↠ wild spirit {calum hood au}...

By tchaikensky

433K 11.9K 4.1K

"oh really so what are you then? miss piano slash cello girl?" "the angel from your nightmares." "is that so... More

↠ wild spirit {c.h} ↠
09 /scarlett/
10 /calum/


16.6K 556 170
By tchaikensky

calum's pov

I have one week. One week until I have to pack and leave for Stanford. We graduate in a day actually, we are finishing our last day of school.

I'm afraid for Scarlett; she'll hate me forever. They announce where we're going for college at graduation; if you're going to college. Scarlett gets her diploma before I do, so she'll be in the audience, instead of in the chairs on-stage. "Mr. Hood?" A voice lured me out of my thoughts, Mr. Bircham was calling my attention. I nodded and looked back at the board, where our names were written in order of who got off track the most. Today was the last day for seniors. Everyone was slacking off today.

Scarlett looked the same, doodling on her paper, or drawing pictures of landscapes. The last day we spent together before the essays, she went into the bathroom to get changed; I took her journal and ripped out my favorite landscape drawing. It was of Times Square during christmas; there was just a certain aura it gave off; it is simply beautiful. She was so excited about sending in an application to NYU, she wanted a future with us, a future with her being a musician. Deep down inside I think she knows there will be no future of us together. Ever. We are going two different ways, in two completely different areas; music and sports. "Calum." Scarlett's small voice came from beside me; I looked over at her, she was showing me a paper, the back of our notes on what we've learnt this year in this class.

It was a drawing, or me. I was looking down at the desks, it captured every detail of me and the class. "Scarlett that's beautiful." I smiled at her, flipping the paper back over to where we were supposed to be writing what we learnt.

I started to write on my paper, the truest thing I could think of that this class taught me.

Love cannot be taught, it must be experienced and felt.

It is something I never want to feel again; it's too painful, and too dangerous to give something so precious as your heart to someone else to break; like what I'm doing.

I got out of my seat and gave my paper to Mr. Bircham, for the last time. "Mr. Hood," his voice stopped me from walking back to my seat. "I read yours and Scarlett's papers." His voice shook, he pulled me out of the class, "Mr. Hood, you cannot run from your fears, you must face them. Even if Scarlett is your biggest fear. But that's not what you fear, Calum. You fear love, the thought of being vunderable. You have to open your mind to the possibilities of what could happen for you." He motioned his hands all over the place, I was supposed to be moved by his little speech; but I'm more upset with myself. I want it all to stop; I want to be with her, but I can't. "Mr. Hood, back to the class; I have one last announcement." He ushered me back into class; and I took my seat.

"Since it's the last day and I've graded all of your essays; I decided it was a good time to give your partners the essay you wrote about them!" He clapped his hands together, my face fell in an instant, my stomach began to churn and knot. Scarlett's face was pale, her eyes were wide open. "You'll get the essay as soonn as you walk out of the door; see your bright faces at graduation!" He shouted, handing us our papers as we all fled the room.

Scarlett and I were handed our papers, "Cal," Scarlett's voice rang from behind me, "let's do something tonight. Don't open the essay until after graduation okay?" Her face was pale, her eyes full of panic.

"I promise." I smiled, relief washed over me, she won't have time to stop me; the day after graduation I leave that morning, for soccer practices, and try-outs. "How about the spring fair?" I smiled, taking her hand into mine. It wasn't small, it was larger, and skinnier, her fingers were bony and long. Which made her a great cellist, having long fingers to reach over her strings and reach up high.

"Sounds perfect, can you stop by my house? I need to drop my cello off at home and change out of this." She motioned to her very casual outfit of sweatpants and a purple v-neck shirt, that showed a little too much skin. Boys would look at her in a way that made my blood boil.

"Scar, a question."

"Shoot." She swung our hands back and fourth.

"Have you been wearing a push up bra?" I poked the side of her boob, she swatted my hand away instantly, making us erupt in laughter.

"Well thank you for noticing, I only have been for the entire year now." She smirked, "did you see how Michael looked at me?!" She exclaimed, "I thought I was going to pass out right on the spot! He's so attracti-" I couldn't listen to her rambling about one of my friends like that.

I crashed my lips against hers, she smiled and kissed me back, her tongue swiping cross my bottom lip, I pulled away and walked away from her. Smiling a proud smile. "Excuse you?" She smacked my bum and grabbed my hand. "That was rude of you." She smiled, kissing my cheek.

"You've become awfully frisky lately." I opened the passenger door of my car, allowing her to put her cello in the back and then climb into the front seat.

"Thank you, kind sir." She tried to say in a posh accent; which failed miserably.


"Here we are." I laughed pulling into the all too familiar driveway. She ran out of the car with her cello, and into the house.

"You coming?" She shouts, sheilding her eyes from the sun. I smiled and nodded; running into the house.

She was already upstairs when I got inside, so I ran upstairs to where I heard the music playing. Her door was cracked open, just like how it always used to be when I'd come over. I looked in the crack, watching her dance around her room with a dress over her body in her hands. She walked over to her mirror, examining her reflection, and smiling at what she saw. "You can come in you know." She smiled at me through the mirror. I walked in, a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks. "How does this look?" She asked, holding a blue sundress over her body, it was a lovely dress, but slightly revealing.

"No, absolutely not." I replied, taking the dress away from her and grabbing her sweatpants off the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows together, "Scar where are your pants?" I looked at her, she had no pants on. She bit her lip and took the sweatpants out of my hands. Her thighs curved into her butt, a lovely curve might I add.

