Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Pa...

Av SHIELD-Avenger

649K 15.4K 9.3K

❝With great power comes great responsibility.❞ [Highest rank #21 in fanfict... Mer

Extended Summary
TRAILER / Prologue (ft. the Avengers)
1- New School, New Hero
2- Fight or Flight
3- Double Agent
4- The Spider and the Geek
5- Science
6- Behind The Mask
7- Vulture Is Circling
8- Sinking Ships
9- Collision
10- Villain Phobia
11- Playing With Fire
12- The Good and The Bad
14- Washington Trip (pt. 1)
15- Washington Trip (pt. 2)
16- When In Doubt
17- Homecoming
18- Limitations
19- Keep Calm and Call Tony
20- The Qualification Protocol
21- Great Responsibility
22- What We Believe
23- Explanations
24- Trust
25- Friends and Foes
26- Teenagers In Tights
27- Bite The Bullet
28- The Hunt For Criminals
29- The Last Straw
30- Second Chance
31- The Final Fight / Resolution
About Fiona Justice and The Author
|Infinity War Preview|
|Courage and Calamity Preview|

13- Alterations

14.4K 347 240
Av SHIELD-Avenger

Sometimes we all need to make changes. Big or small. But one thing is for sure, Tony Stark's alterations to Peter's suit are a huge difference. In Germany, the suit was simple and had only been designed for shooting webs, until someone, meaning Tony, made those changes, and now  the suit does probably just about anything. Except for shooting missiles, and charging smaller versions of nuclear blasts.

"What did he do to it this time?" I ask, glancing at the suit, as it lies on Peter's bed.

"A few modifications," Peter answers, trying to put a broken computer back together.

"A few? All he had to do was fix the web-shooter; not turn it into another one of his Red Snappers, or whatever he names his iron suits."

"To be honest, I don't even know what changes he made," Peter admits.

"Want me to go and talk to him about it?" I ask.

"You seem as if you want to look for a reason to pick a fight with him."

"Not pick a fight. Me? Fight Ironman?"

"You did it before," Peter points out.

I sigh, and sit down on the floor. "What are we going to do?"

"About what?"

"Everything. About Flash, about Vulture, about Shocker, and not to mention Tony."

Peter leaves the computer parts where they are, and turns to me. "I'll handle it," he answers.

"Not alone you can't," I said, rising to my feet. "Look, Peter. There's a reason why Tony doesn't want you to do things on your own. That's why you've got me, so you don't have to face these problems alone."

Peter looks at me for a while, and then flicks his eyes over to his suit. "What alterations do you think were made?"

"Beats me," I shrug. "So, you willing to let me help out?"

"You've been helping me. And I'll need your help in Washington too."

"That's still a thing?"

"Of course it is," Peter runs a hand through his hair. "Maybe we'll be lucky and get our rooms close to each others. Um, I mean..."

I sheepishly look down at my feet, and my heart skips a beat. "That'd be great. We can talk about what we're going to do about the criminals." I bring my gaze up to him. "Sound good?"

"Yeah," Peter says, kind of embarrassed.

"Should we check out the suit?" I smirk, with a mischievous glint in my eyes.

"I don't know about you, but I can't hack Mr. Stark's tech," Spidey says.

"Neither can I, but I bet we can find someone who can. Maybe you should give it a test drive."

"There's always Washington," he says, holding up the suit.

"Aw, come on Peter," I said. "I bet it looks fantastic."

Peter gives me an unreadable look. My face heats up, "so, when is the trip anyway?" I change the subject.

"In a week," he smiles. "Soon. Don't worry 'Tense."

"At least it'll give us a short break from crime fighting."

"No superhero truly gets a break from their jobs," Peter reminds me gently.

"I know Spidey, but it's nice to think that though," I simper. I pick up my bag, next to the place where Peter's clothes hang up. "School's going to be a pain till then." I lean back a tiny bit.

"Watch out," Peter says, as I fall back into the closet section. He yanks me up right with a web. Maybe with a little too to much force, and I end up falling into him.

"Sorry, I should've been watching what I was doing," I said, using Peter to steady myself.

"No problem. My spider-sense is getting stronger," he tries to remove the web that's attached to my arm; which has now fastened itself to both of us.

"Here," I burn away the rest of the web carefully, with my energy generating powers. I look up and briefly meet Peter's gaze. I feel really awkward, being so close to him. I take a step away. "Better?"

