In Your Company

By PrawnLMB

2.1K 175 23

--Re-written-- When I was 8 we were playing hide and seek in the little park surrounded by bush down the stre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 28

43 3 0
By PrawnLMB

"Dani! Happy birthday!" Lucy came running at me as soon as we entered the Marklin residence.

Connor, partially ignoring his sister, whispered in my ear softly, "Hang here for a second. I need to get your birthday present."

Letting go of my hand, he walks down the same hallway his sister was running down.

My casted hand was secured in the sling again, as the throbbing on the ride in the car got pretty unbearable. I also bumped my thumb on the door handle, meaning it was aching anyway. You could see the yellowing bruise at the base of the cast at the thumb,

"The pink is gone!"

"Yeah. They ran out of pink when I went yesterday."

"That's okay. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Lucy hugs my legs, letting me bend down and awkwardly pat her back.

"Dani! Happy Birthday dear! How are you?" Melissa walks into view. She walks up to me, and embraces me in a large hug.

"I'm good thanks." Melissa's hug was warm, and comforting, something that I want to savor forever.

"Are you staying for long Dani? Maybe we could play-" Lucy's eyes light up in excitement.

"Sorry Lucy, Dani and I need to go in a few minutes. We just came so we could say hi, and I could give her her present."

"Ahhhh. Okay then. Hey Luc, why don't we leave them. I'm sure Dani will come over to play soon." Connor stood half covering himself in the doorway, whilst Melissa escorted Lucy out of the room.

"So, I know it's not much... but I didn't want to give it to you before." Revealing himself, Connor held in his hand the most beautiful bouquet I have ever seen.

There was patches of beautiful cream, orange and dark pink tulips, as well as some blush roses. Ferns hung out from the bottom, framing the flowers. Little spikes of maroon flowers shot out from odd patches, making sure your eyes caught the attention of every flower.

"These are stunning Connor." I was quite literally blown away.

"And here you go." Nervously, he held out a A3 size envelope.

The was slightly tattered at the edges, but had my name delicately written across the front is an odd font.

Opening it carefully, I pick out a piece of paper, which read as a card.

'Dear Dani,

Happy 17th. Can't believe you're older than me! Only by 7 weeks!

Thank you for spending your day with me.

Lots of birthday wishes,


Smiling, I grab the stiffer piece of paper out of the bag. On the side I looked at, there was a small signature and dating. Turning it over, I nearly dropped the flowers in my hand.

"You did not. Connor... this is beautiful!" Locking eyes with him, my smile exceeds my face.

He had drawn a photograph of me on stage, at Ms Blakeson's showcase. It was during my solo, and watercolors splashed the sheet perfectly, highlighting the cream in the outfit, and the black of the stage.

I was in the most beautiful position, something I would never think my body would do.

"Did you just remember this?" Unable to tear my eyes away from the artwork, I gape at his ability. It was so life like.

"No. I took a photograph. Well actually, I took lots of photographs, but that one was the best one." Pulling out his phone, I can hear him type in his password. Removing my eyes from the artwork, I look at the photograph Connor had pulled up on the screen.

It was phenomenal.

Just like the artwork.

He slid from side to side, showing me others, he took, from all the performances I was in. They were all perfect.

"You are going to have to send these all to me. They are just... You are amazing Connor."

"Well, you can say that again." A mischievous smirk lurks on his face, signaling the moment was over. Reaching up, I gently press my lips to his cheek, causing tingles to shoot through my body again.

That must be a sign.

"We should probably get going. You may want to drop them next door, so that they can stay in water." Nodding, we call our quick goodbyes to the rest of the household, walking quickly over to the house next door.

Connor waits outside as I run in and place the flowers in water. Joel and Christina had already left for Faith's, leaving the house silent. I run as fast as my aching hand will let me to the kitchen to base the flowers, the up to my room and place the envelope on my desk. Grabbing teh original black cardigan, I discard my green cargo jacket, and replace it with the soft knitted blend.

My eyes glaze over the letter from this morning, grabbing it quickly and sliding it inside my sling.

