Her Patience,Her Virtue.||Com...

By Asmaaah__

176K 21.8K 2.6K

Highest Rank #13 in Spiritual on 10-09-017🔥. His words rang through every corner of her ears, it was so agon... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-one.
Chapter Twenty-two.
This is no update.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Chapter Thirty-Four.
Chapter Thirty-Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.
Chapter Thirty-Nine.
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One.
Chapter Fourty-Two.
Chapter Fourty-Three.
Chapter Fourty-Four.
Chapter Fourty-Five.
Chapter Fourty-Six.
Chapter Fourty-Seven.
Chapter Fourty-Eight.
Chapter Fourty-Nine.
Chapter Fifty;-Epilogue
L. O. V. E.

Chapter Thirteen

3.4K 468 11
By Asmaaah__

Thanks Siyyamah for the amazing cover. I love it but I love you more. Take kiss 😘😘😘


Khadeejah's POV

U n e d i t e d

Okay so I'm confused rn. I am not understanding. Samee and 'the girl' know each other? How?. Well that's Sth I'll have to ask her later on. Both of them oblivious to the fact that there were other people around, kept talking non stop. Someone would think that 'the girl' isn't sick and actually laying on the hospital.

The girl whom I found out the  be Asiya is actually Samee's childhood friend. That explains how Umma and her mom know each other. So obviously like, I was the only one who didn't really know her, cause like  even her and Ya Faysal also interacted a little. I might be a goody two shoes and a bubbly person, but that's only around people I know and really used to. I find it hard interacting with.. Well.. Strangers or people I don't really know.

Ya Faysal and Haneef excused their selves to go to the masjid. While I and Samee were still in the room talking with Asiya. Actually More like, they were talking. I either just laugh, or answer with yes or no when asked about Sth cause I'm so lost I don't even know what they're saying.

I told them I was going to take a stroll around the hospital. Immediately I stepped out, I spotted Zarah,Ameenah,Khalifa,Muhammad,mama and Umma. I quickly walked up to them and greeted them before showing them to the room.

Khalifa and Muhammad soon excused themselves saying they wanted to have some fresh air but I know that was just an excuse, they were just bored of all the lady talks but sincerely, who wouldn't be? Even I was getting bored so I stepped out yet again. But this time I took Samee with me leaving Just Umma and mama In the ward.

"Explanations lady" I told Samee immediately we were out of sight.

"calm down jare, it's nothing serious, we were neighbors when we were still living with Him. And I think Umma and Asiya's mom attended the same school or Sth. I dunno Sha."

"oh. That explains why she was all 'Muhammad ka girma fah.
Ameenah Kema
I can't believe it's you guys' "

"Khadee Wallahi you're a drama queen."

"No mana. It's the way she was acting. She seems like a nice person. But I felt left out tho" I tried making my best puppy face but I failed woefully.

"Please don't ever try making that face again. You look like a constipated chicken😂" was all she could afford to say.

"Wow. Sameerah! Just wow"

We proceeded to the mosque to pray our salahs and we met Zarah and Ameenah already there so we told them to wait for us so we could all just go back together in case we were going to leave.
We finished praying and headed back. Alhamdulillah She was well now and was going to be discharged the next day in Sha Allah.

On the other side of the room,
Umma and Asiya's mom were bickering about who was gonna pay the hospital bills. These women seriously? But actually I think are supposed to pay the bills But who even cares about my opinion tho? 😑

So after much arguments and disagreements, it was settled that we were gonna pay the bill but we had to go and have dinner at her place during the weekend. Daddy is out of town so he won't be able to make. Umma had no choice but to accept so it was already a done deal. We bade Asiya and her family goodbye and left.

We arrived home and immediately Umma told i and Samee we were making dinner. Ya Allah. Making dinner for the population in this house is no joke Wallahi. There's Umma and mama even tho they don't eat much. And then there's Zarah and Ameenah, Baba Maigadi then Ofcourse, the biggest gluttons in the whole universe, Ya Faysal, Muhammad and Khalifa. Sometimes I wonder how they're able to eat as much as they do. I mean? How do they even walk after having so much? Ikon Allah kenan.

We got working, the worst part is that we had to make two different kinds of meals. Because according to Umma and mama. "Indai ba tuwo bahne akaci Da daddare, ba'a ci Abinci bah" (I'm sorry those of you who don't understand, I don't even know how I'll put it in English. It'll sound weird 😂💙).

So we made tuwo( in other words, semo) for Umma and mama,and then we made jollof spaghetti for us.
I'm usually very excited because dinner at home is usually fun especially when Samee and her siblings are also around.

After dinner, it was time for Zarah and Ameenah to do their own parts since they didn't assist in making dinner, they were gonna do the dishes. We went to the room, prayed salah, had our bath and changed into our pajamas. We were in the middle of gistin when my phone started vibrating. I guess I put it on silent at the hospital. It was Haneef. Oops! And then I remembered I didn't see him before leaving. But on a second thought, it wasn't my fault, I looked for him before leaving but I didn't find him and I didn't wanna keep the rest waiting for me so I had to leave.
I let it ring until it became a missed call. He called again so I just had to pick up.

"Salamu alaikum. Ina wuni"

"waalaikissalam. Lafiya Alhamdulillah. How are you? "

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah.."


"so.. I didn't see you when you left. Was it an emergency.? "

"Uhm. No. Actually I searched for you but I didn't find you. So I had to leave because Umma and the rest were waiting for me. Soo.."

Samee kept wiggling her brows making blush slightly.
I gave her a death glare but she acted as if she didn't get the message I was passing across. Arggh. Why's she like this please?

"Ohoh. Maybe it was when I saw Usman, my former course mate. You know him right? Usman Shehu? "

"i don't think I know him fah.but maybe physically I'll recognise him"

And that was how we kept talking for almost an hour. After the call I glanced at Samee and saw her smiling at her phone.

"waye neh Haka? So you now have a bae and I don't even know. I'm so hurt sister,so hurt"

"Ke dallah! It's just Alex..we --"

The door creaked and Ya faysal,muhammad,khalifa,Zarah & Ameena came into the room. Looks like its going to be a siblings night out.
We started talking and he told us about a girl who's been stalking him. She even got his contact and he doesn't even know how. It was about 11:30pm when he excused himself saying he needed to sleep for He has to go to the office tomorrow.

Muhammad and khaleefa soon followed suit leaving Just us,Ameenah and Zarah. We did some girl talk before the girls left to their rooms. This two are like two sides of a coin. Always together.

It's been quite a while since we've had some bonding time like this. It was really fun. I wish every day could be like this but, unfortunately, it can't be. I'm so lucky for the kinds of siblings I have.


Soo.. Here's an update. Over 1k words. Just for y'all.
As promised, this chappie is long.
I hope you enjoy!
No long surutu today.
Don't forget to vote, comment and share.
Asmaa ❤.

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