In Love With A Hale ~Derek Ha...

By a_overbey

203 1 0

A young girl never expected that one night of searching for her twin brother and his idiot best friend could... More



56 1 0
By a_overbey

I follow Scott to the boy locker room and wait for him to explain what the fuck happened. Scott leans up against the locker looking like he's contemplating his thought.

"Scott, why are you sad? Allison said she'll give you second chance," I ask but he simply ignores me.

Stiles walks into the locker room followed by most of the lacrosse team.

"Did you apologize to Allison?" Stiles asks.

Tuning them out, I look around and notice all the guys starring at me for some reason.

"What?! Never seen a girl in a locker room before?!" I yell at them, they immediately look away.

"No?" I hear Stiles asks confused.

"Remember the hunters? Well her dad is one of 'em," Scott says looking out into space.

Fuck this isn't good, I think to myself.

"Her dad?" Stiles said.

"Shot me-" Scott starts but is soon cut off by Stiles

"Allison's father?" Stiles says still trying to grasp the situation.

"-with a crossbow," Scott finally finishes.

"Allison's father-" Stiles, still confused, is cut off by Scott

"YES HER FATHER!" Scott yells gathering,those surrounding us, attention. "Oh my god!"

They continue talking while I start thinking of other thing. Things like the super sex god Derek. I haven't really had time to think about that kiss we shared.

Just thinking about it gets me hot. He's my first kiss! He's my first kiss! I'm starting to freak out. Am I a good kisser? Is it going to be awkward now? Fuck my life. My biggest question of all is, why didn't I shift?

I'm taken out of my inner thought when Scott and Stiles pull me onto the field with them. They make their way to the field while I head to the bleachers.

"Let's go! One - on - one from up top! Jackson, take a long stick today. Atta boy!" Coach says putting him on the back. "That's how you do it! Greenberg, take a lap. Let's go. Faster, Greenberg! Let's go. McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go. Hey, McCall. Hey, McCall!" Coach yells at my twin trying to get him hurry up.

Scott takes the ball and starts running towards the goal but is quickly knocked down by Jackson.

"You sure you wanna be first line McCall?" Jackson says, smirking, looking down at my brother.

I have a bad feeling about this!

"M-my grandmother can move faster than that. And she's dead. You think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?" Coach yells at Scott.

"Yes coach," Scott says bending over slightly, breathing heavily. He's turning.

"I can't hear you," coach says bending next to Scott.

"Yes coach!" Scott says but with a growl.

"Then do it again." Coach tells him. "McCalls gonna do it again!" He says like it's a joke.

Scott lines up again, his breathing becoming heavier and heavier by the minute. He runs at Jackson, slamming into him full force. Jackson goes down, cradling his shoulder in pain.

Everyone runs over to Jackson, Stiles runs to Scott, I'm about to head over there when I'm pulled back by someone.

Scared it's the alpha, I quickly pull my fist back and punch my attacker in the face.

"Ow!" I hear a familiar voice say.

I look closer at my attacker only to realize it's Derek.

"Oh my god! Derek I'm so sorry! I thought you were the alpha!" I say, worried as he hold his nose.

"No its okay, I'll heal. Besides, I shouldn't sneak up on you like that." He excuses.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, now wondering why he's here.

"I'm trying to make sure Scott doesn't kill anyone." He says.

"Scott," I say to myself, realizing I left Scott alone with Stiles, all wolfed out.

I turn to leave only to be pulled into Derek's strong chest. He looks down as I look up, faces only inches apart.

My heart starts beating faster as I glance at his lips. I can se him doing the same thing to me. He starts leaning down until our lips meet.

The kiss is softer then the last one, but the same feeling happen again. The kiss starts to get rougher as I open up for him to explore my mouth. I moan, my legs starting to feel weak. Afraid of falling, I grab on to his leather jacket and hold on tightly. We separate, both of us breathing heavily.

"You need a ride home?" Derek asks.

Chuckling, I nod my head yes.


Once we arrived at my house, I turned and looked at my sexy werewolf. Damn he's hot!

"You coming in?" I ask him.

"Yeah in a few. I have to talk to your brother anyways," he tells me.

