Chapter One {Jojis P.O.V}

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I was sitting at a booth in the far back corner away from everyone else, minding my own business and waiting for my coffee. I was scrolling through the news feed, nothing new really.

"Here is your coffee, sir, would you like anything else?" The woman startled me, as she placed the mug beside me,"Oh, um, no thank you." I smiled slightly at her. She nodded and walked to other costumers.

I took a sip of the steaming coffee. I didn't want to study, I wanted to enjoy my Friday. But I guess school and shit have to come first. I sighed turning off my phone and sliding it back in my pocket.

I didn't feel like working, but then again it's due Monday. I can't do what I did last time, which was wait until the last day and just put shit there and it doesn't even make any fucking sense.

Yeah, that was great.

I literally slammed by face against the table, letting out a frustrated sigh. People were probably staring... Who gives a shit, fuck em.

"You alright there dude?" I looked up and saw the most fucking hottest creature ever.

( A/N - I like using the word fuck, okay people, it's my favorite word)

I noticed I was staring because he shifted from his other foot in an uncomfortable way,"Yeah, I was just... Uh, I don't want to study on a Friday night, ya know?" I sit up and look over to my backpack that was next to me.

"Yeah I get what you mean, I can probably help you depending on the subject." He says taking a sip of his tea. "Sure, I mean, fuck that'd be really helpful, it's intermediate algebra." He nodded sitting down on the other side of the booth.

"Okay well I can try my best, and if we can't do it just fucking google it." He says, just fuck, I nodded and pulled out the shit algebra book and worksheet.

~Four and a half hours later of studying and googling(I'm lazy ok and math is boring)~

"Fuck dude," the man says lifting his glasses to rub his eyes, and his eyes were beautiful," that shit is kind of hard as fuck." I nodded, I was tired as fuck,"Yeah but, shit man, thanks so much. I'd never finish in four hours, it would've taken the whole weekend Jesus, thank you."

He smiled, and that fucked me up,"No problem. I realized I never asked your name. I'm Ian, by the way." Ian says extending his arm over the table,"I'm George, but I'd prefer to be called Joji." I say shaking his hand.

We sat there in silence. It wasn't quite awkward but it was enjoyable.

"I should really get going, it was nice meeting you Joji," Ian says getting up from the booth. I felt sad,"Yeah it was, can I get your number? I-I mean to like stay in contact, y'know be friends." He chuckled,"Sure, I'll write it down." He wrote down his number with the pencil I was using, on a torn piece of paper.

"Hey Joji, I can walk you home if you want, wouldn't want you to be killed or kidnapped." He says handing me the paper. "I've walked home alone many times before, even late at night, and I'm still here," I say laughing a bit,"But thanks for the offer."

He was staring at me with a small grin," Huh, you're right, but still Joji, anything can happen at any time." Ian said adjusting his glasses.

"Well, when you put it like that. Fine, you can walk me home, but what about you? You can get killed." I ramble on as Ian holds open the door for me as I walk out.

"Well since you care so much about me, then we can talk over the phone while I walk back home." He says smiling adorably when he said care.

I smiled, satisfied. "Okay."

The walk home was soothing, it was going to rain tomorrow so there was thunder far away, coming closer.

"Here it is. Shit home, but better than nothing." Standing in front of the complex. Ian gave a little 'mhm'. I turn back to him, just noticing how much taller he is. "Do you have to go immediately or would you like to come in and hang out?" I fiddled with the bottom of my shirt.

"Um well," he sighed,"I don't have to go immediately, but I can't hang either sorry."

I frowned,"Okay..."

"But we can hang out all day tomorrow if you want?" He offered.

It felt like my heart was pounding fucking fast. I was excited.

"Sure okay." I grinned at him.

He nodded and waved, turning on his heel and walking back down the street.

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