Tenerife Sea ~ H.Potter

By wonderswoman

133K 4.7K 995

She didn't quite know what love was. She didn't quite understand it either. But what Harry Potter knew was th... More

P A R T | O N E
P A R T | T W O


3.1K 161 18
By wonderswoman

Tenerife sea

Harry Potter was filled with pure happiness when he stepped into the building of 12 Grimmauld Place, although the home was rather dark and spider webs hung from the highest ceiling. It inhabited the people he loved most, and that's what mattered. His eyes darted around the home, soaking in the darkness and the dusty looking paintings that hung from the ceilings above him. His eyes trailing up the large old polished stair case, as he made his way down the slightly narrow hall. His eyes caught sight of Sirius Black seated at a table surrounded by many others. His voice loud and commanding as he spoke of what Harry could tell was Voldemort. He was quickly snapped out of his senses by no one other than Molly Weasley, the women's plump figure and fiery ginger hair quickly caught his attention. As she let out a loud shriek of happiness "Harry!" She said as she then turned around to shut the door behind her not wanting him to see anymore of the meeting. Harry smiled in return, "Mrs. Weasley," he greeted.
"Heavens you're alright, a bit peaky but I'm afraid dinner will wait until the meetings over." She said patting the boys left cheek letting him go from her warm grip. Harry opened his mouth to say another word but before he could make any sound she quickly interrupted him.

"Now not another word, straight upstairs you, first door on the left." She ordered him quickly. As she turned her head to look back into the room where shouts from many different voices could be heard through the walls of the home. Mrs. Weasley too in a breath as she gave Harry a warm smile, patting his shoulder as he made his way up the creaky old stairs. His hands gripped the wooden banister, eyes glancing over the dusty walls where old house elf bodies were held in glass like containers. The boy grimaced at such a practice, knowing Hermione probably did the same as well. The boy stopped at a stair, at the sight of a small hunched over figure. Their skin old like the color of greyed news paper a cloth hung from their bone like body. A house elf, but this one much older than Dobby and much more evil looking than Dobby. The elf's little nimble hands wiped dust from the artifact in his hands. "Filthy scum let into her house, what would she say to old Kreacher." He mumbled under his breath as Harry made his was past him. His eyes staring in wonder, as the elf looked back at him a look of disgust written upon his face. Harry opened the door of the bedroom Mrs.Weasley pointed him too, but before he could even step one foot in his body was wrapped in the arms of Hermione Granger. "Harry!" She said her bushy brown hair touching the sides of his face. He had forgotten how much he missed this. How much he missed Hermione Granger. "Are you alright, we heard then talking about the Dementer attack." She said frantically pulling away from him her hand wrapped tightly around his forearm. "You must tell us everything." She said dropping her hand almost out of breath.
"Let him breathe, Hermione." Ron said.
"And this hearing at the ministry. It's just outrageous. I've looked it up they simply can't expel you!" She ranted as
Ron jutted in "It's completely unfair." Harry looked towards the ground, reminded of the fact that he was expelled from Hogwarts. Although he knew he had a chance that he did have a hearing to return and that Hermione was most likely right like she always is. It didn't erase that fact that at this moment he was expelled.

"Yeah," Harry said agreeing with what his bright friend said as he made his way towards the other side of the room.
"There's a lot of that going around at the moment." He continued.
"So what is this place," The boy asked looking around once again.
"It's head quarters," Ron stated "Of the Order of the Pheonix, a secret society." Hermione explained standing next to him. "Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You-Know-Who."

"You couldn't have you know, explained this in a letter." Harry said recalling all the letters he had written to them but had gotten none in return. "I've gone all summer without a scrap of news."