"Yeah, better," Peter smiles, removing the remaining pieces of webbing.

 Then the sound of the apartment door unlocking, comes from the other room.

"Hey, I'm back," Aunt May calls.

Peter pulls open the bedroom door, "hi, Aunt May."

"Glad to see you got home safely. Oh, good to see you Fiona," Aunt May's lips curl into a smile, revealing her bright white teeth.

"Good to see you too. Um, Peter, I gotta go." I sling my backpack over my shoulder.

"Okay, I'll walk you out."

I find it weird, because Peter never walks me out of anything, or anywhere.

"You don't have to," I make my way to the door.

"No, its no trouble," Peter reaches for the door for me. Which I'm starting to think that something's up, due to his abnormal behavior.

I step outside his apartment, and Peter closes the door behind us. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting strange."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he's not really the best liar.

"An agent, Jemma Simmons told me that, when people lie, their expressions change. Even the slightest crinkle in their forehead is a possible sign of lying."

Peter and I lock gazes for a split second, before he starts talking. "Down the street, a shop exploded. I could've stopped it, but I didn't. I was too slow."

"Because of one store exploding, you're all bent out of shape?" I ask.

"It was too close to where I live, Fiona. What if they found out where I live, and end up coming after my Aunt May?"

I fall silent. "I wonder that everyday about my family too," I murmur.

Peter stares at me, with a look that I can't quite read.

I continue, "we can't stop worrying about what will happen to our loved ones, if our identities are found out. Not a day goes by that I'm not fearful that I might come home to my parents and my little brother dead; because of the people I messed with, seeking their revenge. But that day hasn't happened yet, and I would never ever hope that it would. We don't choose these lives, Peter, they choose us. Its who we are. We don't stand by to see others get hurt; that's why we're heroes in the first place."

My eyes prick with tears, as the thoughts of what I'm afraid of come to mind. I hate feeling vulnerable. I bite my tough, and swallow down my emotions.

"Your speeches are inspiring," Peter says, without looking away. "That's probably how you know you're a hero, if you can move someone by your words."

"Maybe," I whisper. "But I'm just a kid, dressed in a glorified costume, with a dream to be someone that I might as well not be. I'm no one's true savior."

"You are to me," Peter says quietly, so I can barely catch his words. But somehow, I did.

I stand speechless, attempting to act like I didn't hear him. Then my phone goes off. I reach into the back pocket of my jeans, and pull out the device. "That's my dad, I have to leave." I realize that we've been outside the apartment for way longer than I thought.

"I guess I'll see you later," Peter murmurs, turning around to open the door.

"Yeah, I'll see you," I walk the other way with out another peep. Its funny how things can change so quickly.


I sit in an empty classroom, with no students in it. And its before the bell has begun to ring, to start school.

I glance around and notice a picture of Bruce Banner, above the board. He's smiling, and seems to be nothing like his alter ego, Hulk, or the emotionally torn apart person I saw before he left.

I glance down at the surface of the desk that I'm sitting at. Etched into it, is a person's writing that clearly says, you suck. I sigh, and listen to footsteps come into the room.

Mr. Harrington enters, and grins at me. "Good morning, Fiona. Ready to start the day?"

"Sure, I guess," I mutter.

"Tired?" he asks, as he sets his tan satchel down next to his desk.

"I was up studying." Which was partially true, until I had to go and stop another robbery.

"Well, I didn't study," Michelle/Mary Jane said, as she entered the room. Her curly hair all askew, and her sweatshirt crooked. "D' you straighten your hair, Fiona?"

"Nope, its naturally straight," I answer casually.

"Oh," she slumps down into her chair, and plants her forehead on the desk.

"Just remember, Michelle," Mr. Harrington says. "Once class starts you need to be awake."

"Its Mary Jane, but okay," Mary Jane says. "Also Michelle, though I don't really care right now."

"Gross, its Justice," Flash's voice sounds over the ringing bell.

MJ groans and raises her head off the desk. "I didn't even get a minute of sleep."

"Suck it up Watson," Flash says, dropping his books right on the desk closest to me.

"Fight me Thompson," she growls. "I don't have time for your crap."

Flash makes a face at her, then resorts to annoying me. "So Justice, how's Parker? Whining about his stupid life?"

"If you're looking for a fight, you're out of luck," I snarl through gritted teeth.

"Really?" Flash leans over the aisle, and gives me a challenging glare. "You sure about that?"

"Knock it off," I narrow my eyes at him.

