Loved You First

De tyler-seguin

111K 1.6K 309

"I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even mo... Mai multe

Loved You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 24

2.3K 39 4
De tyler-seguin

It was hard saying goodbye to Torey this morning, knowing it could be the last time for a while before I see him again.

I couldn't be more thankful to have a friend like Torey, he's honestly everything I've looked for in a friend. It's not all the time a girl is able to find a guy friend like Torey, but I'm glad it happened to me.

Now that I'm on the flight back home, all I can think about is being able to see Tyler when they come back from Buffalo.

The plane lands in Boston after what seems like forever. I get my bags and attempt to find Brooke through the huge crowds.

I finally find her, since she is holding a sign with my name on it. It puts a smile on my face as I walk over to her. She drops the sign and embraces me tightly.

"How was Michigan?" She asks, picking up the sign as we head out of the airport.

"It was amazing."

"Amazing, huh? It's pretty nice, that's why I moved there."

"But it was with your aunt, right?"

"Well, yeah." She laughs.

I put my bags in the back and get into the passenger seat. We drive in silence for a little bit.

"So." I look down at my lap.

I don't have a clue what to talk about with her. It is still a weird feeling, being around her after everything, but I'm hoping this time around, we will actually be able to work everything out. If it doesn't go that way, I will officially be done, officially.

"You and Tyler are good now, right?" She glances over at me, concern on her face.

"Yeah, yeah we are, as far as I know."

"Okay good. You know I still feel horrible. I was so drunk and wasn't thinking and it just-"

"Brooke, it's fine, stop." I cut her off. She smiles a little and focuses back on the road.

"But it's not all fine, Meghan. You have no clue how bad I want to have you back as my best friend and this, well, this definitely isn't helping."

"You guys were drunk. Clearly shit happens when people are drunk. I don't want to talk about it anymore." I give her a look of annoyance and she stops.

"Sorry. So I haven't told you something."

"Haven't told me what?"

"I met someone in Michigan."

"Really? Who is it?"

"Yup, and he's a hockey player."

"That's nice. What's his name?"


My heart stops for a quick second. It can't be.

"Danny who?" I quickly ask.

"Danny Spar. He's very sweet and good looking, might I add." A huge smile appears on her face as she thinks about him.

I feel like gagging. I'm so uncomfortable at this point because it's the guy, it's that same Danny who tries doing shit with me.

"Oh, that's nice." I lie. I pull out my phone and text Torey.

*Torey, does Danny have a girlfriend?*

After a couple minutes he responds.

*I have no clue, I'll ask him, obviously not mentioning you were wondering because he definitely wouldn't have one then. Why do you want to know?*

*I'll call you later.*

"Who are you talking to?" Brooke asks as we near the house.

"Oh, just Torey."

"I don't think I ever met Torey, did I?"

"No, I don't think you did."

We pull into the driveway and I feel instantly relieved seeing the house. It feels good to be home. I grab my stuff from the back and Brooke follows me inside. I set my stuff down in the kitchen. The house is so quiet.

"Feels like forever since I've been inside here." Brooke laughs, sitting down at the island.

"It kind of has in a way." I look around, almost in hopes to find Tyler, but I don't.

I didn't realize how much I missed him than I thought I did until I came home. I was really hoping to see him.

"Why the sad face?" Brooke looks up at me as I walk over, taking a stool next to her.

"Nothing." I sigh, resting my face in the palm of my hand.

"You miss Tyler, I know it." She smirks, copying my posture.

I laugh a little before jumping at the noise of Brooke's phone ringing.

"Oh shit, I'll be right back." She runs down the hall and I hear the front door shut.

I grab my bags and go up to my room.

As soon as I open the door, the smell of Tyler's cologne hits me like a brick wall. Obviously he didn't stay with Patrice long. The bed is perfectly made, and the room is pretty near spotless. I lay my bags down and go back downstairs. A few minutes later, Brooke comes back inside.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Just Danny, he's having some problems." She examines her hand, breaking eye contact with me.

I'm kind of happy about it, but I'm curious as to what those problems are.