"We wanted to write mate, really we did." Ron responded, a hint of sadness in his voice. "Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." Hermione stated her eyes filled with guilt as well.
"It's not like you were bored all summer either, according to the letters you sent us." Ron said smirking remembering the many letters that Harry had sent him about the ginger haired muggle beauty, Harry's words not his. That he had met over the summer holiday. Harry rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but slightly smile at the thought of Edith Ambermathy. But that feeling did not last for long, as it was quickly replaced with the once anger he had.
"But why would he keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help." Harry argued "I'm the one who fought Voldemort, I'm the one who say Cedric Diggory get killed."
"Harry," Hermione trailed he voice soft and carful.
"Thought we heard your dulcet tones," A familiar voice, or you could say voices said. Popping from out of mid air. Fred and George Weasley. Their tall forms and fiery ginger hair seemed to lighten up the room all on their own.
"Don't bottle it up mate, let it all out." Fred said.
"If you're all done shouting, want to hear something a little more interesting?" George asked a playful tone in his voice as he raised an eyebrow at the trio.

After many attempts of trying to hear the conversation that went on behind the closed dinning room door, but eventually failing due to Crookshanks, Hermione's not so beloved at the moment cat. However it did not take long for Molly Weasley to appear from the room dusting her hands off on her dress, "Well we'll be eating in the kitchen." She said as calmly as she can muster. The heat from the argument still bubbling inside of her body, and the children knew it as well. But then a sudden pop sounded from next to her, to reveal a set of very tall twins that she called her own. Molly Weasley turned red, almost as red as her hair at the sight of her twin boys. "Just because you have to use magic now, does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" She yelled as she scolded the two of them pushing them into the dining area. Everyone eventually settled into a seat at the table, The boy placed his hands in his pockets of his jacket, the tips of his fingers rubbed against the small medal object. Harry pulled it out curious of what it was, glancing down in his hands a small silver owl sat in his hands. A small smile appeared on his face. Edith.

