Dating A Charmed One. Did I M...

By wolf-babe

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(Charmed Book 2) Lila-Rose is back along with the Halliwells and this time things are different. To begin wit... More

Dating A Charmed One. Did I Mention I'm Half-Demon?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4- Part 1
Chapter 4- Part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6- Part 1
Chapter 6- Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37- Epilogue

Chapter 36

1.4K 24 2
By wolf-babe

Note: double upload today, both of which are fairly long chapters. This is the penultimate chapter so this story is nearly finished, these final few chapters are mostly about the band, since we haven't had much band stuff in this story. Just to let you all know this has a lot of outfits in, so if you would like me to create something to show you the outfits then let me know and I would be happy to do so. Please comment, fan etc.. and I hope you enjoy the chapter my lovelies


"Lila get your ass out of bed now. We are going to be late" Melinda yelled at me. I opened my eyes and saw that she was wearing a beaming smile. I groaned and looked at the clock on the little beside table that was next to my bed. It said eight o'clock. Crap we were going to be late. I shot out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom, which luckily was unoccupied.

It was now Saturday morning, one week after the events of me becoming my demonic self, and Chris and I meeting our future selves. On the Sunday after those events we all slept in until one in the afternoon, though Piper didn't mind because she knew what we had been through. Monday was the best day though because we had some amazing news. The song 'Sparks Fly' which was about my love for Chris had reached Number 3 in the charts for the third week running. Now I know that it's not as good as topping the charts, but still reaching Number 3 when we are practically an unknown band was brilliant. Liam Westwood, who after signing us to his label was now our manager, wanted us to shoot a video for the song and had booked us to do it this weekend. Which is why I was up at eight o'clock on a Saturday morning.

Once my shower was finished and I'd dried myself off, I ran out of the bathroom and straight into my room, with the towel around myself of course, to find that Melinda had laid out my outfit on my bed ready.

After I had pulled my underwear on I followed through with the task of pulling on my black skinny jeans and a long sleeved black top with a gray tank top over the top. I left my hair how it was and didn't bother putting any make-up on, since I didn't know what would be done with my hair or make-up for the video. I'm hoping there will be people there to tell me what to do with it. After I was dressed, I slid the watch that Chris had given me onto my right arm and wore my 'Lila' necklace with the rose and triquetra symbol, along with my silver locket, around my neck.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and when I thought I looked appropriate, I rushed out of my room and down the stairs. Before I did anything I ran to the shoe rack and pulled out my black studded military boots before putting them on.

"Lila?" Chris called from behind me and I turned to see him standing next to the doorway that led to the kitchen. I smiled and jogged over to him. He opened his arms and we gave each other a quick hug before walking into the kitchen and taking our usual seats at the counter, where there was already food laid out. Piper was so awesome.

On my plate there was a full breakfast of bacon, sausage, baked beans and fried bread. I grinned at Wyatt who was seated on my left before I attacked the food, feeling like I hadn't eaten in hours, which I hadn't really since I'd been sleeping.

"Are you hungry then Lila?" Wyatt taunted me. I looked at him to see that he'd already finished his food.

"Of course, if I wasn't then I wouldn't be eating would I?" I stuck my tongue out at him. Wyatt frowned and poked me so I poked him back. When he didn't retaliate I grinned and finished eating my food, before taking a gulp of tea and nearly choking on it in the process.

"What time did you wake up?" I asked the boys.

"Before you" Wyatt huffed at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"About an hour before you" Chris replied, shooting his older brother a look that told him to shut up. I nodded at them.

"Okay then shall we get going?" Leo asked as he appeared in the kitchen doorway. We all turned and looked at him before nodding.

Once we made our way out of the house we had to wait for Leo to lock the door. I checked my watch and saw that it was now 9:15 and Amy was late, which was something that never usually happened. She was supposed to meet us here thirty minutes ago. Just then a car skidded around the corner and jolted to a stop in front of the house. Amy hopped out and yelled "Thanks dad" before running up to us.

"Sorry I'm late, I overslept" she said as she threw her arms around Wyatt and he planted a kiss on her lips.

"Don't worry about it Lila had trouble dragging herself out of bed as well" Wyatt whispered, but air carried the words to me.