"Oh, well that's too bad. What kind of problems?"

"Friends, I guess guys on his team are getting to him."

"Oh, gotcha." I look up at her as she stares at her phone screen. She quickly stuffs it in her pocket.

"Well, I'm going to go, I've got things to do. Call or text me if you need anything." She waves as she heads out the front door.

I debate whether or not to go in town or not, I kind of just want to go for a drive. I settle on going to the mall. I grab my keys from the kitchen and head out.

As I find a parking spot and turn off my Jeep, my phone rings. It's Torey.

"Hey." I answer.

"He has a girlfriend."

"Did he say her name?" I lock doors and head into the mall.


"Yup, that's my friend Brooke. I've told you about her I think."


"Yeah, she moved to Michigan a little while ago, she must have met him."

"Ew, good god." I can't help but laugh.

"You're telling me. Here I am, trying to rebuild my friendship with her and there's her boyfriend trying to get me."

"That's disgusting. Yeah, a lot of the guys have found out about him trying to get you, obviously they didn't know it was you, and he's been getting hated on. It's getting so bad he's thinking about quitting."

"I'd like to see that."

"Well a couple of my friends and I are going out but I'll talk to you soon."

"Alright, bye bye." I hang up.

I think of where I should go, then it dawns on me, I need new socks, Tyler's socks aren't working out for me for just around the house, so I make my way to Olympia Sports.

I'm looking through some socks, trying to find the right ones, when someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and I'm shocked of who I find.

"Uh, hey." Cody slightly grins.

This is not happening. I look around, frantically, hoping to see his wonderful Laynee appear out of anywhere, but she doesn't.

"What do you want?" I ask aggressively.

"Chill, I'm not here to start a fight. Just so happens we are in the same store." His attitude comes across like everything is fine, which it isn't nor ever will be.

"Where's Laynee?" I stand with my arms crossed.

"Yeah, about that." He looks down at the ground, pinching his lip with his fingers, something he always did when he was nervous.

"What? Did she leave you and take your kid with her?" He looks up at me. "Am I right?"

"Yeah, the kid was never mine anyways, it was some guy she was fooling around with before me."

My heart drops in worry that it could be Tyler, and I think he gets that.

"And no, it wasn't Tyler, some other guy apparently." I feel relieved.

"Why did you ever get with her?"

"Do we have to talk about this in the middle of the store?" He looks around.

"Would you like to somewhere else?" I don't know why I asked, but I sort of want some answers. He seems willing to talk, so I'll take this as an opportunity.

"If you want to." He shrugs. I nod and go pay for my socks.

Cody follows me as I lead us to an area where there are tables and chairs. I sit down at one of them and he sits across from me.

"Tyler's not going to get mad about this, is he? Me being around you? That is if you two are still together?"

"He doesn't need to know unless I want him to, and yes we are still together. So, about my question." I place my phone on the table in front of me.

"It looks like this is some sort of interview." He laughs.

"Cody, this isn't funny, just shut up and answer me." He stops and looks at me with what almost looks like fear in his eyes.

"To be honest, I don't know. I was having family problems, I had so much on my mind, and a couple of the guys and I went to a party, we got drunk, she was there, she came home with me, we did shit, and it went from there. I wasn't thinking straight Meg."

I practically choke when he says my name.

"Don't call me that."

"Sorry, but I regret it all. I thought all along when I found out she was pregnant that it was mine, that's why I stayed with her. When she told me it wasn't, I wanted nothing more to do with her or the baby. I wasted my time raising a kid that was never mine."

Tears creep from the corner of his eyes. I honestly don't know what to do or say.

"I don't know why I'm talking to you about this." He wipes the tears away.

"As much as I hate your guts, I'm sorry." I rest my hand on his. He looks at it funny before looking up at me.

"Look, I know I messed up, I messed up big time for ever leaving you-"

"Oh, we are not talking about this." I get up and head for the doors. I hear him chase after me.

"Meghan, please, hear me out on this." He says as I dart to my Jeep. I spin around as I reach it, facing him.