"Thank you, I guess I'll wear what I wore today then." She skipped to the bathroom, emerging seconds later with the same purple shirt, sweatpants, and black & white vans. "How do I look" She smiled.

"Hot." I smirked, grabbing her hand and leading her out of her room and back to my car. As we buckled our seatbelts and I drove to the fairgrounds. She looked out the window, drawing on her little sketch pad we got on our midnight adventure to the art stores a few weeks ago; she looked happy, like she was in complete bliss.

I parked the car, taking her hand into mine; I held onto like my life depended on it. "Relax, Calum." She smiled, rubbing circles in my palm with her thumb. "Two tickets please." She smiled at the vendor, grabbing our tickets we ran into the fairgrounds. The rides in-front of us and people screaming were all we could hear. The distinct smell of popcorn and other fair foods. "So, where to first, soccer slash piano boy?" She smiled, running ahead of me. My heart hurt at the nickname she gave me when we met; because I'd never hear it again.

"How about the Sling-Shot?" I smiled, her face dropped and she gave me the are-you-shitting-me look; "it'll be fun!" I exclaimed dragging her to the line. We got on the rollercoaster, Scarlett gripping my hand for dear life. "Is someone scaredd?" I smirked at her, she looked at me, her eyes full of fear.

"Not at all." She smiled weakily. I grabbed her cheek and pulled her face against mine, and kissed her. As the karts jolted forward we were still kissing, but she started to smile and pulled away. Screaming and laughter filled my ears; it brought me happiness to see her happy.


still calum's pov

We walked into the graduation hall of the arena, the two hundred graduating seniors gathered in the chairs, waiting for our names to be called.

"Scarlett Dawson!" The crowed cheered, she walked proudly to collect her diploma, "Scarlett will be attending NYU on a full scholarship for music!" Everyone stood up and clapped, the fellow seniors just sat and clapped, I stood up and started screaming her name and clapping, she looked back at me and smiled.

I waited for about twenty people to accept their diplomas before my name was called, "Calum Hood!" The soccer team erupted in screams, "Stanford University on a full scholarship for soccer!" Everyone applauded; but Scarlett didn't. She ran out of the room. And I didn't even chase her to say I was sorry.

scarletts pov

I sat in my seat, waiting for Calum to join me after his name was called. "Calum Hood!" His name rang through the arena; applause erupting throughout the entire arena. He accepted his diploma and I waited for them to say NYU, "Stanford University on a full scholarship for soccer!" Everyone broke out into screams and applause; it felt like my heart was crumbling into a million pieces. I ran out of the arena; not looking back. I waited by the outer doors for him to emerge; but he never did.

I walked back to my car, taking off my gown and hat; I sat in my car just staring at the arena; which was filled with happiness and success; but for me, it was filled with heart break and sadness. I drive back to my house; parking the car horribly in the driveway and slammed the door closed. I ran to my room; tears blurring my vision. I slammed my door shut; posters flying off the walls.

I sat on my bed, taking off my shoes and extravagant cocktail dress I had on under my graduation gown. Soon I was covering myself with the blankets and stuffing my face into the pillow. My tears came down faster and harder as the familiar scent of Calum came back to me; his scent was still lingering on my pillow from the previous nights when he slept over; including last night.

I picked up the paper that was on my nightstand; the essay he wrote about me. My eyes scanned over it, taking the time to read every word carefully; and re-reading due to my tears blurring my sight. I got to the mid to last line, "the unconditional love you'll always feel." He loves me; and he's leaving. I continued to read until the last line, "to forget her." My heart shattered; he wanted to forget me.

I got out of my bed, pacing around my room; my make-up dried on my cheeks. I heard doors opening and slamming shut; "Scarlett!" I heard Violet yell up the stairs, "Scarle-" she cut herself off, seeing me walking around my room in nothing but an over-sized shirt; which was Calum's soccer shirt; with his number and last name on it. "Come here.." She opened her arms and cradled me; listening to my loud sobs about this boy.

Who had unintentionally taken

my heart; and all I had to give.

*next morning*

calums pov

I finished packing the last bag before leaving the house; I shut my door, but soon ran back in, picking up the landscape drawing I had taken from Scarlett's journal. I put it in my soccer plays folder; and put it in my carry on.

"Goodbye my sweet boy." My mom kissed my cheek, leaving the airport terminal; Amaya didn't come; she was upset at me about the Scarlett thing.

I sat in the waiting area, watching the planes go by; leaving and arriving. I pulled my folder out, and went to the back of it; and pulled out Scarlett's essay. I scanned over it; reading the heartfelt words she put in, and the details about my room and how I acted. so got to the end, and the last line broke me. "You gave me someoneto love; more than an instrument I've broke. countless times. You gave me a chance; and I thank you." I wiped my eyes from the wandering tears; and put away the papers.

"Flight 2856 to California is now boarding." The flight attendants voice rang through the intercom, my flight is here.

It's time to start fresh.


god calum ur such a dick smh

hooray for bad chapters sOrry im just setting up the rest of the story :-) whO IS EXCITED BC I AM HOLY SHIT


i cried writing this oH

thank you for all your votes & comments omfg you do not know how much it brightens my day. *cries* i love you so so so much.


don't forget to vote, comment, share, & fan :)

stay safe and beautiful, ken.

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