"Hey I don't need you talking for me thank you very much" I retorted and Wyatt grinned at me. I knew then that he'd meant for me to hear in the first place. I stuck my tongue out at him as everyone started towards Piper's jeep.

Leo was driving it today since Piper had a hospital appointment because she hadn't been feeling well. She let us have the jeep seeing as how there were a lot of us, while she had gotten a ride from Phoebe.

I climbed into the back with Chris while Melinda, Amy and Wyatt sat on the seats in front of us and Caleb sat in the passenger seat next to Leo. Chris put an arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into his side.

"Okay then, and off we go!" Leo announced while turning on the ignition and easing out of the driveway.

"You excited?" Chris whispered and I looked at him smiling when I saw he was watching me.

"Actually yes, but I'm slightly nervous about what they have thought up for the video" I replied and Amy turned around in her seat.

"Don't you have any ideas about what you want to do?" she asked me and I shook my head. I hadn't really had much time to think, and since this was going to be our first ever video I didn't want to ruin anything. Even if I was quite creative knowing my luck it would turn out totally weird and wouldn't go with the song.

I looked out of the window and watched as the scenery flew by until we were driving out of San Francisco and towards Richmond. Liam had told us to meet him at Gold Records and then he would personally transport us to the location where the shoot would happen. Though where that would be and what it would look like I have no idea, but the secrecy was very exciting.

After a while I fell asleep on Chris though I'm hoping he didn't mind because he knows what I am like on long car journeys like this. Lets just say it isn't pretty. Just think last time we made this journey was when I was being followed by a demon, though I didn't need to worry since he was now dead.

"Lila" Chris whispered shaking me and I opened my eyes before rubbing them to see him gazing at me. I smiled at he returned my smile. The way he gazed at me made me flush since I felt like he was studying me intently as if he was afraid he'd forgotten what I looked like when I fell asleep.

"We're here" he said and I looked out of the window to see that we were outside the main building of Gold Records. I nodded but couldn't get out of the car yet because Wyatt, Mel and Amy were currently still in front of us.

"Okay so I know that you have been booked into a hotel for the night, but can one of you please phone Piper and I when you are done so we know that you are okay?" Leo said and I could tell he sounded worried.

"Of course dad you don't need to worry" Melinda said and Leo rolled his eyes at his daughter just as I pushed the chair forwards so we could get out since Mel hopped out quickly after replying to her dad.

Chris and I climbed out after Melinda, and Chris pushed the chair back into place. I waved at Leo through the window and he waved back before driving off, leaving us in Richmond under the supervision of Gold Records.

"Okay let's go inside shall we?" I asked my friends and everyone nodded at me. Chris took my hand and we walked through the automatic doors and into the reception where we were able to go into the lift straight away, seeing as how Liam was already waiting in his office.

"Hey there guys how are you?" he asked as his receptionist pushed open the oak door to his office. We all took a seat and smiled at him.

"We're good, looking forward to shooting the video for Sparks Fly" I said and everyone nodded, agreeing with me, except Melinda who was here for support as well as helping out the wardrobe department on our shoot. Caleb had become our drummer now since we learned last week that he was good at drumming, since Justin no longer wanted to be part of the band.

Liam had made her very happy when she found out that he'd talked to the wardrobe department and they had agreed for her to work with them. She hadn't stopped screaming for about five minutes after we cancelled the call. She was currently wearing a beaming smile, but I knew she was slightly upset that she wouldn't be able to join in on the shoot. Caleb had persuaded her that it didn't matter since she would be learning about costume designing which is what she'd always dreamt about, and she agreed in the end but was still upset that she wouldn't be able to watch us shoot our video. Liam had promised her that along with us, she would be the first person to watch the full video.

"Okay so do you want to know what ideas we have thought up for your video?" Liam asked us and we nodded excitedly which caused him to laugh.

"How do you feel about acting?" he asked us and we all shrugged.

"Okay I suppose" Wyatt replied looking at us and we nodded at his reply.

"Good, because that's what we need you to do, though it shouldn't be too hard since you are all basically in love with someone" he said and I felt my eyebrows raise. Liam looked at me and smiled.

"The idea for the video is that it's a date and we focus on three different couples, which will be Wyatt and Amy, Chris and Lila and Caleb and Melinda, when we can pull her away from the wardrobe department." Melinda and I giggled at this.