"Cody, you fucked up. There's no way in hell anything you fucking say will change my feelings towards you. You are such an asshole, no girl deserves you! You're a cheater, a liar, and an embarrassment of a guy and boyfriend." I practically scream in his face.

He looks at me with shock before saying anything.

"You're right." He says quietly. At first I'm not exactly sure if that's what he said.


"You're right. You're totally right. No girl deserves a cheater, an unfaithful bastard like me." He raises his arms and lets them fall back down.

"Are you being serious?" I'm so confused, is he being serious or being an idiot?

"I'm serious. And I was never a good boyfriend, not to you. I should have been so much better, but I wasn't. You know, you deserve Tyler. I bet he actually knows how to treat you, unlike I did. He definitely deserves you though. You're an amazing person, that's what I loved about you. I hope you guys are doing everything we were never able to because I was a terrible boyfriend. I don't deserve anyone like you ever again. I had you once and I should have known how good I had it until I fucked up."

I'm in complete shock. This can't be happening and I can't be hearing these words come from his mouth.

"I have to go." I climb into my Jeep, backing up and driving off, leaving him standing there.

Why does all this shit have to happen to me when Tyler isn't around? I just need him home now, I don't know how I'm going to get through tomorrow without him.


I'm lying in bed watching Miracle when my phone buzzes from my nightstand. I pick it up to see Tuukka's name calling. I was half asleep, half awake during the movie, but I answer anyway.

"Tuuk!" I answer with excitement since it seems like it's been forever since I've talked to my brother.

"Guess again." It's Tyler's voice.

"Oh my god Ty, I miss you so much."

"Miss you too baby. Are you home?"

"Yeah, lying in bed, alone." I pout, looking over at his side of the bed.

"Day after tomorrow!" He says cheerfully, putting a smile on my face.

"That's too long!" I whine.

"Hang in there, my excitement of coming home is through the roof, the guys are doing everything they can to keep me under control." He laughs.

"That's a little far, don't you think?"

"Good point, but still, beyond excited to finally see my one and only."

"Will you stop with the weird names?" I roll my eyes.

"What's wrong with them? It's only the truth, you're my one and only."

"Alright Ty, are you drunk?" I can't help but ask.

"Babe, we just touched down in Buffalo not too long ago, I don't think so." He laughs. I hear voices in the background.

"Who's with you?"

"Tuuk, Bergy, Marchy, and uh, oh Krejci. We're going to our rooms." I hear a couple hi's.

"Tell them all I say hi." I laugh as he does.

I hear Brad say something, probably something smart, as always, but I chose not to bother asking what he actually said.

"I hope you weren't sleeping?" I hear a door shut, he must have reached his room.

"I was in and out, I'm watching a movie."

"Without me?" I can almost imagine his pathetic fake pout he does.

"Are you here in Boston? Nope."

"Ouch, that hurt. Well, you're brother wants his phone back so I'll let you go." He sighs.

I really don't want to, after a day like today, all I want is to hear his voice.

"Why are you on his phone in the first place?"

"Mine was dead."

"Gotcha, well can you call me back on yours?" I ask, quietly.

"Why? We just talked?" He laughs in confusion.

"I miss you and it might help me fall asleep." I say in a baby tone. It always works as he sighs.

"Be right back." He hangs up.

I was kind of hoping to talk to my brother, but that's okay too.

After what I thought was just going to be a few minutes at the most, 10 minutes later, Tyler calls from his phone.

"Hello again." I laugh.


"I kind of wanted to talk to Tuukka before you hung up, you know?"

"Shit sorry, I can go wake him up, he ended up passing out not long after we got in here. He was just a bit tired."

"I guess, and no you don't have to. I forgot, again, to call him when I got to Michigan so he's probably mad at me."

"I think he forgot to be honest."

"Oh probably."

"So how was your last day in Michigan?"

"Too tired to talk about it, I'll catch you up on everything when you come home."

"Fine then." He laughs.

The phone stays relatively quiet for a few minutes, until I hear heavy breathing.

"Tyler?" A few seconds go by and nothing. "Ty?" Nothing.