"I feel like your using me for my brother," I say jokingly, knowing he wasn't.

"Kaylee," he says to me, looking completely serious. "I would never use you. You mean so much to me me you will understand why soon, but right now isn't the time. Just know that I will never let anything happen to you, I will protect you with my life." He says caressing my check.

I can't help myself, everything he said makes my heart skip a beat. I'm falling for Derek Hale! I lean forward, grab his jacket, and kiss him with all my feelings. I put in all the love I feel for him.

After a few minutes of passionate make out session, I finally pull away. Resting my forehead against his, smiling as I try to catch my breath.

"I have to go," I mumble to him.

"Okay, I'll see you in a few," Derek tells me.

Getting out of the car, I walk to my front door with the biggest smile on my face. I love him. I know I only met him but I can't help loving him. I walk upstairs and here Mama talking to Scott.

"Hey, what's wrong with your eyes?" I hear Mama ask Scott. Fuck! His werewolf eyes. "You look like you haven't slept in days!" Whew that was close.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing. I'm just stressed." Scott says trying to convince Mama.

"Just stress? Nothin' else?" Mama questions.

"Homework," Scott says unsure.

I walk in and sit on the bed next to Scott.

"I mean, it's not like you guys are on drugs or anything, right?" Mama asks jokingly.

"Right now?" I raise my eyebrows at Mama.

"Right now?" She yells. "I'm sorry, what do you mean "right now"? Have you ever taken drugs?"

"Have you?" Scott question back.

"Get some sleep." She says, walking out the room without answering the question.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask Scott when he gets up and moves to his computer.

"Stiles says he has some news." Scott says.

Stiles shows up on the screen, spinning around in his chair, shooting a light up gun at the screen. I roll my eyes, along with Scott, and go sit back down on the bed.

"What'd you find out?" Scott asks him.

"Well, its bad. Jackson has a separated shoulder," Stiles tell us.

"Because of me?" Scott asks worried.

"Because he's a tool," I tell Scott.

"I thought you guys were friends?" Stiles questions.

"Well we are but he's being a complete dick to you guys," I tell them looking at my nails. I need to paint them.

"But is he going to play?" Scott asks even more worried then before.

"Well, they don't know yet. Now they're just counting on you for Saturday," Stiles says but then everything goes quiet.

A familiar woodsy smell I love, hits me. Derek. I look up and can't help a smile spread across my face. He puts his finger to his lips telling me to keep quiet but shoots me a quick grin.

"What? It looks like what? Come on. Damn it. What?" Scott says frustrated.

Derek comes up behind him, grabs his shirt, and holds him up against the wall. Damn the was hot!

"I saw you on the field," Derek growls.

"W-what are you talking about?" Scott asks, I can literally smell the fear rolling off of him in waves.

"You shifted in front of them! If they find out what you are, they find out about me. About all of us. And then it's not just the hunters after us, it's everyone!" Derek threatens Scott.

"But they didn't see anything! I-I swear!" Scott stutters.

"And they won't! Because if you even try to play in that game on Saturday, I'm gonna kill you myself," Derek growls before leaving.

Scott falls to the ground, sitting against the wall, thinking about his decision.

"Goodnight Scotty," I say and leave to my room.

I decide to go take a shower, all this werewolf shit has got me stressed out. A hot shower will be calm me down.

As I get out of the shower, I wrap a towel around me and walk back into my room going to get dressed. I reach my closet and drop my towel.

"Damn," I hear a sexy voice behind me causing me to yelp and jump.

"Derek! What the hell are you doing in here?" I whisper shout picking my towel back up and wrapping it around me.

"Well I told you I would see you later and it's later," he tells me glancing down at my exposed legs. "I'm glad I did now."

"Derek, you can't just barge in here. Especially if I'm naked!" I lecture him.

"But babe," Derek says softly, my heart speeding up as he calls me babe. Stepping closer to me, we're now only inches apart. "I want to see you naked. I love that sexy body of yours. And I love you."

He loves me! He actually loves me!

Derek grabs my face and smashes his lips to mine. He kisses me with so much love and I wrap my arms around his neck. He nibbles on my lips asking for entrance but I deny him, want to tease him a little.