"Alright you two," Mr. Harrington announces, without a single note of anger or discipline. "Take out your books, meaning your IPads, and turn to page 67. The others students are filing in, so it'd be best if you begin now."

I do as I'm told and turn to the page, as the rest of my classmates enter. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Flash giving me threatening looks. I try to ignore him.


"He makes me want to punch him," I said, whacking my punching bag several times. The fifth time, I send the equipment flying into the wall of the Avenger's Facility.

"You almost dented my wall," Tony says, going over to retrieve the bag.

"Its not yours, its the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D's," I respond, positioning myself into a fighting stance.

"You're loosing your respect for me, and its pissing me off." Tony hands my the punching bag.

"Why couldn't Nat teach me? Or Commander Hill?" I place the punching bag in its originally place.

"Because Nat's in hiding, and Hill has better things to do."

"And you? You must have better things to do yourself than watch a teenage girl complain about a bully at school." I still remain in my fighting stance.

"I'm only taking over the Captain's job of watching you. I did not plan on this as my afternoon activity."

"So what did you plan? A trip to Wakanda?"

"Ah, no. I planned--"

"Hey Mr. Stark," Peter drops his backpack no the concrete floor.

"That is what I planned," Tony said, walking past me, and ignoring the almost sparing session. "And I'm actually good at sparing. Just not with girls with super strength."

"I was going to go easy on you. Ya thought I was going to beat you up?" I remove my fingerless gloves; ending my workout.

"Yes," Tony responds. "And, also, I don't trust you, 'cause you can cheat."

"Fiona wouldn't cheat," Peter says. "She's a good sport."

"Fiona doesn't play a sport," Tony replies. "Unless you count kicking ass a sport."

"If martial arts is in the Olympics, then its a sport," I take out my ponytail, letting my hair fall down my shoulders to my back.

Peter looks at me for a few moments, then shifts his gaze to Tony. "I don't play sports."

"Right, you told me that you wanted to play football, when I first met you." Tony Stark walks into the other room.

Peter and I follow him into the center of the base.

Agents swarm around, some look like trainees, some look like they've been here for a long time. I hold my head high, I always wanted to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, but I'm tied up with school, and I can't handle field work as well as my superhero life.

"You're going to lecture us again, aren't you?" I question, at the billionaire's back.

Tony suddenly turns around to face us. "You know what? I told you both to not get in trouble. Next thing I hear, Intensity and Spider-Man are taking on dangerous thugs. People that they, meaning you two, don't understand how much problems you're unravelling."

"I know what I'm getting into," I protest.

"No, you don't. Your codename was given to you because of your intense powers. But even those powers can be a conflict all on its own."

"How do you know that Stark? You're just a rich guy in a metal suit," I challenge him. "And I could say sorry, but you think you know every--"

"And you're just a little girl who thinks that the world is exactly what she thinks it is. Let me tell you that it's not. Okay? Its not," Tony's voice raises, and a couple of agents eye us.

Peter takes a few steps behind me, taken aback by Tony's quick change in emotion.

I blink several times, trying to put on a straight face, and hide my shock. "Okay," I murmur.

Tony rubs his face and sighs. He appears to calm down a bit. "Look 'Tense. The world is changing. The government is taking a toll on us all. With the Inhumans, and politics, its hard on every individual. I hate yelling at you, and people that don't always see eye-to-eye with me. Our whole planet, every country, every race, every group, we're all at each others' throats. The Sokovian Accords are not the greatest idea, I'll admit that. It seems these days every person in this place is divided. We can stand united. But there will always, always be that one that will not agree. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm worried about you two going out and stepping into peril. And I'm not the only one. Times are tough, but we just have to pull ourselves out."

Tony's speech was inspiring, I have to say; but we all get into conflicts. When there are problems, there are can and can't always be solutions. However, it takes a team to figure it out.

Just like Peter and I are a team, and together we'll fix the problem.

Author's Note: I just noticed that in the trailer, Peter doesn't have his normal suit for some of it. Which leads to the fact that, at one point, Tony takes away the suit, leaving Peter to use his old one. Which then brings me to the idea that when Shocker attacks Spidey in the bus parking lot, is after he looses his suit. Just like the fight scene between Peter and Vulture, on a beach, once again, Peter doesn't have his suit form CACW. Mind blown.

Speaking of which, how'd you like the story? Don't forget to comment, and give this a vote.   ~ SHIELD-Avenger       (1/30/17)

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