He fell asleep. I hang up and text him before going to bed myself.

*Way to fall asleep on me. Still love you though. Good night, love you <3*

I plug in my phone and shut the tv off, shutting my eyes and am out within minutes.


Yesterday went fast, I found myself able to clean the house, which was well needed. I watched Netflix movies basically all day. I was also craving pizza, so I went in town and grabbed one.

Today though, Tyler and the others come home. I got up early since they had a morning flight in. The plane was expected to land at around 8. I got up a few minutes before 6, jumped in the shower, dried my hair and straightened it, and threw on a typical outfit, consisting of leggings, my #1 Seguin Girl t-shirt, and my Northface jacket and headed out, almost forgetting my phone.

I pull into the airport, go inside, and sit down in the waiting area. I play on my phone and keep watch of the time. I got here a little early, but better early then late.

A younger girl, maybe even my age, comes over and sits next to me.

"I like your shirt." She smiles. I look at her. She is wearing a Bruins sweatshirt.

"Oh, thanks. My brother and Brad got it for me." I look down at it.

"I'm assuming your a fan?"

"Of course, doesn't help when my brother and boyfriend play for them and the team is like my family." As soon as I say that, her face drops in shock.

"Wait, oh my god, what?" Excitement clear in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm Tuukka Rask's sister, Meghan." I smile.

"Whoa, wait a second, you're dating Tyler, right?"

"Yeah." I laugh.

"Oh my god, you are so lucky." She shakes her head and laughs.

"He's amazing." I say aloud, meaning for it to be just a thought.

"He is, he's so hot." She laughs. I look at her a little funny, but laugh a little with her.

"The looks are just a bonus."

"Aw. I'm going to be honest, when I found out Tyler had a girlfriend, I got so jealous, but now that I've met you, you're such a sweetheart and are so pretty."

"Thank you so much, but I'm not, seriously. You on the other hand are gorgeous." She is actually really pretty though, she's got long brown hair with brown eyes.

"Don't think I didn't hear that." A voice startles the both of us from behind.

I turn and see Tyler standing there with the other players passing by him. I gasp at the realization that he is here. Without a word or thought, I practically leap over my seat and into his arms, squeezing him tight. He nuzzles his face into my neck.

"I've missed you so so much." He says into my neck.

"I've missed you more." I pull his face from my neck and press my lips hard against him.

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me up against him, deepening the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck, brushing my fingertips against the ends of his hair.

"Oh good god." I pull away slowly as I hear Brad approach. Tyler turns, with me still in his grip, to face him. I give Brad an eye roll.

"Oh how I've missed you." I groan, moving my hands down Tyler's chest to his sides. He looks down at me with a smile.

"Who wouldn't to be honest? Not too many guys out there are like me." He turns back around and heads out of the airport.

Tyler intertwines his fingers in mine and pulls us out of the airport. We get to my car and Tuukka and Brad are in the back.

"You know, I was thinking Brad, there's probably a reason there's not too many guys like you out there." Tyler laughs.

"Alright then, fuck you asshole." Brad flips him off. I roll my eyes as I start the car.

"Don't think I forgot about you Tuuk." I glance over my shoulder as he tries to hide his smile.

"You must have seeing you didn't call."

"I know, I forgot. Maybe you should call me instead from now on?"

"Might just have to."

The guys tell me all about the games, as they always do at some point when they return home. Tyler places his hand on my thigh, rubbing every so often.

I've missed him so much, it's crazy. Every little thing he does right now drives me crazy, in a good way, because I've missed him so much.

We finally get home and the guys unpack. I follow Tyler upstairs to our bedroom. He shuts and locks the door behind us.

I sit down on the bed, watching him throw his clothes in a pile before quickly climbing on top of me. He stares at me for a few seconds before I pull his face to mine, joining our lips.

He pulls away, going over and sitting up against the headboard of the bed. I crawl onto his lap and join our lips again. His tongue meets mine for a few seconds before he movies his kiss along my jawline, down my neck, as he always does and every time having the same damn effect on me. I moan as he sucks down. His lips meet mine again before we pull away and sit there.

