His True Colors | Jojian | Di...

By TrashFagMingo

857 30 23

{Cover credit to myself, congratu-fucking-lations to me} (A fluffy/brutal murder/kidnap book because I have p... More

Chapter One {Jojis P.O.V}
Chapter Two {Ians P.O.V}
Chapter Asswipe {Ians P.O.V}
Chapter Ayylien Lmao {Jojis P.O.V}
Chapter ... {Ian's P.O.V}
Chapter Aids {Joji's P.O.V}
Chapter Okay {Ian's P.O.V}
Chapter AdBlock {Jojis P.O.V}
Chapter BigMeatyClaws {Jojis P.O.V}
Alright important A/N

Chapter Ka-Chow {Jojis P.O.V}

83 5 0
By TrashFagMingo

{A/N Should I stop with the chapter names lmao. I can always change them to please you, not in a gay way but---~---okay.}

 I woke up in a comfy and warm embrace. I looked to see Ian and I are cuddling. It didn't surprise me at all because I remember falling asleep with him, and the fact that who wouldn't want to cherish the moment and cuddle a guy who they supposedly have a huge major gay crush on by now. 

I lifted my head to look at the digital clock beside the bed, it was eleven forty-four a.m. and in my opinion, that's too fucking early. I thought about how me and him were supposed to hang out all day today, then again this is hanging out to me, I snuggled into Ian's chest.

I looked up at his sleeping face, he looked like he was in heaven but hell at the same time. I didn't blame him, sleep was heavenly and life was hell. I would sleep my life away if I could. 

He was still sleeping peacefully, I stretched over on top of him trying to get off the bed. 

He stirred in his sleep, opening those lovely eyes of his. "What are you doing?" He asked in a groggy morning voice. I felt heat rise to my face,"Um... T-trying to get out of bed?" I say still hovering over his body. He sleepily smiled,"Are you sure about that?" Really Ian? This early you have to start this you faggot? "Yeah, I'm sure faggot now go back to sleep or some shit."

I got off of him and made my way to the kitchen and started the coffee maker and put the coffee shit in and pour water in it. 

{A/N I haven't made coffee in my entire life so if that's wrong then fuck my logic} 

I didn't know if Ian wanted coffee or not or if he even liked coffee. I started walking back to the bedroom. I opened the door and Ian was looking around like he lost something,"Did you lose something?" I asked standing in the doorway,"Yeah, my glasses." He sounded annoyed. 

"Maybe they fell off and slid under the nightstand?" I said getting on my hands and knees looking and feeling around. I was correct, they were under there. I grabbed them and stood up horribly putting them on Ian's face, he laughed a bit and mumbled thanks,"So I was wondering if you wanted coffee since I'm making some?" I offered. He shook his head adjusting his glasses,"No, but thanks. I'm not really a coffee guy." I nodded. 

"Well do you want breakfast? Or we can go out and get breakfast and do whatever we're going to do. I hope you didn't forget you offered to hang out all day, yesterday at the cafe." 

He stretched getting up,"I do remember. We can go out and eat, I will pay." he said going out the bedroom door. I just accepted that. I didn't really have much money, my parents are paying for my apartments rent and utilities and that is the deal since I paid to get into college they have to pay for my apartment.

"Hey Joji," I looked up at Ian who was standing in the hallway," could I take a shower man?" He asked. I nodded,"Do you want to borrow some clothes? I might have a shirt that is your size for you. I'm not sure about pants, though, and you can borrow some boxers." I said heading to my small closet, grabbing a big gray sweater. I threw it at Ian and headed to my dresser grabbing him boxers throwing them at him as I passed by going to the kitchen.

 I turned off the coffee maker, since it was done, and opened the cabinet and got my mug. I pour the coffee into the mug going to the fridge, to find no creamer. I sighed and grabbed the milk and poured it into the coffee watching the colors dance. I put sugar in it and stirred it. 

I took a sip from the mug. It was alright. I grabbed the handle of the mug making sure not to spill it walking very slowly to the living room,"Hey Joji, where do you keep your comb or brush or whatever you use." Ian asked with only a towel covering his wet body, I felt myself blush,"Um well it's in the uh third drawer on the right." I kept staring at his beautiful but also hot body, wet. Images flashed in my head and I didn't want to think of that shit. "Thanks." He said going back to the bathroom. I just had to look at that ass, and I swear I saw him smirk. Did he notice? Fuck.

{I'm re-updating this chapter because I've noticed it was shitty lmao only one thing was changed in paragraph 13-14? Idfk ok.}

I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote turning on the television. It was already on the news channel, that was fine by me. I started to think, Ian is mostly a stranger. For all I could know he could be a psycho. But then again he doesn't seem like one. He can do anything and anytime. I shrugged it off, I know he is not a threat. I rarely let anyone into my house or even help me. Max is the only one that ever came into my apartment and hung out with me.  

I sipped my coffee hardly paying attention to the news reporter, they were talking about how some person was murdered. Wait, what? "The murder happened in Caven Springwood Forest, a hiker came upon the body this morning. Police are in an investigation with the crime scene. The victim was thirty-seven-year-old Jolene Conner," A picture of the girl appeared on the screen,"The police department don't know why this happened, but they say that they did test results on her body to find amounts of drugs in her system, it could've been a drug deal gone wrong. We will keep you updated until then. May she rest in peace. Anyways-" I shivered. A murderer is on the loose and supposedly it happened five miles away from where I lived. It scared me. 