I can't tell he was growing irritated. I feel his hand slide up the back of my thigh, up my ass, and squeezes. I gasp, he takes advantage of my open mouth and deepens the kiss.

He breaks the kiss, giving me time to catch my breath but he continues kissing down my jawline. I lean my head back giving him better access to my neck. He trails wet kisses down my neck, down to my collar bone, and back up to my earlobe, taking it in between his teeth.

"I love you," he whispers into my ear, my breath hitching. God I fucking love this man, actually, wolf.

I feel one of his hands move from my ass and tugs down my towel, making it fall to the floor. I try to cover myself with my hands but Derek grabs them.

"Babe, don't hide that beautiful body from me," he says making me look down. "Look at me," but I keep my head down. "Babe, look at me," he says lifting my head with his fingers under my chin.

I look into his eyes and see nothing but love in his beautiful green eyes. I reach my hand up and caress his face.

"Shift," I tell him quietly.

"What?" Derek questions confused.

"Shift," I tell him again.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because," I tell him sweetly. "You've seen all of me so I want to see all of you."

"Are you sure?" He asks hesitantly. I nod my head in return.

Derek looks away and I watch as his face transforms. His a side burns become longer, his teeth become longer and sharper. His forehead comes out further and his ears become pointed. His eyes are shut, not wanting to look at me.

"Derek, open you eyes," I plead.

His eyes slowly open and meet mine. They're beautiful. His eyes are the most beautiful electric blue I have ever seen in my entire life.

"Your not a monster," I tell him. "Your a werewolf. My werewolf."

"You aren't afraid?" He asks surprised.

"Never," I tell him cupping his wolf face.

"Why?" He questions.

"Because, you would never hurt me," I say sweetly. "And I love you."

Once I say those words, Derek grabs my face in his hands and smashes his lips to mine. He shifts back to human form and pushes me back onto the bed, him falling on top of me.

I place my hands under his shirt and move them up his perfect body. He sits up and pulls his shirt off, throwing it to the side. He starts attacking my neck and moves down to my nipples, taking one into his mouth and sucking. I arch my back and moan loudly. He growls at hearing me moan, this only causes me to moan louder.

"Take your pants off, now!" I growl at him, my wolf eyes flashing on accident but he doesn't see.

"As you wish princess," he grins and chuckles.

"Shut up," I tell him as I suck on his neck.

"If you keep it up, I won't be able to control myself," he tells me groaning.

"Then don't," I whisper in his ear, then taking his earlobe into between my teeth.

He quickly discards his pants off to the side, along with his underwear.

I think you get the idea of how the rest goes.


"Kaylee," I hear Derek say.

After our passionate love making, I rest my head on his naked chest and snuggle into his side. He wraps his arm around me, like he's scared I will disappear at any second.

"Yes?" I answer.

"I need to tell you something and you might not like it," he says nervously, his heart beat picks up a little.

"Okay?" I say, confused on what he wants to tell me.

"We are mates," he says.

"Okay? How would I be upset about that?" I ask.

"Wait, you know what mates are?" He says confused.

"Well, you know Stiles did some research?" He nods his head. "I did some of my own. Mates are soulmates, the ones we were destined for."

"And your okay with this?" He says.

"Yeah, I mean I love you and nothing's going to change that," I tell him. I look up at him, resting my chin on my hands, which are placed on his sexy pecs.

"How did I end up with someone as perfect as you?" He says and leans down to kiss me. "I have something for you."

"Oooh a gift?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

He chuckles. "Yes princess, a gift."

He reaches for his leather jacket, which is on the ground, and pulls out a medium size black box. He opens it and inside lies a beautiful silver necklace. The necklace has the crest of the moon. Hanging from the end, is a grey circle with a wolf in the middle.

"It's beautiful," I tell Mr. Wolfe , oh that suits him. "I can't take that."

"Yes you can and will," he insists. 

"But it's too expensive," I tell him.

"Trust me, I can afford it," he continues.

"Fine, but only because I love you," I give in.

I sit up, making sure my sheet is secured against my chest. Derek places the necklace on my neck and clips it for me.

"And I love you," he whispers then starts kissing my neck.

