The forgotten Weasley

By shadowray17

488K 10.5K 784

This is Sophie Weasley. She was born after Ron but before Ginny. She was born on the thirty first of July. Th... More

Sophie 2yrs old
Sophie 3yrs old
Sophie 4yrs old
Sophie 5yrs old
Sophie 6yr old
Sophie 7yrs old
Sophie 8yrs old
Sophie 9yrs old
Sophie 10yrs old
School Supplies
Talking with Karkaroff
School yrs 2 quiditch cup
Going to Hogwarts
Running into Ron
Easdropping and prank
The first task
The second task
The third task
Wake up and get the award
The Prank shop
Shut out
Getting better
A show
Waking up
Released and date?
The date

Sophie 11yrs old

17.6K 372 45
By shadowray17

I sat under an open window in the attic. The twins are with me on my birthday today. So is Lee. They got me chocolate and lots of it. Then an owl swooped in and dropped three letters. I look down at them, they are all different styles of envelope. I look down at the top one and open it.
Dear ms. Weasley
We are  pleased to accept you into our school. We await your owl no late than August the 2nd.
From the deputy headmistress
Minerva McGonagal

I then open the next letter.
*Dear ms. Weasley
We are pleased to say you are accepted in our esteemed Buaxabartanes school of witches. We await your owl no later the Augest the 2nd.
The headmistress *
That one was in French and not English. I set it down then opened the next one.
Dear ms. Weasley
We like to accept you to our school. We understand that this is an all boys school. However you are a special case. We have heard of your situation. We have a separate dorm and facilities for your likening. We wish to see you at our school this year. We await your owl no later than the 2nd of August.
Headmaster Igor.•

"Um I got accepted to Hogwarts, baixabartons, and drumstring" I said slowly.
"You were accepted to an all boys school?" Asked Lee.
"Yup. Can I go Fred George. It will be cool. And it teaches more things I already learned what Hogwarts teaches. Please." I begged the Twins. They look at each other and then look back at me.
"As long as you owl us or fire call the Gryffindor common room then K see why not. Just get the information and we're good to go." Said the Twins.
I nod and grabbed a parchment and quill.

•Dear to whom it may concern,
I would thank you for the invitation. I like to accept that and would require the necessary things to get supplies.
With honor
Sophie Weasley•

I gave it to the owl and watch it go off. Me ready to go to the school.

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