In Love With My Band Mate - a...

By wakeemeuppx

12.2K 341 80

When Lauren Jauregui auditioned for The X Factor, she saw this really pretty girl. Lauren could only see her... More

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s i x

886 31 5
By wakeemeuppx

"Guys, I have to tell you something." I said in a small and shy voice while looking at everyone in the group. They all seemed very confused and curious at the same time. "It's very important and you said that you wanted to know everything about me, so here it goes." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment before speaking up again.

"I think I'm gay."

I slowly opened my eyes, very nervous of what they were going to say.

Everyone looked at me like I was the most famous person on earth. Their mouths were slightly open and when the staring didn't stop, I felt really embarrassed and uncomfortable. I suddenly felt really sick too. My lunch threatened to come up and I quickly stood up. Everyone still stared at me but nobody said something.

"Guys, why aren't you saying anything?!" I asked while I was panicking. Nobody replied. I just stood there, very awkwardly. I certainly didn't expect this to happen.
After about 10 seconds, I quickly excused myself to go to the bathroom. Still, nobody replied, but Camila nodded her head slowly while staring at me. I felt sad, and I know the expression on my face said the same thing.
I looked at myself in the perfectly clean mirror of the bathroom. I was really happy that it didn't smell like puke in here, because that would of make me puke.

For one second, I forgot why I actually was in the bathroom, but then I remembered that I just told my friends that I am gay and that they didn't accept it.

Tears started forming in my eyes and I couldn't hold back my sobs. I tried to cry as silent as possible, but I think everyone who was nearby the bathrooms heard me.

I felt dizzy from the crying and I slid down on the floor with my head against the white wall.
I didn't know how much time passed while I was crying, but it felt like hours.
After what felt like another 30 minutes, I heard someone come in the bathroom. It astonished me that this didn't happen earlier.

I didn't know who came in, because I held my head in my hands. But when I felt a surprisingly warm hand on my shoulder, I looked up. I was met with the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen and I immediately knew it was Camila. I felt a little bit better because of the butterflies in my stomach. She looked sad, but she also smiled a little bit. I think that was because she wanted to comfort me. She slid down next to me while her hand was still on my shoulder.

I immediately started crying harder and Camila pulled me closer to her. I buried my head in her neck while she was drawing circles on my back with her index finger. It comforted me and scared me at the same time. The effect she has on me is unbelievable. I was crying for a long time, and when the crying and sobbing slowly slowed down, the room was silent again.

"It's okay, Lolo. It's okay." Camila whispered soothingly in my ear. I shivered and inched closer to her. That nickname is really, really cute. I thought.

"Do you really think so?" I asked in the most vulnerable voice I have ever heard coming out of my mouth. Camila nodded and also inched closer to me.  "I don't believe you. Didn't you see how everyone looked at me? They looked at me like I was Hades or something." I said in my still vulnerable voice with an irritated edge on it.

"They just needed time to process everything. And of course they will accept you the way you are. You can't change yourself." Camila started to soothe me, but when she saw my still very sad expression, she decided to keep talking. "You're still the same person you were 10 minutes ago." She finished.

I was in this bathroom for only ten minutes?! How is that possible, it felt like hours. That's probably why nobody came in. It was only ten minutes.

When I felt Camila lie her hand over my hand, I got snapped out of my thoughts and looked her in the eyes again. We locked eyes and I couldn't stop staring at those beautiful eyes that were created by the gods. It felt like we were in a staring contest. We couldn't stop looking, we were in our own world.

She inched closer to me, for the second time that we were in here. It felt like we couldn't get any closer, but apparently, we could. I took my chances and also inched closer to her. Our lips were only 2 centimeters apart. My breath hitched and the room felt hotter than it was earlier.

When I could finally stop our staring contest, I looked at her lips. They were so pink and so kiss able. I could barely control myself. She inched even closer, if that was possible. Our body's touched and right when I wanted to say something, Camila brought our lips together.

I felt fireworks and butterflies exploding in my stomach. The kiss was slow and very passionate. Like I said earlier: I have kissed someone before, but that was nothing compared to this. This was the best kiss I have ever experienced.

Camila pulled me closer to her. The kiss wasn't that slow anymore, it got heated and my breathing increased like crazy. Camila asked for entrance by sliding her tongue over my bottom lip. Of course, I let her. I opened my mouth and when I felt our tongues touching, a low moan escaped from my mouth.

That scared me a little bit. I have never felt something like this before. She made me feel things I have never felt before, about anyone.

The kiss went on and on. I felt more fireworks exploding every second and my breathing was uneven. The bathroom was becoming hotter and hotter, I couldn't stop my hands from touching her. My hand slid under her shirt and lightly scratched the abs on her belly. A low groan escaped from Camila's mouth. I found myself moaning in response.

Camila immediately stopped moving and her breath hitched even further. She stopped kissing me and stood up. Her breathing was heavy and her lips were swollen. Her hair was slightly wild and her hands were trembling a little bit. When I looked at her face, she looked anxious. She looked like she had just done something that absolutely couldn't have happened.

We both stared at each other for about 5 seconds. We were still breathing heavily. "Camila, what's wr-" I got cut off by Camila's sudden move. She walked to the bathroom door, sent me one last look, and left.

Oooeeehhh cliffhanger 😏😏
Finally some Camren action!! Please tell me what you think😊
I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next chapter❤❤

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