Round two here we come.


"What do you mean, you can't play the game tomorrow night?" Coach asks Scott angrily.

Because of Derek's threat to Scott, he decided to tell coach he can't play tomorrow. But coach being his dick self won't let him not play. Me, being a loving sister, I'm trying to help convince him to let Scott not play.

"He means he can't play the game tomorrow night," I tell coach.

"You can't wait to play the game tomorrow night," coach says

"No, coach, I can't play the game tomorrow night," Scott says sadly.

"I'm not following," coach tells him confused.

"I'm having some personal issues," Scott says shyly.

"Is it a girl?" Coach asks.

"No," Scott answers.

"Is it a guy? You know, our goalie Danny is gay."

"Yeah, we know, coach, but that's not it," I tell him.

Choosing to ignore me, coach continues. "You don't think Danny's a good lookin' guy?"

"I think he's good looking. I - but I-I like girls. And that's not it, anyway! I-i-" Scott's cut off

"What, is it drugs? Are you doing meth? Because I had a brother that was addicted to meth. You should have seen what it did to his teeth. They were all cracked and rotted. It was- it was disgusting." Coach rambles.

"My-God. What happened to him?" I ask, getting distracted. His poor brother! Maybe that's why he's such a dick.

"He got veneers." He says quickly. "Is-is that what this is about? Are you afraid of getting hurt, McCall?"

"No, I'm having some issues dealing with aggression." Scott says truthfully.

Ha! Aggression? More like the urge to kill someone.

"Well, here's the good news. That's why you play lacrosse. Problem solved." Coach tells him.

"Coach, I can't play the game tomorrow night," Scott try's again.

"Listen, McCall, part of playing first line is taking on the responsibility of being first line. Now, if you can't shoulder that responsibility, then you're back on the bench until you're ready," coach says to Scott.

"If I don't play the game, you're taking me off first line?" Scott asks quietly.

"McCall, play the game," coach doesn't answer but walks away


"Hey," Allison comes up to Scott

"Hey," Scott responds.

This is when I need to leave, and I do. Me, being the nosy person I am, decided to go to my locker and listen to their conversation.

"Busy?" She asks when she notices his phones out.

"No, no, it's just, uh, my mom, she's nothing." Scotty's eyes widen when he realizes what he said. "I mean, it's nothing. Uh, I'm never busy for you."

Nice save twin.

"I like the sound of that," Allison says smiling. "I have to run to French class, but I wanted you to know that I'm coming to see you play tomorrow."

"You are?" Scott asks nervously.

"And we're all going out afterwards. You, me, Lydia, Jackson. It's gonna be great. Tell Stiles to come too," the bell rings "Uh, save me a seat at lunch. I gotta go."

"God!" Scott says groaning.

My poor twin doesn't know what to do. I should probably help.

My phone vibrates and I look down to see a text from me sexy wolf man.

Mr. Wolfe (Derek):
Come to my house at lunch. We have to talk about you being a werewolf. Love you

Me: okay but if I fail a class cause I'm skipping it's going to be your fault. Love you too.


I watch Scott and Lydia walk to the front of the room to solve the math problem on the board. I see Lydia's mouth moving, talking to Scott.

"Why is there a rumor going around that you're not playing tomorrow?" Lydia asks Scott while solving the equation.

"'Cause I'm sort of not." Scott says nervously.

"I think you sort of are. Especially when you brutally injure my boyfriend by ramming into him." Lydia says now getting pissed.

"He brutally injured himself ramming into me." Scott comebacks.

He deserved it. Me and Jackson might be friends but no one hurts my twin with out having to deal with me.

"Jackson's gonna play tomorrow. But he's not gonna be at his peak, and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance." She says irritated at Scott

"Okay." Scott says unsure how to respond.

"I date the captain of the winning lacrosse team, and if they start off the season losing, I date the captain of the losing lacrosse team. I don't date losers." She says flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Lydia would be the perfect Regina George if she weren't 'strawberry blonde' as she likes to say.

"Losing one game isn't gonna kill anyone." Scott tells her. "In fact, it might even save someone."

Poor Scott. Not only does he have to convince coach but also try to convince the queen bee.

