Chapter Asswipe {Ians P.O.V}

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{A/N Updated the story cover bc it was shit and I guess if it's not shit it will attract readers, in my logic of course.}

I walked around for a bit, looking for anyone. A prostitute or even just a citizen roaming the streets.

Even though it is probably twelve something a.m, I still had hope that someone was around. I had too much stress from what happened this week. I almost got caught.

It was hard to stay calm when you're getting asked if you killed three victims when really you killed actually seventeen sad lonely victims.

But I managed to keep my cool and not think about it or why I am there. Simple, especially if the polygraph test is very outdated. 

So I am no longer a suspect. Good.

Ah, what do we have here? A prostitute? An idiot?

Seems to be a prostitute. The slut clothes, the alcohol you can smell a foot away, and the lingering smell of cigarettes.

"Hey hun, care to get a blowjob for fifteen bucks?" Her shagged voice interrupted the silence. Perfect.   

"Sure, I'll make it a twenty if we can do it in the forest. Make mother nature watch while I make you my bitch." I patted my back pocket to see if my switchblade and gloves were still there. They were indeed there, and always will be. 

She smiled her heroin crooked teeth. "Of course."

She followed me three miles into the forest. She probably didn't even realize it of how much she was concentrated on getting money. 

I shoved her down onto her knees, I faked unzipping my pants, reaching in the back to grab my switchblade. "Before we do this, I'll make it thirty dollars if you can satisfy my kink?" I ask the bitch will do anything. She nodded.

"Okay look that way while I prepare myself," she faced the other way and I put on the four pair of gloves I stashed in my pocket. I always had two layers on just in case. 

I flicked the switchblade out and quickly sliced her throat then punctuated her carotid arteries. She fell instantly without a sound.

{For you people out there who don't know where or what a carotid artery is then let google teach you fucking dick. Jk it's a vein in the neck and you die instantly if you cut it so. Hurray. Don't kill yourself ily.} 

I stabbed her neck and sliced upward with all my strength, ripping open her neck and face. 

It was satisfying. The blood. The sound.

Even though I had two layers of gloves on, I still wanted to be safe then sorry. 

So I knew I had to get peroxide. It does help with cuts and shit but the burning sensation is actually eating away skin cells. So that would help to get rid of fingerprints and burn her in the afterlife.  

 I checked my clothes for blood from what I could see. There weren't any spots so, I should be fine.

I walked to the nearest drug store to buy the peroxide. It was going to be a long walk since I walked three miles into the forest. 

I use the under of my shirt to clean off the knife. I took off my gloves, putting them back in the same pocket.

~Time. Skip. Because. I'm. Lazy. And. Have. No. Ideas.~

I came across a twenty-four-hour drug store, the bell ringing as I opened the door. Cringing as some costumers looked at me and the cashier staring at me like I was going to rob the fucking place.  

I went down the third aisle looking at the shelves. 

Right, when I saw it I grabbed it not caring about the price. Better safe than sorry. 

 I paid for it and walked out back from where I came from. 

I checked the time on my phone, it was two in the morning. I spent two hours out here. 

I hope Joji didn't wake up, if he did, I hope he didn't notice I was gone. Dammit.

I walked a bit faster to get this over with. Turning a sharp turn down the street to where I left the forest. 

 When I got to the skanks body I undid the lid and dumped it on her. The sizzling sound interfering with the eerie silence. 

I dumped the rest of the peroxide onto my hands away from where her body laid. 

I walked back to the sidewalk. Then I ran into the direction to Jojis' house. No one was out in the streets, so I wouldn't be suspicious. 

{A/N I don't know if this is a short chapter, but it is to me, sorry. It's probably shit. I'll do chapter four today also. I don't like waiting either so.}

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