"Okay so what are we supposed to do?" Wyatt asked sounding slightly nervous. Liam shrugged.

"Whatever you want to do. All we want to do is shoot the video in parts where we place you in different date situations but these will be shot independently. Then we would like to shoot you where you are playing as a band and edit that into the end of the video where you are playing in front of a crowd, where people will be jumping up and down" Liam announced and I nodded.

"That sounds fine. What do you all think?" I asked and everyone smiled or nodded their heads, "-okay then Liam let's go do this" I said grinning and he high-fived me.

                                                                                          *     *     *

When we had arrived at the location where we were going to shoot the video I'm sure everyone was in awe, because I know I was. The place where we were shooting was a white manor house, similar to our home but a lot larger and obviously white. Liam had told us that the dates would be shot in the field at the back, and in the main room of the house while the end part where we played in front of people would be filmed at another location, where we would travel to after shooting here.

After he announced this we were taken to rooms so that we could all get changed separately. The room where Amy and I were getting changed was only opposite the boys' dressing room. I groaned when they pulled the outfit out for the dates. We were to have two separate dates where first we would be in the field having a picnic and the second would be a dance, where we would dance when the instrument part of the song is playing, before finally filming us playing as a band. It sounded complicated but I knew it was actually going to be good.

The outfits for the picnic date were amazing and the wardrobe department had done really well at interpreting both Amy's and my own style into our outfits. When we walked into the changing room there were women there to do our hair and make-up. Amy said she had expected this but I'd thought we would have to do our own hair and make-up. My best friend laughed at me when I said this.

My outfit consisted of a really cute top with a pair of denim shorts. The top was green in colour with a bow on the left hand side. It had studded straps and when I put it on it came to just past my hips. The shorts were fairly normal. They were denim blue and came halfway down my thighs, with pockets in the front and back that were studded. I was allowed to wear my own boots which were black studded military boots, and I had bought them especially for today. My hair was left down in its natural curly form with the sides pulled back away from my face and the hair designer had fixed my hair so that I had side bangs.

Amy's outfit was really cute, and matched her since it was girly. She had a white shirt underneath a black dungaree dress. This was paired with normal black tights and grey dolly shoes, that had jewels on the front. Amy's hair was straightened and left so that it flowed around her shoulders. We grinned at each other before we were ushered out of the room and outside to meet Wyatt, Chris and Caleb.

Unfortunately Melinda went to the wardrobe department straight away so Caleb wouldn't be shooting his scenes with the rest of us, though he said he didn't mind.

"Hey" Chris smiled at me and I grinned back.

"Hey yourself" I said before studying him.

Both Chris and Wyatt were wearing similar outfits. They both had jeans on that were slightly tight with shirts that were open at the neck. Chris had his chain around his neck, and Wyatt's neck was bare, but instead he accessorised with sunglasses that were attached to his collar.

"You guys look amazing" Amy and I exclaimed before giggling. Chris winked at me before pulling me in for a hug.

"You look beautiful" he whispered in my ear and I blushed as I pulled away from him.

"Okay there are going to be four different cameras, two for each couple so that the date scene can be filmed from two angles" the director said and we all nodded. He smiled.

"I'm Alan by the way" he said holding out his hand for each of us to shake before he split us all apart.

There was a picnic blanket laid out with actual food on in case we got hungry. We were told to eat some of it in the shoot if we could as well.

"Okay so just act like you are on a date" Alan said to us and we nodded before grinning at each other. This wouldn't be hard since Chris and I had a picnic as our first date over two months ago.

"And action!" Alan yelled and the cameras started to roll.

All the way through filming that scene I felt slightly nervous but knowing that I had Chris with me made me feel much better and I relaxed into it quite easily. We sat down on the blanket and talked about random stuff, but because there was no sound technician what we said wouldn't be put onto the video. We improvised everything, from what we talked about, which was mostly how amazing filming a video was, to looking at each other lovingly and shoving food in each other's faces. It got some of the crew laughing though so that made both Chris and I feel much better.

Through the bond I felt that Wyatt was really uncomfortable with this because he felt nervous at having to 'act' in front of mostly strangers. I sent him positive feelings to make him feel better.