"Jesus, I missed you so much." He rests his hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb against it. "We weren't cut out for these break things." He laughs and I join him.

"We really weren't though."

"No. But Michigan went good, right?" He pushes me off him, but pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me as I rest my head on his chest.

"Really good, it was nice spending time with Torey, especially since I don't know how long it's going to be until I see him again."

"If only he lived here in Boston."

"I know, I wish he did."

"How are you and Brooke?" The mention of her name almost gives me chills, thanks to her boyfriend. "Are you alright?" He knows me too well.

"She's got a boyfriend." I sit up and look at him. He rolls his eyes.

"What a lucky guy."

"He plays hockey with Torey."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah." I look down at my lap.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" He sits up. I look up and there's slight concern on his face.

"He's got a thing for me, and-"

"And what?" He interrupts, making sure I'm going to finish what I really don't want to say.

"He tried doing shit with me, by trying to kiss me and shit."

"He what?" He raises his voice a little in anger.

"You heard me."

"He better consider himself lucky he's not here in Boston because I'd have beat the living shit out of him. Where was Torey during this all?"

"Well, when he did it in Michigan-"

"Did he try doing this before?"

"At Torey's party, he tried but Torey basically saved me."

"Alright, go on."

"I was heading out to the car after the banquet, Torey went to talk to his friends, but I wanted to go because of Danny. I went out to the car and he was out there. He got me alone and tried kissing me and everything, but Torey came out and we went home. That's basically it in a nutshell."

"Oh my fucking word." He rubs his hands over his face in frustration. "I want to kill him."

"I do too, pretty sure his whole team does too."

"Good. Asshole can have Brooke, she's just like him." I keep quiet. "Let's go downstairs." He grabs my hand and we head downstairs.

I knew all along he still would never like Brooke.

"Well, well, well, look who we got here." Brad finishes off a glass of water.

Tyler sits at a stool and I stand between his legs as he wraps his arms around my stomach, pulling me close to him.

"Glad to see you guys are fine." Tuukka leans against the counter. I give him a smile before turning giving Tyler a kiss on the cheek.

"Were you able to catch any of the games?" Brad asks.

"No, we were straight out busy."

"That's too bad."

"How about we all go out for dinner tonight?" Tuukka claps his hands together.

"We've got nothing else better to do." I glance at Tyler and he gives me an evil eye.


Dinner went great, Patrice and Stephanie, and Milan and Brittany joined us.

"Stephanie missed you awfully bad." Tyler laughs as I strip of my dress.

If I could, I'd wear my leggings and a sweatshirt every time we go out to dinner, I'd be much more comfortable.

"I know, I missed her too. I'm very loved." I laugh.

"You deserve to be." He gets up from his spot in the bed and pulls me close to him, placing his lips against my ear. "Including this way." He whispers.

I can't take him seriously as I begin to laugh. He starts laughing before picking me up and flopping me down on the bed. His lips meet mine as I yank on his shirt, pulling it over his head and starting on his pants, our lips still in tact. He strips me of my bra and panties and before I can do anything, he's touching and feeling and moving in every place and way that drives me nuts.

I've missed him so much and it's not like our break was that long. We swap off to me on top until he's done, leaving ourselves practically panting.

"Fuck." He laughs. I'm left speechless. "That was-"

"That was great." I finish for him.

I rest my head in his bare chest, hearing his heartbeat and feeling it against my cheek.

"Don't ever leave me again." He brushes my hair from my face.

"It's not like I actually left, we had a break and I went to another state." I get up and find something to wear to bed. A pair of shorts and his t-shirt is what I end up with.

"Well same thing, we aren't made for it, at least I'm not. I can't stand being on the road without you, let alone knowing you're somewhere without me."

"I know, we just can't have those kind of things come up anymore." I crawl under the sheets as he puts on his boxers, joining me and pulling me to him.

"Well obviously. It's not going to either."

"No it won't. I love you Ty." I give him a quick kiss.

"I love you Meg." He gives me a longer kiss before shutting off the light and going to sleep.

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