Before anything settles in, I run back down the stairs, into Connor's awaiting arms. My breathing was slightly uneven, but apart from that no major anxiety.

Closing the door, we hop back in Connor's truck, and I direct him to Faith's place.

"So, you are 100% sure that it is okay for me to be here?" Connor asks as we park on the street next to the Olson residence.

"Yes. I really want you to be here." Looking at the nervous figure next to me, I smile to myself.

He looked so perfect.

"You know, I like how you did your hair today. It's a lot neater than normal." Connor's hair was perfectly slicked back instead of its more rustic look, making him look older and more handsome in my opinion.

"Thankyou. I wanted to try something different." Smiling at my statement, Connor finally sums up enough courage to open his door and leave the security of the car. Rushing around to my side, he opens the door, and intertwines his hand with mine once more. We walk up the short paved driveway of the house, Connor's grip tight on my right hand.

Just before we could knock, the door swings open, revealing an overjoyed Faith.

"IT'S THE HAPPY COUPLE!" Pulling us into a group hug, Faith drags up quickly down the stairs to the basement, without giving us time to reject her statement.

"DANI! Happy birthday!" Coral shouts, letting go of Sam's hand to come and give me a hug. Subsequently Connor loosens his grip on me, giving me a reassuring look, before stepping over to the guys and giving them that weird bro hug thing.

Mia also joins us in our hug.

"So... before we start this birthday celebration, how was your date?"

Lucky Connor couldn't hear Mia's question, or there would be a whole load of embarrassment. I did text them and let them know what was happening this morning.

"It was perfect." I say, giving the girls all the information they needed before we disband and sit down.

Joel and Christina took up the couch, laying across it comfortably. Sam sat next to Coral on one side of the room, both of them holding hands.

I need to get an update on that situation later.

Then spread across the rest of the room was Faith and Mia, both lying on their stomachs with mountains of pillows around them.

Then of course, and Connor and me, sitting on the floor next to each other, with our legs out in front of us. I was on his left side, so our hands could intertwine comfortably.

That seemed to be our favorite thing.

"Okay, so as always, before the movie, it's present time! Now, I would like to go first, as mine is the best." Coral stands up, going over to the small bench in the corner which wrapped gifts are placed on. She picks up a rectangular gift, wrapped in newspaper.

Corals specialty.

Taped on was a white envelope.

Coral came over, handing me the gift. Giving Connor's hand a soft squeeze, I let go in order to grab the gift.

"I hate it when you guys get me stuff... especially after the concert." I grumble to myself, and everyone in the room starts laughing.

Taking my time, much to Corals dismay, I open with card, which Coral just had the generic 'Happy 17th Birthday! You are one year closer to drinking!'.

Since it was still hard to use my thumb, opening the wrapping was hard. But once I had successfully opened the newspaper, I saw what was inside.

"Thank you Coral!" I held a grey leather Michael Kors wallet in my hand. It was beautiful. I had pointed it out on a shopping trip long ago to my friends, telling them how much I wanted it.

"My pleasure." Giving each other a quick hug, Coral goes back to sit with Sam. Mia come up, with a small gift, wrapped in purple tissue paper.

Mia has always been one against cards, saying they hold no meaning, and are a waste of pen ink.

"I'll explain the backstory of it when you open it."

Curious, I ripped the package, letting the contents fall into my lap.

I didn't know what it was.

"So, it's a guitar strap I made."

"Ahhhh." Fingering the tightly woven pieces of fabric in my hands, my heart grows even wider.

"So I cut up some of the old shirts we all wore, and then wove them together."

"This is beautiful!" Mia had added guitar hooks so I could connect it. The strap was colourful, whilst having enough neutral colours that it wasn't overpowering.

"Okay, so mine kind of ties in with that. And before you say anything, Ms Blakeson and Sam, Coral and Faith, and my parents a;; contributed to this as well." Faith stands up, empty handed.

Mia sits back down smiling to herself. Faith walks over to behind the door, grabbing a large object.

I see the bow before the actual gift.

But when I do, I nearly fall over.