Edith Ambermathy laid in her bed a few mornings after Harry Potter had left with the other wizards. Her hair a tangled mess, a yellow like dress flowed down her body. One shoe she wore fell from her left foot, as the one on the right stayed still. The girl turned over in frustration, wondering what the wizard boy could be doing a this moment. Edith had figured out by now that she had been spending so much time with the Potter boy that now that he's gone she had nothing else to do for the final few weeks of summer. As sad at that may sound, it was very true for the ginger haired girl. She missed Harry, and she was very sure that he also missed her. A feeling of disappointment in herself developed at the bottom of the girls stomach, she didn't need Harry Potter. She could do very well without him for the most part, although she missed him she did not need him. The girl got up  from her spot on her unmade bed. Running her fingers through her tangled hair, pulling them through harshly as she walked up towards her mirror. Edith Ambermathy looked at her reflection, her freckled face and summer warm skin. Her hair reached a little past her hips as she made an mental note to get a small trim.
The girl took in a long breath "You are a strong independent women, you don't need him to survive." She said said aloud "What are you even doing Edith?" She then continued to ask herself turning away from the mirror as she picked up her fallen show slipping it back on. Making her way towards her bedroom door. The girls hands wrapped around the door knob twisting it open as she made her way down the stairs towards the family living room. Expecting to see her mother on the sofa a newspaper in her hands like she did everyday. However, her eyes met with a man. His face old with wrinkles, glasses at the bridge of his nose. A wise twinkle like spark in his eyes. Her own pupils widened as she caught sight of the mans white beard that fell down the front of his body. He seemed to be dressed in an dark blue robe, hands folded In front of him. Karen Ambermathy stood next to the older man, her body stiff, her hair a mess as if she had been pulling at it.
"Edith," Her mother said softly, blinking slowly as her eyes stayed closed for a good few seconds taking in a longer breath. "I'd like you to meet someone."
Edith quietly made her way down the last of the stairs, walking towards her mother and the strange looking man.
"Albus Dumbledore," He said in a smooth voice, old and wise sounding all at once. The girls eyes widened her mind familiar with the sound of that name. Harry had talked about him many times, she had read his names in books. Never in a million years did Edith think she would be standing before him.
"I'm Edith," she said. Albus smiled the tops of lips curling up as he nodded.
"We have much to discuss Ms.Ambermathy," he said taking a seat on the chair behind him. As the two women did the same, The ginger haired girl tapped her finger against her leg in an uneven pattern, nervous for what was going to occur.
"I've gotten news of an Dementer attack just a few days ago." He said looking at the teenage girl, "You were reported along side Harry Potter and Dudley Dursley at the scene of the incident. Am I correct?" He asked her. The girl quickly nodded. "You saw such creatures am I correct, Ms. Ambermathy?" He asked. Edith knew he already knew the answer to this question but she guessed that he wanted to hear it from her himself. Edith nodded her finger tapping continuously on the skin of her knee. "They were black, hooded, they seemed to be floating on mid air. A cold feeling seemed to follow them where ever they went. Darkness." The girl said softly not wanting to remember the fear she felt that night. Creatures so dark, so terrifying. "But why?" She looked up towards the Professor, wondering why he would need her to describe an monster that she was sure he knew very well of already.
"Harry James Potter has reserved a trial at the Ministry of Magic. We need more proof, a witness." Dumbledore said his hands folded neatly on top of his lap. Edith raised her right eyebrow her hands on her hips as she tried to think of where the two adults seemed to be going with this. She wasn't a wizard, she'd never be able to go into the wizard world. No matter how much she wanted, Edith knew it would never happen. No matter how many jokes she made of Harry bringing her to see Hogwarts and the magic that came along with it. At least she thought that it would never happen.
"So you want me to be a witness?" Edith asked
The older male nodded his head in response.
"But I'm not a wizard," Edith stated recalling the list of rules that Harry had told her. The ministry that controlled the wizards of England. "I would not be sure of that, Ms.Ambermathy." Albus stated a light twinkle in his eyes as a small smirk appeared on the mans face. Edith's eyes widened her mouth dropped in shock, "Excuse me?" She said her fingers stopped tapping against her leg. As she quickly turned to look at her mother to see if she had something to say. But all Karen seemed to do was give her daughter a sad smile. The older Ambermathy women knew that she owed her daughter something in return for keeping such a secret away from her.  No matter how much it went against the ways that she believed, Edith needed this and she knew that very well.
"You're boy has a trial, and he needs a witness, love." Her mother stated softly. Edith could tell she was trying to fight the urge to just take everything she said back, send Dumbledore back to Hogwarts and forget that anything ever happened. For when such an amazing thing as magic comes along, so does danger. Karen Ambermathy was very much afraid that he daughter didn't understand the expenses of knowing such an secret. A secret of a world that could destroy someone all together.

"When do I leave?" Edith asked her body leaning in a little closer towards the adults in the room.
"In just a few minutes," Dumbledore said calmly his eyes darting to look at the pastel colored clock on the wall above them.
"Wait what, I need my things. How?" Edith said beginning to ramble. All this time she had convinced herself that she would be ready for magic. But she knew she would be panicking at the end no matter what were to happen.
"How you may ask?" Albus responded smoothly.

"Holy shit!" The ginger haired girl screamed, as she threw her head to the side trying to hold in the vile that was about to spill from her mouth.  The girl quickly glanced to the side to see that the Professor seemed to be just fine.

