buttercup// Tyler Joseph X Re...

By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

153K 4.5K 7.8K

"I need you, more than anyone, darling." More

33// the end
bonus chapter | 34
bonus chapter | 35
new tyler joseph story


4.7K 136 300
By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

•Mackenzie's POV•

It was another day of school today. I lived farther away from the school so I couldn't walk, I had to take the bus instead. It's fine with me though, because the bus stops at Josh's neighborhood before mine and he always has a spot saved for me.

I walked quietly down the sidewalk and pulled out my phone. I checked the time. 8:45. Darn it, I'm late!

I started running towards the bus stop. This happened to me a few times before, so I was hoping it wouldn't have to happen again.

Luckily I made in time, and walked into the bus searching for Josh. My eyes instantly came across his bright yellow hair and I smiled.

"Hey Josh!" I exclaimed, sitting next to him.

"Hey!" He replied back, beaming. "Tyler asked us to come over after school today."

"I can come, probably won't have much homework," I responded, shrugging.

"Hopefully not. Homework is worse than somebody putting the milk in the bowl before the cereal." He shuttered, and chuckled a little.

"That's a good analogy," I laughed, lying my head on his shoulder.

"So, what do you think of Tyler and Y/n? You know, together?" Josh asked, looking down at me.

"I've literally shipped it since I met both of them," I answered.

"Did you actually expect it to happen though?"

"Kinda. They're so close to each other, there was no way he couldn't have loved her," I stated, getting up because our bus finally arrived at school.

"True." Josh got up too and ran his hand through his highlighter colored hair. I grabbed his hand and pulled him off of the bus.


I was walking through the hallway, on my way to science. Science wasn't a completely bad class, Tyler was my only friend in it though.

I walked inside the classroom and was greeted by Tyler. "Stupid Jackal! Why would you tell my brother that Y/n is my girlfriend?"

"First of all, don't call me that. Secondly, when I was at your house your brother asked me what was going on between you guys, so I answered him." I responded, putting my backpack down next to my desk, which was behind Tyler's.

"Whatever. Did Josh tell you to come over to my house after school today?" He asked, turning around from his desk to look at me.


"Good. I'm trying to write a song for Y/n and I need your opinion."

"That's sweet." I responded, taking the science homework from last night out of my binder.

"Wait, we had homework?" Tyler's eyes widened.

"Yes. Did you forget it again? Come on Tyler, you even forgot your science homework yesterday."

"I guess I haven't been paying much attention to school." He replied, looking down at the floor.

"Thinking about Y/n?" I smirked, and Tyler looked back up, slightly blushing.

"Yeah." He admitted, running a hand through his hair.

"Don't let it distract you. I was nervous when I first started dating Josh, but you and Y/n have known each other forever."

"Thanks Mack."

"Yeah, whatever"

•Time Skip•

•Josh's POV•

I arrived at Tyler's house and lightly knocked on the door. His mom opened the door and greeted me.

"Hey Josh! Tyler is upstairs if you want him!" She said, closing the door behind me.

"Ok, thanks!" I ran up the stairs to Tyler's room and opened the door. Mackenzie came running up behind me. "I'm here!" She said, breathing heavily.

"You know, you didn't have to run." I said, putting an arm around her.

"I wanted to see you sooner!" She replied, smiling. I smiled back.

"You guys are gross." Tyler remarked, picking up his ukulele from his bed. "So, I need your opinion on this song for Y/n."

"Gross!" I mimicked what Tyler had said before. He stared at me with a blank face.

"Just play it." Mackenzie demanded, crossing her arms.

Tyler strummed the ukulele and started to sing.

"We don't believe what's on TV
Because it's what we want to see
And what we want, we know we can't believe
We have all learned to kill our dreams
I need to know
That when I fail, you'll still be here
Cause if you stick around
I'll sing you pretty sounds
And we'll make money selling your hair
I don't care what's in your hair
I just wanna know what's on your mind
I used to say I wanna die before I'm old
But because of you, I might think twice
Yeah Yeah Yeah!"

He started to quickly strum the instrument and continued singing the rest of the song.

"That was amazing! You have a great voice Tyler. She'll love it," I exclaimed.

"Yeah. Have you ever sung her anything before?" Mackenzie asked.

"Yeah. Only one song though." Tyler set his ukulele down.

"What song?"

"I don't know the name. I think it's 'Fill Me Up, Buttercup'." Tyler quietly spoke, looking around the room.

"That's so cute! That's how you got the nickname!" Mackenzie squealed, slightly jumping up and down.

"Hey, I should get home. There's school tomorrow. Let me know when you sing that song for her!" I called out to Tyler. Mackenzie left with me.

"Yeah I should probably go too. Bye Tyler!"

"Bye, see you at school tomorrow!" Tyler closed his room door and I walked down the stairs with Mackenzie.

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