And I'm sitting down.

"You're crazy." Faith smiles giddily at herself.

In front of me was a hard black guitar case.

Something I had wanted for forever and a half.

My hands fly up to my mouth, looking at what was on the case.


I love stickers.

"I am practically speechless." Standing up, I pull Faith in for a hug, also embracing Mia and Coral.

"Okay girlies. Last is our gift." Christina and Joel quickly stand up from their position on the leather couch. Grabbing a light purple gift bag, Joel plonks it on my lap, pulling Christina back onto the couch with him.

Tissue paper lined the top, so pulling that off was easy, and left the contents easily accessible.

Pulling out the first, smaller item, i inspect it closely. It was a soft grey box, with luxurious gold writing on the top, reading 'Olivia Burton'. Opening the box, it reveals its contents, which is a rose gold watch. The strap is made up of tiny links of rose gold metal, cool to the touch, with the clasp looking secure and confusing, and the watch face itself was beautiful. It was a dark back, with rose gold flowers, or roses, blossoming down the bottom, and tiny Roman numerals evenly placed around for the delicate looking arms to try and reach.

"Thankyou, that's beautiful." My mouth is slightly ajar, wondering how they found such a beautiful watch, and secondly how much it cost.

"Look at the other part!" Christina excitedly instructed.

Pulling out the other, heavier object, I can see more clearly what it is.

It was a beautiful espresso brown wooden box, which had been polished to perfection. The lid slightly sunk in the middle, but was also pinched in the sides. Catching Christina's eye, I opened the box, revealing heaps of compartments for specific types of jewellery.

"This is beautiful guys. Thankyou." Just thinking of the beautiful gifts I had gotten today sends shivers up my spine, and makes my eyes start to water slightly.

"I hope you like it. Christina's dad helped me make it." Joel looked confidently snobby as he looked at his masterpiece.

"No! You made this!?" A tear of joy slips down my cheek, showing just how much I was enjoying this moment.

Connor grabs my slightly shaky hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, pulling me subsequently closer to his side.

"Did you get anything good from your parents?" Faith looked expectantly at my, like she knew I had some important news. Pulling my arm out of the sling, I bring with it the letter, passing it to a curious Coral, who begins to read the letter out loud.

And that was when the screaming began.


I had somehow ended up with my face of Connor's lap, with him gently running his fingers through my hair. I was softly singing along with Aladdin, which was playing on the television in front of us.

"A whole new world..." I gently sing, trying to match Princess Jasmine's angelic voice.

"A dazzling place I never knew." Connor's fingers stopped, and I could see him looking at me.

"And when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear... that now I'm in a whole new world with you..." shifting my head slightly, I looking to Connor's gaze above me. Smiling slightly, I praise the fact we are in a dark room, so he couldn't see the small blush on my cheeks.

"Your just amazing." Connor swoops down to whisper into my ear, lightly pressing his lips to my cheek.

"Thank you very much."

The credits roll down the screen whilst 'A Whole New World' plays in the background. Everyone starts moving around, stretching limbs.

"I feel like it was a given that we watched a musical. I mean, we have four singers in here..." Joel says, laughing slightly. I look over at Coral, who is fast asleep on Sam's shoulder.

She never makes it through the third movie.

"I think it is officially time to call it a night guys. I'm exhausted." Mia stands up, walking over to the far wall, where the light switches are, turning them on, causing everyone to hiss.

"Why did you have to do that Mia?" Faith groans, wrapping the blanket around herself tighter.

"Because some of us actually need to drive home. It's 1am." Sitting up, I groan slightly under my breath at my aching wrist.

It feels like it shouldn't be like that.

"Come on guys, let's get home." Everyone who needs to travel slowly got their stuff together, saying goodbyes.

"Bye Dani." Connor gives me a tight hug as we step out of his car when we get home.

"Thank you for coming. I had a really great-" before I could finish, our lips connected, quickly, and gently.

"I will talk to you in the morning." Separating, we walked to our respective front doors, my stomach filled with warmth, and sleep pulling at my consciousness for once in my life.

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