Reality Check : : Barry A...

بواسطة twistedwillow_wp

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Elise is your average 25 year old girl; working hard to earn money and watching Netflix in her spare time. Sh... المزيد



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بواسطة twistedwillow_wp

It's been three days since I confronted Team Flash, and I haven't seen any of them since. Iris has called me once to tell me about being held hostage and saving the day by herself, but other than that I haven't spoken to her.

Cisco calls every few hours with some trivial news about what the team's up to. He was the one to tell me about Barry getting his speed back. He also said Barry now has my number, but the speedster hasn't spoken to me at all. Not face to face or over the phone. I guess he's busy saving the day and all that.

Strangely enough, Cisco said that Wells has been asking about me. It sort of makes sense since I know their secret and he could just be trying to see how trustworthy I am, but it's weird nonetheless.

For the past seventy-six hours, that's the only contact with the outside world that I've had. Ben leaves early and gets home late, and still hasn't told me about trying to join the police force. Cisco has been my link to the world outside my cocoon of training.

You are stronger.

"That tends to happen when you do hours and hours of training with minimal sleep."

You have control over your thoughts. I can no longer read all of them. Only what you put the most concentration on.

"You mean I've locked my thoughts? How are you talking to me then?"

You must be letting me in. It is the only way.

I think it's implying that I like it.

"Wait, if I can lock thoughts, can I unlock them too? Can I, like, hear Wolfgang's thoughts or something?"

It is easier to unlock then to block, but doing things in your own mind is a lot more simple than tampering with another's. When you first try, the person must be willing to have their mind opened to you.

"Well, I can't exactly walk up to a random person down the street and ask them if I can read their thoughts. Besides, isn't that an invasion of privacy?"

Always remember that moral. It is the difference between taking advantage of this gift and only using it for good.

I nod, trying to store Robin's words away.

"I can't read Wolfgang's thoughts then. He can't give me permission, so I won't be able to get into his mind."

If you let us into your mind, we can guide you into his. You will not be able to speak to his mind, only observe and hear his foremost thoughts.

"What do I have to do?"

Just relax. We will do the work.

I try to be as relaxed as possible while I open my mind, waiting for something to happen. Robin is behind me, and I feel a slight pressure on the top of my head like it's putting its hands on me. Slowly, my vision goes hazy as if I'm looking through fog, and Wolfgang is the only thing clearly visible.

"Food. Need to find food. Need to walk. Need to poo. Need to find food." It's a weird voice, and somehow it's not a voice.

You are uncomfortable. We shall stop.

The pressure leaves my head and I automatically throw the mental walls back up around my mind. That was so strange.

"I don't want to do that ever again."

Good. Thought-hearing is not for the kind or good. You must avoid it at all costs. You are learning though, and that is very good; already you guard your mind well. You are stronger than we anticipated.

"Can we go for some food? It's almost nine in the morning and I haven't eaten in almost eight hours. Plus, Wolfgang wants to get out for a while."

You may do as you please. We do not think you are as vulnerable as before. We trust your judgement.

Well, I'm glad someone does.


"Cara?" I'm trying to figure out what to do with Wolfgang when Mya appears out of nowhere and sits at the table I'm next to outside Jitters.

"Hey Mya. How are you?" I try to sound as excited to see her as I can, but it's super hard when I'm really not in the mood. I don't want my first social encounter in three days to be a dull blond that I only became friends with to work faster.

Oh god, I was using her so much and I didn't even realise. I'm a horrible person.

"I'm great! I got a promotion at the library, so now I run errands for them instead of being stuck behind a reception desk all day." Mya tells me excitedly. It sounds more like a demotion to me, but I won't ruin her good mood.

"Wow, that's amazing. Congratulations." I smile. She grins happily and pats Wolfgang.

"Have you ordered yet or can I join you?" She asks.

"Uh, I was actually on my way to see a friend but I needed coffee and Wolfgang isn't allowed inside so I was about to leave." I say apologetically. She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Your partner-in-crime is here to help." She says happily. I don't understand why she did the eyebrow thing. "I'll watch your baby and you go get your coffee."

"Oh." I'm completely surprised by the offer. "Thanks, I guess."

"No problem." She shrugs. "He's adorable and I'd watch him for you any day." I smile gratefully as I put Wolfgang on the ground in front of Mya and tell him to stay with her.

As I wheel myself towards the entry to Jitters, I feel a gust of wind and suddenly Barry's holding the door open for me with a happy grin on his face.

"Morning Cara." He chirps. His smile is so contagious that I can't stop one from forming on my face as well.

"Morning. You're in a good mood." I point out. We head inside together, and both of us see Iris there immediately. I glance at Barry and notice the dreamy look on his happy face.

Oh, I know what's happening.

This is the start of episode eight, where Rainbow Raider "whammies" Barry and Team Arrow are in town looking into Captain Boomerang.

I think in the show he's in his suit for this moment, but I guess Robin was right when it said that people aren't scripted here. The rest of the episode looks the same so far though. I've got the introduction memorised:

Everyone on this planet, at some point in their lives, has had a major case of the feels. Those days when your heart is just too small to hold the big things you're feeling. Today's one of those days. We think of our emotions like they're these unique personal phenomena, that no one has ever felt what we have felt. There is a basis in science for every emotion we feel; anger, love. As a scientist, I know there's nothing magical about what makes us feel something for someone else, but then I see her smile... Man, that cannot be science.

And when I see his smile, I want to melt into a puddle of nothing because I know that he'll never look at me that way.

Yes, I've realised over the last few days that I like Barry Allen. As in really, really like him. I guess I originally thought it was just me fangirling over the ability to talk to my favourite character of my favourite TV show, but ever since he winked at me, I've known better.