"Are you ready to go?" Ian startled me,"Oh, sure." I say putting the mug on the table. I didn't need to comb my hair, I was too lazy and I already knew I looked great so fuck it. I grabbed my shoes putting them on, Ian doing the same, grabbing my house keys and held open my door for Ian.

"S-so there was a murder around here." I brought up just in case... Ian moved his glasses up with his hand {a/n yknow that thing he does, yeah.} "Oh. Shame." That's all he said. Not even showing a hint of fear, how the fuck. "Aren't you scared?" I asked. He shook his head,"Not at all. Are you?" He said looking down at me,"Kind of, but how aren't you scared?" Was he some kind of robot? What the fuck,"Mn. Murders happen all the time where I used to live so I got used to it. If you show fear it shows weakness to them, so." I nodded slowly taking in his words. I looked around feeling paranoid. 

"There is nothing to worry about Joji. You will be safe with me, I promise. I'll protect you, as gay as that sounds, but I'd protect you even though I barely know you. That is what friends are for right?" He smiled a bit putting his hands in his pockets. I smiled,"I guess. And it's kind of gay and cheesy but it makes me feel better that you care." 

I looked up at the gray clouds in the sky, it is supposed to rain all weekend. I looked to Ian, he was so beautiful. I looked forward and smiled to myself. 

We walked in silence together. I might as well get to know him on the way there. "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking." I looked ahead of us, no one was around today, it was like a ghost town.

"I don't mind at all. I'm twenty. How old are you?" I nodded, just a year older not a big problem. "Nine-teen." He kicked at some rocks,"Is this your last year at college then?" 

"Yeah. Did you go to college?"

"I did. But I didn't really participate because school is boring, so I dropped out on the third year so." 

{I don't know if that's true or not or even if George went to college so pretend with me here and I'm making them only 5 and 4 years younger ok.}

I agreed with him. School was boring. 

"What do you do for a living?" I looked at him waiting for a response. 

"Nothing, well, I haven't got any feedback to come in for any interviews." 

"Oh. Well keep trying is all I have to say." He smiled,"Thanks." 

We continued walking and I kept asking him questions all the way to Denny's. He seemed to like the fact I wanted to get to know him, I liked how he asked me questions back. 

I held the door open for a couple walking out and for Ian. There weren't as many people here as I would've thought considering it's a Saturday.

"I'll be with you two in a moment," The waitress said as we stood there with other people behind us. "Right this way gentlemen." She led us to a booth near the window that had a view of the forest. It gave me the chills but soothed me at the same time. It was mysterious. 

"What would you boys like to drink?" The to friendly waitress asked. "I'll just have water," Ian says looking at the menu. "Okay... And what about you?" she smiled at me,"Uh, water is fine." I return the smile to her. 

"You know you could've got any drink you want a dollar more doesn't hurt me." I nodded,"It's fine really, I would've gotten water anyway." I looked on the menu. I decided on to only get waffles and bacon. 

I closed the menu and looked out the window, it started to rain slowly. The thunder wasn't loud but mellow. "Here are your drinks, have you two decided yet?" I looked to Ian. 

"Yeah, I'll have scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage." The waitress wrote it down on her note pad. "Okay," she looked to me,"Um waffles and bacon, please." she nodded,"It will be ready in fifteen minutes." She turned and walked back to the kitchen.

 Ian looked like he wanted to say something but kept quiet. 

"Thank you for taking me out for breakfast Ian. No one hasn't done anything like this to me in years." I say stirring my water around with the straw it came with. 

"Really... I can't believe that. Why wouldn't someone take a cute guy like you out?" He smirked at me. I cleared my throat, feeling my face get warm. 

"Well, you're cute too so I guess I should take you out to dinner tomorrow, hm?" Aren't I telling the fucking truth? Hell yeah. His smirk turned into a small cute 'fuck me up' smile. 

"Dinner would be great. But- are you sure you're not seeing yourself cutie?" Holy shit... What the- Why- Fuck me now. "I am sure. All I see is beauty in front of me. And that beautiful person is you, Ian. I was blind from what was beautiful and what wasn't until I saw you." His face turned red.  I smiled at him. The waiter came up with our food. 

"Joji, your adorable. Did you know that?" I shook my head nibbling on a piece of bacon. 

"Well you are and it's not a fact." He smiled.

I threw a piece of my bacon at him,"Stop being so gay. Even though, I am flattered."

"Then stop being cute." He threw the piece of bacon back at me.

"No, you stop being cute." 

"Stop being gorgeous." 

"You stop being gorgeous."

"You need to stop being beautiful then."

"You need to stop being fucking hot." 

Did I say that out loud? Did I just throw that out there? My gay is showing a bit too much. 

He was grinning. "You're hot too," he said looking down at his plate playing with his eggs.

Thunder erupted loudly and lightning cracked against the sky. It made me jump a bit making me hit my knee against the table. "You alright there buddy?" I nodded laughing it off a bit. 

We ate and talked. We asked each other more question getting to know one another. 

Ian was interesting. I think we could be great friends or even... More than friends. 

{A/N It is currently 3:40 a.m and I have school and so I love you sorry but here is a chapter with  2,170 words and shit I hope you like it I hope its better. I am not too great today. I want to die and yeah. Love ya.}

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