Just pretend like it's your first date with Amy. Act like there are no cameras there and just behave how you would if it was only Chris, Melinda, Caleb and I watching you. Try and have fun I sent to Wyatt and felt him relax even more.

After we finished filming the first date scene next came the one where we had to dance. Amy and I went back to the changing room to get changed into the outfits we had to wear for the next scene. This one we would do together and apparently with Melinda and Caleb.

"I'm here" Melinda announced as she blew through into the changing room. We smiled at her.

"Nice of you to join us" Amy teased and Mel grinned.

"So how's the wardrobe department?" I asked as I slid into my outfit which, someone pinch me now, was a dress. I do not wear dresses, though as much as I complained about it the women in the room were positive that it would suit me.

"It's awesome. I've learnt so much that I have an idea of what to do next time I design your outfits" she said and I nodded at her as my hair and make-up were re-done.

This time my hair was still curly but it was pinned to the side. My make-up was done so that I had the smoky-eyed look, with purple eye shadow and black mascara and my lips had a pale pink tinted lip gloss, that went really well with my eye shadow. My dress was knee length and lilac with only one strap. It had a waistband going around the dress just underneath my bust and the bottom half was made of ruffles with crystals sewn on. I got to wear peep toe sandals with a high wedge, which I was happy about because I could never wear dolly shoes since they always slipped off.

Amy's hair was now curled and it fell just above her shoulders. Her bangs were pulled back in a quiff to reveal blue eye shadow and jewels on the corner of each eye. She had clear lip gloss on her lips that was glittery. Her dress fell past her knees, making it a little bit longer than mine and was strapless. It was silver in colour and in this lighting looked the colour of the reflection of the moon on water, with ruffles on the bottom. She was wearing silver shoes with bows on them, that looked slightly like the ones that Dorothy wore on the wizard of Oz except silver in colour. She looked amazing.

Melinda on the other hand was wearing a red frilly dress that flowed out around her hips and ended at the same length as mine. Her dress had tiny straps and the frills fell in layers with netting over the top. The netting was covered in glitter so that it sparkled whenever she moved. Her shoes were simple red ballet flats that had been dusted in glitter. Melinda looked the girliest out of all of us, which resembled her fashion sense since she was more girlier than me or Amy.

Once again we were ushered out of the changing room, but this time we were taken into the main room of the house, that looked slightly like a ballroom. I was taking deep breaths to calm myself since I hated wearing dresses on normal dates as it was, let alone having to dance in one and be filmed at the same time.

When we arrived in the main room Caleb, Wyatt and Chris were sitting down on one of the leather couches that had been pushed off to the side. They smiled when they saw the crew members walk into the room in front of us but their faces quickly changed to astonishment when they saw us walk in.

"Okay so we want the girls to stay where they are and when I shout action, can you boys please pull those amazed faces again before going up and collecting your date" Alan ordered and we all nodded before he took his place behind the camera and yelling for us to start.

We did as he told us before all of the boys took us to the dance floor. Chris and I grinned at each other and when I saw the way he was looking at me, I blushed. He spun me around into his arms and we swayed to the music that had been put on specifically for this so that we had some sort of rhythm to dance to. He pulled me closer to him, while we still swayed.

"You look amazing Lila. Don't worry the dress suits you" he whispered in my ear and I smiled as he pushed me away for a few spins before we ended the dance holding each other.

Cheering from the crew had us looking away from each other and I started bouncing on the balls of my feet in happiness.

"People can I say that this is the best video I've ever had to shoot because so far we haven't needed to shoot duplicates" Alan announced from behind his camera which was now behind us, and had in fact been in front of us when we started. Oh they did that thing with the camera where they moved it around us while we were dancing so that it spun around.

After we discarded the clothes in the changing room for the women to quickly pack we were taken around to where a car had been parked to take us to the location where we would film the concert part for the end of the video. The women who had done our make-up and hair waved at us before getting in the car behind ours and with that we started off, away from the house. It was a shame to see it go because it was so beautiful but I was becoming tired now and wanted nothing more than to finish filming soon.

"How are you feeling?" Chris asked from my side and I squeezed the hand that was around my shoulders.

"Slightly tired but I think filming went really well" I replied and he nodded, agreeing with me.