It's been killing me over the past couple of days; he has my number and he lives like twenty meters down the hall from me, but I haven't heard a thing from him until now.

And at the moment, he's staring at Iris, completely in love.

And I'm glaring at Iris, completely jealous.

Oh god, I've become one of those whiney, clingy, possessive, boy-crazy dummies that I hate.

Barry manages to snap himself out of his little stare-fest long enough to flash himself a coffee, then he's gone again.

Bye then.

"Hey, Cara. What can I get you?" The girl behind the register knows who I am purely because Iris likes to yell my name really loudly across the cafe when I come in an she's at the register.

I think everyone on staff knows who I am by now.

"Just a large latte and a breakfast muffin to go." I smile politely. The girl nods and puts it into the machine.

"Is that all?" She asks. I'm about to nod when I remember Wolfgang's thoughts. Food.

"Um, could I get some bacon too?" I ask, unsure if they allow people to buy just bacon.

"Sure can. Was there anything else?" The girl grins at me with one of those over the top cafe girl smiles as I nod. I pay for my order and wait close to the counter for it.

Five minutes later, I'm on my way with Wolfgang again. Mya promised to call me sometime, and I just nodded and waved until she left me alone.

"Sweets for my sweetie, suga--"

"Hey, Cisco." I answer the call with an unstoppable smile on my face.

"You sound happy." He seems confused by my attitude.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask.

"No, that's where you're meant to explain your good mood to me. Gosh, Cara, we need to work on your social skills." I can tell he's grinning too.

"Sure. How about you teach me the ways of a social butterfly when I see you in ten minutes?" I say nonchalantly. There's a crash from his end of the call, then a staticky sound. Muffled voices express their concern. The whole team's there then.

"It's okay, I'm fine!" Cisco yells to them.

"Everything okay?" I ask, trying to hold back a laugh.

"You're coming? You're actually gonna come and sit with us while we fight metas?" Cisco sounds like he's about to fangirl.

"You'll just have to wait ten minutes to find out, won't you?" I say mischievously before hanging up. I can imagine the look on his face; shock, excitement, confusion.


As soon as I arrive in the Cortex, Caitlin yells Cisco's name and he comes in from a side room, trying to hold in his excitement.

"Ten minutes exactly. Well done Miss Quick." Dr Wells smiles as a way of greeting me.

"Hey Cara, you have a desk." Cisco grins proudly.

"What? Why?" I ask in confusion. He gestures for me to follow him over to a spot in the corner with a desk and computer set up. No chair is in the way, which makes me smile for some reason.

"You're a part of the team. You can research whatever you want on here, and order pizzas and stuff. I've personalised it a bit for you." Cisco wiggles the computer's mouse and the screen comes to life, vividly displaying a picture of himself pulling a stupid face. I can't help grinning

"Thanks France." I feel honoured to have him doing something like this for me.

"No fair; I don't have a nickname for you yet." He pouts, folding his arms over his chest.

"I'm sure you'll think of something." I shrug. A static sound fills the room, coming from the speakers on the main desk of the cortex.

"Cisco, what've you got for me?" It's Barry. Of course.

And I know what's about to happen.

Cisco jogs over to the main computers and sits down, his fingers flying across the closest keyboard as his eyes scan the screens in front of him.

"Barry, bank robbery in progress..." I zone out as he gives Barry the location of the bank, images from this episode flashing through my mind.

"Wait, that's where I bank." Caitlin's voice derails my train of thought as she walks towards the main computers with a tablet in her hands.

"Once super thieves showed up, I went mattress." Cisco tells her, still staring at his screens. We hear gunshots and glass shattering, coins falling to the floor, then nothing.

This is where the show cuts to that scene of Iris and Eddie in bed. Yuck. Eddie does the whole "I believe in what I can see, what I can touch, what I can feel" and Iris is trying to make him believe in the Flash.

Wasn't she at Jitters not long ago though?

She must've had an early shift and been home in time to catch Eddie before he got ready for work.

Why am I even thinking about this?

A gust of wind moves through the lab and Barry's suddenly here, walking out again.

"Hey, what happened?" Cisco asks. Barry shrugs and keeps walking, heading for the exit like he's been here the whole time.

"I don't know. I'm going back now for work. I'll see what Joe thinks and keep you updated." He says, then he's gone again and we're all just left here staring at the spot where he was a second ago.

"That wasn't helpful at all." Caitlin says in her usual sour tone.

"Miss Quick, is the dog trained?" I didn't even notice Wells had moved to the other side of my desk, watching the dog on my lap.

"Yeah. He won't go digging through anything here unless I tell him to, which I wouldn't do." I assure him. Wolfgang barks as if agreeing with me.

"Why is his name Wolfgang? Is it 'cause he looks a bit like a wolf?" Cisco asks.

"That and I like classical music, so I named him after one of the greatest composers." I tell him. He nods.

"You know how to play anything on the piano?" He asks, looking like he's just had an idea. I shrug.

"Bits and pieces." That's a lie. I can play anything I listen to or read music for. Cara can only play a few amateur tunes though, so I have to lie yet again.

"I'm gonna make you a kick-ass piano." Cisco tells me with determination all over his face.

"Don't you think that's a bit of a waste?" Caitlin asks.

"I've been wanting to try something I've never done before, and Dr Wells said it's good to challenge ourselves with new things." Cisco tells her. Wells nods.

"That's true. Miss Quick, I want you to help Cisco with this project. I think it could be beneficial for both of you to work together on this." He says.

Looks like I'm gonna build a piano.

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