretted the words as soon as I had said them as I knew Suho was just going to bombard me with questions. But to my surprise he didn't do anything of the kind.

"You don't have to talk about it. But I assume it's to do with Min, am I right?" I knew I could trust Suho, yet it took all of my willpower to nod my head. I wanted to talk about it but at the same time I felt that my feelings were just ridiculous. Luckily for me, Suho could sense this without me having to say anything. "I know you like her, Sehun. Love her even." I snorted and laughed nervously. I had never admitted the level of my feelings for her to myself, but the way my hyung said it made it sound natural. As if that's how I felt this whole time but I was too dumb to realise it.

"I leaned in to kiss her... and she ran away." It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders once I said that. She left you Sehun. She doesn't care about you.

"Oh Hunnie come here." Before I could say anything, he embraced me tightly and the feeling of being in his arms was rather soothing. Maybe things were gonna be alright. "I wouldn't think anything of it. She is probably scared of her own feelings too." He had a point.

"We had such a good time together. Only Taozi has ever made me feel that happy. I even took her to the special place by the Han River."

"I think you care about her more than you know. Now she'll probably be waiting for you downstairs so prepare what you are going to say to her." I groaned when I realised he was right. The last thing I wanted awkwardness between me and her but I suppose that was inevitable. At least initially.

"I guess I'll just have to face her directly and apologise for being so forward." Suho nodded in approval at my decision.

"Good. Now hurry along I still have a certain short tempered Kai to deal with. Good luck, Hunnie. I'm glad you're finally coming out of your shell." I was about to ask what he meant by that but he was already out of the room. I pulled my shoes on and went downstairs but was hit by the sudden sinking feeling when I saw that Min wasn't there. Of course she's not she's still embarrassed by what you did yesterday, idiot. I tried to push my negative thoughts away and focus on the schedule ahead of me. I worked harder than usual and the others noticed, complimenting me every now and then. However, whether it was because I was actually good or because they were trying to reconcile with me after this morning I wouldn't know.

The rest of the day went by smoothly and I walked out of the training building with a smile on my face as I was humming the tune to our repackage title song. I looked up once I got to the street crossing and I stopped in my tracks. Standing before me was none other than Choi Min looking as flawless as ever.

"M-Min there you are," I commented, wondering why I was stuttering all of a sudden. That wasn't my style. She gave me a limp smile which made me wonder how much damage last night really did to her.

"I'm sorry Sehun really I didn't mean to run like that I-" I cut her off by grabbing a hold of her hand in an effort to calm her down and it worked.

"It's my fault, Min. I shouldn't have been so bold. I hope you know that this isn't all a game to me. You are not some pawn on a chess set." I was rambling now and by Min's expression I could tell she wasn't expecting it.

"I'm not? Only-"

"Yes I know I act like it but I don't want to be that person anymore and I certainly don't want you to see me that way."

"What do I matter? I'm just your assistant." Min's words hit me more than they probably should have and I felt mad that she saw herself so lowly.

"Stop it Min you're more than that to me. I want us to move on from this and be friends, okay?" She stood there thinking about it for a moment and then nodded stiffly, as if she was unsure about what she was agreeing with.

"Okay." That single banal word made me so happy that I couldn't help but pull her into a hug. It took her by surprise and she made a squeak sound when we embraced and it was just too adorable. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a flash but I dismissed it immediately. I was probably just being paranoid.

We walked back to the dorms together where we picked up food for all the members at our favourite stand. When we came in the door everyone's faces lit up and all 20 of us sat down and enjoyed the meal. After that we watched some romcom and all laughed together. I looked around at all the members sitting with their assistants and I smiled to myself. Who would have thought that 10 girls could make all of us so happy?

I went to bed that night with a smile on my face, Today ended on a high note and I knew I could have a good night's sleep without any worries or troubles. I even made up with Kai by simply giving him a hug and doing a dance practice with him. As I lay in bed I replayed my hug with Min earlier and how perfect it was. If I got hugs like that from her every day, I could do anything I was sure of it.

The next day I woke up to the sun streaming through the curtains. Suho was not in his bed so I assumed he was waking up all the other members. I thought nothing of his absence and continued to get ready for the day. I made an effort with my outfit and even wore cologne after my shower. Whistling I wandered over to the breakfast table, only to see the other 9 members gathered around something. I coughed to make my presence known and then all their eyes focused on me.

"Err guys what's going on?" I tried to make my tone sound jovial but the way they were acting was unsettling to say the least. Suho's phone rang and he immediately excused himself, not even sparing me a look. It was Tao who explained the situation to me, a sympathetic look on his face.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" All the members parted from the table so I could see the newspaper that was on it. I picked it up with shaky hands, my eyes wide when I saw the strapline.

"EXO's SEHUN caught with secret girlfriend? Full story page 4"

I flipped to that page immediately and was hit with photos of me and Min. One of me leaning in to kiss her by the Han River, the other of us hugging by the traffic lights yesterday. I dropped the paper and ran to my room and collapsed on my bed.

Funny how things can change after one press of a button.


Sprinkling a little kaisoo in there #sorrynotsorry

This week is probably the most stressful of the year it's full or tests and exams. Fuck school. When the week is over I will be able to update on a steady basis. 1-3 times a week if you want.

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