Forgotten Memories [Zumin]

By Cat_Noir_trash

42.9K 2K 2.7K

While helping 707 and MC out with cleaning Seven's house, Zen trips over something on the ground and one of t... More

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By Cat_Noir_trash

"Luciel," V said, dragging Jumin by his side.

"Uh, V! What are you doing here?" Saeyoung replied with, walking up to V.

"I just came here to take some pictures of animals.....and give Jumin back to you." smiled V, throwing his childhood friend into Zen's arms. "Here, you two are dating, aren't you? Keep him,"

"Keep him?" repeated Zen, tilting his head to the side with confusion.

"Well then, until next time," bowed V before walking away from the small group of friends. Then, there was nothing besides silence.

"Hey, how about Saeyoung and I go look at the penguins, while you and Jumin go else where?" MC suggested, breaking the silence.

"Sounds good with me~" responded Saeyoung, wrapping his arms around MC's waist. She giggled, giving Saeyoung a peck on the cheek. "Well, bye you two! Have fun~"

"Uh," Zen gasped, looking at the young couple walk away from them. When he looked down at his chest, Jumin was still hanging onto his jacket; wrinkling it a bit. "Uh, Jumin?"

"Yes, Zen?" asked Jumin as he looked up at the albino. He remembers my name!! Yes! thought Jumin to himself.

"Could you get off of me? You're kinda crushing my bones...." complained Zen, his legs wobbly and jelly-like.

"Oh....of course.... I'd be happy to...." sighed Jumin, getting off of the 24-year old male.

"That was much appreciated, thank you." smiled Zen. "Shall we look around the aquarium now?"

"Huh, oh yes.... That sounds quite nice..." nodded Jumin, grabbing Zen's hand.

Zen's eyes became glossy, triggering something in his memory.


"Zen! Look over here. The manta rays are so beautiful, don't you agree?" Jumin asked, walking up to a tank with a family of manta rays.

"Yeah, they sure are..... They look like such a happy family..." smiled the albino, catching up to Jumin.

"Family...." sighed Jumin under his breath. He looked back at the manta rays, smiling warmly at them.

"Hey Jumin,"

"Yes, Hyun?"

"I want to settle down and have a family like that someday.... Don't you?"

"Yeah, that seems nice..." smiled Jumin. That smile soon became a shocked face as Jumin thought of how babies were made. And who Zen's partner was. "Z-Zen, you want to s-start a f-family?!"

"Yeah, seems so nice."

"Z-Zen..... You know we're both boys right? WE CAN'T REPRODUCE. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT." shrieked Jumin, shaking Zen.

"There's always adoption!" retorted Zen. "How stupid do you think I am?"

"If I answered that honestly, you would kill me..." scoffed Jumin, chuckling under his breath.

"HEY!" exclaimed Zen.

"I'm just kidding," giggled Jumin, pecking Zen on the cheek. "I love you,"

"Oh, I KNOW you do~ You couldn't stop saying that last night." chuckled Zen.

"You aren't telling me that I was...."

"Yep, you were sleeptalking." teased Zen. "You couldn't stop saying, 'Oh Zen! I love you so much!! Kiss me, you handsome fool!' mocked Zen, making kissy faces and noises to make Jumin flush.

Jumin's face went purple; his eyes going wide. "B-BAKA!! SHUT UP! WHAT DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DO?! YOU KNOW MY NAME, NOT MY STORY HYUN RYU!" exclaimed Jumin, running away from Zen.

"Woah, someone's on their man-period.... Such a tsundere......" scoffed Zen, running after his lover. "AND ALSO, I DO KNOW YOUR STORY! YOU FREAKING TOLD IT TO ME TWO WEEKS AGO!!"


"Jumin," sighed Zen.

"What is it, you selfie freak?" chuckled Jumin, wrapping his long arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"I just wanted to let you know something very important, and I don't you forgetting it either."

"And that is...."

Zen got out of Jumin's grasp, and pinned him to the wall.

"Z-Zen, we're in public....." gasped Jumin, flushing a deep red.

"I know, and I don't care.... I'm not afraid to show how much I love my soulmate.... Oh, right. That thing I was going to tell you?"


Zen went up close to Jumin's ear whispering these three words, "I love you,"

"I do too," replied Jumin, pressing his lips against the albino's.

They intertwined their hands, and broke up the soft and gentle kiss. They continuted on looking at the different animals all while holding each other's hand.


Zen's grip on Jumin's hand tightened, his red eyes filled up with love and passion. (And just a tad bit of lust....) Jumin felt Zen's grip tightening, and smiled warmly while flushing a light pink.

They went around the aquarium, looking at different types of animals. The boys saw fish, octopi, starfish, even a small crab crawling about on the sand at the bottom of the tank. They were smiling and having a good time in general that day.


"That was a lot of fun, Seven.... Thanks for taking us out." smiled Zen, waving his hand good bye.

"Of course! Anything's fun when God 707 is involved! Ha-ha-ha!!" laughed Saeyoung, his glasses glinting.

"Alright, 'God 707', let's go home. Have a nice night you two," sighed MC, pushing her boyfriend towards his car.


Jumin's Penthouse

Jumin smiled and closed his door. When he turned around, he saw a sad Zen sitting on the couch. Jumin walked over to him, sitting down beside him.

"Is everything alright, Zen?" asked Jumin, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, just.... No. I have a question to ask you,"

"Well, what is it?"

"Why do we have matching rings? Are they like a friendship thing or something?"

"The rings...." repeated Jumin, looking at the ring on his left hand, and then at Zen. He sighed before saying, "These rings were a sign for......"

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