"Fine! Don't play. We'll probably win anyway. Then we'll go out after, like we were planning - and I'll introduce Allison to all the hot players on the team. And Scott McCall can stay home, surfing the net for p0rn." Lydia threatens

What a bitch! She can't do that to my brother! I feel my eyes changing colors. Calm.

"Mr. McCall, you're not even close to solving your problem." Our teacher says.

"Tell me about it." Scott mumbles to himself.


The bell rings signaling lunch. I walk out of class to find Scott and Stiles to tell them I'm leaving. I quickly find them hiding behind a wall listening to the Sheriff.

"Watcha doing?" I ask walking up behind them.

"Trying to figure out what my dads saying." The spazz says without looking at me.

"I want everyone under the age of 18 to be in their home by 9:30 p.m. We'd like to institute the curfew, effective immediately." I hear Sheriff say.

"Look, we don't -" our principles about to argue but I stop listening when Scott speaks up.

"Curfew because of the body."

"Unbelievable." Stiles says throwing his hands in the air. "My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk - off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants."

I'm think the jerk-off is Derek. God he's hot. His amazing green eyes I can't help but get lost in. Those muscles I can see through his shirt. His-

"Well, you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek." Scott says cutting my thoughts off.

"I can do something." Stiles says.

"Like what?" I ask him.

"Find the other half of the body." He says in a duh tone.

"Are you kidding?" Scott says causing me to roll my eyes. Only Stiles would think of wanting to find a body.

"Whatever, have fun. I'm leaving." I walk away without waiting for a response.


I walk through the front door of the burnt Hale house. Where is her? I continue to look for him but can't seem to find him. "Derek where are you?"

"Use your senses." I hear the sexy voice from inside the house.

"What the hell are you talking about?" My senses?

"Listen to my heartbeats." He says.

All the sudden, I felt a wind rush past me. I start to feel pain on my stomach. I look down and see a rip through my shirt and a scratch that has already begun to heal.

"What the hell Derek!" I yell extremely pissed of.

"Use your sense of smell." He says and another gust of wind pasts by me. Along with a scratch on my back.

I'm beyond pissed. This was my favorite fucking shirt! I tune in on my hear and listen for his heartbeat.

I hear his heartbeat coming at me and quickly. I turn his way, transforming into my wolf, grab his shirt and throw him to the ground. I hold his chest down and roar in his face. Derek stares back at me with confusion.

"What?" I ask, still pissed but calmer then I was.

"Your eyes." He says as I let him up. He drags me in front of a mirror to show me my eyes

I gasp at the sight in front of me

"They're silver." I mumble. "What does this mean?"

(Kaylee's wolf eyes)

"I don't know, but I promise we will find something." Derek promises me and hugs me from behind

He starts to kiss my neck causing a moan to erupt from my lips. I turn around, putting my hands on his chest, and lean towards his ear.

"You ruined my shirt." I whisper in what I hope is my sexy voice.

"Then I guess you won't be needing it anymore." He says ripping the rest of my shirt off.


After a round or two of love making, I decide to find my clothes. Now, I'm wearing Derek's shirt since he ruined mine. Dick.

"Derek! Derek!" I hear my twin shout from outside. "Stay away from her! She doesn't know anything!"

Why does he care about Allison? She's my friends but her dads a hunter, she can't be trusted.

"Yeah?" Derek asks walking out onto the porch. "What if she does? You think your little buddy Stiles can just google werewolves, and now you got all the answers, is that it? You don't get it yet, Scott, but I'm looking out for you. Think about what could happen. You're out on the field. The aggression takes over. And you shift in front of everyone. Your mom, your sister, all your friends. And when they see you, everything falls apart."

Derek walks back inside, hugs me, burying his head into my neck.

"He still doesn't know about you does he?" Derek says.

"No and he doesn't need to. He already has to much on his plate, he doesn't need anymore with worrying about me." I tell him.

"Your right, I'll do it for him." He says before smashing his lips to mine.


I left Derek's 3 hours ago, he said he had somethings to do. So I'm at home, laying in bed, watching the office when I get a text from Stiles.