"Apparition takes some time to get used to." He said from beside her as he continued to walk down the wide pathway. Edith's eyes widened as she gathered herself quickly together following the older man. As the two rounded the corner it revealed them to a large city square. Muggles with office suits and important looking briefcases made there way towards there Day jobs. Edith walked along side the older wizard as she looked once again at his incredibly long beard, then looking around to see if anyone seemed to notice them. Indeed they did, many stared at Dumbledore in wonder, trying there best to hide the small snickers emitting from there mouths. As the girl looked back at the older man, she found that he was unbothered. He probably was very used to this she thought in her head. The teenage girl admired the mans confidence as they made their way towards a bright red telephone box. 
Albus Dumbledore pulled open the door for the younger girl to step inside as he followed behind her. The man brung up a long nimble finger pressing in a few numbers into the key pad. Silence awaited after those actions. As the ginger haired girl waited for something to happen. Her eyes wandering above staring up at the ceiling as she looked through the windows.
"Is anything going to ha-" but before the young girl could finish her sentence. A small ding emitted from the telephone box as platform beneath them began to lower underneath the ground. Edith's eyes widened, the two lowered towards the ground. The girl let out a small gasp at the sight of a large room. Filled with people in robes, holding broomsticks. The girl stepped out of the box as the door opened, Dumbledore following close behind her. Her eyes wandered around the area, fireplaces surrounded them, lined up as people appeared out of them along with puffs of green smoke. 

"Come along Edith," Dumbledore said as he guided her down the large walkways of the wizarding ministry.
"Dumbledore, is he daft or is he Dangerous?" A man shouted, a newspaper t shirt clung to his body as he held newspapers in his hands handing them to anyone that payed him the slightest bit of attention.
"More like you're the daft one," Edith mumbled rolling her eyes.  Although she had never talked to the wizard before until this very day. Edith knew that Dumbledore was a good man. The way Harry talked about him made him seem like a hero, and Edith knew that in anyway shape or form that Dumbledore was Harry's hero.

"So when's the meeting?" Edith asked turning her head to look at the wise wizard.
"Don't worry about that dear, we're about Three hours ahead of time." He said.

Harry Potter did not like the feeling of being nervous. The boys finger tapped up against the wooden chair, his emerald eyes darting around looking at everything except the judge before him.

"Disciplinary hearing of the 12th of August into offenses committed by Harry James Potter." Cornelius Fudge spoke loudly his voice echoing through the entire room.
"Resident at Number 4 Privet
Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey."
Harry spaced out after the words of his home address, the boys foot tapping against the cold marble floors beneath him. Trying his best to keep calm, which clearly wasn't working as well was he hoped it would.
"Albus Percevil Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!" A familiar voice shouted as the figure strutted into the room. A loud slam of a door emitting from behind him. Harry quickly snapped out of the daze he had put himself in to stay calm, as he straightened his posture, lips curling into a smile at the sight of his professor.

"You got our message that the
time and place of the hearing, had been changed?" Cornelius began.

"I must have missed it. But by a happy mistake, I arrived at the ministry 3 hours early." Dumbledore stated as he walked in a strong manner around where Harry sat. He hands wrap together behind his back as he stood strong and bold.

"The charges?"

"The charges against the accused are as follows, "That he did knowingly and in full awareness of producing a Patronus Charm in the presence of a muggle."

"Do you deny producing said Patronus?"

"No, but-" Harry interjected his voice unconfident as he sat closer to the edge of his chair.

"And you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside of school, while under the age of 17."

"Yes but-" Harry said trying again to get his word in but eventually failing as the minister interjected him once again.
"Witches and wizards of the Wizengomet." Cornelius said holding his hand up, as he was about to make a deceleration.

"I was only doing it because of the dementers." Harry said loudly.
"Dementors." The minister responded, silence
Seemed to have past over the entire court. Confused faces and confused thoughts spread from person to person. Dementors"
"In little Whingington ? That's quite clever." The minister said.
"Muggles can't see Dementors can they boy?"
"Highly convenient."

"I'm not lying, there were two and if I hadn't-" Harry pleaded his heart beating faster as he knew the end of the trial was coming far too soon. He did not want to be expelled from the one place he called home. He couldn't be.

"I'm sorry to interrupt what I'm sure would
have been a very well-rehearsed story" The minister stated "Since you cannot produce no witness of the event-" The minister trailed on but before he could finish his sentence. Albus jutted in "Pardon me minister, but in fact we can."

