Shadow Dancer

By JohnsDoe3775

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Shadow Dancer
Chapter 2: I can still have my walls
Chapter 3: Dream On
Chapter 4: I hate Mondays -.-
Chapter 5: Bells and Jerkface
Chapter 6: Screw coffee I need a drink

Chapter 7: Annoyance and ice cream

45 2 0
By JohnsDoe3775

I stared at my thirteen year old cousin unblinkingly "Celia if you know what's good for you you'll give me my damn phone!". I watched in pure unadulterated annoyance as a smirk lighted up her face " jeez I don't know ariabelly I think I might just keep it" she said cockily. My mouth twitched as I held back the urge to let a malicious smile curve away at my lips.

I felt my anger getting the best of me as it's hot arms snaked around my body enveloping me in its fierce grasp " I told you not to call me that" I said through gritted teeth "now give me my phone Celia!"

I watched in horror as she threw her arm back my phone slipping from her grasp. Anger left me as I waited with baited breath hoping against all odds that it landed somewhere where it would remain un scratched.

My body relaxed and if only for a treasured second I felt my tensed muscles relax as well, as my phone landed safely on the living room sofa. But my peace was short lived as I saw Celia's twin brother Noah walk into the living room; a smirk that matched his twins' slipping onto his face as he spotted my phone.

My eyes widened like saucers and thinking quickly I dived over the table and ran to the sofa like a mad man quickly grabbing my cell phone. Clutching it securely in my hands I made a mad dash into my room slamming the wooden door shut with a 'bang' before either twins could even blink.

Me eyes blinked numerous time in fast succession by their own accord as I turned around to be met with what was supposed to be my room. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again tentatively. when the same thing greeted me again! My room was pink!

"Mama!" I yelled at the top of my lungs despite her saying that I shouldn't scream seeing as it wasn't ladylike. I rolled my eyes in annoyance my room is freaking pink lady-ness be dammed! "perché nel diavolo è la mia stanza rosa?!" (why the hell is my room pink?!)  I yelled my hand twitching at my side as I attempted to control my anger.  

My mother came rounding around the corner " Non osare alzare la voce mi si ingrato moccioso! Volevo un cambiamento di scenario Ariabella" (don't you dare raise your voice at me you ungrateful little brat! I wanted a change in scenery) she snapped at me. I felt my teeth grit together as my hands balled into fists at my sides my nails digging into the palm of my hand.  That was it I was five seconds away from slapping her; I chuckled darkly at the mental image of my mothers head doing a 360 from the force of a blow caused by most of my pent up anger.

" Change of scenery?" I asked taking in a deep breath. She looked at me flatly "yes I got bored with the room". My eyes widened "it's my room mama!" I yelled my arms flailing around wildly as if that would prove my point. 

She huffed and turned around, her back facing me " stop being a spoiled bitch Ariabella and  be grateful that I paid someone to get rid of your bland wall color". I scoffed of course she paid someone it's not as is she'd raise a finger to do anything for me. "I hate it mother" .'And I hate you' I added silently in my head. She turned her head at me "go for a run Ariabella you could loose a few pounds." I stared at her my mouth hanging open as she walked out slamming the door behind her. 

I fell back on my bed with a groan "quello che una cagna" (what a bitch) I whispered shaking my head in amazement at her cold heartedness.

Thirty minutes later I clutched at my water bottle as if it were my life line. Leaning slightly against a light post I twisted the bottle cap bringing the bottle to my lips and taking a gulp. I breathed out as I felt the cool liquid slip down my throat as if it where silk.

I stood up straight as I regained my breath and started the walk back to my house. Halfway there though a smile plastered itself onto my face as I saw a certain boy walking in front of me. "Lucas" I called, jogging up to him. My steps faltered as I noticed him getting him closer and closer to the busy street.

I forced myself to run faster as he neared the intersection apparently oblivious to the danger ahead. I saw his hand reach to the side but I paid no mind as I grabbed him by the waist pulling him back with as much strength as my small frame could muster. 

We both fell to the ground; a grunt escaping Lucas as he crashed atop of me while at the same time a gasp escaped my lips as I felt his weight fall on me and my head hit the concrete. Pain radiated through my head as Lucas sat up turning around his eyes wide in shock. "Lucas" I groaned "you're heavy" I said laughing half heartedly. 

"Aria?" Lucas asked bewildered; his hands reached out to me "what the hell did you do that for?" he asked as he pulled me up. A small crowd had formed around us and I looked around blushing slightly embarrased by actions, the pain in my head now a dull ache; "you where going to cross the street and there were cars zooming by" I whispered so low I thought he hadn't heard me; he looked annoyed for a second "I was going to push the crossing button Aria".

By now there was no one around us and Lucas stood up with me following suit. "I don't need a nanny Aria I know  how to take care of myself" he said defensively.  I grabbed his arm feeling his muscles tense up under my touch; I shook my head "no that's not it at all I didn't know Luca" I said trying to reason with him. "How about we go for ice cream? My treat" I bargained.

I really didn't want to go home yet and I needed Lucas to know my actions weren't to patronize him. He seemed to relax after a minute or two of thinking it over. He nodded a smile slowly forming on his face and I couldn't help the one that slipped onto mine. "Sure" he said "ice cream sounds great" and with that he turned around facing the ice cream parlor across the street, grabbing my hand in the process he pressed the crossing button.



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