The spazz: Get to Derek's as fast as you can!

I get to Derek's 15 minutes later only to see my mate handcuffed and stuffed in the back of a police car.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" I yell at Scott and Stiles when I spot them standing by his jeep.

"We got him away from us, he buried the other half of the body in his yard." Scott tells me.

"He didn't do it Scott!" I argue completely pissed off.

"How do you know that?" Stiles asks.

"Because Derek isn't the type to hurt people, not without a good reason." I tell them trying to keep my anger at bay.

"Oh and you know Derek so well." Scott says sarcastically.

"Yes actually I do," I tell him giving him the Hale glare. "He's my mate."

"YOUR WHAT?!" Scott yells

"Look I don't have time for this." I say and walk over the the cop car Derek's in and get in the front seat.

"Hey, you doing okay?" I ask him.

"I am now that your here babe," he says with his trademark smirk causing my heart to flutter.

I'm about to say something when I'm get off by Stiles getting into the seat next to me.

"Okay, just so you know, I'm not afraid of you." He says cause Mr. Wolfe to glare at him. "Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't matter. I just wanna know something. The girl you killed, she was a werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she? I mean, she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can't do that. Is that why you killed her?"

Actual wolf? What the hell is he talking about?

"Why are you so worried about me when it's your friend who's the problem? When he shifts on the field, what do you think they're gonna do. Just keep cheering him on? I can't stop him from playing, but you can. And, trust me, you want to." My mate threaten Stiles.

Seconds later, the car door swings open and the Sheriff pulls Stiles out of the car by his ear.

"Babe," I tell him. "I'll visit you, I promise."

I get out of the car hoping I won't be in as much trouble as Stiles.

"There. Stand." Sheriff points to the ground. "What the hell do you two think you're doing?"

"I didn't do anything, I got a text from Stiles to meet him here." I tell the Sheriff honestly.

"Fine," Sheriff sighs, "your off the hook but you," he points to Stiles, "what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm just trying to help." Stiles answers.

Yeah, by trying to get my mate arrested.

"Okay, well, how 'bout you help me understand exactly how you came across this." Sheriff asks his son while crossing his arms.

You get him Sheriff!

"We were looking for Scott's inhaler." Stiles confesses.

"Which he dropped when?" Sheriff questions.

"The other night."

I want a dog, I don't know why I'm thinking about this now but I am. Awe a dog would be cute with little kids. Me and Derek can have little baby's in the future!

"The other night when you were out here looking for the first half of the body. "

"Yes." Stiles says throwing his hands in the air.

"The night that you told me you were alone and Scott was at home." No wonder he's the sheriff he's good at getting people to fuck up. Or Stiles is a shitty lier.

"Yes. No. Oh, crap." Stiles stumbles through knowing he's caught, causing me to snort a laugh.

"So you lied to me." Sheriff says disappointed in his son.

"That depends on how you define lying." Stiles says hopefully.

Not caring about the rest of the conversation, a turn and walk back and get into the jeep, ignoring Scott. I look out the window to see Derek staring at me through the cop car window. I make a heart with my fingers and wink at him. He shakes his head chuckling at me.


"I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial." I hear Scott say but I ignore him. I'm still pissed at him for getting my mate arrested.

"Just keep looking. Maybe it's like a ritual or something, like maybe they bury you as a wolf. Or maybe it's like a special skill, you know? Like something you have to learn." Stiles says.

I feel this weird burning sensation in my throat. It's a burning I can deal with but the pain increases slowly.

"I'll put it on my to do list, right underneath figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight." Scott sighs.

I feel bad but I'm still pissed at him.

"Maybe it's different for girl werewolves." Stiles suggests.

That's not true because I'm not a wolf.

"Okay! Stop it!" Scott yells at Stiles.

"Stop what?" Stiles asks him.

"Stop saying "werewolves"!Stop enjoying this so much." Scott yells at Stiles.

The burning sensation starts to become unbearable making it extremely hard for me to breathe. Fuck what's happening.

"Are you okay?" Asks Scott, not seeing my struggle to breathe, but only his.

"No! No, I'm not. I'm so far from being okay." Scott tells him grabbing his chest in pain. He's struggling to breathe too.

