Secrets (Secrets Book #1)

By Taintedhearts1031

21.7K 1K 163

Tempest Rose is your average everyday seventeen year old girl; she has nice friends, goes to a nice school, a... More

It All Started Here
Foggy Headed
Diner With the Moore's
Movie Night
Bad Dreams
Out of Control
The Confession
History Lesson
School Dances and other fun activities
Fallen Ceilings and The New Kid
Demons From Hell
Healing and feelings
Fun With The Witch
Vampires and Werewolves
Necromancer's Secret
Stolen Kisses
Lies: Book 2 in the Secrets Series

Peace Offering

877 43 5
By Taintedhearts1031

Dad had promised he'd take me out to an "I'm sorry I lied to you about your moms death" diner. I had just made it home before he did so I didn't have time to look more closely at my grimoire.

"Why don't you order some dessert," Dad suggested while handing me a dessert menu. He must really feel bad because he never let me order dessert. He was always a penny pinched.

"I'm fine without it, but thanks," I said politely sliding him the menu.

"Will that be all for tonight?" The waitress asked coming to our table. I was about to say yes when dad said, "She'll have the turtle cheesecake," Darn him for knowing my favourite cake.

When she left I glared at him which caused him to laugh. "So anyways I was thinking that because I interrupted your sleepover the other night, maybe you could try again tonight." Dad suggested causing me to almost choke on my drink.

"Dad, you hate it when Carter sleeps over," I stared dumb founded at him. He must be a really good actor because even I didn't know he felt this bad.

"Well, you know I can get used to things." He stammered.

"I get why your doing this but you don't have to, I'm fine." I tried to tell him.

My cake came and I ate in silence, only stopping to offer some to him, but being the dad he was he declined. He thought I was upset, I had to clear this up.

On the way home I broke the ice, "I'm honestly fine with everything, I've made my peace with it and now you should to."

"I'm sorry monkey but could you at least let me make it up to you, it will make me feel better." He pleaded.

"Fine..." I sighed. If this was what made him feel better than I'd do it. "Next weekend though, I have homework to do." He nodded and the conversation flowed easily between us after that.

Dad settled down to watch the game while I snuck up to my room to read up a bit more on this new information I was give about witches. I had only ever used the first few chapters because those were more for beginners. Not exactly sure what I was looking for I skimmed through the pages until a title caught my eye.

"The Forbidden Others"

If you ever encounter such species that have powers unlike the human, you must run. Do not listen to them and their pleadings for they can be very dangerous.

Looks like I had already broken a rule. There were lists of creatures a-z. Getting as specific as different types of demons, ghosts, how to kill a dragon, and how to avoid running into fae.

There was something that Darian didn't tell me. He said witches were to help in this battle, but this book told me not toget near. There was a reason why, I just didn't know it.

The next day:

First class I was hoping that after I yelled at Darian that the family would move away and find another witch or be witchless. But nope, there Jagger walked in his normal cocky self, except he was carrying some sort of girly coffee drink. That surprised me.

He put a grin on his face and set the drink in front of me. I stared at the coffee, then him, then back at the coffee. "It's a smores hot choclate with whipped cream and sprinkles," He explained. If anything that made me want to back away from it. How did he know what my favourite drink was?

"It's called a peace offering." He sat down and pushed the drink closer to me. Why was I scared, if they killed me, that killed their chances at getting me on their side. Even though I wasn't choosing anyone's side I thought it was best for my safety if I didn't tell them that.

I brought the drink to my lips and I heard whispers go around the room about Jagger getting me coffee. Just what I needed, more rumours about us.

The hot drink was delicious, he smiled over at me. Why would he of all people want peace with me?

Next week:

The days went by and every one that I was at school Jagger brought me some sort of treat. Like a donut, coffee, little pasteries. It fruserated me that I didn't know why. The rational part of me suggested that maybe he just wanted to be nice, but my gut told me it was something else.

"So, about the dance tomorrow," Carter said to me as I walked out if class. Ugh not this again.

"You're going wih Sarah." I stated.

"No I'm going with you,"

"And what if I already have a date," I said before I could think. Stupid! Wait a second.

"And who would you possibly be going with," He challenged.

Just then Jagger walked by, I grabbed the sleeve of his jacket to pull him beside me. "I'm going with Jagger,"

"Going with Jagger where?" Jagger asked.

"To the dance, remember." I said giving him a look that said play along. He nodded and put his arm around me, "Of course, why Carter didn't you know?"

Carter stared at us in shock while blush crept up his neck. I'd made a total fool out of him. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand and scurried away.

"So what time am I picking you up?" Jagger turned his cocky grin to me.

"In case you didn't notice, it was a cover up. I'm not actaully going." I said walking towards the library for my free peirod.

"Won't he find it weird if you aren't there with me?"

I had totay forgotten about that. Carter is the type of person who will want to see me at the dance or he'll know I lied to him.

"Don't you have another date?" I asked.

He pulled out his phone, typed a quick message and put it away. "Not anymore,"

"You're such an ass." I yelled. The librarian gave me a look and I gave her an apologetic smile. "Fine, but it's not actaully a date, and it will give me time to ask you some more questions," I said.

He raised an eyebrow in question and I replied, "About..." I looked left then right and whispered into his ear, "Witches."

"Oh you mean you want to know more about you being a-" He started to yell and I smothered his last words, terrified that someone would hear.

"Easy with the W word." I cautioned.

"I can't be seen in the library for to long so I gotta go" He teased.

When he was out of the room a chime alerted me that I had an incoming text on my old phone.

Unknown: Pck u up at 7

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