Behind them, from the same door Albus Dumbledore had arrived through not long ago. A familiar freckled face with ginger colored hair and in a pretty sun dress that she always wore through the warm days Harry had spent with her. Edith Ambermathy walked towards the empty chair in the middle of the court, her hands held together as she slowly took her seat. The emerald green eyed boy could have never been happier. His smile was wider than it ever could have been a sense of joy filling up his body every second. He quickly tried to rejoin himself as he focused on the court, although Edith was doing a very good job distracting him by just sitting there.
The ginger haired beauty turned her head to look at the wizard giving him a small smile as she turned her head back to lock eyes with the minister. His old eyes stared back at her causing the girl to sink back into her seat. She looked down at her lap, as she noticed she couldn't help but feel underdressed as she looked at the robes and suits everyone else wore.

"Please describe the attack." A women in the courts asked her voice strong and powerful, echoing through the entire room.

"Dark, it felt like darkness had been thrown over my entire body and every living thing around me. The sky got dark, and large cloaked figures came in hovering over all of us. It felt like the happiness was leaving from wherever happiness could be." Edith explained her eyes dull as she remembered the incident. Not wanting to ever think of it again.

"Well you look here Dementors just don't wander around a muggle suburb and just happen to come across a wizard." The minister stated, as if he himself was trying to wrap his mind around what had happened.

"I don't believe anyone would say the Dementors were there by coincidence, Minister." Dumbledore stated his eyes cold and strict as he stared up at the court around them.
A women with curled brown hair, wearing what could be seen as a pink jacket underneath her robe piped up. Her voice high causing Edith to wince at the women's words as she began to speak, "I'm not sure if I misunderstood you Professor, however the Ministry controls all Dementors." She said "However it may be silly of me to say that you were suggesting that the Ministry ordered the attack on this boy."

"Which is why I'm sure the Ministry will will be mounting a full search, of why two dementors were this far from Azkaban." Dumbledore said harshly.
"Of course there is someone who might be responsible for the attack. Cornelius I implore you too look at this as evidence that the Dark Lord has returned." Dumbledore concluded, as the feeling of dread sunk to the bottom of Edith's stomach. Harry had told her stories of this Dark Lord, although she did not remember his name. She knew very well that him showing signs of returning was not in any way shape or form good.

"He is not back." The Minister fought back, denial clearly written all throughout his facial features. The man clearly was too tired to deal with such things so he had just chosen to avoid them.

"In the matter of Harry Potter, the law clearly states that magic may be used in any life threatening situation." Dumbledore concluded.
"Laws can be easily changed," the Minister added on, clearly not having any of this. Edith couldn't help but feel as if the Minister had something against Harry, as she rolled her eyes at his words. Wanting so badly to getup and start profanities at the old wizard.

The blonde wizard in the stand surrounded  by the rest of the courts seemed to be tired of this argument just as much as Edith was, as she spoke "All in favor of conviction." A few hand raised along with the Head Minister.
"All in favor of clearing the accused of all charges." More hands raised than before as the
Minister let out a defeated sigh, Edith smiled as she turned over to look at Harry his smile matched hers. Just as wide and just as happy, maybe a little more but that didn't matter much. As the boy got up to leave, Edith quickly jumped from her seat. Her arms wide open as she wrapped them around her, the palms of his hands found there way to her back as she dug her face into his neck.
"I told you." She whispered, "I knew you wouldn't get expelled, that just wasn't possible."

"I missed you," Harry whispered into her ear, Edith giggled at his words.
"You've only been away for two days Harry," she responded. "But I miss you too."

Authors note
I feel like I say this every chapter because I'm not good at updating, because I say I will then I don't which has been going on for like 3 weeks and I'm so sorry. Honestly. This chapter was just hard to get through since there really wasn't any chance for Edith to come in at all since it was mainly all Harry. So this chapter is important but it's all mainly filler. And it's so fucking long for a chapter like this. So I'm sorry if it was boring, but I understand.
Spring break is in like a week so Ima try to write.
Delilah ❤️

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