"You know, you're gonna have to accept this, Scott, sooner or later." Stiles tells him

"I can't." Scott says through gritted teeth.

The pain causes me to lie town groaning quietly while I clutch my chest.

"Well, you're gonna have to." Stiles mumbles.

"No! I can't breathe. Aah! Ah, pull over!" Scott yells at Stiles.

"Why? What's happening?" Stiles asks worriedly as he finally notices me in pain too.

Scott scrambles through Stiles bag to find a purple flower tied to a rope. "You kept it?" Scott yells at Stiles.

The pain gets stronger when Scott opened the bag.

"What was I supposed to do with it?" Stiles responds

"Stop the car!" Scott yells.

"Okay" Stiles says while pulling over and getting out with the backpack in hand.

Scott sprints out of the car and takes off running into the woods. I quickly get out of the car and transform into my wolf.

"Okay. We're good, you can-" Stiles starts but stops when he doesn't see Scott. "Scott?" He see me on the ground and grips my shoulder "Kaylee?"

I turn around and he see my wolf form. He gasp and jumps back.

"B-but how?" He asks shocked.

I finally calm down long enough to transform back into my human form.

"The night you and Scott went into the woods, I followed you. I was made you guys didn't invite me, I felt left out."

"Y-you were bit?" Stiles questions.

"Yeah I was." I tell him "Please don't tell Scott! He has enough on his plate as is, he doesn't need this too."

"Fine I won't," he says causing me to release a sigh of relief. "But you answer me one question." I nod my head. "Why are your eyes silver?" 

"I don't know," I tell him honestly. "Derek is helping me figure it out."

"You trust him?" Stiles asks shocked.

"Yeah, he's my mate. I trust him with my life." I tell him.

" I read about that somewhere," he says shocked. "Your soulmates ?" I nod my head. "Does Scott know?"

"I mentioned it but didn't elaborate on it." I tell him he nods his head

"Let's go find your brother." He says getting into the jeep, I follow close behind him.


"Stiles, you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty." The operator says.

Once we got into the car, Stiles immediately called the operator trying to find information on Scott.

"I just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls." He asks her

"Odd how?" The operator questions skeptically.

"Uh, like an odd person or, a dog like individual roaming the streets." Stiles says hesitantly.

He sounds fucking crazy, I think causing me to giggle.

"I'm hanging up on you now." She sighs.

"No! Wai - wai - wai - wai - wait!" Stiles pleads.

"Good bye!" She says before hanging up.


It's an hour before the game and I decide to go see Derek since I promised him I would. Mom already left to go to the game so she can't take me. Derek's car! Since Derek's in jail, his pretty car is sitting all alone at his house. I think it's not fair for that baby to be driven while Derek's gone.

With my decision made I quickly run out the door towards Derek's house.

I run inside the Hale house and find his keys on a table next to the couch. Smirking I grab them and jog to Derek's pretty baby.

I jump in the car and start the engine. Oh, it sounds so new! I put the car in drive and gun it down the street towards the police station.

It's only takes me 20 minutes for my to reach the station. I walk inside and go up to the lady in the front.

"Hi," I tell her sweetly. "I'm here to see Derek Hale."

"What's your relation to him?" She asks scanning me up and down.

"I'm his .... fiancé!" I tell her.

"You look a little too young." She says glaring at me judgmentally.

"Thank you for the complement!" I say sarcastically glaring at her.

She fills her eyes. "Fine you have 10 minutes."

She leads me to he cell and leaves with out another word. 

"I told you I would come." I say to Derek smirking.

"Didn't doubt you for a second." He says leaning in for a kiss. I kiss him back with all the love in my body. Running out of breath, I break the kiss and stare into his eyes smiling.

"I'm sorry my brother and his idiot friend got you arrested." I tell him.

"It's okay," he says. "I have to tell you the truth about the body."

"No Derek, I know you didn't kill anyone." I tell him caressing his cheek.

"I know but the girl that was buried, she's my sister." He tells me. I can see the pain in his eyes when he said those words.

"I'm so sorry babe," I tell him. "We'll find the fucker who did this, I promise."