"It's been really good and the best part is that I got to spend it with you while you wore some awesome outfits and looked even more beautiful than you do every single day" he said and I rolled my eyes as I felt myself get embarrassed again. It was only Chris that make me feel embarrassed.

"You do that on purpose just to see me blush don't you" I said to him and his face spread into a cheeky grin. I shook my head at him but snuggled against his side, feeling content as the car rocked from side to side across the road.

Before long we were being taken to another room where our make-up and hair was done, but we were allowed to wear the clothes we had come in, since they wanted us to feel comfortable as we played.

The place itself was a room that was usually used for bands that were on tour, and Liam had been able to rent it for the last part of the day. We were taken onto the stage and started to set up our instruments.

The boys and Amy set up their guitars, making sure they were tuned while strumming a few chords, and Caleb warmed up by playing the drums. I tested that the microphone was working by singing a quick song that I'd been working on while I had been corrupted by my demonic half.

I'd decided to call it 'Should've Said No' which had suited my situation with Chris at the time. I'd been so annoyed at the fact that I had no control whatsoever over my body so decided to use the fact that I still thought like me to my advantage and write a song. I had still felt slightly hurt by Chris and so had decided to get rid of these feelings by writing a song in my mind, it's a good thing I have such a good memory since I couldn't write it down and it was actually real good. Then again I suppose I am slightly biased.

"It's strange to think the songs we used to sing,

The smiles, the flowers, everything,

Is gone.

Yesterday I found out about you,

Even now just looking at you,

Feels wrong.

You say, that you'd take it all back,

Given one chance, it was a moment of weakness,

And you said yes"

I sung into the microphone. When it responded after the first line of lyrics I knew that it was working fine so I carried on to warm up my vocals. This was all that I'd come up with at the moment and I was very pleased with it, considering this is the first time I'd created a song while I couldn't actually write it down. I was even more pleased by it, especially when I hadn't had control over my body during the time I'd created it.

When I'd finished singing applause broke out and it was then that I'd remembered not only were my band-mates in the room but the crew that were shooting the video. Just then a large group of people could be heard cheering from outside of the room.

"Okay so Lila I forgot to tell you this. The people you are about to see, there are probably about a hundred of them, and they all won a contest to appear in this video. I hope that's okay" Liam said from the side of the stage and I nodded.

"Of course it is" I replied as the people came into the room. I smiled at them and some of the girls in the crowd waved at me, so I waved back. They started jumping up and down at this.

"Lila!" someone in the crowd shouted and I turned to see that it was a girl that I recognised.

"Hey there Jasmine!" I called back walking to the edge of the stage and bending down so that I could talk to her, "-did you win the contest as well then?" I asked and she blushed but nodded.

"Cool, that's totally awesome, thanks for that" I said and she smiled at me as one of the crew members called me back to the microphone, so that he could talk to us. Chris, Wyatt, Amy and Caleb walked towards me.

"Okay so just act the way you would if we weren't filming this. There will be cameras zooming overhead on wires as well as me filming you with a camera on the stage. Just act as though I'm not there" Alan said to all of us as we all huddled together. We nodded at him and he walked away while we remained in a group huddle.

"Alright then guys, lets play our hearts out shall we? Let's give the fans down there something to be proud about. Let's make them have the best time ever" I said to my band and they all nodded before we put our hands in the middle and brought them upwards.

"Lets party" Chris said winking at me and I grinned at them before we all walked away to take our places.

"When you're ready" came a voice in my earpiece that I was wearing in case the crowd started making some noise which I was going to make sure they did.

"Alright then everyone, you all know why we're here so thank you all for entering the contest and I hope you enjoy being in the video. Just act as though the cameras aren't there and that you are at an actual show. I wanna hear lots of noise as well. Okay!" I said into the microphone and people screamed. I rose my eyebrows at them.

"Come on you can do better than that. Let's hear some noise!" I said again and this time there was a roar of cheers and whistles. I grinned at them before nodding at Chris, who as usual was standing on my right hand side.

Caleb clicked his drumsticks together three times, before the lights on the cameras went on, and guitars started playing. I loved this song and all the way through filming it I sang my heart out and just enjoyed myself. The audience followed as well and from the looks of crew members I could tell that there was a lot of noise in the room.

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