"Thank you," he kisses me lightly. "By the way, how did you get here?"

Smirking, I raise up his keys, dangling it by my finger. "Oh, she's my baby now."

He shakes his head chuckling at me. "How'd you get them to let you in?"

"Well my dear fiancé, when's our wedding?" He starts laughing at me. 

"Soon, babe, soon." He says causing my heart to flutter.

God I love this man.


After my visit with Derek, I drive to Scott's game, which should start any minute now. I walk over to the bleachers and sit next to mama.

"How's the shoulder?" I hear coach ask Jackson.

"It's fine." Jackson responds.

That's bullshit. 

"You feel any pain?" Coachs continues to question.

"No." liar.

"What if I gave it a big ol' punch? Would you-would you feel any pain then?" Coach asks worried.

"Maybe." Jackson replies hesitantly.

"Listen, just go out there. Just give it your best. If you feel any pain, just -" coach is cut off by Jackson.

"Just..keep playing?" Jackson continues for him.

What a dick! Doesn't he know that Jackson could get seriously injured even more then he already is.

"That's my boy." Coach says hitting him on the back.

Coach leaves jackson to put on the rest of his gear so I go up to him.

"Hey, Jackson, you don't have to play you know that right?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I know, but I won't to." He tells me.

"Okay, I just don't want to see you hurt." I hug him and he hugs me back.

"I promise Kaylee, if it hurts I'll sit out okay?" He tells me.

"Thank you and good luck." I tell him before he runs on the field.

I go back to sit next to mama and sheriff sits on the other side of her.

I watch the first part of the game and notice that no ones passing to Scott.

Scott is finally able to get the ball. He runs down the field, sprinting and juking out everyone in his way. He shoots and scores.

"Yes!" Stiles cheers. Along with me, mom, and sheriff.

"McCall! Pass to McCall!" Coach yells

I see Scott start to breathe heavily. Shit! He's going to shift! He turns his head into the stands. I follow his line of sight to see Lydia and Allison hold up a sign saying 'We love you Jackson'. He turns his head and breathes even more heavily.

The ref blows the whistle and the other team gets the ball. They pass to the guy standing in front of Scott. Scott, with his yellow eyes and sharp teeth, makes the other guy scared and gives the ball to Scott who takes off running.

"Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?" Coach asks Stiles.

"Yes, I believe so, coach." Stiles says biting his nails nervously.

"Interesting. Goal! Yes! Yes! There you go." Coach cheers when Scott scores again but this time, he rips the goalies netting. The whistle blows when the other coach starts to argue "Wha - Way to go, McCall! What? The ball's in the net."

"Ball's in the net." Stiles helps coach argue.

Fuck this isn't good. He's going to lose control.

"That's the goal of the game, is get the ball in the net! We got it." Coach grabs the refs whistle and blows it.

The ref blows his whistle and the balls is launched into the sky. Scott jumps, steps on an opponents helmet and gets the ball. He lands and takes off running down the field.

He's a few yards away From the goal when he becomes surrounded by the other team. He's starts crouching, getting into a position of attack.

"No, no. Scott, no, no." I mutter.

"Come on, come on." Mom says.

"You can do it, Scott. You can do it, Scott." I hear Allison say.

Scott seems to snap out of it and takes his shot. The ball goes flying straight into the net, winning the game for us.

"Yes! Ha! Oh, my God." Stiles shouts as everyone storms the field. "Dad, what's wrong?" Stiles asks sheriff.

Sheriff explains that Derek was released because the medical examiner determined the cause of death to be a animal. He also says that the body was his sister, Laura Hale.

After the game, I drive over to Derek's to see him. I run inside and call for him.

He appears behind me, hugging my waist and kissing my neck.

"I'm glad your out," I tell him breathlessly.

"Me too." He mutters against my neck.

I turn around and smash my lips to his. He deepens the kiss and I jump and wrap my legs around his face. He carry'a me upstairs, into his bedroom, and drops me on his bed. He peels off his shirt giving me good view of his sexy 6-pack. His body quickly covers mine and he attacks my neck again.

"I love you." He says into my neck

"I love you too." The 'too' turning into a moan.

I think you can figure out what happened next. 

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